The Princess Confessed to Me After I Accidentally Discover Her Secret!

Chapter 2: 2. Discovery.

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Hello, there. Back to classroom again, right now I am stared at the strange cat ears on top of both transferred students with interest. They are also twitching sometimes... What a cool accessories. Is it kind of popular thing on the palace I wonder?

"Twitching, huh?" 


But I wonder why no one questioning that? Or maybe, everyone actually also notice it... yet they also take the same act like me, pretend to not see it and didn't say anything.

I am deadly curious though... But I dont have courage to ask it.

Because of that, let's wait until someone dare to ask it!


"S-Since both transfer student has introduce themselves, did anyone have question?" Ayame-sensei announced timidly.

"Anoo... Can I ask you, a princess... why you want to attend the school here?" Sugioka, the bald man of the class raised his hand swiftly.


A good question, Sugioka... But it was not something I am curious about. Still, I also wonder why the fucking princess of one of the biggest countries on the earth coming here.

"Ummm... because I want to. Nothing else comes to my mind." The princess calmly answered.



I would not believe that kind of answer. She probably hide the real purpose, no way everyone would believe that kind of reason!


"Ah, I see. As expected of a princess, she can do whatever she wants." Sugioka nodded in understanding.

"Indeed, I guess we are just lucky." Student A followed.

"Lucky was an understatement! Our luck is beyond outstanding!" Student B added.


Do they really believe that?! This whole class is doomed!

Then, other classmates, one by one raised their hands to ask questions but what we got is similar eccentric kinds of answers, which honestly really baffled me.

No one even asked about the cat ears though... Which made me feel quite frustrating.


"Are you a real princess?"

"Yes. I am real. Third daughter."


"What is your hobby?"

"Does finding something interesting counted?"


"What do you mean by something interesting?"

"Anoo... Something like discovering ancient treasure, being summoned to another world, or solving a murder case..." The princess answered while she put her finger on her lip. 

I admit her way of answering is quite cute, and I bet it is not me alone who thinks the same. But the answer itself does not make sense!


"Out of millions of schools out there in this world, why choose this school?" Kanda, our resident journalist finally asked.

And he comes up with good stuff. What a brilliant question Kanda! This is what I have been thinking since they arrived here--Just kidding, why you don't ask about the cat ears?!

The princess who hear the question quickly answered, "Hmm... No particular reason, there is our mansion from our faction within this city, closest to this school so that's why I choose this school. Besides, I was never been in public school before. I kinda want to taste how it does compare to the royal family educational program. Besides, I am tired of playing politics in the palace, and most of my siblings hate me for no reason."

Durandal who has been standing beside her quickly added, "Not to mention a chance from being assassinated even in the palace. The princess has been living very hard and it is my duty to ease her burden."

"Moo... Dura-chan, you are my friend, not my guard."

"I am a both, hime-sama."


Hearing their answer, no one raised their hand anymore. Not even Kanda, who normally doesn't know any shame.

Heavy! The life of being a princess!


"Well... since there is no one asking our new transfer student anymore... Class president." 

"Yes?" I stand up as Ayame sensei called me out.

"You will be responsible for the princess with her bodyguard to take look and introduce the school." Ayame sensei declared.

My eyes widened in surprise and then pointed at myself, "Why me?!"

"Because you are class president?" Ayame sensei replied.

"But her guard is so scary!" I said as I pointed my finger at the girl beside the princess.

The moment I did that, however, I feel a very unpleasant aura as she stared me back, and I quickly sit down on my chair. My whole body is trembling... What was that?!


"F-Forget what I said!"


Scary! She literally emitted a bloodlust at me... I believe she has killed people before!

"So, Yuu-kun, do you agree about my request?" Ayame sensei asked mr with a confused tone, wondering what happened to me.


"Y-Yes, leave it to me." I hesitatingly answered.

There is no way I would be able to reject when that princess guard keeps staring at me with bloodlust!


After that, the princess and her guard get to pick where they could sit, and thankfully... it was nowhere close to me. They almost got to sit close to me though, as Ayame sensei mistook that there is an empty place beside me.

Poor Hayato, no one remembers you here. 


And god damn it, Rest in peace, my 10000 yen.


After the class, which is the break time, normally new transfer students would be surrounded by curious students. However, none of that happens to the princess and her guard at all. I could tell everyone is afraid of her guard, considering the aura she was released earlier scared us!

Apparently, it is not me alone affected by her aura. Everyone did, except Ayame sensei. Still, as a class president, I have a responsibility to fulfill thus I walked toward their table without hesitation and call them out.

"Riche-san, Durandal-san. As Ayame-sensei has said to me this morning, do you want me to take both of you around introducing our school?"

"Yes, thank you Okawari-san."

"You know my name?"

The princess showed a childish smile and answered, "Umm. I got a pretty good memory since I was a child. In fact, I have memorized everyone's name in this class." 


Looking at her sweet smile, I can't help but get embarrassed. As expected of a princess, she looks so cute and not to mention she is smell so good!

Calm down, Yuu. Don't act like a creep or her guard would cut my neck off.


"Ehm... Since I have been told to introduce both of you to come to this school, where do you want to go first?" I asked quickly to hide my embarrassment.

The princess tilted her head slightly and muttered, "Umm... I have no comment, I will just follow your guide, Okawari-san." 

I nodded and turned to her guard, "Durandal-san?"

"I have no comment either. I just going to follow the princess." Durandal, the princess guard followed.

"Alright, let's see..."

Hearing their answer, I nodded and understand then walk close toward them but...


"Please don't come close to the princess less than 1 meter from your presence." Durandal warned me as she pointed her rapier at me.

Feeling the sense close to death, I take a deep breath and asked, "W-Why?"

"Because I don't want a threat coming close to the princess." Durandal answered with a disgusted tone.

"I-I am a threat?!"

She nodded and firmly answered, "Every male in this planet is a threat."

Hearing her answer, I facepalmed myself and can't help but commented, "That would be included your father and your king!"

Durandal who seems to agree with me just said nodded and quickly replied, "I am sorry. Correction, the exception was for my father and brother, other else still a threat."

"Your king still on the threat list, oii!!" 



As we continue to banter, a chuckle could be heard from the princess, apparently amused with our conversation. Both I and Durandal nodded at each other, and in tacit understanding, stopped our conversation. In fact, I just realize everyone in the class seemed also to enjoy watching our conversation.

Shortly after, the princess who has calmed herself called her to guard, "Anyway, Durandal please don't be rude to our classmate!" 

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Her guard quickly sheathed her rapier and answered, "Yes, Princess. Still, I disagree with this cockroach getting close to you."

"I am not even human to you?!"


After that, both the princess and guard followed me together leaving the classroom as I begin to take them around the school.


The first location I choose to start was the cafeteria, as it is closest to our classroom. There are a lot of people currently in here since this is a break and lunchtime.

"First, This is the cafeteria. This is the place where you can order food during break time." I explained to them.

"So many people! They have surrounded that aunt like an army of ants!" The princess reacted cheerfully. 

Her eyes are shining looking at the students who queue for the food although I did not expect her comment was rather... rude. Well, the students also looked at us here... so everyone was just curious about each other.

"The food doesn't look so good compared to the royal chef cooking." Durandal suddenly commented... who was also quite rude.

Hearing what she just said, I responded, "I mean... What do you expect from civilian food?"

She continue her observation and then continue said, "It also doesn't smell great either. Low-cost ingredients?"

"This is just a normal school, not a noble or aristocratic academy so it can't be helped" I answered.

Durandal nodded at my words and then said, "I understand. I will not let the princess come to eat in here from now. The standard of the food is too low to be ably consumed by the princess."


I can't help but rolled my eyes hearing her comment. Not that they were wrong though, people from the palace probably only enjoy high-quality food there due to their position.

"Whatever, let's move to the next location."

I urge them to leave the cafeteria as we need to finish before the lunch break ended. We have still plenty of locations that need to be introduced after all.



The second location I choose was the field, as it was the next closest location to the classroom. There are also a lot of people in here, some are couples, some are just hanging out together, and there are also people who eat lunch picnic style.

"This is the field. People using it for outdoor activity in the school." I explained.

"There are also a lot of people!" 

Once again, the princess's eyes are shining curiously on them, and vice versa people are staring at us. Did the princess never see many people? I thought as a princess she would get used to seeing a lot of people.

"Our training field is at least 5 times bigger than this. And it looked more beautiful." Durandal once again begins her rude remark.

I let out of breath and commented, "Excuse me, we do not need a field that big!" 

"Indeed. The knight army used them for training, the reason was to exercise our swordplay. I don't know if I were able to do that here." She replied.

I quickly shook my head and answered, "Please don't swing your weapon and scare people in public, please."

After that, we keep moving to another location... Well, the next location is quite awkward to introduce.



"This is the public toilet. Self-explanatory." I said, refusing to elaborate furthermore.

"There is not a lot of people here..." The princess commented sadly. This princess... She just wants to see a lot of people, isn't she?

Meanwhile, Durandal stare at me with sharp eyes and asked, "Why have you are introduced us to a toilet? Are you a pervert?"

"No! I mean... you all need to know where is the toilet anyway for nature call purposes." I answered.

"I see... Well, our toilet was made of gold. Also, this toilet does not clean properly." 

Durandal even after agreeing with my reason, still made her rude remark again. Well, I am too tired to comment on it. I mean... gold as a material for the toilet? No way.

"Umm... I might need to call Charlexander to come here later." The princess added.

Hearing the princess comment, this time I can't help but responded, "Who? Also, that name sounds so wrong! It also sounds like a pok*mon" 

She shook her head cutely and answered me, "It is our private toilet cleaner and security, he is professional. So don't worry!"

"...I see."

I didn't know that the princess got a private toilet cleaner for herself. As expected of life being a princess, everything seems to be extraordinary.



The next location I choose to introduce is the gymnasium, the place where most indoor activity in this school is located.

"This is the gymnasium! A lot of important things such as ceremonies and events are held here the most of time!"

"So, it is like the castle public hall? There are not a lot of people though..." The princess said as she looked at her surrounding. Of course, there are not a lot of people here, it is a lunch break after all.

"I admit, at least it looks clean. But the castle hall is much bigger." Durandal added, still doing her best to make rude remarks. I mean, comparing everything in this school to something in the luxurious castle does not seems to be fair at all.

"We don't have something like this in the castle though." The princess replied to her guard.

Durandal smiled and responded, "This might be a good place to swing my rapier."

Hearing what she just said, I hurriedly stop her and said, "I still won't recommend you to do that in this school, Durandal-san!"



After that, I continue to introduce them to the library, parking lot, and counselor's office. Both princess and her guard still made a lot of rude remarks regarded the school, but I was able to adapt and hold my urge to comment for the most part.

The last stop is the 3rd-floor second building where most of the clubs of this school are located. There are no students here around these hours, considering most club activities hold after school ended.

Also, with this, I think my job is done as I have pretty much introduced every location in this school to them. 


"Well, that's it. The lunchtime might be over soon so I might pardon myself." I said to them as I begin to excuse myself to leave. I haven't had any lunch myself so I really want to eat something right now.

"Thank you for your guide, class president." The princess bow her head slightly while raising a bit of her skirt, which made her look so graceful.

I look away from her, embarrassed, and muttered, "Y-Your welcome..."

However, she just smiled at me and continue said, "I am glad you are really kind, Okawari-san."


Knowing I just going to even embarrass myself at this rate, I quickly calm myself and answered with a slight bow, "Thank you. It is my pleasure to guide a literal princess!"

After saying that, I quickly take a last glance at her cat ears and then turn around. I am still curious what it all about their cat ears, but since they won't tell me, I won't ask them either.

However, as I was about to leave--

"Umm, I know you seem to hold a question for us. So feel free to ask if you have any." The princess suddenly called me out.

I stop my feet, turn around, and asked, "How did you know?"

"Intuition. Born in a place where politic and scheming at each other, this is nothing." The princess answered confidently, but there is a clear hint of sadness in her voice.

Well, since the cat is out of the box...


"Umm... I am dying to ask actually, So..."

"Yes?" The princess seems to look forward to my question, while the guard (Durandal) strangely seems to be quiet and stood beside her.

I smiled at their anticipation, and then with a joking tone, I asked, "Those cat ears on top of princess and Durandal's head, are that new model accessories from the union? It was so cute the way it was twitching all of the time." 




However, instead of getting a response, both the princess and her guard seems to be shocked at my question as their eyes widened and their mouth opened. Of the sudden, I got a bad feeling that something bad is going to happen...

"Princess, we seem to found it."



Found what...??? What they were talking about.

As I feel awkward standing here without getting responded, "Umm... Is there something wrong?"

And then, as I was about to turn around, a rapier appeared in the front of my neck. 


How did Durandal suddenly appear behind me?! Is that the famous teleportation?! 

My reality of common sense begins to crumble. I was confused about what is happened here and yet I was too scared to ask what is going on. 

What should I do?! Does all my dream about the supernatural was right? Will, I got kidnapped by an alien later?


"Okawari-san, can you follow me to the rooftop?" The princess suddenly asked me with a sincere smile on her face, but my guts told me not to go.

I raise my hand nervously and asked, "Can I reject it?" 

The princess shook her head and answered, "No." 



In the end, I have no choice but to follow them to the rooftop quietly while the guard still following me with a rapier from behind, seems ready to stab me anytime I tried to run away.

If I would know this would happen, I would choose the cafeteria as our last destination!

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