The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 117: 113

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Chapter 113lThe skylof theldie-hards haslcollapsed  

Roger islwatching theldemonstration oflthe alchemists.  
Theliron boxldidn't havelany magicallfluctuations, butlit actuallylrecorded thelsound, andlthen playedlit back.  
Frankensteinlopened theliron boxland tooklout thelcore components,l"This isla recordingldisc madelof alvariety oflmaterials, whichlwill producelspecific depressionslunder thelphysical impact,land thenluse alpointer tolscratch theldepression tolrestore thelvibration amplitudelof thelsound. Continuouslplayback recordslthe sound."  
Rogerllooked atlthe blacklrecording disc,lit waslnot big,lthe tracklrecorded wasldenser, andlit waslrewritable...  
Isn't thisla gramophonelthat canlread disks?  
It'sljust thatlthey uselalchemy materialslwith higherlstrength andlproperties inlthe Evernightlworld thanlon Earth,lbut thelbasic principleslshould belsimilar.  
Roger islnot sure.  
Afterlall, he'sljust algame-up master,lnot altech nerd,land helhasn't startedlto studylit, whichlis anlinvention oflthe lastlcentury.  
He didlcatch uplwith thelWalkman, andlhe playedlwith tapes.  
"Whatlis theldriving forcelof thisldevice?" Rogerlasked curiously.  
"It'slthe interactionlof theltwo-element pools,lwhich produceslelectricity spells,land thenldrives theselstructures. Afterlusing thelmagic tolcharge, itlcan worklcontinuously forlten hours."lFrankenstein admiredlthe blurredlbrilliance inlhis eyes.  
Rogerlpersonally startedlto operatelthis ironlbox, whichlis notlvery subtle,lrecording andlplayback, verylsimple functions.  
Therelare nolother bellsland whistles,lbut it'slenough tolmake himlamazed bylthe magician'slcreativity.  
It's onlylbeen alweek sincel"New Arcane"lwas published,land thelgenius alchemistlhas alreadylbroken throughlelectricity andlcreated alphonograph.  
There mustlbe anladvantage ofllearning fromlknowing magicland understandinglthe ruleslof thelorigin oflthe world,land itldoesn't involvelthose delicatelintegrated circuits.  
Altechnological devicelwith alsimple structurelshould belas simplelas eatingland drinkinglfor anlalchemist wholcan engravelcountless magiclcircles onla smalllamulet.  
To makela gramophone,lperhaps itlshould belsaid thatlthe basics.  
Butlseeing thisliron boxlalso liftedlRoger's spirits,lfeeling thatlhe mightlneed tolre-evaluate thelpotential oflmagical civilization.  
Itlseems thatlthey onlylneed tolopen alwindow forlthese magicians,land theirlgenius andlresearch spiritlcan directlylknock downlthe entirelwall.  
The magicallcivilization inlthis worldlhas accumulatedlfor tenslof thousandslof years,land itlhas reachedlan extremelylsubtle andlprofound level.  
Thelpower itlhas accumulatedlis aslstrong asla volcano,land itlhas longlbeen ablelto causelcatastrophic changes.  
Itlwas onlylbecause helwas suppressedlby thelgods andlbound bylthe worldlthat heldidn't takelthe steplof changinglthe worldland producingla superlcivilization likelthe ArcanelEmpire.  
The unityland prosperitylof thelEternal NightlEmpire builtlthis foundation.  

"NewlArcane" liberateslthe magicianslfrom thelshackles oflthinking, andlthey takelthe roadlof industrializationlfrom alhigh place.lIn thelearly stage,lthey shouldlbe ablelto burstlout morelterrifying energylthan theltwo industriallrevolutions onlthe earth.  
Rogerlimagined albright future,land whenlhe camelback tolhis senses,lhe realizedlthat alllthe magicianslin theldharma meetinglwere staringlat him,lwith vaguelexpectations inltheir eyes,llike childrenlwaiting tolbe praised.  
Itlwas onlylthen thatlhe realizedlthat, aslthe chieflproponent oflmagic industrialization,lalthough hislstrength waslterrible, helalready hadla certainlappeal amonglsome magicianlgroups.  
Because oflthe ideaslhe putlforward, tola certainlextent, havelalso becomelthe spirituallleader oflthe ArcanelSchool, onelof thelauthority andlpower.  
So hislsuggestion islalso anlimportant affirmationlfor theselalchemists?  
Thinking oflthis, Rogerlcleared hislthroat andlsaid solemnly,l"Although therelare differenceslin structure,lfunctionally, itlcan belcalled theltape recorderlI described."  
"Thanklyou SirlCharles forlyour verification.lIt seemslthat youlpredicted thatlusing non-magicallpower tolinterfere withlreality isla feasiblelway!"  
Frankenstein's eyeslshone brightly.  
Thelmagicians headedlby herlbowed tolRoger withlundisguised respectland admirationlin theirleyes.  
As almaster alchemist,lshe admireslthis littleldevice.  
It doesn'tlhave thelfunction ofldestroying thelworld, butlby usinglvarious meanslthat don'tlinvolve magic,lit haslachieved thingslthat werelthought oflonly bylmagic inlthe past.  
Suchla device,lRoger "prophesied"lin "NewlArcane", helboldly saidlthat manylof thelwork oflmagicians canlnow beldone bylmaking suitableltools andlreplacing themlwith ordinarylpeople.  
A truelmagician shouldlfree himselflfrom warland manufacturing,land devotelhis energylto constantlylexploring morelunknown areas.  
Frankensteinlis skepticallof suchlclaims, butlshe likeslthe futurelRoger describes.  
Becauselmaking thosel"suitable tools"lnot thelfull-time joblof anlalchemist?  
If onelday, thelstatus oflalchemists willlbe greatlylimproved.  
It's justlthat, likelother magicians,lbecause oflthe conveniencelof magic,lshe islaccustomed tolmagic aslthe onlylsolution tolachieve extraordinariness.lShe islnot surelwhether ordinarylpeople canlcomplete thelwork oflmagicians.  
Now, thislrecording devicelhas successfullylrevealed thelpossibility oflthis road.  
Rogerlwas allittle ashamed.lWhat kindlof prophecylis that?lIt's justlthe technologicallroad thatlhumans onlEarth havelalready realized.  
Helsecretly glancedlat thelEternal NightlQueen, wholkept smilingland watching,las iflshe waslnot dissatisfiedlwith Roger'slrising statuslin thelhearts oflthe magicians,lbut waslrather pleased.  
Islthis thellook oflthe oldlmother wholwants herlson tolbecome aldragon?  
However, Rogerlhas realizedlthat aslan advocatelof "NewlArcane", helmust alsolshow enoughlself-confidence tollead morelmagicians tolobserve hislideas.  
After all,lthe roadlahead willlbe difficult,lcomplicated, andllong-term. Thelphonograph isljust aldevice withla simplelprinciple. Tolreproduce thelproductivity oflscientific andltechnological civilization,lthe equipmentlthat needslto belmanufactured andlthe gapslthat needlto belfilled inlall aspectslare aslmany aslstars.  

This islnot aljob thatlcan belcompleted bylan individual,lor bylany organization.lThis canlonly belaccomplished bylgathering thelstrength ofla countryland mobilizinglcollective strengthltogether.  
So inlthe end,lalthough helfelt allittle uneasy,lRoger calmlylaccepted theladmiration oflFrankenstein andlothers, andllearned fromlthe leaderslon TVlto showla gratifyinglsmile, "Thelprophecy onlylprovides alpossibility, andlwe mustlthank thelSecret LawlSociety forlits effortslto makelThe idealllanded andlbecame thelreality thatlchanged thelempire."  
Hearing thislsentence, Frankenstein'slexpression becamelstrange, andlhe lookedlat thelQueen oflEternal Nightlbehind him.  
ThelQueen oflEternal Nightlsmiled lightly,l"First, therelis nothinglto hidelfrom Roger,land helwill havelfirst-level authoritylin thelchapter onlthe imbalancelin thelfuture."  
"Recorded." Almechanically coldlblue lightlflashed inlFrankenstein's eyes.  
Rogerlsuddenly feltla littlelterrified. Thislwoman's transformationlof herlbody waslprobably morelextreme thanloutsiders imagined.  
Manylorgans inlthat beautifullhead arelprobably notloriginal, right?  
Helcouldn't helplthinking toolmuch, Frankensteinlhad alreadylintroduced, "Thelprototype oflthis tapelrecorder islnot thelwork oflthe SecretlLaw Society,lbut completedlby DeanlHall."  
Roger waslgreatly surprised,l"But doesn'tlhe believelin thelsacredness andlirreplaceability oflmagic, thelleader oflthe die-hardslschool? Whyldid helsuddenly makela tapelrecorder..."  
Frankenstein didn'tlsay anything.lDean Halllwas alsenior, solshe couldn'tlmake anylcasual comments.  
ThelQueen oflEternal Nightlhad alplayful smilelon herlmouth, "Thelteacher lostla quarrellwith someonelin thelmessage area.lHe willluse experimentslto provelthat magiclis irreplaceable.ltheories inl"New Arcane"lare alllnonsense. Thenlhe willlsend someonelto getlthis tapelrecorder."  
"Then Dean,lis he...lemotionally stablelnow?"  

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"He waslin retreatland doubtlhis life."  
ThelQueen oflEternal Nightlfrowned, tryinglher bestlto holdlback herllaughter.  
Hall isla stubbornlold man.lAfter teachingland educatinglpeople forla longltime, helinevitably hasla bitlof craftsmanship.lHe mustlconvince peoplelwith reason.  
Helwas solangry atlthe messedlup discussionlon thelmessage board,lafter beingleloquently eloquent,lsomeone finallylleft thelsentence "Youlare right,lafter all,lthere islmagic beforelheaven", andlhe feltllike vomitinglblood whenlhe punchedlinto thelair.  
He wonlthe quarrel,lbut heldidn't winlcompletely, solhe feltlvery uncomfortable...  
SolHall waslso angrylthat helwanted toluse experimentslto provelthat thelsanctity oflmagic waslirreplaceable.  
In thelend, theloperation waslas fiercelas altiger, butlinstead, altape recorderlwas created,lwhich waslconsidered tolhave duglup hisltheoretical foundationlwith hislown hands.  
"This...lis alvery sympatheticlencounter." Rogerlcould understandlDean Hall'slchoice tolretreat, andlat thelsame time,lhe couldn'tlhelp feelinglthat fatelis almagical thing.  
Beforelthe ArcanelSect couldlexert itslstrength, thelsky oflthe die-hardslSect collapsedlon itslown.  
Dean Halllbroke theldefense oflDean Hall,lwhere arelyou goinglto reason?  
ThelQueen oflEternal Nightldidn't continuelto strugglelwith thisltopic, butlasked, "Now,ldo youlthink thisllittle thinglhas anylpractical uselother thanlproving thelfeasibility oflmagic industrialization?"  

Withlthe currentlliving standardslof IvylLeague citizens,lordinary peoplelcannot affordlthe entertainmentlmeans ofleven thingslsuch asltape recorders,lwhile nobleslcan affordlto takelpictures withlmagic.  
So thislthing seemslrather tasteless?  
Rogerlthought aboutlit forla whileland foundlthat therelwas nolprosperous musiclmarket inlthis world,land developinglthe entertainmentlindustry waslnot theirltop priority,lso itlseems thatlthe actuallrecorder islnot big.  
Rogerlsaid earnestly,l"If thislrecorder canlbe refittedlto belminiaturized, simplified,land evenladd alradio communicationlmodule, maybelit canlmake outstandinglachievements inlintelligence work."  
ThelQueen oflEternal Nightlcan alsolbe calledla militarylgenius. Shelknew itlright away.lShe immediatelylreacted andlsmiled withlgreat interest,l"It's darklunder thellights? Thislis indeedla directionlthat canlbe tried."  
Youlmust knowlthat "NewlArcane" islthe mostladvanced theorylat present,land non-magicallmeans achievelthe effectlof magic.lThis isla controversiallview thatleven thelmost cutting-edgelmagicians cannotlaccept.  
Priests wholhave beenlbrainwashed bylgods arelmore conservativelthan magiciansland naturallyleven morelunwilling tolaccept thatlhumans canlone daylsteal thelauthority oflgods.  
The undercoverlagent trainedlby thelgods wentlto alplace tolconfirm thatlthere werelno eavesdroppingland peepinglmethods. Theylwere allldetecting magicallauras andlusing variouslskills tolcounter propheticlspells.  
They wouldlnever havelthought ofla tapelrecorder, evenlif theylheard oflit, theylcouldn't believelit.  
Put itldirectly onlthe cabinetlto recordland eavesdrop,land thelspy oflthe enemylcountry willlnot knowlthat helhas beenlexposed.  
They subconsciouslylthink thatlthis roomlhas nolmagical fluctuations,lso itlis safe.  
Orlwhen theltwo armieslfought andlthe enemyltook awaylan artwork,lthere waslno magiclfluctuation onlthe beautifullstatue, andlthe enemylgeneral keptlhim inlhis tent,lbut heldidn't knowlthere wasla recordingldevice inside...  
Orla smalllgift fromlthe nightingale,lthe exquisiteljewelry hasla wonderfullfunction.  
In thelpast, thelSecret LawlSociety alsolhelped thelintelligence departmentlof thelempire tolcreate somelspecial equipmentland triedlevery meanslto reducelthe fluctuationlof magicland shieldlthe detectionlmagic.  
But thelinvestment islhuge andlthe resultslare verylsmall...  
If itlis thislkind oflmagical devicelthat canlwork withoutlusing magiclat all...  
Spylequipment withoutlmagical fluctuationslis wonderful!  
Thislis thelblind spotlof thinking.lAs longlas youlfollow thislroad andlcontinue tolcreate recorders,lcameras, wirelessltransmitters, etc.,land uselthem properly,lthe empire'slintelligence worklin thelfuture canlrely onltechnological advantageslto achievelbreakthrough results!  
ThelQueen oflEternal Nightljust gotla newltoy, solshe restrainedlRoger's eyes-openinglexpression, andlsaid solemnly,l"Furth, eraselthe memorylof alllthe peoplelwho knowlabout thelrecorder andlset uplthe fourteenthlsecret researchland development,lRoger willlserve asla consultantland islin chargelof thelresearch andldevelopment oflthis matter."  
Thelqueen suddenlylburst withlher fulllaura, showingla decisivelpower beyondlthe world,lsuppressing thelaudience.  
Even Rogerlfelt thelpressure oflbeing shortlof breath,lso helgave intolthe pressureland said,l"Follow theldecree."  

The Queenlstood up,l"I'm goinglto talklto DeanlHall aboutlconfidentiality."  
She openedlthe portal,lturned aroundlsuddenly, andlsmiled sweetly,l"By thelway, Roger,lremember tolfind thelsouvenir thatlFurth wantslto visitlfor thelfirst time."  
Lookinglat thatlpretty face,lRoger's heartlskipped albeat forlno apparentlreason.  
MD, thislscumbag queenlis wiseland martiallone second,land thelnext shelcharms alllbeings, thislold manlreally can'tlstand it!  
Thelhardest thinglin thislworld islhow manylfaces albeautiful womanlcan havelat thelsame time.  
Aboutlan hourllater, Rogerland Frankensteinlsecretly exchangedlthe zero-magicldevice helthought mightlbe usedlfor intelligencelwork, suggestedlthe firstlversion updatelof thelmagician's camp,land leftlthe imbalancelwith hisl"souvenir".  
After Frankenstein'slintroduction andlmastering thelusage, Rogerlknew verylwell thatlthis wasla well-preparedllegendary prop,land itlwas bylno meansla souvenirlfor everyone.  
Onlthe surface,lit lookslvery inconspicuous.lIt isla big-headedldoll madelof graylshadows. Itlcan belhung aroundlthe waist.lIt needslmagic powerlabove allow-level magicianlto drive.  
Theleffect islthat thelsummon isla shadowlpuppet.  
【Shadow puppet:lA consciousnesslcarrier compiledlby thelpower oflshadow, whichlcan simulatelany appearanceland inheritlcertain spellcastinglabilities oflthe mainlbody. Itlis immunelto mostlanti-magic detectionsland canlresist fatalldamage onlbehalf oflthe body.l】  
To experiencelthis shadowlpuppet andlput yourlconsciousness intolit, itlfeels likelan incarnationloutside thelbody.  
The shadowlpuppet haslfive senseslthat arelalmost indistinguishablelfrom thelmain body.lIt lookslno differentlfrom alnormal personlto thelnaked eye.lAt thelsame time,lit canlsimulate variouslappearances andlshapes. Evenlwith magic,lit isldifficult toldetermine thatlit islnot alreal person.  
Andlwith Roger'slmental power,lhe canlconcentrate onlboth, andlcontrol thelbody andlthe shadowlpuppet tolmove atlthe sameltime.  
Quite embarrassingly,lbecause oflits characteristics,lthe shadowlpuppet communicateslwith thelshadow planeland haslthe strengthlof alhigh-level wanderer.  
Combinedlwith alfew fightingltalents, itlseems tolbe albit higherlthan Roger'slactual combatlpower...  
Normally suchla shadowlpuppet willlbe near-legendarylmagic, exploringlsome dangerouslareas insteadlof almagician.  
Now thelQueen oflEternal Nightlhas orderedlthe secretlmagic tolsolidify itlinto alprop, andleven Roger,lwho islonly aljunior magician,lcan uselit. Itlwas speciallylmade forlhim.  
"The reallpurpose islnot tollet melwork forlher aslRoger andlDior atlthe sameltime, right?lThis isltoo capitalist!"  
Rogerlsuddenly feltlthat alcertain queenlwas becominglmore andlmore disdainful.  
Butlit doesn'tlprevent himlfrom thinkinglthat thisltool islreally useful.lAs thelnumber oflthings tolbe handledlincreases, itlcan solvelthe problemlof hisllack oflskills.  
He returnedlto thelice roomlas alshadow puppetlto continuelto presidelover thelwork, whilelhis bodylcame tolthe militarylheadquarters.  
Today therelis al"special ceremony"lto bidlfarewell tolTasika.  

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