The Princess Confessed to Me After I Accidentally Discover Her Secret!

Chapter 3: 3. Confession.

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Hello there, Okawari Yuu here. After asking the princess and her guard about the cat ears on top of their head, for unknown reason they invited me to follow them to the rooftop. Maybe, an invite wasn't the right word... Forced, yeah... Forced is perhaps the right word there.

Because currently I was forced to move along with the princess to the rooftop with her guard keep poking me from behind with her rapier, forcing me to keep moving to follow the princess.



"Move faster, are you really a man?" Durandal complained.

"Ouch ouch! Stop poking me with the rapier, then! What if you accidentally stabbed me?" I try to protest her.

"Don't worry, I have blessed my weapon with a blunt so it is impossible to happen."

Hearing a new term from her mouth, I can't help but ask, "Blessed?"

"Ah, Blessed... Umm, my weapon is special. Just say it is a sword that has been endowed with magic." Durandal explained.


"Magic is real?"

Durandal nodded and continue to explain, "Of course, it is real. In fact, both of us hid our real ears with it. A normal human won't be able to see it, you know?" 

Listening to Durandal explain, it wouldn't be a lie if I am not getting excited. I mean, I can't believe that magic is real in this world!

Even more, it seems I have a talent to use it, as I was able to discover their ears. 


"Then, I am special?" I can't help but ask with excitement.

"Unn! This is why we need you, Okawari-kun to follow us to a place where we could talk peacefully." The princess answered me.


Am I special? I am really excited if I can learn magic. My inner chuunibyou is awakened all over again!

I can't wait to see if I could make myself fly. I still have some doubts about this until I see this. Regardless, I don't think the princess would be lying about it anyway.

I wonder if I could ask them--


"Ouch Ouch Ouch! I said earlier stop poking me!" I complained to Durandal that apparently just repeatedly poking my ass, interrupting my imagination.

"You are getting slow!" She answered.

"But you don't need to keep poking me repeatedly!"

"Don't worry! Even if that happens, the princess is talented in heal blessing so you should be okay." Durandal said with confidence.

"I don't want to get stabbed though?!"

"Shut up, stop complaining and keep moving!" She yelled at me with slight intimidation, which made me stop complaining and answered, "Yes yes yes..."



In the end, we arrived on the rooftop with the princess and guard. I have been thinking about what could their purpose be to bring me here, and my conclusion is... They probably want to shut me up.

It does not to be a genius to predict what going to happen. The key door is locked with 'magic', I was treated like a prisoner despite they said I was special earlier, and both the princess and her guard bring to a place where there are no people around.

I am going to become an experiment material! Or they just going to kill me to make sure their secret is not leaked!

Whatever is going to happen it wouldn't be a good end for me!


With that said, I decide on my next course of action, an attempt to save my own little life which is...


Quickly dogeza on the ground and beg for mercy from the princess!


"Umm, please don't kill me. My sister would be sad if I was gone! Don't worry, just delete my memory! Or hell, make me amnesia. It's at least much better than getting me experimented!" 




Instead of responding to my plea, both Princess and her guard suddenly laughed at me. Did my attempt was too funny? Or I did do something wrong here?

"Haa..." The princess quickly calm herself and then said, "We are not going to do something like that here."

"If I want to kill you, I don't need to bring you to a desolate place here. Believe me." Durandal said while shook her head.

The princess nodded at what her guard just said and added, "In fact, I have a request for you, Okawari-san."

Listening to the princess that I am safe (for time being), I quickly stand up and then asked, "Request?"

She nodded and then suddenly she blushed very hard without reason. Because of that, her guard seems stared at me with a vicious look even though I don't even do anything to the princess!

What does it is mean? I don't even know what happened here!


After getting confused for a while, the quiet princess suddenly grab my hand out of nowhere. 


"Princess?" I reacted confusingly. Is there something on my hand? I mean, her hand is soft and looking at her face closely, she is really beautiful but...

I am extremely confused right now! Right now her guard getting even crazier, staring at me as If I was the one who killed her parents!

I don't know what happened but princess, first please deal with your guard first!

"Um... Ano... The reason I bring you here is to want to ask..."


She take a deep breath, looked at me seriously, and said, "Are you willing to become my boyfriend?"





What? My brain stops working after hearing her request.


It is a confession, isn't it?




Why did it suddenly become a confession?! I thought that the princess wanted to dissect me and send me to her country for an experiment!

Due to a panic attack, I quickly release my hand from her, waving both my hand in confusion, and replied, "I-Is this confession, princess? I thought you are want to shut me up or something like that."

The princess who hear my question just nodded shyly and blushed hard, averting his sight from me. Wait, isn't this too fast? I don't even know what she likes about me.

Well, there is something called Love at the First Sight... But, I dont think that would have happened on me! Hell sure, I am not a model or star in a magazine, my appearance is average, everything about me is average!

I am not even sure if I like the princess or not!


"Um... Are you sure you are here not to kill me?" I asked for confirmation.

"In fact, if you prefer that way I dont mind doing it." Durandal suddenly commented from the side, with her rapier pointing at me.



"F-Forget what I just said!" I shook my head repeatedly, stopping her to stab me upfront.

Hell no. Absolutely, I still wanted to live!


"So, Okawari-san. What is your answer?" The princess once again asked, looking at me with expectation. I honestly... didn't know what I should answer. I mean, normally no sane male teenager would reject a confession from a princess... But I feel something weird is happening here.

My stomach suddenly feels hurt from all of this nervousness, this is probably the most shocking experience of my entire life.


Calm down, Yuu. I need to think clearly here. First, I need to know why she suddenly confessed to me.


Clearing my mind, I look at the princess holding my embarrassment, and said, "Umm... I am actually really happy that the princess wants to date me. But I need to know something first."


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"Umm... Why do you want to date me? I don't think we have known each other long enough... Isn't this bit too fast?"

The princess who hear my question instead of answering me, averted her eyes from me as if she suddenly feel guilty.

Did I do something wrong again?

As I want to ask furthermore about that, her guard, Durandal suddenly spoke up and answered me, "The thing is... Because you are able to see our real ears, and according to the rule of our kingdom, the human who discovered our secret going to have 2 outcomes."

"2 outcomes...?"

Durandal nodded and continue explained, "Either you need to be removed to keep the secret of the family or become a part of the royal family with an oath. As much I hate you the moment you were able to see our ears without knowing any magic spoke up your potential, not even us were able to see other cat ears after we are hiding them with magic."


So in summary, the princess wanted to make me her boyfriend to save me... But it still doesn't make sense. 

Why become part of the family? As much as I don't want to admit it, it would be much easier to just kill me off to keep off the secret hidden forever.

Sorting my thought quickly, I looked at Durandal and asked, "Why become part of the royal family? You don't even explain to me yet, what's the big about the cat ears on top of your heads."

Instead of Durandal, this time the princess is the one who answered me seriously, "It is our real identity. As you probably already expected, We are not really pure human beings. We come from another world a long time ago and built our settlement here. Our species is called 'Raiden', a species that resembled a human but with some of the cat race features and innate ability to use magic."

"I dont see a tail though." 

I try to take a peek behind them... Which is nothing came out behind them. 

The princess shook her head and replied, "It is because only a qualified adult Raiden will grow a tail."

"In fact, the whole europian union human kingdom was governed by us, the Raiden for a generation." Durandal added.


Hearing what Durandal just told me, my worldview clearly changed again. Did I accidentally discover the dark truth of this world? Does it mean the whole world is under their control?!

"Thus, you have heard our biggest secret in this world. Now choose your option." Durandal said while pointing her rapier at me again. This lady seems really eager to kill me but there is no way I would choose to die.

"B-But... Are you sure you want me to become your princess boyfriend?!" I asked her guard.

With a displeasure expression, Durandal quickly answered, "I can't question the decision of the princess. I hate you but if it's what the princess desired, I will support it."

It seems I would be safe from Durandal's threat as long I choose to accept the princess's proposal, no matter if she dislikes it. 

"The most important thing is, You probably have the talent to learn magic. There should be no one in the royal family who would refuse your existence after knowing that." Durandal added, trying to convince me.

It seems if I accept the princess's proposal to become her boyfriend, I could learn how to use magic!! I definitely want to do it, but the thing is...

I turned around to the princess and calmly asked, "Princess! Are you sure you want to be with me? I am... As much I hate it, there is nothing special about me."

"Umm... Yes." She nodded with a visible blush on her cheek and then continue to explain, "I don't want you to die out of this as it is surely unfair to you, Okawari-san. Besides, I find you interesting and pretty funny... And I don't mind trying to know you better."


Listening to her words, I quickly realize why a lot of people like to worship or admire someone.

I thought a princess is just a normal person with very high social status and wealth, but I was wrong.

The girl in front of me is not just a princess.

She is an angel... No... She is a goddess

She is just... so kind... so beautiful... and so lovely.

Even though this situation clearly not her fault, she did her best to help me. 

For someone who is just a nobody like me. She proposed to become her first boyfriend, just to save me. 


The more I look at her, the harder my heartbeat feels.


Is this love? Or is this just admiration? But one thing I know, I never feel something like this before.

I am curious.

I am clearly captivated by her.

I want to see more of her smile.

I want to try this feeling more.



I think this is love... does it?

But did I dare to accept the princess proposal?

I know the princess probably does not like me. She is just doing this to save me... because she is just that kind. 

Although her expression seems genuine have an interest in me... But there is no reason for her to like me to begin with.


if I accept her proposal.

I might have a chance to make her truly fall in love with me. 


I also going to have time to confirm whether my current feeling toward her is love or just a temporary impulse. 

If it is just an impulse of admiration and not love, we can always find another way to break our relationship and find another way to make sure I won't be killed.

Yeah, I should accept her proposal.

This is a good choice no matter I see it. It gives chance to re-evaluate my feeling and save my life. 


"Anyway, In my opinion getting engaged with the princess is better than dying." Durandal suddenly called me out.

I agree. Even if I am not considering my sudden romantic impulse toward the princess, I might still choose to accept the princess's proposal for that reason.

"Dura-chan, you shouldn't be mean like that." The princess pouted, which made me feel warm because it was so cute!

"But I just said a truth, hime-sama. To be honest, you are just too kind." Durandal answered.

"Well..." The princess look at me again and asked, "Ignore what Dura-chan said, I am not lying to you Okawari-san. I really have an interest with you and--"

"I... accept, please take care of me." I cut her sentence and answered her question without hesitation.


The princess and her guard seems shocked by my answer as their eyes widened.

I mean, what kind of choice do I have? I don't want to die yet.

"Well... Then, we have officially become boyfriend and girlfriend?" The princess muttered shyly, looking at me with upturned eyes.

"Umm." I nodded, holding my own embarrassment, I quickly replied, "I promise to do my best to not disappoint you, princess."



Durandal sheath her rapier sighed and then look at me, "Well, since you have accepted to join the family... There is a lot of things that we need to take care off."

"Join the family?"

Hearing what her guard said, the princess quickly become shy again while my brain stopped working once again.

Did I hear it correctly? Why become the princess's boyfriend means joining her royal family?

Durandal who seems understand my predicament suddenly grinned with a bad intention and answered, "Don't worry, it would take at least a month before that happens. Before that, enjoy your normal day, Class leader."


"What do you mean with enjoying--"

The moment I want to ask her the detail furthermore, a school bell suddenly rang, marking our lunch break just ended and we need to back to the classroom.

*Ding* *Dong*


"...Did we just skip a lunch break?" I muttered in disbelief.

Both princess and Durandal nodded awkwardly. They probably also did not expect it. Did we really spend that much time on the lunch break?

"How about we talk about this later?" 


After that, we all agree to postpone our situation detail as we don't want to come late to the next classroom. The history class teacher after the lunch break is quite harsh, and I don't really want to get on his bad side.

And for both transferred students, they don't want to start a bad record either which is understandable.

Damn, I am going to feel miserable for this entire noon as I don't even eat or drink anything.

Although, I admit getting a princess as my girlfriend was probably worth it.


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