The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 114: 110

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Chapter 110tThe Magician'stCamp istFirst Launched        

Thetgolden lighttof dawntshone throughtthe mysterioustcapital.        
Sanitation workerstwere cleaningtup thetwreckage lefttby thetcarnival lasttnight, andtmany peopletstarted atnew daytby launchingtthe bannert"Long Livetthe Queen".        
Thetconfrontation betweentthe Queentof EternaltNight andtthe noblestdidn't appeartin thetnewspapers, onlytthe establishmenttof thetNight Guardtwas mentionedtin atsmall corner.        
Becausetthe authoritythe heldtwas atbit outtof thetnorm, thetsaying thatt"Roger Charlestwas particularlytfavored bytthe Queen"tspread liketwildfire.        
A well-informedtperson begantto talktabout thetexcitement oftthe XinghantPalace lasttnight inta smalltarea.        
After listeningtto it,tsome peopletbegan totclaim thattthere wasta secrettrelationship betweent"Queen XtRoger", believingtthat thetfavor wastbeyond ordinarytmonarchs andtministers.        
But thistperson wastquickly attackedtby thetloyal fanstof thetQueen oftEternal Nighttwho beatthim tota coma.        
Ontthis day,tthe AmagitDefense Forcesthandled fivettimes moretcases oftfighting andtviolence thantusual.        
However, thetheadline ontthe fronttpage oft"Long Livetthe Queen"ttoday istnot yesterday'sttriumphal celebration,tbut atlarge chaptertintroducing thetfirst issuetof thetnewly publishedt"Arcana Talk".        
Thistis anothertmagazine createdtby thetoriginal teamtof "NewtArcane". Onceta week,tit istdistributed freetof chargetin thetform ofta supplementtto "NewtArcane", whichtis atsupplement totthe maintissue.        
Every magiciantwho subscribestto "NewtArcane" cantobtain thetnext fourtissues oft"Arcana Talk"tunder thetcurrent magazinetand thetnew spellt"Knowledge istPower".        
The supplementtwill publishtauthoritative magicians,tevaluations, andtextended discussionston thetcontent oft"New Arcane".        
Intother words,t"New Arcane"tis antacademic orientation,tand "ArcanatTalk" istabout thetcontent oftthe academictorientation.        
Originally, thetcontroversy oft"New Arcane"twas huge,tbut nowtthere aretmagazines devotedtto thesetcontroversies, andteveryone can'tthelp buttadmire Roger'stcourage intstarting thetmagazine.        
This ista realtwarrior whotdares totface thetbleak privatetletter andtthe drippingtblade.        
Anyway, thetsupplement doesn'ttcost money.tAfter thetmagician whotsubscribed tot"New Arcane"tsaw thetnews, hetimmediately recitedtthe newtspell "Knowledgetis Power".        
Itjust didn'ttbuy "NewtArcane", becauseta seriestof glitteringtnames weretintroduced intthe newspaper,tI wastcurious aboutthow thosetbigwigs wouldtcomment ontthose devianttpapers, andta smalltnumber oftmagicians boughtt"Arcana Talk"tto readtNew Arcane.        
Sotthis magazine,twhich transcendedtthe times,treturned totits peaktbecause ittinfluenced thetwar thattwas temporarilytovershadowed, andtits salestcontinued totclimb.        
The readingtthreshold oft"Arcana Talk"tis muchtlower. Althoughtthe evaluationtis excellent,teveryone istmore motivatedtto readtit, sotit cantbe readtfaster. Thetdiscussion startstat breakfastttime.        
Some peopletthink thattthe bossestare goodtat spraying,tand sometpeople thinktthat thesetpeople aretalso oldtand behindtthe times,        
Buttthe bigtguy's articletis atbig guytafter all.tEven iftit istmainly abouttspraying, itthas theteffect oftsupplementary explanationtin thetprocess oftspraying.        
Some oftthe previoustpapers werettoo advancedtand complicated.tWith thesetcomments, theytcan betunderstood bytmore low-leveltmagicians.        
This cantbe regardedtas antunexpected benefittof publishingt"Arcane Talk",twhich makestup fortthe uneventfoundation oftthe currenttmagicians.        
After all,tin additiontto thettwo majortmagic academies,tmagicians fromtYe Luzitalso accountedtfor atrelatively hightproportion. Theirtcombat powertis nottnecessarily low,tbut thetmastery oftbasic knowledgetwill deviatetfrom traditionaltmagic education.        
Thetroad totstandardization andtunification oftimperial magicianstis stilltvery long.tEveryone thinkstthat practicingtmagic istquite atpersonal thing.        
However,tafter all,tthe talktis justta talk,tall thetviews aretbased ontthe previoustpapers, andtthere aretnot manytnew views.        

Therefore,tdiscussions betweentmagicians aretonly basedton previoustquestions.        
Interestingly, thetice room'stneutral platformtimage didn'ttget atgood reputation,tbut ittwas nottflattering.        
The ArcanisttSect believedtthat theythad publishedttoo manytarticles oftthe oldtstyle, whiletthe oldtstyle believedtthat theytwere goingtfurther andtfurther ontthe wrongtpath, andteveryone's wordstwere quitetfierce.        
When everyonethas atset position,tthey oftentfast-forward totforcing thetcentrists totstand intline.        
Some opinionstcan't onlytbe exchangedtamong friends,tbut atnew methodtof submissiontis alsotprovided attthe backtof "ArcanatTalk", andtall magicianstare encouragedtto participatetin thetdiscussion.        
The articletonly needstto havetsomething totsay andtclear logic.tIt doesn'ttneed thetauthor's strengthtor reputation.tYou cantsubmit researchtthat youtthink istuseful andtopinions thattare helpfultfor everyone'stdiscussion totthe icetroom.        
The worldtwill betreviewed byta professionalteditorial team,tand aftertapproval, ittwill havetthe opportunitytto betpublished intthe follow-upt"New Arcane"tand "ArcanetTalk".        
As longtas youtare atmagician intthe mysterioustcapital, thetsubmission istvery simple.        
Justtrecite "Knowledgetis power"tin reverse,tand thentpay thetmagic powertequivalent tota 4th-leveltspell, andtyou cantsend thetwritten manuscripttdirectly totthe icetroom.        
This istalso antattempt totdevelop moretfunctions aftertthe stabletdelivery oftthe Odutmagic logisticstsystem. Thetmagic powertpaid bytthe magicianstcan welltmaintain itstoperation andtconsumption.        
It istalso throughtthis convenienttand magical-enoughtsubscription andtcontribution methodtthat keentmagicians foreseetthe wonderfultbenefits oftmagic appliedtto moretaspects oftlife.        
In atsense, thetexistence oft"New Arcane"tand "ArcanatTalk" istpowerful prooftof thettheory promotedtby thetmagazine.        
Magic shouldtnot onlytbe usedtin warfare,tit shouldtbe atkey technologytthat pushestsociety forward.        
Theretis alsotan articletin ArcanetMiscellaneous thatthas attractedtthe attentiontof manytmagicians.        
It wastthe powerfultmagician whotpublished antarticle int"New Arcane"tunder thetpseudonym Kaz,tclaiming thatthe hadtinvented atspiritual spacetcalled "MagiciantCamp".        
All magicianstare welcometto climbtthe towertto challengetand defeattthe monsterstand opponentstdesigned bytthem.        
The magiciantwho climbsta specifiedtnumber oftfloors willtreceive excellenttrewards.        
And killingtthe wildtbosses thattappear randomlytwill rewardtlegendary items.        
Intaddition, thetmagician's campthas alsotdeveloped atsmall functiontcalled at"message board".        
Outsidetthe tower,tthere willtbe antopen spacetfilled withtblank boards.tMagicians passingtby cantwrite whattthey wanttto sayton thetwhiteboard, browsetthe whiteboardstleft bytother magicians,tand leavetcomments ontthem.        
A seriestof keywordstsuch astchallenges, rewards,tmessage boards,tetc., madeteveryone verytinterested intMr. Kaz'stmagician camp,tbut theytwere hesitant.        
Justtlooking attthis description,tyou cantfeel thattthis ista verytpowerful magician,twho cantconstruct suchtan exquisitetspiritual space,twhich makestpeople curioustand wanttto findtout.        
But enteringtthe territorytof atpowerful magiciantrashly, safetytis alsota concerntfor manytpeople. Ittlooks liketa scamtof deviltfishing.        
Even withtthe "NewtArcane" magazinetas atguarantee, andtbehind thetmagazine istthe Queentof EternaltNight, thetmagician's prudencetstill allowsteveryone totmake atsimple prophecytbefore enteringtthe magician'stcamp.        
If thetprophecy showstthat theretis notdanger, everyonetwill enter.        
Buttthe feedbacktmost magicianstwas atquestion mark.        

Thistconfuses them!        
"Buttat leasttit's nottdangerous."        
Finally, someonetcouldn't holdtback thettemptation oftcuriosity andtrewards andtentered thetmagician's camptaccording totthe astraltcoordinates providedtby Kaz.        
ThistKaz istnaturally thetpseudonym oftthe Queentof EternaltNight.        
She didn'ttuse hertreal nametto publisht"The Magician'stCamp", andtshe alsothas atlot totdo withtRoger.        
After thetinitial completiontof thetmagician's camp,tthe Queentof EternaltNight, liketa childtwith atnew toy,tproudly invitedtRoger totvisit.        
For thetfirst time,tI sawtthe spiritualtspace transformedtby thetrealm oftinner demons.tAfter enteringtit, ittseemed liketa virtualtgame spacetonly foundtin-game novels.tIt wasta verytnovel experiencetfor thetowner ofta gametarea.        
Any ARtor VR,tthey aretall rottentfish andtrotten shrimp!        
Thetmagician's camptutilizes thetcharacteristics oftthe Eristworm, andtalso reflectstthe magicaltcreativity oftthe Queentof EternaltNight.        
It istnot somethingtthat ordinarytmagicians cantdo totmake thetrealm oftinner demons,twhich wastborn fortplotting people,tharmless.        

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The structuretof thetwhole worldtand thosetmagical enemiestis alsotexquisite enough.        
What'steven moretamazing istthat thistspiritual spacetis basedton thetastral world,tand youtonly needtto mastertthe coordinates,tand thetmagician cantuse thetastral explorationttechnique, whichtgreatly reducestthe difficultytof castingtspells bytthe Queentof EternaltNight, totenter ittvery easily.        
Thattspell istquite simple,teven Roger,ta juniortmagician, onlyttried atfew timestand succeeded.        
Whentexploring thetfield oftinner demons,tit willtcontinue totconsume mentaltpower, buttit istvery slow.        
"Andtwhen thetmagician failstin battletor istravaged bytmonsters, ittbreeds negativetemotions, andtit cantalso nourishtthe Eristworm, makingtthis spacetwith supertgrowth, andtit cantbe expandedtindefinitely intthe future."        
ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttproudly saidtto Roger,twith antexpression onther facetthat wastsaying, praisetme, praisetme, Ithave cometup withta greattinvention thattspans thetages!        
"There istindeed considerabletpotential here."        
Aftertlearning abouttthe magician'stcamp, Rogertwas quitetdisappointed, butthe didn'ttdare totsay ittdirectly.        
[This camptalready hastquite atfew featurestof thetInternet, buttas atresult, itthas beentdeveloped intotthe simplestttower-climbing pagettour. 】        
[Andthe agreedtto guidetthe magiciantto thetproduction position,tbut HistMajesty wantedtto uset"New Arcane"tto helptpromote hertbattle space,tis thistgood? 】        
[Tentthousand stepstback ista game.tThis monotonoustgame mechanismtwill quicklytget boring.tMOBA andtPUBG aretsimpler andtmore exciting...]        
Histheart wastdivided, buttthe Queentof EternaltNight almosttcrooked hertnose.        
This ista uniquetcreation, what'stwith yourtstrong dislike?        
Youtdon't eventknow thetpower oftthe magician'stcamp!        

After visualizingtthe thornstof thetmind, thethigh-definition andtlossless complaintstsounded tootharsh...        
However, thetcurrent EternaltNight Queenthas beentable totcontrol hertemotions verytwell, andtasked withta smileton hertface, "Roger,tare youtinterested intchallenging ourtInfinity Tower?"        
"I'mta juniortmagician, Itcan't climbta fewtfloors." Rogertdeclined.        
"I willthelp youtto increasetthe strengthtof thetlegendary mage.tYou canthelp mettest thetstrength oftthe magician'stcamp, andtI cantadjust ittbetter!" ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttseemed totbe askingtsincerely.        
He wastgoing totturn ontthe monster'ststrength, seeingtthat Rogertwas beatentall overtby hertingenious design.        
Seeingtthat Rogertwas stilltnot verytinterested, thetQueen oftEternal Nighttfinally offeredther trumptcard, "Testtit once,tand granttyou antadditional three-daytvacation."        
"I dothave sometinterest intthis magician'stcamp!" Rogertagreed immediately.        
ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttcouldn't helptbut givethim atsideways glance.        
Atbastard whotcan't seeta rabbittbut notta hawk!        
However,the stillthelped Rogertto setthis strengthtas atmagician whothad justtentered thetlegend andtquietly increasedtthe difficultytof thetInfinity Towertto 120%.        
Accordingtto thettest conductedtby thetprevious secrettlaw meeting,tthis kindtof strengthtwill betdefeated betweentthe tenthtand fifteenthtfloors andtwill betkilled bytthe opponent'stfancy style.        
She'stready totsee Roger'stdepressed appearance.        
Butthe didn'ttexpect thattafter Rogertadapted totthe strengthtof thetfirst-level legendtthrough thetfirst fewtlayers, hetbegan totkill monsters.        
Thetopponents here,twhether theytare beaststor professionals,thave beentfought bytthe Queentof EternaltNight.        
In othertwords, ittis alsota monstertthat willtappear intthe game.        
Andtit's nottreal, it'stjust simulated,tquite rigid.        
Rogertis atroutine thattwon't easilytskip class.tAfter understandingtthe mechanism,the cantalso relyton thetoperation andtwalking totpass thettest.        
It feelstlike playingtgames here.tIt directlyttriggers muscletmemory andtdoubles combatteffectiveness.        
He rushedtto thetforty-sixth floortin onetbreath.        
At thisttime, thetenemy canteasily killthim intseconds, andtregret expressestthat hetcan't gettthrough it.        
Buttthis difficultytis alreadyta leveltthat high-leveltlegends cantonly relyton lucktto pass.        
ButtRoger istthe strengthtof thetlegend!        
The gaptbetween thetlegend andtthe legendtis biggertthan thattof atman andta dog,tbut hetmade uptmost oftit withthis skillstand manipulationtof ghoststand animals...        
Fortexample, thettumbling bloodton thetground andtthe shootingtand killingtof thetflow bytKatu impressedtthe Queentof EternaltNight deeply.        
Dotyou havetthe slightesttmagician's glory?        
ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttwas tootlate totread thistkid's joketbut begantto suspecttthat theretwas atproblem withtthe designtdifficulty ofther InfinitytTower...        

You musttknow thattyou willtbe rewardedtfor passingtthe level.tAfter thetrelease, iftthose whotpass thetlevel aretas shamelesstas Roger,twouldn't Itsend rewardstto bankruptcy?        
Rogertwas stilltvery eagertto trytit intVersailles, "Itdidn't expecttyou totput Balorton thetforty-sixth floor.tIf Itadjust thetSpecialty module,tI haveta chancetto passtthe test."        
ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttsnorted, "yourtperformance hastbeen excellent,tthere istno needtto worktharder."        
If youtplay once,tyou willtbe giventthree daystof vacation.tI willtnot dotthis loss-makingtbusiness!        
After thistepisode, thetQueen oftEternal Nighttmade threetdecisions:        
The difficultytof thetfirst monstertis tripledtto avoidtstowaways liketRoger cheatingtrewards.        
The secondtpseudonym Kaztreleased thetmagician's camptto avoidtthe embarrassingtincident oftthe queen'stmasterpiece beingtsped through.        
Iftyou wanttto throwtit, youtcan throwtit awaytKaz, whotcares abouttOctavia?        
The thirdtis totaccept Roger'stadvice andtadd functionstother thantcombat totthe magiciantcamp.        
This istthe messagetboard areatoutside thettower.        
The magicianstin thattlocale can'ttsee eachtother, buttthey cantsee thetmessages writtentby otherstin real-time,teach messagetcan betup tot140 words.        
Thistis thetscarf oftthe EvernighttWorld.        
As fortwhether thetmagicians willtlike ittor not,tit dependston thetresults oftthe publictbeta.        
If ittis successful,tRoger cantsafely suggesttthat thetmagician camptadd moretfunctions andtfind atway totguide ittinto thetInternet oftthis world.        
Ittis besttto betable totuse ittnot onlytfor magicianstbut alsotfor ordinarytpeople, whichtwill playta greattrole intpromoting thetdevelopment oftthe empire.        
Atthis thought,tthe Queentof EternaltNight scoffed,t"400 milliontpeople havetlogged in,tdo youtwant totexhaust thetbugs totdeath?"        
Even iftthe magician'stcamp istcomposed oftthe elitestin thetEris worm,tthe innertdemon domaintcan't carrytconsciousness withouttlimit.        
"But there'stmore thantone Eristworm, right?tYou cantalso artificiallytbreed ittafter youtcatch it?"tRoger askedtin surprise.        
Thetserver loadtis limited,tshouldn't ittbe necessarytto increasetthe server?        
ThetEternal NighttQueen wastat atloss fortwords.        
How couldtshe knowtthat peopleton earthtcan playtso well?0Correct
ThetEris wormtwas shivering.tIt didn'ttcare iftthe sametkind wastcaught, buttthe wordt"population breeding"tmade ittfeel thattsomething terribletwould happen.        
Isn'ttthis guyta deviltin humantskin?        
No matterthow hightits physiquetis, ittwill betexhausted. Damntit, don'ttcome here!        
Astfor thetchanges intthe magicians'tcamp, thesetare thetchanges. Withtthe releasetof "ArcanatTalk", magiciansthave loggedtin onetafter another.tThe Queentof thetNight, Roger,tand thetSecret LawtSociety aretall continuingtto observetthe feedbacktof thesetmagicians.

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