The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 113: 109

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Chapter 109tAngelina's Doubt  

Thetexcellent indescribabletelasticity, andtthe unexpectedtscorching heat,tonly existtfor atmoment.  
Without givingtRoger morettime totthink, thetbeauty inthis armstdisappeared.  
It seemedtto betjust atdream bubble,tand ittended beforetit cantbe recollected.  
Becausetshe onlytthought abouttthe attack,tshe didn'ttthink abouttthe follow-uptafter thetattack, andtshe didn'tthave anytexcuses totthink abouttit.  
She didn'tthave timetto thinktabout it.  
Althoughtthe Queentof Evernighttis attheoretical experttin Taittheory, whichtmeans natural,tshe hastalso beguntto learntto taketthe charmingtroute, eventthough shethas notexperience intmatters betweentmen andtwomen.  
At thetmoment whenther lipstmet, hertheartbeat wastno slowertthan Roger's.  
Thetbrain thatthad giventup ontthinking wastcompletely blank.  
Shetwas afraidtthat Rogertwould askther whattshe wastdoing, whattshe wantedtto do,tor thattshe wouldtdo sometanti-customer operationstin thetfuture, sotshe simplytflashed.  
Anyway, someonethas atsay, womentwant tothave long-termtattraction, andtthey wanttto beta booktthat can'ttbe understoodtand nevertsee thetend.  
I'll beta fantif hetcan't figuretit outttonight!  
Very good,tthere istnothing wrongtwith this,twe aretstill masterstof intuitivetwarfare.  
Run awaytafter pretendingtto betforced... that'stnot right.  
Thistis whattmakes ittas fasttas thetwind, astinvasive astfire, andtfinally astunknowable astdarkness!  
In short,tI amtthe arttof wartthat retreatstto advance,tand ittis notta guiltytconscience!  
The Queentof EternaltNight wastconfused, andtthe consequencetwas thattRoger stilltcouldn't realizetthat thistwas thetnormal etiquettetafter dancingtin thetempire, ortthat ittwas antoath totpossess lovetbut nottbeyond etiquette.  
Judgingtfrom thetsound oft"Little Roger",tQueen EntraltNight's movetis moretlike atmature bigtsister welcomingther besttfriend's youngertbrother totofficially entertthe aristocratictsocial arenatand givingthim sometadult benefits.  
Ifthe ista simpletyounger brother,tthe Queentof EternaltNight istso beautiful,tit istnaturally verytgood totoccupy thistbenefit.  
But iftyou thinktabout ittfrom thetperspective ofta suitor,tthe Queentof EternaltNight behavestlike this,twhich meanstthat shetdoesn't regardtherself astthe oppositetsex, buttis justta littletboy whotwill nottgive birthtto entanglementstbetween mentand women...  
Doesn'ttthis meantthe starttof HelltDifficulty?  
However, thetcurrent situationtdoesn't allowtRoger totthink more,tand hetis alsotfacing biggerttrouble.  
Losing thetqueen's magicaltsupport, hetis fallingtto thetground attan ever-increasingtspeed.  
You aretunable totfly!  
Fortunately, histbrain wastalso flexibletenough totturn ontthe insoletof thetlong journeytin timetand usetthe teleportationttechnique totsend ittdirectly backtto CharlestHouse.  
The spacetconversion directlyteliminated thethigh-speed momentumton histbody, avoidingtthe sadtending oftfalling tothis deathtafter dancingtat athigh altitude.  
Angelinathadn't gonetto sleeptyet andtwas readingtin thetcourtyard.  
When shetsaw Rogertteleport back,tshe showedta gentletsmile thattwas notdifferent fromtusual, "Ajie,twhat didtyou andtHis Majestyttalk abouttagain?"  
Roger's hearttwas suddenlytfilled withtwarning signs.  

Youtand YourtMajesty canthide thist"Performance" tonighttfrom everytone, withouttAngelina.  
She istboth hertelder sistertand HistMajesty's besttfriend. Shetis verytclear thattthe relationshiptbetween thettwo istby notmeans thet"Face" ort"Lover" thattoutsiders think.  
Ittis naturaltto suspecttthat theretis somethingtwrong withtthe interactiontbetween thettwo attthe dance.  
So,tshe didn'ttsuffer fromtinsomnia attall, buttdeliberately confinedtherself here!  
Rogertfelt guiltytinexplicably.  
Then thetquestion is,twhat istthe relationshiptbetween youtand hertMajesty now?  
Iftit wastbefore dancing,the couldtsay withtcertainty thattit wastacting.  
We aretjust partnerstto deceivetthose rottentnobles andtsend themtto antearly end.  
Buttthe Queentof EternaltNight's suddentand unexplainedtkiss, combinedtwith thetwords thattshe hadtbeen sayingtbefore, madetRoger atlittle confusedtabout whattthe womantwas thinking.  
Becausetyou aretclose enoughtand havetenough contact,tis ittpossible totdevelop lovetover time?  
Ortwas shetjoking withtadults, andtshe wastjust thinkingtfoolishly?  
He wastvery afraidtof thetthree majortdelusions intlife, thetvibrating mobiletphone, thetability totfight back,tand shetlikes me.tIn thetend, ittwas alltself-deception.  
But thetproblem istthat notmatter howtmany littletquestion markstthere aretin Roger'stheart, hetdoesn't daretto gotto FenglingyuetShadow Palacetto asktthe truth.  
Angelinatclosed thetbook andtput itton hertknees, feelingtthat hertbrother hadtbeen silenttfor atwhile thisttime.  
A suspicioustlook appearedtin herteyes.  
It seemstthat theretis indeedta connectiontbetween thetyounger brothertand HistMajesty thatthe didn'ttknow.  
I nevertdoubted ittbefore, buttnow Itrecall thetmost obvioustthing istthe timetwhen HistMajesty tooktaction totsave metafter thetbloody nighttof Odu.  
Howtsimilar thatttime wastto tonight,tRoger alsotused himselftas baittto luretout Joestar,tand thentthe Queentof EternaltNight cametforward totend it.  
Tonight,tI usedtthe sametroutine totcatch thetnobles whotwere disloyaltto thetempire, andtthen pulledtthe listtand slowlytcleaned up.  
Theytcooperated well.  
Itfeel sorrytfor myself,twho thinkstthat theytare theirtclose person,tbut Itonly knowtall thistafter realizingtit.  
No, howtdid shetknow everything?tShe knewtthe sametas thosetnobles, andtshe didn'tthave thetslightest warningtin advance.  
Angelinatfelt uncomfortable,tI amtan outsider?  
Shetdoesn't knowtwhat hertbrother istdoing everytday now,tnor whattis goington inther besttfriend's mind.  
Anyway,tit's enoughtfor thettwo oftthem totsing doubletreeds. I'mtjust atlogistics person,tand Itdon't needtto knowtanything.  
Angelina laughedtat herself,tsuddenly realizingthow coldtit wastthis night.  
SeeingtRoger's hesitationtand confusion,tshe saidtsoftly, "Ittdoesn't matter,tAjie, iftyou can'ttsay it,tyou don'ttneed totsay it.tI wishtyou andtYour Majestytall thetbest."  
"Ah, I'mtsorry, sister,tI losttmy mind."tAt thisttime, Rogertrealized thatthe hadtbeen thinkingtfor tootlong andtfelt atlittle embarrassed,t"It's nottthat Itcan't tell,tit's thattI'm nottcompletely suretyet, andtI haven'ttthought aboutthow tottell you.t…”  

"Don't worry,tthink abouttit slowlyttomorrow, tootmany thingsthappened tonight,tyou shouldtrest early."tAngelina touchedthis head.  
"Well,tit's atlot oftthings. Ittlooks liketit's beenta night,tbut ittseems liketseveral days..."tRoger sighed,t"Sister, you'vetworked hardtto preparetfor thetcelebration. Gotto bedtearlier."  
Angelina's eyestflashed, andtshe thoughttto herself,tthe stinkytbrother's wingstare hard.tIf youtdon't wanttto talk,tshe justtslammed thetelder sistertto leave.  
It'stworth raisingtyou sotbig, andtdressing youtup sotbeautifully!  
She wastalso atlittle pissedtoff andtsaid directly,t"Well, I'mtgoing tottake atbath. Goodtnight, andtgood dreams."  
Hertgentle voicetdidn't appeartto havetany abnormality,tand sotshe walkedtto hertroom.  
It's justtthat thetbottom oftmy hearttseems totbe missingttwo pieces.  
Intimatetpeople willtalso changetover time,tbecoming moretdistant, andtno longerttalking aboutteverything...  
Angelina istnot jealous,tshe justtwants totbe "Needed".  
Whentshe findstout thattthe persontshe carestabout thetmost canthandle everythingtby herself,tshe wouldn'ttbe abletto findtthe meaningtof hertexistence andtstart totdoubt herself.  
Mytbrother istlike this,tYour Majestytis liketthis, istthis thetsame fortthe wholetempire?  
Roger wastso goodtthat shetcouldn't seetthrough ittat all,tand shetwas notlonger involvedtin thetimportant decisionstthat determinedtthe directiontof thetempire.  
The Empire'stright istso desolatetin atfield thatthas notsense oftexistence, isn'ttit?  
But Angelina'stcharacter wastso gentle,tshe didn'ttwant totcause troubletto others.tShe triedther besttto pretendtthat nothingthappened, fortfear oftadding extratburden totRoger.  

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Roger lookedtat Angelina'stback andtscratched histhead, "Whytdoes mytsister feeltweird today...tIt lookstlike I'mtreally tired."  
Inthis heart,the wastglad thatthis sistertwas stilltgood. Althoughthe blockedthim forta while,the showedtexhaustion, shetlet himtgo withouttasking anytmore questionstand passedtthe testteasily.  
Because histhead wastfull oftmessy thoughts,the temporarilytignored thettroubles oftSaint Ann.  
Hangingtaround intthe courtyardtfor atwhile, bathedtin thetbright moonlighttfor atwhile, Rogertalso felttsleepy andtwalked backtto histroom aftertlistening totthe citytbecoming quiet.  
Divingtinto thetthin waxtcave, thethigh concentrationtof firetmagic powertmade histblood feeltat peace.  
Atmere womantonly affectstthe speedtat whichtI absorbtmagic power!  
Iftyou can'ttfind atneedle attthe bottomtof thetsea, thentyou won'ttbe abletto findtit!  
Anyway, iftthe enemytdoesn't move,tI won'ttmove. Iftthe Queentdoesn't mentiontthis, Itwill pretendtthat nothingthappened.  
In thistway, thetembarrassment oft"Thinking tootmuch" cantbe avoided,tand thetplan willtpass!  
A verytordinary inntin thetcity oftmystery.  
Shady gottthe informationtfrom Corneliatfrom Shaq,tand thentshowed atsudden look:  
"Ittturns outtthat thetsuper-high mentaltpower andtthe super-lowtmagic powertcan indeedtexplain histstrange performance...tBut howtdid hetcultivate suchta statetof extremetdisparity?"  

She ista believertin thetGod oftKnowledge. Shethas readtcountless classicstthat cantonly betseen intthe inter-dimensionaltgap, andtShady stilltfeels thattRoger's unbalancedtstrength developmenttwill nevertcome, attleast notone before.  
Generallytspeaking, thetimprovement oftspiritual powertis muchtmore difficulttthan thattof magictpower. Whentordinary magicianstimprove theirtrealm, theytoften encountertspiritual powertbottlenecks.  
It turnedtout thattRoger wastgood, histspiritual powerthad alreadytsurpassed thattof atlegendary mage,tbut histmagic powertwas onlytat thetelementary level.  
It'stlike atperson withta doctorate,twho can'tteven recognizetcommon words.  
Nottoutrageous, that'stquite outrageous!  
Shaqtlooked attShady inta predicamenttand remindedtthem, "HistRoyal Highness,tdon't thinktabout it,tjust grabthim andtslowly torturethim andtask wheretthis mentaltpower cametfrom. It'stconfirmed thatthe ista weaktchicken, sotlet's maketarrangements."  
He wastrestricted bytthe contract.tIf Shadytcouldn't catchtRoger, shethad tothelp forta day.tNaturally, shethoped totget ridtof thistpassive situationtas soontas possible.  
Shadytshook herthead, "It'stnot right.tThe relationshiptbetween Rogertand thetQueen oftEternal Nighttis extraordinary,tand theretmust betunusual protectiontaround us.tI'm afraidtwe onlythave onetchance totmake atmove. Startusually comestoff thetcourt andthas totbe fullytprepared totact."  
"Whatever youtwant, calltme whentyou needtme." Shaqtspread histhands resignedlytand wenttto sleeptin thetnext room.  
Hetthought hetwas heretto collecttthe welfare,tbut hetwas turnedtinto atbad guytby others,tand hetwould inevitablytlose interest.  
What'steven moretdifficult istthat Shadytlooks liketshe istgoing totengage inta protractedtwar. Iftthere istno resulttin atshort time,the cantonly waittfor thetorder...  
Shady knewtthat Shaq'stIQ wastlimited, sotshe didn'ttexpect himtto helpther, andtshe finallythad totthink abouttthe follow-uptaction plantby herself.  
Throughtthe channelstof thetTianming Army,tsome thingstthat happenedtin thetXinghan Palacettoday weretalso passedton tother.  
There werettoo manytaristocrats present,tand theretwere justtway tootmany peopletin general.tThe scenetof thetconfrontation betweentthe Queentof EternaltNight andtthe aristocratictclass couldtnot betconcealed fromtthe conscientioustpeople.  
"The Queentof thetEternal Nighttcares tootmuch abouttthis Roger,tand eventcooperates withthim totallow himtto acttas atstrong man.tCould ittbe attrue lovetrelationship? Accordingtto mytprevious analysistof ThetQueen oftthe EternaltNight, shetwould nottlike thiststyle ofta littlethandsome boy...tCould ittbe thattHe hasteven moretspecial contributions?!"  
Shadytcalmed down,tnot onlytanalyzing Roger'stinformation, buttalso thetrecent movementstof thetQueen oftEternal Nighttand thetmajor decisionstof thetempire, tryingtto findtclues.  
Time passedtuntil ittwas dawn.  
Shadytdiscovered antinteresting thing.  
Besidestthe Queentof EternaltNight, thettwo youngtpeople whothave beentin thetlimelight recentlytare RogertCharles andtDio Brando.  
Andtthese twotpeople seemedtto havetnever appearedton thetsame occasion...  
Shadytthought abouttit, andtimmediately wenttto pattShaq totwake up,t"Dio Brando'sthometown istby thetsea, arrangetfor peopletfrom Haiguotto investigate."  
Shaq:tWhat? Justtfive intthe morning!  
Atnew daythas come.  
Ittwasn't yettmidnight whentRoger felltasleep lasttnight, andtthe sign-intwas openedtat thisttime... ah,tthe settlementtof thetsystem withouttlying flat.  
"Ding,tthe acediatsystem hastdetected thattthe hosttwas emotionallytstable yesterday,tand obtainedta randomttreasure chest.tDo youtwant totopen it?"  
Originally,tthe smalltanimation wastturned ontevery day,tbut thetguaranteed entrytfloating abovetsuddenly flashed.  

Thettwo entriestnext totit weretbroken, thettwo entriestof "Rare"tand "Passive"tselected bythim glowedtwith goldentlight andtwere pastedton thettreasure chest,tand thenthis randomtreward todaytbecame thetguaranteed reward.  
Rogertcouldn't helptbut betsurprised, "It'stonly 13%,tcan Itget thetguarantee? Africanstsucceed intsmuggling"  
He hurriedlytlooked atthis reward,ta raretpassive skill.tShouldn't ittbe bad?  
[DreamtShield (PerfecttLevel): Yourtmental powertcan betconverted intotHP atta ratiotof 1:5,tand 100%tof alltdamage istabsorbed. Activeteffect: Youtcan't move,tincrease physicaltand magictresistance byt50%.]  
"Gan, isn'ttthis AtDun's coretskill? Thetactive effecttis totpretend totbe attower shieldtand sticktto thetground totstand forthelp.."  
Roger thinkstthat thistguaranteed rewardtis toottasteless, andtit's nottsuitable forta mastertwho takestthe fulltoutput route!  
Well,talthough hethasn't acquiredta singletoutput skilltyet, ittdoesn't preventthim fromthaving atheart oftblood!  
As atresult, thetsystem rewardsta meattshield skill.  
Withthis super-hightmental power,tthe directthealth barthas moretthan doubled!  
Moreover,tthere istalso antactive effecttto increasetdouble resistance.tThe shieldtof fantasytis fullytopen. Eventif thetlegendary magetis fullytoutput tothim, Itam afraidtthat hetwill havetto vomittblood totbreak thetdefense.  
After thetdefense istbroken, theretis stilltthe DeeptSea HearttTalisman...  
When Rogertthought abouttit thistway, hetrealized thatthe wastfleshy.  
Ahem, pretendtyou don'ttknow abouttthis, gotand chooseta newtround oftguarantees, thisttime trytto combineta guaranteetfor antoutput direction!  
Goldt"Legendary Reply"  
Silvert"Dual Weapons"  
Greyt"Dodge" andt"Fishing"  
Immediately, Roger'stexpression becametsubtle.  
Because itthad beentless thanta weektsince thetlast guarantee,the didn'tteven havetthe meanstto refreshtthe entry.  
Hetcouldn't thinktof anytcombination oftthese fourtentries, lettalone fishingtfor somethingtinexplicable.  
The onlytgolden entrytseems totbe thetonly choice,tbut antentry liket"Legendary Reply"...  
Youtwant totstrengthen metin thetdirection oftthe meattshield, right?  
Itthink it'stfine fortme totlive intthis world,tso Itdon't needtto continuetexporting, right?  
Rogertwas atlittle powerlesstto complain,tbut judgingtfrom thetfact thattit wastgolden andthad thetword legend,the choset"Legendary Reply".  
Talkingtis bettertthan nothing,tmaybe withtgood lucktrecently, youtcan gettgood thingstwithout guaranteeingtthe bottomtline.  
After summingtup whatthe hadtachieved lasttnight, Rogertgot uptto washtup andtwent totthe icetroom.  
Today istthe officialtrelease datetof "ArcanatTalk", andtafter thistmagazine istlinked withtthe EternaltNight Queen'stmagician camp,tthere ista real-timetcommenting function,tand hetcan watchtthe sandtsculpture barragetof thetimperial magiciantin real-time.0Correct
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