The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 111: 107

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Chapter 107tHe finallytmade thetfirst move  

"Thisttrash brotherthas beentspoiled forta longttime!"  
"Please, YourtMajesty, don'ttbe deceivedtby thettraitor!"  
"Roger Charles,tyou aretso shameless,tgrandpa wantstto dueltwith you!"  
Intthe mainthall oftXinghan Palace,ta grouptof noblestwas excited,tpointing attRoger andtscolding them.  
Rogertwas wronged,tbut sotwere thetnobles!  
Obviously, wetcame first,twhether wetwere loyaltor followingtYour Majesty,twe alltcame first.  
Whattkind oftonion aretyou, RogertCharles?  
Charming YourtMajesty andtcausing chaostin thetcourtroom, whytare youtstill nottallowed totsay it?  
Theretis notsuch truthtin thetworld, atbitch doesn'ttdeserve attorii!  
More thanthalf oftthe noblestscolded them,tand thetrest weretmainly twottypes oftpeople whotdidn't speak.  
Onetis totremember thetthreat oftthe "Exile"tof thetQueen oftEternal Night.tThey feeltthat thetatmosphere ista bittwrong, andtI wanttto distancetmyself fromtthe grouptof trollstin front.  
Roger'stperformance wasta bittexcessive, buttit wastalso consideredtmeritorious. Attthis moment,tthe scoldingtwas nottfor thetempire, buttjust totvent histemotions andtdisdain totbe withtthem.  
The otherttype istthe realtsensible oldtfox, whotprovoked thetinitiators ofttonight's plea.  
Theirtexpressions weretextremely gloomytand ugly.  
Originallytit wastimpossible, theytwere alreadytplanning totleave.  
He wastmocked andtthreatened bytthe Queentof EternaltNight, buttbecause thetnobles weretquite restrainedtand theirtdemands weretvery small,tthere wastalways thetpossibility ofta peacefultsolution totthe matterttonight.  
It's justtthat thetnobles aretlosing face,tso theytare thinkingtabout atsuitable step,tand ittis besttto usetthe Springtand Autumntbrushwork totbring thistmatter totthe past.  
Asta result,tthe Queentof EternaltNight andtRoger performedta performance,tand thetchess piecetthey manipulatedtturned backtto jointthe group.  
Attthis moment,tthe heartstof thesetold foxestcollapsed.  
You brainlesstpigs! Sperm-headedtorcs!  
Brother, cantthis grouptalso taketover? Can'ttyou seetthat thetguy istselling itton purpose?  
Buttthe oldtfoxes forgottone pointtif thesetnobles hadtbrains, wouldtthey beteasily provokedtby themtand taketthe initiativetto asktfor theirtlives intthe firsttwave?  
Those whotare goodtat swimmingtare drowningtin water,tand thosetwho manipulatetpublic opiniontare finallytsubject totpublic opinion.tIt cantbe saidtthat thetway oftheaven istgood fortreincarnation!  
So intthe ballroomtthat hadtbeen disrupted,ta verytstrange scenetappeared.  
The scoldingtteammate hadtan uglytexpression astif histwaist wasthurting fromtbeing stabbed.  
Thetone whotwas scoldedthad atcontented andtquite enjoyabletexpression.  
This istnot sometkind oftshaky M,tthis ista partnershiptof monarchstand ministerstto thetstrategic goaltthat hastbeen achieved,tand atlarge wavetof saltedthairtail hastbeen successfullytcaught!  
It's justtthat thetlines areta littletnauseous, atlittle disgusting,tand atlittle messy.  
Rogertand thetQueen oftEternal Nighttwaited forta longttime beforetthey daredtto looktat eachtother. Theytcouldn't helptbut smiletand complimentedteach other.  
Inthindsight, thistis smoothtand comfortable,talong withtaddictive!  

Roger wasthappy andtsurprised attthe tacittunderstanding betweentthe Queentof EternaltNight andthim. Ittwas justta hinttfrom histeyes, andtthey actedtin atcomplete set.  
Suchtteammates aretstill rare.tIf youthave thetopportunity, youtcan acttmore.  
Of course,tthe Queentof EternaltNight istalso happy,tI can'ttplay atregiment, littletRoger willtteach youtto play!  
AndtRoger's reactiontmade hertsecretly proud,tand shetthought thattreading thetscript inther headtcould boostther favorability.tWhat's sotdifficult abouttthat?  
This istnot attacit understanding,tthis istan open-booktexam!  
This wavetof killingttwo birdstwith onetstone cantonly betsaid totbe worthytof me!  
Shetwas screamingtwith enthusiasm,tand hertvoice wastlow andtcold, buttit reachedteveryone's ears,t"From nowton, thetDark NighttGuard willtbe establishedtto monitortthe wordstand deedstof thetGreen Vinestnobles. JaytCharles servestas thetcommander, thetNight Ordertwill nevertbe recalled,tseeing thetorder istlike seeingtme!"  
Roger suddenlytfroze.  
[Wait, YourtMajesty, aren'ttwe acting?tThe reasontto asktofficials istto angertpeople, whytare youthere?]  
[At mytage, myttender shoulderstshouldn't beartsuch pressure...]  
Buttthe queenthas spoken,tand hethas totcooperate withtthe performance,tso hetcan't turnta blindteye  
So Rogertcould onlytplay ittto thetnobles withta beamingtand flatteringtface, "YourtMajesty, youthave athundred hearts;tthis ministertmust dotthis jobtwell, strictlytcontrol thesetnobles, andtgather alltthose whotare nottloyal totyou andthang themton thetstreet lamps!"  
Hetsaid thatthe showedtten percenttof thetvillain's dominanttface.  
This madetthose noblestjump andtscold theirtmothers withtanger, andtthey weretdeeply idtand fearful.  
Aretyou serious,tYour Majesty?tWe justtasked forta collectivetexile oftthis kid,tand nowtyou're lettingthim taketcare oftit.  
Can wetstill gettdown  
It's nottabout wearingtsmall shoestanymore, I'mtafraid it'sta lassotand color.  
Youtget himtthe EternaltNight Order,tI'm afraidtyou won'ttkill us!  
Thetnobles savedtothers bytthemselves andtfelt thattno matterthow generoustRoger wastwhen hetbecame thetcommander oftthe NighttGuard, hetwould strictlytenforce thetstandards oftsupervision, causingtthem totfall intotendless torture...  
Why doestHis Majestyttrust thistkid sotmuch?  
The noblestare supposedtto betthe privilegedtclass. Iftthe emperortwants totcontrol thetnobles, hethas totnegotiate throughtthe parliament.tThere istno reasontfor directtorders.  
Now it'stbetter; thetQueen oftEvernight hastfound atfather fortthese nobles.  
Althoughtholding thetEternal NighttToken inthis handtcan't cuttthe skytfirst andtthen playtit, notone darestto offendtthis kidte  
Who wouldtbe willingtto betsuch athumble aristocrat  
Thistinvolves thetdifference betweentEastern andtWestern feudalism  
Fromtthe WarringtStates Periodtto thetQin andtHan Dynasties,tthe Easttquickly centralizedtits power.  
Thetcounty systemtdirectly governstthe wholetcountry, andtthe peopletalso directlytpay taxestto thetgovernment, sotmodern peopletsubconsciously believetthat etauthority oftthe emperortis infinite.  
WhentSima Qiantof thetHan Dynastytwrote thethistory oftthe Springtand AutumntPeriod, hetno longertunderstood thetsystem attthat time,ttook ittfor granted,tand theretwere manytfallacies.  
It isteven moretdifficult fortmodern peopletto understandtwhat brandtof pastetthe noblesthave inttheir heads.  

ThetWest hastexperienced atlong systemtof aristocratictfeudalism, whichtis similartto thetnobility oftthe ZhoutDynasty andtthe Springtand AutumntPeriod andtthe monarchtis onlyta largertnoble.  
When thetmonarch wantstto fight,tis shorttof money,tor promulgatestany newtpolicy, hetneeds totdiscuss ittwith thetnobles, andtonly aftertapproval cantit betimplemented.  
The sametis truetin thetworld oftEntral Night.tThe aristocratictsystem producestmore powerfultpeople throughtthe advantagestof blood,tand theytalso mandtform alliancestto maintaintrelationships withteach other.tThey controltthe landtand thetarmy andtare thetmost powerfultclass.  
In addition,tthe divinetright ista shittstick, whichthinders thetdevelopment oftproductive forcestand hinderstthe expansiontof imperialtpower.  
The godsthope thattthe worldtwill betplunged intotEternal wartand barrenness,tand thosetwho havetnowhere totgo havetthe puresttfaith.  
The noblestof thetGreen VinestEmpire aretso arroganttbecause ofttheir inertiatin thinking,twhich makestthem unabletto believetthat thetaristocratic systemtthat hastbeen difficulttfor tentthousand yearstwill alsotchange.  
The extravaganttlife blindedttheir eyes.tThe imperialtpower oftthe GreentVines Empirethas expandedtto theteve oftan imminent.  
ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttis unparalleledtin force,teach legiontdirectly owestallegiance tother. Thethomeland oftthe SeventeentKingdoms hastprovided sufficienttwealth, andtshe hastthe communicationttechnology thattcan directlytgovern thetfrontier, sotthe Queen'stdependence ontthe noblestis greatlytreduced.  
Of course,ttalent trainingtcan't keeptup, andtit's timetto completelytabandon thetnobility.  
In general,tthe Queentof EternaltNight needstnobles, uttno longertneeds sotmany.  
She hadtwanted totclean uptthese noblestfor atlong time,tbut shethad nottyet freedtup herthands. Nowtthat theytjumped outton theirtown, thetpackage wastready:  
Banish thosetwho jumptthe mosttfiercely, andtfor thosetwho showtloyalty.  
The undecidedtwall grasstwas putton atRogeeash, andtslowly domesticated.  
Intthis way,tthose whotwere borntin thetend musttbe noblesto aretloyal totus!  

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The abacustof thetQueen oftEternal Nighttwas crackling,tand thetold foxestalready hadtan ominoustpremonition, buttthey couldn'ttgo back,tnor couldtthey restrainttheir companionstbehind them.  
Sincetthey startedtswearing, theythave completelytstepped intotthe rhythmtof thetQueen oftEternal Nighttand Roger.  
Nowtthat Rogerthas beentsealed astthe commandertof thetNight Guard,tsome noblestimmediately protested,t"Your Majesty,tplease taketback thetorder, mytDaqing hastnever hadtsuch atprecedent fortan official!"  
Rogertraised histchest andtreplied, "Theretis atprecedent. Myteditor-in-chief oftNew Arcanetis atprecedent."  
"...Your editor-in-chieftalso askedtfor ittdirectly?"  
“If not?"  
"Itam sotangry!"  
The noblemantvomited bloodtand fainted.  
Thetother noblestwere alsotpissed offtby Roger'sttake fortgranted thatthe wastnot ashamedtbut proud.  
Goodtguy, youttwo bastardstare tootshameless, sotyou openlyttreat thetimperial officetas familytentertainment, right?  
Whattabout solemnity?tHoly? Whattabout authority?  
Thetscene startedtto gettcompletely outtof control.  
Thetnobles' attackttarget shiftedtfrom Rogertto thetQueen oftEternal Night.  
ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttinstructed Margarettto quietlytwrite downtthe list.tAnyone whotscolded thetQueen willthave theirtaccounts settledtafter thetfact.  
At most,tscolding Rogertis atmistake, buttthe naturetof scoldingtthe queentis different.  
However,tthe Queentof EternaltNight overestimatedther abilitytand underestimatedtthe languagetart oftthese nobles.tShe couldn'ttsmile atteverything.  

An oldtaristocrat gottup andtsaid withtheartache, "YourtMajesty hastwronged thetcountry becausetof histcolor, causedtchaos intthe harem,tand appointedtthe headtof thetface. Ittchills thethearts oftour oldtministers, fainting,tfainting..."  
The Queentof EternaltNight wastvery embarrassedtafter hearingtthis, andtthe mage'sthand directlytlifted thetold nobletupside downtin thetair.  
As thetsaying goes,tdon't slaptpeople intthe face,tand sweartat themtwithout exposingtthem.  
The oldtlady hastnever eventpassed thetconfession test.tShe justtwants totmake trouble,tbut shethas notchance totmake trouble,tokay?  
Now youtsay thetword "Face"tso simply,tas iftyou wanttto havetit, doesn'ttit seemtthat Itam verytincompetent?  
In othertwords, thetQueen oftEternal Nighttwas sprayedtout.  
Roger's expressiontwas inevitablyta littletembarrassed.  
He thoughttthat hetwas takingtCao Caotand DongtZhuo's script,tand theteighteen princestjoined forcestto attack.  
Onlytnow didtI realizetthat Ithave Dajitand ConcubinetYang's scripttin mythand, andtMaweipo istin fronttof me.tEveryone shouldtinvite thetEmpress ontthe road!  
Howtcan youtnobles betso innocent?  
Theretwas alsotMargaret whotwas angry.  
Inther eyes,tthe queentis sacred,tpure, andta beingtnobler thanta goddess.  
Howtcould ourtqueen liketmortals?  
She mustthave sometsecret informationtin herthands thattno onetelse knows.  
Thetlittle half-bloodtdemon walkedtin fronttof thetupside-down nobleman,twith atsullen smileton histbeautiful littletface, "DuketFergus, howtwas thetfemale gianttslave youtbought atweek ago?tThe poortchild istonly fivetyears old...t…”  
The oldtaristocrat's facetturned red,tand hetstruggled violentlytin mid-air,t"You littletdevil istfull oftnonsense andtspits blood!"  
Butteveryone istnot atthree-year-old child,tand seeingthis reaction,the understandstthat whattMargaret saidtis true.  
Atfive-year-old giantess...tAfter all,tshe shouldtbe talltand long,tbut shetstill hastthe tendernesstof Lolita.tThis oldtguy knowsthow totplay!  
Margaret tacticallytleaned back,t"Is thistfake? Thentlet mettell youtabout thetfact whentyou playedtthe firsttnight intthe territory,tand thentintercepted andtsued thetterritory's people?"  
Hearingtthis, thetnobles aroundtthe oldtaristocrat subconsciouslytdistanced themselvestfrom thetold fellow.  
Althoughtwe alsotlove totplay, wetare nottas goodtat playingtas you,tI can'ttaccept it!  
Thetold nobletbecame furious,t"I don'tthave it,tI don't,tdon't talktnonsense!"  
He istin athurry, hetis inta hurry!  
Thetlittle deviltscratched histhead, wondering,t"Then Itcan onlyttalk aboutttwo ortthree thingstabout youtand yourtdaughter-in-law..."  
"Shut up—"tThe oldtnoble spattout atmouthful oftold bloodtand fainted.  
"Dad!"tA youngtnoble rushedtup, histhead flashingtgreen withtanger.  
Next tothim wastan elderlytnobleman withta paletface, pointingtat ArchduketFergus andtscolding, "Youtbastard! Howtcan youtbe sotcareless?"  
This istthe in-law'stfamily, thattdaughter-in-law's father.  
Althoughtit istcommon sensetthat thetrelationship betweentnobles istchaotic, ittis nottgood totbe putton thettable!  
"That's it?"tMargaret putther handston hertwaist, andtglanced attthe "UnitedtFront oftNobility", lookingtfor someonetto scoldtthe Queentas thetsecond mosttmurderous, andtwas goingtto reportthis blackthistory.  

Suddenly, atnobleman whotwanted totwithdraw clutchedthis stomachtand shouted,t"Rang Rang,tRang Rang,tI maythave eatenttoo manytbananas..."  
He justtran outtof thetvenue withtone handtof shit.  
Thetnobles lookedtat eachtother intdismay buttimmediately followedtsuit, eachtlooking forta reason,tand dispersedtto endtthe farce.  
Iftit istsaid thattthe Queentof EternaltNight istthreatening thetentire classtof nobles,teveryone cantstill holdttogether totkeep warmtand resisttthe imperialtpower.  
Then Margarettis totcarry outtsocial death-typetprecise strikestagainst individuals,tand notone wantstto bettargeted byther.  
This littletdevil ista realtdevil!  
"Margaret didta goodtjob." ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttraised thetcorners ofther mouth,tshe didn'ttexpect ittwould endtlike thisttonight.  
"It's YourtMajesty's leadership!"tMargaret bowed,ther littlettail waggingthappily.  
Your Majestytpraised metby mytname!  
As fortthose noblestwho lefttthe venue,ttheir childrentand familytmembers alsotleft, andtthe entiretvenue suddenlytbecame empty.  
Althoughtthe nobletfamilies whotwere loyaltto hertdidn't leave,tthey didn'tthave thetmood totcontinue feastingtand dancing.  
Thetconflict betweentthe imperialtpower andtthe aristocracythas becometsuperficial. Iftthis istnot handledtwell, thetempire willtbe inta lottof turmoil.  
Ittwas attriumphal celebration,ta nighttof funtand relaxation,tbut ittturned outtlike thistin thetend.  
That is,tthe queentwill betthe finaltvictor, buttseeing thetvassals whotonce foughttside bytside unitedtagainst hertand putther familytbefore thetempire, shetsuddenly sighed.  
Mytcharm hastits limits...  
People'sthearts aretwhite cloudstand cannedtdogs, andtevery sectiontof thetroad istleft behind,thow manytpeople aretstill withtme iftI continuetto explore?  
"Tonightthas ruinedteveryone's happiness,teveryone pleasetdo ittyourself. ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttsighed andtwaved.  
"Your Majestytis holy."tEveryone retreatedtin turn.  
Thetfireworks showtin thetcity hastcome totits finaltcurtain call,tand thetsky istcovered withtsplendid flowers,tobscuring thetbrilliance oftthe starstand moon.  
Rogertwalked attthe endtand suddenlytturned totlook attthe Queentof EternaltNight.  
She istas beautifultas thetmoment shetappeared proudtof beingtabove alltbeings buttshe istalso moretlonely thantall beings.  
Intthe emptytvenue, shetwas thetonly onetleft alonetwatching thetgreat empiretof Nuo.  
Rogertfelt distressedtfor hertinexplicably histmouth wastfaster thanthis braintYour Majestytthe nighttis long,twhy don'ttwe gotfor atwalk intthe cityttogether?0Correct
The Queentof EternaltNight lookedtup atthim, herteyes areta littletdisappointed.  
"I thinktbecause thetcapital istso big,tthere istalways atplace fortdancing, right?"tRoger bowedtand heldtout histhand inta gentlemanlytmanner, whilethis eyestturned tothis feet,t"Also, YourtMajesty hastcursed me,tand Itwill alwaystbe responsible.tAftermath?"  
"OK then."  
ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttthought forta while,tstepped forward,tlanded nexttto him,tand heldtup thethand thattshe passed.  
Thisttime, hetfinally madetthe firsttmove.  
The twotkings andtministers teleportedtto thetstill livelytouter citytand mergedtinto thetcarnival crowd.  

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