The Princess Confessed to Me After I Accidentally Discover Her Secret!

Chapter 4: 4. Uproar.

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"Finally school bell ring..." 

After a few hours of starved inside the classroom, I manage to survive until the end of school time. 

Obviously, in my condition, I wasn't even able to focus on studying for the entire time, but thank to god the teacher doesn't seem to realize anything odd about me. 

After the teacher just leave the classroom, I also prepared my bag to leave and go home. While doing this, I take a peek at my seatmate Hayato... Which is still gone for the entire day.

I wonder where he goes off with the money? Sigh. I hope the man gets reconciled with his girlfriend so my money doesn't lose in vain. 

10000 yen is still a big money, though.


However, as I just stand from my seat, the princess suddenly called me out, bewildering the rest of my classmates who are still in the classroom.



Right now, I can't help but want to bury my head in the hole. I really forget about the whole fiasco of her being my new girlfriend due to the extreme hunger and tiredness I have been feeling.

"Err... P-princess, Good evening." 

"Are you alright? You did not look so good." 

She takes a peek curiously from below looking at my face because she is quite shorter than me. Her upturned eyes... Her shiny blonde hair and her cat ears fricking are so cute! I could also smell her at this moment since she got too close--- and it smells like the breeze of summer.

Damn, hang yourself, Yuu. You can't be creepy in front of a princess!

"I-It is okay, princess" 

I answered with a smile trying to reassure her even though I am feeling really nervous now. However, due to this very simple exchange, We have gained everyone's attention in the classroom-- and I could even feel a hateful stare coming at me.

--Oh wait, that's probably just Durandal who always wanted to kill me, but even without her, the situation doesn't get any better!


"Oii, our class president seems getting called by the princess, isn't that suspicious?" (Student A)

"They seem to look closer." (Student B)

"I smell a spicy conspiracy..." (Student C)


The attention and murmurs from our fellow classmates make me uncomfortable, but I don't know what I should do. Should I just get along? Should I get away? If I admit our relationship right now...

No way!

I am sure that I like her based on my impression of the princess so far, but I am 100% not ready to announce myself as a princess boyfriend in the public!


I slap my cheek several times to calm down and replied, "W-What's wrong, princess?"

"I wonder if you have time today?" 

The princess asked while blushing hard at me. The surrounding student begins to gossip, surely they are curious about what happened between us. 

I beg you, Princess! please take a look at your surrounding!

"Uhh... Do you have something to help with, princess?"

"This is about 'the official relationship' stuff that needs to taking care of." 

Instead of the princess, Durandal answered my question, while also coming out from behind me.


"I... have something to do."  

"Is it more important than our business, Okawari-san?"" 

"Actually, it is important for the chance of me able to survive in this classroom, Princess." 


There is no way I can follow them without a care in this situation-- with all people surrounding me watching us. Besides, I also need time to be alone... to sort my mind clear about what just happened during the lunch break.

"Is it about your lunch?" 

"...Yes?" I tilted my head in confusion, didn't know what she is talking about.

"You said it's important for you to survive, Okawari-san. Do you really that hungry because we made you miss your lunch? But I am sure a human body could hold on without food for several days..."

Ah... the princess mistook the reason why I wanted to leave because I feel so hungry. I might as well use this reason to why out of this classroom. Although, forget about being hungry... he doesn't have any mood to eat in this situation.

"Uh, yes!! I am so hungry that I will pass out if I am not eating anything." 

"Then!" The princess suddenly shone at me and then excitedly said, "For our apologies for wasting your lunch break together with us, We are going to treat you!"


That's an even worse idea, Princess!


"Yuu-san doing something during the lunch with the princess!" (Student A)

"This is going to be big news! He got invited by the real princess! (Student B)

"Damn, our class representative is winning big!" (Student C)


Listening to everyone's various, mostly excited reactions, I think I will have to say goodbye to my normal school life from now on. 

Deep in my mind, I know this would happen if you try to date a princess so I am not that surprised. It's just I am not ready that it changes my life literally a few hours later!

"Uh, please no. I... have something to do at the home with my sister!" I said while bowing my head down to her.

I need to find an excuse to get away since if I follow them-- the people outside would also spot us together... making the current situation become even worse.

"Is that so?" She tilted her head with confusion, which is very cute.

"Y-Yes..." I said, barely wanted looks away from her. Her face is too close! For a level 1 boyfriend like me, it's a bit too much!



The princess stares at me intensely, perhaps to find out if I am lying to her.  Thankfully I was able to hold in without flinching and manage to convince her easily. I am sorry princess Riche, but compared to the death stare from your knight-- your stare is nothing but pleasant!

"Well... It can't be helped then. We will talk about this when you have more time!" 

The princess takes a step back from me and gives a somewhat understanding nod to me. I feel bad for lying to her, but there is no way... I was just not mentally prepared at all.

"I am sorry..." I said with an apologetic tone.

"It's okay. Dura-chan should be able to help." 

"Yes, princess. I will make sure everything is already sorted the moment you came back home, Okawari-san." Durandal answered her expectation with a serious tone.

"Umm! Everything will work out in the end!" The princess said with confidence, to show how much she trust her bodyguard.


Hearing their conversation, I can't help but leave a sigh of relief  Thank god, she believes me. I honestly don't know what to do if she keeps insisting, especially if she ordered Durandal to kidnap me-- there is no way I would be able to resist.

"Anyway, princess, your schedule..." 

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"Let me see..."

Durandal proceeds to come close to the princess while showing up a modern tablet... Which seems to have all of the princess schedules on it. 

"Ah... Today we are going to fly into Paris, and after that, North Korea...? It seems we also can't ask Okawari-san either on the night."


Hearing the princess's ridiculous schedule, I can't help but feel amazed. Going to Paris and North Korea on the same day after school? What kind of daily lives the princesses usually does have?


"Let's go, Princess. We need to get to the airport very soon as we don't have much time left." Durandal said, dragging the princess away from the classroom.

"O-Okay! G-Good bye, Okawari-san!" The princess waves her hand while getting dragged.

"Umm... G-Good bye!" 

I stand still while waving my hand back at the princess until she truly leaves. While I also want to leave, I don't want to do that at the same time with them, to avoid furthermore attention from the outside.

Sadly, this decision quickly backfired as it didn't take long before I realize everyone who was still in the class already surrounded me.


"Okawari Yuu. Do you mind answering our question?" (Student A)

"Until our curiosity filled up, you won't be able to leave this room!" (Student B)

"Quick, secure the door!" (Student C)

"We also need to lock the window! Don't give him a room to escape!" (Student D)


"Aha-haha-ha... Can you guys let me go? I have said that I got something to do at home with my sister."

However, no one buy my lie as Kanda grab my shoulder and commented, "Don't worry, everyone! According to my intel-- Mayu-chan currently visiting her friend's house, so Yuu-san was just lying to the princess." 

Kanda, you bastard! 

Also, why do you have my sister's whereabouts information? Not even me, his big brother in the world knows about that! 


"Good job, Kanda. We know that we can trust you."  (Student A)

"Now, we can begin our interrogation." (Student B)

I try to take a step back to try to retreat from everyone but I really can't see the way out of this room. With 20+ people surrounding me from all directions, there is no way I would be able to break the blockade.

"H-Hey, this is a joke, right? Can you guys let me go home?" I try to plead but as expected, everyone ignored it.

"Don't worry, we will release you when we are satisfied" Kanda answered me, with a very big grin in his face.

"That's not the problem though?!"

"Not our problem"



After that, all of them pretty much interrogated me until they were satisfied... and I also ended up telling everything that just happen, from introducing the school to the part where he and the princess were having so much fun that ended up missing lunch together. Thankfully, they actually believe what I said, even though the information is incomplete.

Obviously, I won't tell them about the catgirl identity and confession part... since Durandal would kill me if I did. And perhaps the whole Union Kingdom also going to hunt me on top of that.



When we are done, my classmates let me go as they promised even though I wonder why they easily believe what I told them. When I asked them why-- the answer I got is because they know that I wouldn't dare to lie about something like this.

Apparently telling a fake story about the union kingdom royal family could be punished by international law and categorized as a heavy crime that could be sentenced to death. 

I don't even aware that kind of law exists and it's so scary! 

Anyway, putting all my remaining strength into walking, I was able to come home when it was almost getting dark. 


"I am back..."

"Ah! Welcome back, Onii-chan!!"


As expected of a good sister, Mayu immediately welcomed me, running from the inside when she heard I was coming home. 

"Thank you, Mayu. I am sorry for coming back so late."

Just looking at her cheerful and explosive energy, I feel a bit refreshed and can't help but also put a smile on my face. Although I think Mayu was never feeling this 'energetic' before, the starving me doesn't feel weird at this moment.

"Don't worry about that Onii-chan!" Mayu shook her head and then pointed her finger toward my room upstairs, "Anyway, change your clothes quickly and go to the living room. We are going to have a big dinner together!"

I nodded and then replied, "Alright. Tell mother to wait for me for a little bit. I am really hungry anyway."



After that, Mayu ran back towards the living room and I also rushed to my room in order to change my clothes. After all, I couldn't keep my family waiting for long, especially my sister who seems got excited for some reason.

I am also hungry too... Obviously.

However, when I was done changing and arrived at the living room, my family suddenly showered me with confetti... followed by random praise out of nowhere. Everyone also seems really happy, which made me confused about what was going on.


"The first thing is, congratulation Onii-chan!" (Mayu)

"Yuu, As your mother, I am proud of you." (Mother)

"Indeed. My son truly already surpassed me." (Father)

"...What is happening? It's not my birthday right?"

Noticing my confused face, my father put his hand on my shoulder, and then with a face of seriousness he said to me, "Son, I don't know if I should call you brave or stupid to choose a literal princess as your first girlfriend."


Hearing what he just said, my eyes widened in shock. Did the princess already inform my family? That's a bit too fast!

 "Err... How did you all know?"

"Mayu, turn on the TV."

"Yes, father!"

However, I was wrong. Oh boy... I looked at the TV to see why they turn it on... and when I saw what was on the news, once again... I felt like I wanted to bury my head in the hole.



"...Damn it."

Now I understand why Durandal said don't need me to sort out the 'business'. If I know it was all about the publicity of their relationship, I wouldn't hesitate to follow and stop them.

Welp... there is no use to cry over spoiled milk.

Goodbye, my normal life.



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