The Quandary: A typical Super-hero Story

Chapter 1: The History of Human-power development: A collection of essays

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The History of Human-power development:


Essay 1:

"Since the age of man, also known as the age of Emergence by historians, humans have had access to powers hard, if not impossible, to explain.

While there have been signs of a time when we didn't have powers, humanity was too uncivilized back then to bother leaving written records of how they lived or survived the danger that monsters posed.

The advancement of science and the research of our powers made it so that we as a species felt the need to develop a way to categorize them, bringing an end to the Emergence era and a beginning to an epoch of Discovery.

We settled on dividing our powers based on their sources, the supernatural and the hyper-natural classes being the names we gave to the most common types.

Supernatural powers were those whose origin isn't innately from the human body. Mana, natural energy, some types of cybernetic enhancements, and most variations of reality-warping belong to this class.

We call them "super"-natural because they showcase abilities outside of our species' natural capabilities. They are also the commonly accepted representatives of most Powered individuals, known as "supers" because their power tends to be flashier.

Hyper-natural classes
on the other hand, are an enhanced version of human characteristics, such as Hyper strength, Hyper intelligence, hair manipulation (self), or some variations of life energy manipulation.

There are known cases among the current Supers placed in both classes, depending on the mechanism by which it operates.

Shape-shifting, invisibility, qi or chi, and cybernetic enhancements done by an individual powered by a Hyper-Intelligece on one's own body are the most common in this category.

Every power that doesn't have a source found or agreed upon by the scientific community categories would then join the Special class power index, a library with a book for every Special class power and its user's profile.

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Once agreed upon which category to place the power in, the Librarians would remove the book and their respective user's profile for privacy's sake.

Fortunately for us, this practice would only appear during the age of Development, so we still retain many public archives of Special class powers and their respective users' lives."

Daniel Skavinsky- student at Hummings university, department of logistics- Thesis sent to corrections due to similarities with student Oliver's Thesis.


Essay 2:

Records show 9th June 708 A.E. (after Emergence) as the day the single best Hyper-intelligence user was born.

With her birth came the age of Development, the first time humans made their powers develop beyond what they were initially born with, and the time our technology flourished the most.
Technology, Medicine, Supers, It didn't matter to her what she got her hands on, only that she had never seen it before and that the research would take a long time to finish.

To Shaya Jade, that's all that mattered, the act of researching itself, not the subject, not the uses people gave to her research, and as records have shown, not the methods used to further her studies.

Some Psychologists and Historians believe that she was a victim of what we now know as a Villain's attack and that she used her research during her early career as a coping mechanism to deal with it.

They justify this speculation with psychoanalysis based on her military report and the fact that she created the first armed volunteer organization whose spirit would then pass onto the current age with the name of "hero's association."


For good or for bad, she helped Humans learn how to develop their powers further than what they were naturally born with, even if she had to use unethical methods to achieve that."

Raffaele Oliver- student at Hummings university, department of logistics- Thesis Accepted.

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