Before the barrier was broken Argus who was holding a thunder sword in hand under the eyes of everyone, he stabbed himself in the chest without hesitation.
"Mrr" groaning in pain he pushed the thunder sword even further inside him to the hilt.
At this point Argus stopped moving for a few seconds the people around became concerned by this state
"Did it fail?"
"Is he dead?"
But their question was quickly answered when the sword in his chest began to fuse with his body as he let out a scream of pain and agony, bolt of lightning escaped from his body striking randomly at the people, houses, etc…
The body of Argus looked like he was burned, everyone including Argus himself was sure that he will die when he heard Maeron's voice in his head saying
'FINALLY!' inside him he could feel something like a hand take hold of the uncontrollable power, tame it before redistributing it slowly.
He stopped screaming and as the cool energy traveled in his veins, he felt relaxed, on the outside everyone was stunned seeing the previously charned skin being healed at great speed.
"It's working."
"It's like the power of a god!"
"Didn't you hear what he said previously he took the power of this half-god for himself!"
"Does that mean that we too can become gods…"
An intense discussion began among the crowd, intense desire and envy appeared in the eyes of those who were seeing that, particularly from those who were seeing it from the orbs distributed by Maeron, and Marion, all of them had been chosen for various reasons, but one thing that they had in common was ambition and great desire for power and this, was an invitation.
At this moment a powerful explosion shake everything, and the civilians began to scream in fear
"It's the gods they came to avenge the blaspheme that you committed!"
"We are doomed!"
While they were lamenting themselves Maeron nodded to his warriors, they knew that it was the signal of Maeron telling them to be ready the real test was about to begin
End of the flashback
Olympus emergence room
Everyone was stunned by the sight that they witness a few seconds ago before the portal leading to the underworld close up.
"Was it Typhoon?!" someone finally said weakly
It was enough to wake up everyone, Typhoon, the god eater, one of the worst calamity that the god had to face, the monster who by himself was nearly able to destroy them all, the one whom Zeus assure that he reduces to ashes just to make sure that he will never come back again was in the underworld destroying everything, and they just send at least one of their most trusted friends, generals or family there, with him.
"What the hell…"
"Zeus you assure us all that this monster was dead, how did he end up in the underworld?" the powerful voice of Poseidon resounded in the room as the eyes of everyone turned toward their king who had a troubled expression on the face.
"I-I don't, I don't understand what is happening right now, it may be a plan of Hades to trick us, it may not even be the real"
"You really take us all for fools?"
While most were busy interrogating the king of Olympus the old Oceanus turned toward Persephone who was roasting verbally her three subordinates with her mother and aunt by her side.
"Now that Hades is no longer her I suppose that you are the representative of the underworld queen Persephone!" said the old Titan
You are reading story THE PUNISHMENT OF THE GODS OF OLYMPUS at novel35.com
"First of all, do you have any access to the underworld?" he asked Persephone
"No, no I already tried, it seems that my husband knew that I would try to follow him after he left, so he made sure to block my access to the underworld before leaving, even me don't have any way to get in, in short term!" she replied to Oceanus
"I see, so none of us have any way to know what is happening inside"
At that moment Radamus talked (Radamant/Radamus inspire from Saint Seiya)
"Before he left the king left me a message, he said that a few minutes ago a lightning bolt made a crack in the sky of the underworld, and it's from that crack that Typhoon got in the underworld, he also told me that the monster seems weak, weak enough for him to be restrained and killed with the necessary help"
He then turned to Persephone and said "he also said that you shouldn't be worried about him my queen a and that if he finds himself in a bad posture he will just force the monster to the surface"
"I see" she replied still worried until Demeter took her in her arms to confront her
After receiving the answer that he wanted the old Oceanus turned once again to Zeus, "Now that we have a clearing picture of what happened why don't you tell us why the god eater is still alive"
"As I said, I have no idea why..."
While he was making excuse the voice of Hera cut him of
"Please Zeus, even me who is the most susceptible to fall for your deception can clearly tell that you are lying, so stop it right now, less than twenty-four hours after a prophecy showing our potential fall, Typhoon the monster that you claim to have eliminated reappear, for all we know he may be the origin of that prophecy, so tell us the truth."
While he struggling to decide, his second wife who had been silent until then
(PS: I had forgotten her)
talked in his hear
"do not forget that Athena and Apolo are trapped in the underworld with that monster!"
It seems that it was the push that he needed, sighing in defeat he began to talks
"it's true, I didn't kill Typhoon, instead I trapped him using the power of the sword of Olympus,"
"Tell us how, and why you did it?" they asked
He then closes his eyes and remembers how he came to make such a stupid decision at the time,
Years ago, when Typhoon was not even yet at his peak, it wouldn't take long before he became strong enough to terrorize the gods with his simple presence, and start a period of terror where he will literally hunt them for fun, all that began because they underestimate that new menace that was Typhoon.
After having eliminated all their enemies they enter an era of peace and prosperity, but also an era of infight, and competition.
Jealousy, tensions, mistrust, and various problem related to the governance was raging among the Greek gods and it was at that time that Typhoon made his apparition, a new monster who was sent to destroy them.
They were aware of his existence, but at that time he was not a threat, to any of them, they even judge him as weak, and insignificant.
And as to confirm their assumptionTyphoon keep his head down avoiding the strong while discreetly targetting the weak members or low-level gods of Olympus, Zeus was too busy with his multiples affairs and how to hide them from his wife to rule properly while Hera was too busy trying to catch him to notice anything, so cry for help of the lower gods remain unanswered.
When the number of death or disappearance reach the thousands and nothing was done about that, a delegation of ten thrusted lower gods was tasked by the others to find a solution to this problem, and they were able to do so, first by finding the source of their trouble and second, by forcing their King and Queen to do something and for that, they started a rumor that they were both incapable to rule properly and that maybe Poseidon would make a better ruler.
Once they did that began to spread like wildfire, Poseidon of course always ready to add oil to the fire, could not stop rubbing it tp his brother's face to the point that he had to do something about this problem.
With the information that the lower gods had collected and shared with them, the track of Typhoon was quick, but like to take advantage of the bad relationship between them Typhoon run in direction of Poseidon's territory, the sea which Zeus of course gleefully allowed.
Once there he made good use of the deeper, darker, and unexplored place to hide.
For a long time he altern between the territory of Oceanus and Poseidon, killing and eating what came toward him while they were busy holding each other responsible for Typhoon's action without really putting real effort to stop that, allowing him to eat and grow even further.
Typhoon continued to play with them for a while, but it's at that moment that he made a mistake, he decided maybe driven by curiosity he decided to explore the underworld, just a few hours after he made it there and devoured his first victims, he came face to face with the king of the underworld Hades himself.
Thanks for the support guys