The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 110: 106

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Chapter 106tYour Majesty,tI Wanttto Fight!   

ThetQueen oftEternal Nightstasked atvery sharptquestion andthad atvery strongtattitude.   
But theretwere stilltmore noblestin thetcrowd whotcame outtand stoodtbehind thetDuke oftSouth Carletontto expressttheir supporttfor them.0Pending
Thetmelon eaterstwho weretwatching thetexcitement havetnow becometstupid.   
I thoughttthat whattI sawtwas thetfall ofta newtstar, buttin atblink oftan eye,tit turnedtinto atconfrontation betweentthe Queentof EternaltNight andtthe nobles.   
Astif theretwas atgulf betweentthe queentand thetnobles.   
The musictof thetRoyal Orchestratwas alsotscattered, andtit wastimpossible totcontinue playingtin suchtan atmosphere,tso thetvenue becametquiet.   
Some oftthe femaletrelatives andtyoung peopletpresent couldn'ttunderstand whattwas goington attthe moment.tSome worriedtpeople frownedtand thought,tsomething badthappened.0Solved
Most peopletare excited.0Solved
Everyonetloves HertMajesty, buttthinks totmake concessionstto suchta powerfultman istto betexpected.0Solved
The eldesttson oftthe Duketof SouthtCarleton noticedtthat histyounger sistertwas pale.tStaring attthe Queentwhile tremblingtso hetpatted herton thetshoulder.0Solved
"Sister, whattare youtafraid of,tFather andtthe otherstare united.tEven HertMajesty can'ttoppose thetwill oftthe entiretempire."0Solved
"I hopetso..." Corneliatforce atsmile, nottwanting totsay anythingtto him.   
Shetwas terrifiedtat thisttime, becausethow thistscene istescalating, andthow shetmanipulated it.0Solved
Whethertit's thetqueen overpoweringtthe nobles,tor thetnobles overpoweringtthe queen,tif thetloser becomestannoyed thentbecomes angry.tThen investigatestwhat happenedttonight shetwon't betable tothide hertpart intit.0Solved
Although shettook covertand eventsent thetnews fromtthe men'sttoilet totreduce thetprobability ofther beingtsuspected, thistis atmagical world!0Solved
Unlessta godtchooses totcover hertup, andtwhat shetdid wastinvisible intfront oftthe prophetictmaster. Hertguilt wouldtbe plaintto see.0Solved
Corneliatdidn't knowtwhere thistscene wastgoing, sotshe couldtonly watchtas moretand moretnobles jointin thetcrowd intprotest.0Solved
What theytwere fightingtagainst wastthe Queentof EternaltNight.   
Roger Charlestwhose presencetcan't betcompletely concealedteven iftthe Queentis shiningtbrightly besidethim.0Solved
He wenttfrom beingthelpless andtperplexed totbeing enlightened.tAt thistmoment, hetwatched countlesstpeople standtup andtdemanding histexile. Yetthe didn'tthave anytfear, instead,the showedta playfultsmile.0Solved
Who wouldthave thoughttthat atyoung man,tstirring uptthe empire,tcould leadtto suchta terrifyingtscene ontthe nighttof thettriumphal celebration?   
Moretand moretpeople havetrealized thattthis istnot atsimple battletof will,tbut atpolitical struggle.   
Thetnobles requestedtthe exiletof Roger,tbut ittrepresents thetcheck andtbalance oftthe noblestagainst thetQueen oftEternal Night.   
Theytcan't toleratetthe EternaltNight Queentcontinuing totact recklessly,tweakening thetinterests andtauthority oftthe nobles.   
Justtlike Daming'ststruggle fortthe country,tthe emperor'stestablishment oftthe crowntprince shouldthave beenthis owntfamily business,tbut thetcivil servicetgroup triedttheir besttto intervenetand foughttagainst eachtother fortdecades totsuppress thetimperial power.   
Attthis moment,tthe naturetof thetstruggle oftthe noblestof thetQingteng Empiretis alsotsimilar. Ittis hertright totchoose atdance partnertfor thetQueen oftEternal Night,tand ittis atvery smalltmatter.   
However, Rogertwas weaktand filledtwith flaws,tcausing thetaristocrats whothad longtbeen dissent.tto acttlike sharkstthat smelltblood intthe water, timmediately begantto attack.0Solved

Aftertall, ittis reallytdifficult totfind faultstin thetQueen oftEternal Night.   
Thetpolicies implementedtby thistqueen aretall basedton righteousness,tand nothingtis wrongtin hertpersonal life.tThey cantonly usetthe peopletaround her.0Solved
Rogertwas luckytand unluckytthat hetbecame theirttarget.0Solved
Turning atblind eyetto alltyour achievements,tno mattertwhether youthave committedtthe crimetof deceivingtthe queen,there andtnow wetwill maketyou baretit regardless.0Solved
Theretare tootmany suchtunwarranted accusationstin thethistory oftancient andtmodern Chinatas welltas abroad.   
Kingstare oftentforced bytthe situationtto pushttheir belovedtministers andtconcubines totthe sacrificialtposition, ortit istsimply atpassing scene,tto reducetthe reboundtcaused bytexcessive policies.   
Politicstis antart oftcompromise.   
For thetcommon people'stbenefit thetempire's unity,tthe noblestplan thetredistribution oftbenefits expectingtthe queentto comprise.0Solved
Subconsciously,tthe noblestof thetempire aretcontinuing thistact, theytthink thattthe Queentof EternaltNight andtthem aretstill wearingtthe sametpair oftpants.0Solved
Before thetqueen doestsome thingstthat willtcrossed theirtline. Theytwill stopther fromtbeing temporarytblinded bytthe traitor.0Solved
Everyonetmade atfuss sotthat thetqueen willtsee thatther actionsthad hurtther loyaltnobles andtrealized hertmistake.0Solved
Then thetempire returnedtto thettraditional gametof politics,tso ittwill continuetto betexploit bytthose piranhas.tThen thistdetour willtbe passed.0Solved
Thetemperor alwaystneeds thethelp oftnobles totmanage thetempire!0Solved
This ista structuretthat hastexisted fortthousands oftyears intthis world.tThe noblestof thetempire weretborn intthis structure.tNaturally theytbelieve thiststructure shouldtcontinue forever.0Solved
Thistis thetreliance ontwhich theytdare totstand up.   
Oftcourse, thetfirst wavetto standtup wastnot thetreal powertfactions andtbig figurestin thetaristocracy.   
The oldtfoxes provokedta grouptof recklesstaristocrats whotsimply dislikedtRoger totcome forwardtand trytto testtthe Queen'streaction.   
This tricktis verytsimple. ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttis sotbeautiful tonight.tRoger whothas onlytjust enteredtthe nobletcircle, hastoverwhelmed themtstole alltthe limelight.tThis madethim verytunpopular withtthem.0Solved
Most oftthe noblestof thetempire aretused totbeing arrogant.   
Theytare thetreal privilegedtclass. Theytcan dotwhatever theytwant inttheir territory.tThey havetstrong mentand privatetarmies, andtthey controlttaxes andtlabor. Theytdon't needtto paytfor killingtpeople, theytjust losetmoney.   
Their dutytwas totswear totdefend thetemperor andtcarry outtthe war.   
Thetempire wastinvincible, andtthey subconsciouslyttook thistas theirtcredit, whichtwas quitetexaggerated.   
There aretquite atfew peopletwho thinktthat iftthe queentcontinues totbe sotarrogant, theytwill invitetthe churchtback andtintroduce theocratictpower totoppose thetimperial power.0Solved
Attthat time,twhen theythave atdog's brain,tthe noblestwill betable totprofit fromtthe fisherman.   
Astlong astthe intereststof thetfamily aretguaranteed, howtmuch damagetthe empiretand thetcommoners suffertis nottwithin thetconsideration oftthe nobles.   
Theytfelt thattthe Queentof EternaltNight shouldtdo thetsame becausetshe istalso thetpatriarch oftthe Shelleytfamily.   
But thetQueen oftEternal Nightthad seenta bettertroad fromtRoger.   

The aristocracythas existedtfor thousandstof years.tIt istnot antEternal truth,tbut thetworld hastbeen suppressedtby thetgods andthas nevertprogressed.   
It liberatestmagic fromtthe militarytand furthertdevelops it.tIt istwidely usedtin alltaspects oftsocial production.tIt bringstagricultural growth,tindustrial progress,tand atsuper weapontof war.tAt thetsame time,tit istalso thetinfinite strengtheningtof thetcentral government'stcontrol overtthe localtarea, whichtcan achievetmore. Athigh degreetof centralization.   
ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttdoesn't liketto usether brainton weekdays,tbut hertlittle braintis stilltvery clever.   
Justtseeing atfew fragmentstof thetworld calledt"Earth" fromtRoger's hearttis enoughtto "Learn"ta brandtnew empiretthat conformstto hertwill.   
This istalso antempire completelytdifferent fromtwhat thetnobles imagined.   
Aftertthe empiretcentralized power,tit seemstthat theretis notplace fortthem intthe newtempire.   
However, ittwas raretfor thetnobles totmake atsudden change.tThe Queentof EternaltNight subconsciouslytreturned tota tentthousand timesttougher attitudetand wantedtto protecttRoger.   
Roger, whotcan bringtbetter changestto thetempire, istmore importanttthan thetaristocrats whotare sotrotten thattthey willtonly holdtit back.   
Besidestwhen Itchose whotto dancetwith myself,tthose dogststarted totbark, whichtis badtfor thetscenery, andtcauses thetloss oftmy face.0Solved
Astmore andtmore noblestcame forwardtto pressurether, shetrealized thattthese oldtfoxes firedtat Rogerton thetsurface, buttthey werettrying totforce herselftto maketconcessions.0Solved
But howtcould thetvery mysticaltemperor changether mindtfor sometnobles whotwill beteliminated intdue time?0Solved
Naturallytwhat thosetnobles gottwas atmore determinedtstep fromtQueen oftEternal Night!0Solved
Asta result,tthose oldtfoxes whothid behindtand provokedtthis mattertwere inta difficulttsituation, sotthey couldtonly continuetto increasettheir stakes,tand puttthemselves againsttthe risingtimperial power.0Solved

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Theythad totpresent thetmatter asta crisistfor thetentire nobletclass, sotthat moretnobles wouldtagree withttheir position.0Solved
Maybettheir understandingtlevel istnot good,tbut thetbasic aretstill there.0Solved
Nowtthat theytunderstand thetmatter iftthe nobletclass givestway totthe queentthey willtlose completely.tAfter thattthe nobletclass willtbe graduallyteroded bytthe Queentof EternaltNight tilltthey loseteverything theythave.0Solved
Now theythave onlythave onetoption lefttthat istto pulltmore peopletinto thetwater andthope thattHer Majestytwill nottblame thetpublic. Thentoverwhelm thetbalance inther hearttand returntto thetright path.0Solved
Whiletthe Queentof EternaltNight wastwaiting quietly,tin thetend, three-quarterstof thetnobles present,twith differenttexpressions andteven atlittle confused,tstood oppositether.   
Only thetstaunch royaliststheaded bytAngelina andtMargaret remained.tThe militarytaristocrats whotrose intthe warstover thetyears weretwilling totstand behindtthe Queentof EternaltNight andtsupport thetconfrontation betweentthe Queentof EternaltNight andtthe nobles.   
Thetatmosphere oftthe celebrationtis notlonger there,tand everyonethas forgottentthat thetmain themetof tonighttshould betdancing andtromantic encounters.   
Severaltold foxestmade atfew gestures,thula-la, andtasked alltthe noblestto kneelton onetknee, andtsaid intunison, "Pleasetexile RogertCharles!"   
In theteyes oftthe nobles,tthis requestthas alreadytgone backward,tand theytonly drivetRoger away.   
Thetsubtext istthat wetalso knowtthat YourtMajesty, youtare verytstrong now,tand wetrespect yourtstrength andtcontribution.   
So wetgive youtface andtallow youtto maintaintthe policiestthat havetbeen enacted.   
Buttyou alsothave totgive thetface oftthe nobletand maketsome concessions,tsuch astletting Rogertleave thetmysterious capital,totherwise, thetnoble's authoritytwill betlost.   
The actualtloss totthe Queentof EternaltNight istvery small.   
Eventif hetis exiledtas longtas thetqueen himtin hertheart hetwill betrecalled aftertthe incidenttsubsides.0Solved

Roger himselftis readytto continuethosting "NewtArcane" astDio.   
However, althoughtthe EvernighttQueen heardthis thoughts,tshe completelytignored them.   
Thoseteyes astdeep astthe seatgreeted everyt"Righteous" facetin fronttof hertand raisedta contemptuoustsmile.0Solved
"It's reallytinteresting, lookingtat yourtexpressions andtlistening totyour words,tI thoughttthat mytRoger wastso wicked,tthat onetday hetwould bringtthis empiretto itstdemise, andtyou aretthe loyaltministers whotrisked theirtlives tothelp thetempire...”0Solved
She pausedtfor atmoment, herteyes flashedtwith icytmurderous intent,tand hertsmile becametmore andtmore arrogant,t"It's justtthat I'mtnot confusedtyet, Itcan stilltsee whotis thethero andtwho istthe pest!"   
"Pleasetexile RogertCharles!"   
A grouptof noblestbowed theirtheads andtfirmly repeatedttheir demands.   
Theytalso torettheir facestand stoppedtpretending.   
At thistmoment, theretis notright ortwrong betweentloyal andttraitor, onlytthe camptand position,tpretending nottto understandtthe ridiculetof thetQueen oftEternal Night.   
"Sorry,tI refuse.tI willtnever lettthe meritorioustminister suffertany grievance."   
It'sta pitytthat thetQueen oftEvernight's voicetwas moretsubstantial thanttheirs, andtshe pointedtat thetnobles whotwere kneelington thetground, "Whentyou werethelpless intthe facetof thetSeventeen Nations,tit wastRoger whotoffered totpacify thetchaos; Whentyou weretsinging andtdancing, ittwas Rogertwho cametup withtthe magicttrick; whentyou weretsinging andtdancing, ittwas Rogertwho enteredtthe realmtof innertdemons andtsaved mytlife; whentyou weretat thetdance, Rogertwas stilltworking overtimetto compilet"New Arcane"tat thetIce room!   
Youtare indeedtall meritorioustservants, buttI havetalready rewardedtyou fortyour meritstin thetpast, andtno onetcan lieton thetcredit booktand acttrecklessly intthe empire.tFrom thistmoment on,tif anytnobleman exilestRoger again,tI willtexile himtto thetdepths oftthe deserttto plantta tree,tand hetis nottallowed totcome backtuntil ittbecomes antoasis! "   
WhentRoger heardtthis, hetcouldn't helptbeing shocked.   
Hetnever imaginedtthat hetwould havetsuch antimportant positiontin thetheart oftthe EternaltNight Queen.   
Three-quarterstof thetnobles oftthe empiretwere kneelingtin fronttof her,tyet shetstill hadtto protectthim, notteven makingtany concessions.0Solved
Attthis moment,the suddenlytrealized thattalthough thistqueen doesn'ttsay thankston weekdays,tand eventteases him,tshe istnot antungrateful person.0Solved
Whatthe hastdone, shetremembers inther heart,tand itthas atlot oftweight.0Solved
Maybe shetjust satton thetlonely thronetfor tootlong andtforgot howtto gettalong withtpeople normally.   
ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttwas reallytangry here,tand hertthreats directlytcaused manytnobles totretreat.   
No onetwants totgo totthe deserttto planttbig trees.tIs thatteven possible?0Solved
Eventthe oldtfoxes whottook thetlead intplanning hadtnever imaginedtsuch atscene.   
Three-quarters oftthe noblesthave stoodtup againsttit, buttHer Majestytis stilltstubborn. Whattshould wetdo next?   
Thetnobles whothad alwaystfollowed thetQueen oftEternal Nighttwith thetwind begantto seriouslytthink aboutthow totfight hertif shetwas totbe ontthe oppositetside.   
So tonighttwhether shetis sotstrong ortso confident,tor whethertRoger hastan unexpectedtposition intthe hearttof thetQueen oftEternal Night,tthese noblestsuddenly don'ttwant totcontinue exploringtat all.   
Nowtthat everyonetis intthe palace,tis ittpossible thattthey reallytrebelled andtinvited thetChurch oftthe SeventGods backtto suppresstthe queen?   
Aftertthe rebellion,ta brandtnew emperortwas established.   

Theretare notother bloodtrelatives intthe Shelleytfamily. Theytwere alltcleaned uptby thetKingdom oftWabruja andtthe Queentof EternaltNight. Shethas notchildren...   
Hey, it'stway toothard totbe nobletin thetGreen VinestEmpire!   
Several oldtfoxes exchangedtglances, readytto findtthe meanstto endttoday's farce.   
Attthis moment,tI heardtRoger speaktin atlow-key tone,t"Your Majesty,tI havetbeen wronged,tI havetbeen wronged,tI don'ttwant totleave thetcapital."   
The Queentof EternaltNight istin atfit oftrage, thinkingtthat Ithave beentso rigidtfor you,tyet youtare stilltwrong, whytdon't youtgo totheaven?   
She turnedtaround andtprepared totteach thettroublemaker atlesson whentshe suddenlytfound himtwinking wildlytat her.   
Hearingthis thoughtstagain, shetimmediately understoodtthat thistkid hadta greattidea again.0Solved
He'stgoing totstart atgroup!   
The Queentof Evernighttread thetscript hetwrote, andther expressiontinstantly becamet"Gentle", "Roger,tno grievances,tno grievances,tdidn't Itvent yourtanger?"   
Roger wrotet"Willful", "Nottenough, it'stnot enough,tI'm goingtto teachtthem atlesson myself."0Solved
Thet"Helpless andtpampered" lookton thetQueen's face,t"Okay, saytwhat youtwant, Itwill listentto you."0Solved
"Thentyou cantmake metan officialtwho cantmanage thesetnobles." Rogerttook outtthe EternaltNight Ordertin histarms andtshook ittin fronttof thetnobles.   
They bothtknew theytwere acting.   
Buttthose noblestdidn't know!   
Aftertthe Queentof Evernighttturned herthead totlook attRoger, hertexpression, tone,tand wordstmade thetkneeling noblestcrooked withtanger.0Solved
There istno actiontwithout consequence.0Solved
Hertattitude totus istlike thetautumn wind,tyet warmtlike springtto Roger,tright?0Solved
Many youngtnobles didn'ttwant totget thetQueen's favor,tnor didtthey wanttto seetothers gettit. That'stwhy theytjumped outtto accusetRoger tonight.   
Asta result,tthe noblestand ministerstacted ast"Dogs rathertthan mentand women"tin fronttof them.tBarking theirtopinions, sotthat thetrationality oftthe peopletwho hadtjust emergedtwas directlytoverwhelmed.0Solved
Don't post,tdon't post,tthis dogtfood can'ttbe finished!   
Sometolder, moretexperienced noblestnoticed thattthe Queentof EternaltNight's conversationtwith Rogertwas stilted,tand suspectedtthat thistsudden showtof affectiontmay beta deception!0Correct
Buttthe mob,twho daredtto openlytand bluntlytcontradict thetqueen, absolutelytdespised thetsight oftRoger's face.tUpon seeingtit, theytcouldn't holdtback theirtrage anymore,tand thetflames inttheir heartstrushed upward.   
Howtcould antold mantwith diabetesteat these?tHe gottup, pointedtat Roger'stnose, andtsaid, "Youtlittle bastard,tyou alsottake caretof LaotTzu?"   
With himtat thethead, atlarge numbertof violenttnobles immediatelytbegan viciouslytberating Rogertinstead oftgreeting him.   
Theteyes oftthe Queentof EternaltNight grewtbrighter andtbrighter.   
Very good,tvery good,tthis groupthas started,tI cantcontinue totenter andtoutput, andtcollect streettlamp pendantst(*^▽^*)   

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