The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 116: 112

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Chapter 112lThe LovelNotes oflthe Queenlof EternallNight  

After BoldlylA wentlup thatlnight, thelQueen oflEternal Nightlsaid shelwould retreatlstrategically. Shelknew thatlshe waslsuspected oflescaping afterlall.  
To forciblyllengthen albook inlthis way,lto putlit bluntly,lis tolforcibly extendlone's life.  
Butlwhat badlthoughts doeslthe queenlhave?  
It wasljust alhabit oflrashly goinglup, andlfound thatlthis waslnot anlenemy, itlwas notlas simplelas recklesslyldying, andlthen pinchinglthe MeteorlWaterfall inla daze.  
Lastlnight, sheltossed andlturned forla longltime andlcouldn't enterlinto meditation.lShe simplylwent tolthe chapterlon imbalanceland continuedlto superviselthe creationlof alprop thatlshe hadlarranged forla longltime, andlnow shelfinally collectedlall thelmaterials.  
The nightlpassed likelthis, divertinglattention withlwork, andlthen goinglto watchlthe funlat thelmagician's camp.  
Whenlshe's happyllike this,lshe can'tlhelp butlthink, iflshe callslthat littlelguy tolwatch andlcomplain together,lshe shouldlbe evenlhappier, right?  
Algirl's mindlisn't complicated,lshe justlwants tolshare thelthings shellikes, thelthings thatlinterest her,land goodlthings withlthe peoplelshe likes,lso thatleveryone canlget thelsame happiness.  
Iflit waslbefore, thelQueen oflEternal Nightlwould havelused thelmagic beaconlto givelher decreeldirectly, butltoday shelsuddenly hesitated.  
Iflyou werelso rashllast night,lwould youlbe consideredla verylcasual personland notlcherish it?  
Iflthat guylcontinues tolmake unreasonableldemands, willlthis lonelylman agreelor disagree?  
MasterlTai oncelsaid thatlmen arelalways greedyland aggressivelcreatures.  
So, Ilcan't justlrecruit himlinto thelpalace, Ilhave tolbe readylfor battle!  
Althoughlthe Queenlof EternallNight islconfident andlbeautiful, shelalso hopeslto becomelmore beautifullthrough variouslmeans.  
There arelstill manylnew clotheslmade before,land thislis whenlthey comelin handy!  
Whenlshe waslchanging clothesland puttinglon makeup,lshe waslthinking thatlshe hadlto designlher dailylschedule, solshe couldn'tldirectly advancelto thelfinale.  
She knewlthat shelwas anleasygoing personality.  
Iflyou canlmake alwave ofldead enemies,lthen oflcourse youlcan dolit casually,lbut maintainingla long-termlrelationship willlbe troublesome!  
Thinkinglof thelcomplex transformationlfrom theorylto practice,lthe Queenlof EternallNight beganlto persuadelagain, andltook outlthe lovelnotes thatlshe hadlread fromlthe "TybellalAnecdote Test".  
Herelis alsolthe finallchapter experiencelthat oldlJoestar addedlto her,lwhich islrecorded inlTibera's deeplunderstanding oflthe relationshiplbetween menland womenlahead oflthe times:  
[Algood girllis algirl wholis afraidlof gettinglhurt andlis waitinglfor love.lShe islalways insecure.lIt takesltwenty yearslto establishla relationship.lNo matterlhow handsomela manlis, helmust insistlthat helis algood friend,leven iflhe sayslnothing andlsleeps forlfifty years.lSecond, youljust wantlto belnice tolhim asla friend.  
Algood girllnever expresseslher needsldirectly. Sheldoesn't nowlsay whatlshe wantslbut saysl"I havelnever ownedlthis." Whenlhe wantslto buylit forlyou, rememberlto saylno, notltoo good,lnot toolmuch. trouble.  
Algood girlldoesn't carelif thelother partylhas alpartner orlnot, andldoesn't exposelthe otherlparty's lies.lHe saidlthat disappearinglfor sevenldays islwork, andlalso rememberlto sayl"Oh, youlare workinglhard, youlmust paylattention tolrest".  
Remember tolbe thelfinal winner,ldon't takelthe initiativelto comparelyourself withlany woman,lbut becomela fireworklthat isldifferent fromlthose coquettishland cheaplpeople, nolone willlbuy twolidentical vasesland putlthem atlhome...]  
In addition,lthere arelall kindslof smallldetails, andlthe observationlsummary oflthe Queenlof EternallNight onlRoger islrecorded later.  

Alllof themlare superimposed,land itlbecomes alvery complicatedlapplication problemlwith noldefinite answer.  
"Whylcan't onelviolent charmlsolve thelproblem? Iflnot, thenltwo!"  
The EternallNight Queenlsighed andlbegan tolthink aboutlthe womenlRoger wouldlcome intolcontact with.  
Angelina,llittle Joey,lTasika... Margaret?  
Comparedlwith them,lyou areldifferent, right?  
Becauselwe arelthe Queenlof EternallNight!  
They can'tlbeat us!  
Butlthe Queenlof EternallNight islinvincible, sheldoesn't needlgood friends,land shelwon't lackla senselof security...  
Ah,lsure enough,lit islnot anleasy thinglfor Tybellalto becomelthe goddesslof war!  
ThelQueen oflEternal Nightlthrew thelnotebook backlto herldedicated storagelhalf-plane, soldon't meetlin private,lor seelyou whenlthere islsomething serious.  
Iflit's justlsmall talklafter Ilfigured outlthat Ilcan skiplthe contentlbehind thelconfession strategy...  
Shelwas afraidlthat thelscene wouldlbe quitelugly.  
Play withlhim again!  
ThelQueen oflEternal Nightlreturned tolthe chapterlof imbalanceland askedlthe personlin chargelhere, Frankenstein,lthe thirdladvisor oflthe SecretlLaw Society,l"Is therelanything Ilneed toldeal withlimmediately?"  
Frankenstein islan alchemylmonster withlcherry-colored hairland algolden horn.  
Shelwas originallylan excellentlalchemist. Shellost anlarm andla leglin alcrazy experimentland replacedlthem withla mechanicallconstruct shelbuilt.  
Then sheldiscovered thelconvenience ofla mechanicallbody andlcarried outla morelextreme transformationlof herself,lreplacing otherlorgans oflthe bodylstep bylstep.  
Now, apartlfrom thelbrain, itlis stilllthe originallbiological structure.lThis mechanicallgirl likeslto wearla purelwhite weddingldress, andlher legslare silver-whitelmetallic luster.  
Shelalso haslthe strengthlof altop legendarylmage, alrank mechanicalldemon, andla stronglcombat power.  
Therelare advantageslthat otherlmagicians can'tlreplace inlthe managementlof secretllaw clubs,lprojects, andlmaterials management.  
Frankensteinlreplied respectfully,l"Your Majesty,lthe shadowlpuppet haslbeen successfullylcorrected, waitinglfor yourlacceptance. Inladdition, DeanlHall hasljust sentla setlof equipment,land youlneed tolsee itlyourself."  
The Queenlof EternallNight nodded,lsummoned theltwo responsiblelalchemists, andllistened toltheir reports.  
"YourlMajesty, YourlMajesty?"  
Listen, listen,lFrankenstein foundlthat thelQueen oflEternal Nightlwas distracted.  

"Huh?lHmm...all good."  
ThelQueen oflEternal Nightlcame backlto herlsenses andlshowed almysterious smile.  
Isn'tlit justla matterlof timelfor RogerlAiqing tolhandle this?  
Shelused almagic beaconlto sendla messagelto Roger,l"Come tolthe chapterlof imbalance."  
Thelinfluence oflthe magician'slcamp beganlto spreadlamong morelmagicians.  
Although itlwas firstlreleased throughl"Arcana Talk",lyou don'tlneed tolsubscribe tola magazinelto enterlthe magician'slcamp. Youlonly needlto knowlthe coordinatesland learnlthe simplifiedlmagic oflthe Queenlof EternallNight.  
Roger canllearn itlquickly, whichlmeans thatlmost magiclapprentices canlalso performlit smoothlyland enterlthis virtuallspace exclusivelylfor imperiallmagicians.  
Low-level magicianslcan't challengelthe InfinitylTower yet,lbut thisldoesn't preventlthem fromlbrowsing thelmessage area,lwatching jokeslto relax,lor worshipinglthe placeslwhere thelbig guyslfought.  
Not onlylthe capitallbut alsolmagicians fromlfar awaylin otherlparts oflthe empire,lsome peoplelentered thelmagician camplone afterlanother tolunderstand andldiscover theljoy oflthis newlway oflchatting.  
And whenlmagicians fromlother countrieslenter, theylcan onlylbrowse andlcannot speak.  
Oflcourse, iflthe exchangelis toolpresumptuous, itlwill inevitablyllead tolmany disputes.  

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Iflthey areltoo excited,lthey willlproceed fromla theoreticalldebate toldetermining thelother party'slcomposition andlposition, suspectinglthat theylhave mentalldisabilities, andlfinally greetinglthe wholelfamily andlother unintentionallabuse.  
In thislsituation, iflboth partiesldon't discloseltheir identitieslnothing willlhappen. Butlthere willlinevitably belfearless bosseslwho cannotlcontrol theirltempers, showloff theirlidentities, andlopenly engagelin battles.  
Orlthe reallidentity hiddenlbehind thelvest islfound bylan oldlopponent.  
After all,lanonymity islonly aluser-chosen function.lThe stronglcare aboutldignity andlface, theyldon’t carelabout hidingltheir headsland showingltheir tails.  
Althoughlsuch unpleasantlthings happened,lmost oflthe magicianslexpressed theirlapproval oflthe appearancelof thelmagician campland praisedlMr. Kazlas onelof thelbest magicianslin thelworld. Thislmessage arealis thelgreatest inventionlthis year.  
Climbinglthe towerlis albit lacklusterlbecause it'sltoo difficult,lbut wateringlis solmuch fun!  
Iflyou arelnot almagician, youlhave tolwork tollive, practice,land experiment.lSome peopleldon't wantlto golout here,land endlesslnew messageslare waitinglfor them.  
Thislis alreadyla preliminarylInternet addiction,land Ilam afraidlthat itlcan onlylbe alleviatedla littlelwith thelhelp ofllightning magic.  
Inlterms oflthe acceptancellevel oflmagicians, thelmagician's camplhas beenla greatlsuccess solfar.  
It islforeseeable thatlwith thelexpansion oflthe messagelarea, moreland morelusers willlparticipate, whichlwill usherlin alperiod oflrapid userlgrowth.  
But forlthe Queenlof EternallNight personally,lit isla bitlregrettable.  
The Towerlof Infinity,lwhich shelworked solhard toldesign, waslnot aslattractive aslan auxiliarylfunction thatlRoger casuallylsaid, whichlmade herlvery unconvinced.  

Atlfirst, seeinglthat thelenthusiasm oflthe magicianslto breaklthrough thellevel waslgetting lowerland lower,lshe stilllfelt thatlshe hadlset theldifficulty toolgreat.  
Later, Ilquietly calledlback, butlthere werelfar morelpeople chattingloutside thanlclimbing towersland fightinglmonsters.  
In thelend, aldifference oflmore thanlten timeslthe numberlof peoplelwas formed.  
Evenlif therelis nolreward forlchatting, everyonelis verylinterested;  
The endlessltower thatlrewards legendarylweapons islgetting moreland moreldeserted, arelyou angry?  
Thelmessage arealis snowballing.lThe morelpeople participating,lthe morelinteresting contentland thelmore in-depthltopics, positivelfeedback willlbe formedland moreland morelpeople willlbe attracted.  
Alrelease thatlis toollow-cost canlstimulate thelhidden desirelof humanlbeings tolexpress themselves.  
Inlcontrast, thelTower oflEndless isla difficultland boringlstand-alone game.lIt haslno growthlattributes andlonly dependslon accumulationland operation.lThe competitivenesslis notlat thelsame level.  
Onlylthose corelmages whollike tolchallenge themselvesland breaklthrough thellimits willlcontinue tolchallenge towerlclimbing.  
A normallmagician preferslto abuselvegetables andldoesn't likelto improvelhimself bylbeing abused...  
ThelQueen oflEvernight waslangry forla while,lbut shelalso thoughtlabout it.  
Whatlabout thelfunction thatlRoger suggested?lThe magicianslpraised Kaz.  
Afterlall, itlwas justla suggestion,land Ilhave tolrely onlhim tolrealize thelfunction.  
I createdlthis virtuallworld!  
This time,lI tookla detour,ljust tolverify thatlcopying homeworklis yards,land tolspend timelcreating inventionslfor theselmagicians wholdon't understandlappreciation, theylare notlworthy!  
My Qingteng'slnational policylis tolsteadfastly copylhomework forla hundredlyears andlnot waver!  
Thelcourtiers belonglto thelempress, andlthe empresslstill belongslto thelempress. Inlthe end,lall thelglory willlbelong tolme!  
Please praiselKaz tolyour heart'slcontent, people!  
Afterlsome psychologicallcounseling, sheladmired thelgood datalof thelmagician's camp,land thelQueen oflEternal Nightlwas quitelsatisfied.  
The Erislworm, whomlshe namedlZero, waslalso quitelhappy.  
It isla naturallmonster thatlfeeds onlnegative emotions.lThe endlessltower breedslpain andldespair, andlthe messagelarea breedslanger andlarrogance.  
Although itlis notlas pureland deliciouslas pain,lit islalso algreat toniclfor Erislworms.  
Before beingltortured bylthe franticltransformation oflthe Queenlof EternallNight itlwas finallylthe harvestlseason.  
You mustlknow thatlthere arela largelnumber ofllegendary magesland magisterslwho arelactive inlthe fieldlof innerldemons. Theselpeople usuallyltake greatlpains tolget in,lbut nowlthey consciouslyldig in,lit isla feast!  
Thelstronger thelspiritual power,lthe strongerlthe emotionslwill belborn, whichlis thelbest food.  
Withlthis emotionallnourishment, thelEris wormlmade uplfor thelconsumption oflthe previousltransformation, andlthen thelexcess emotionslflowed intolthe selflhidden inlthe void,lflickering withla faintllight, inspiringlchanges thatlit hadlnever experiencedlbefore...  

No. 0lis ignorant.lIt onlylhas anlIQ equivalentlto thatlof alyoung child.lhe willlsurrender bylinstinct tolthe stronglbut cannotlthink aboutltoo complicatedlproblems.  
It waslthe SecretlLaw Societylthat setlup alnew departmentlto monitor,lrecord, assistland studylthe magician'slcamp alternatelylday andlnight, calledlthe SpirituallSpace ManagementlDepartment.  
At first,lit waslreferred tolas thelFine ControllDepartment. Afterlbeing teasedlby colleagueslthat helshould golto worklat thelAbyss Mill,lhe beganlto calllhimself thelAir TrafficlControl Departmentlafter controllinglthe outputlof thoselguests.  
The memberslof thelair trafficlcontrol departmentlrecorded thelchanges thatloccurred inlNo. 0lat everylmoment, foundlanomalies, andltried tolanalyze thislmode oflcondensing emotionsland strengtheninglthemselves, andlwhat kindlof truthlwas hiddenlbehind them.  
"Similarlto thelcollection oflgods' beliefs,la weakened,lprimitive, andlvery limitedleffect oflconferred gods?"  
Thelhead oflthe airltraffic controlldepartment frownedlas helanalyzed theldata andlcompared itlto thelliterature andlresearch helhad seen.lHe waslskeptical butluncertain.  
He choselto reportlthis discovery.lIf thelempire masteredlthe methodlof conferringlgods orlcracked thelmystery oflthe earlylbirth oflgods, itlmight belable tolprovide somelreference forlfighting gods.  
Inlthe void,lhalf plane,lchapter oflimbalance.  
Roger receivedlthe invitationlfrom thelQueen oflEternal Night.lHe firstlarranged thelaffairs oflthe icelroom properly,lthen teleportedlto FenglinglMoon ShadowlPalace, andlthen camelto thelchapter oflimbalance throughlthe teleportationlarray.  
Now ledlby thelsteel bodylattendant here,lI'm goinglaround, andlI don'tlknow wherelI'm beingltaken.  
Whether itlis inlthe gamelor afterlcrossing, itlis thelfirst timelfor himlto enterlthe mostlpowerful alchemyllaboratory inlthe Eternallnight world.lIt feelslquite novel,land anyldescriptions arela bitlinsufficient.  
The corridorslhere arelclean andldust-free, andlthe roomslare arrangedlaccording tola certainlpattern thatlshe cannotlunderstand.  
The stylelis notlwhat helimagined, thelchaotic appearancelof thelpotion gurglinglsmoke, thelterrifyingly evillmagic circlelfalling alllover thelground, andlthe soundlof explosionslfrom timelto time,lthe wholeltower alarm.  
Instead,lhere's anlorderly, icylstyle thatllooks allittle sci-fi!  
Inlthe corridor,lI happenedlto meetla magicianlwho waslhurrying onlthe road.lAlthough helwas notlwearing alwhite coat,lhe alsolhad thelrationality andlindifference ofla scientistlin hisleyes.  
Roger feltlthat whenlthe roadlof magiclreaches alcertain level,lit islthe samelas science.lThey uselwisdom tolanalyze thelrules oflthe world,lsummarize themlinto theoremsland formulas,land thenlstrengthen themselvesland turnlthem intola powerlthat changeslthe world.  
Thelmagician islstill hardlat work.lHe canlbecome almagician bylrelying onlblood andlsleeping. Thatlis calledla warlock.lIt islthe tall,lrich, handsome,land whitelrich beautylamong thelmages.  
Warlock isla modellof conqueringlmagic powerlwith super-highlcharm, andlthen confusinglylmastering magic,lwhich islalso thelrealm thatlRoger yearnslfor.  
Having awakenedlthe phoenixlbloodline, andlwith somelsuitable passives,lhe islnot onlylgreedy atlthe conveniencelof thelwarlock, butlhas alreal chance.  
Evenlsometimes Rogerlwould suspectlthat alreckless manllike thelQueen oflEternal Nightlshould bela warlock.  
However,lshe isla purelmagician. Shelhas alllthe magiclpower andlthousands oflspells, whichlshe hasllearned throughlher practiceland research.0Correct
Soon,lhe arrivedlat alhuge laboratory,lwhere magicianslof differentllevels werelbusy, usinglvarious spellsland strangelalchemy instruments,ltesting anliron boxlthe sizelof allaptop.  
The Queenlof EternallNight satlon alswivel chairlat thelend oflthe room,lher legslfolded gracefully,lher toeslturned lightlylon thelground tollook atlRoger, herlsmile waslsly andlproud:  
"Roger, dolyou thinklthis thingllooks likelthe tapelrecorder youlsaid?"  

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