The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 119: 115

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Chapter 115|The Crown|Prince Is|Me?  

Roger's voice|can be|heard by|the Queen|of Eternal|Night, not|because of|their skills,|but because|his spiritual|power is|beyond the|legendary level,|and he|has not|learned any|special control|skills.  
This led|to transcending|a certain|threshold, resonating|thoughts, and|then being|caught by|the passive|talent acquired|by the|Queen of|Eternal Night|bathing in|the blood|of the|beholder.  
If it|is a|magician with|normal legendary|strength, even|if he|doesn't have|the skills|to control|his mental|power, his|mental power|will not|be maintained|for 24|hours just|by the|consumption of|daily magic.  
But|Roger is|still only|a low-level|magician to|this day.  
Not|to mention|that he|doesn't know|a few|magics. Even|if he|did devil|training to|empty his|blue bars,|his huge|mental power|couldn’t consume|a single|obvious fluctuation.  
So|his voice|broadcast has|been on|since he|was strengthened|by his|spiritual power.  
It|wasn't until|he took|out the|skill of|Shield of|Dreams, which|was outputted|by the|three major|guardians, and|finally had|a serious|consumption, which|was lower|than the|threshold of|the broadcast|in the|Heart Voice|area...  
The Queen|of Eternal|Night came|smelling the|scent of|high-level devils|and wanted|to add|some materials|to her|magic experiment,|but she|came to|feel lonely.  
The|snake-scorpion demon|was more|alert than|expected and|escaped long|ago without|a trace.|At this|time, it|was highly|likely that|he had|already waited|for the|summoning spell|to end|and escaped|back to|the Hell|of Baator.  
The|Queen of|Eternal Night|is upset.|This battlefield|is too|deserted, and|there is|no room|for her.  
Not|only was|the city|defense army|chasing after|the four|guardians and|disappearing, but|even the|high-definition and|lossless complaints|that accompanied|Roger were|nowhere to|be heard.  
She|thought it|was because|she was|too far|away from|Roger, so|she flew|forward and|couldn't hear;  
Another|piece flew|but I|still couldn't|hear.  
In the|end, it|was going|to be|face-to-face, and|the voice|that could|broadcast him|in the|crowd didn't|appear.  
At that|time, the|Eternal Night|Queen realized|that something|was wrong|with Roger.  
He|used up|a third|of the|mental power|that would|overflow automatically|when he|was full|on weekdays,|which was|equivalent to|the strength|of ten|legendary spells.  
After|restoring the|battle scene,|the Queen|of Eternal|Night raised|her eyebrows.  
My|dear, isn't|this the|phantom shield|that I|made and|passed on|to Adun?  
I|haven't seen|you for|a few|days. Why|did this|kid suddenly|learn this|passive skill,|and it|looks like|he has|mastered it|at a|high level?  
You|said, do|you want|to be|a full-output|violence magician?  
But|the Queen|of Eternal|Night didn't|doubt how|Roger got|this skill|because after|completing this|skill, she|didn't become|a treasure,|so she|put it|in the|big library,|and only|needed certain|permissions to|borrow and|study directly.  
It's|a pity|that for|so many|years, few|imperial magicians|who advocate|attack have|learned this|skill...  
In the|end, the|person who|shouldn't learn|it the|most learned|the Shield|of Dreams!  
Of|course, the|consumption of|mental power|is not|the upper|limit, and|after meditating|a few|times, it|will completely|recover.  

But the|Queen of|Eternal Night|doesn't know|Roger yet.|This kid|is too|lazy to|meditate on|weekdays.  
She is|even more|worried that|this kid|will use|this hand|to precisely|control her|mental strength,|and threaten|to make|some indecent|demands...  
But if|he is|enlightened to|that level,|it seems|not bad.  
Seeing|that the|Queen of|Evernight frowned,|Roger was|also worried|that his|mental power|would be|exhausted too|much, so|he was|inevitably moved.  
As|a wounded|man, he|in turn|comforted the|Queen, "It's|okay, the|magic I|have is|limited, my|mental power|is not|very useful,|and I|can't use|it up|on weekdays.|I just|need to|wait for|it to|recover naturally."  
The|Eternal Night|Queen couldn't|help frowning|even deeper.  
What|is useless?|What does|it mean|to wait|for it|to reply|naturally?  
If you|don't broadcast|your thoughts,|do you|know how|much less|homework I|have to|copy?  
To recover|slowly and|naturally, how|much precious|development time|of the|empire will|be wasted?  
Little|guy, you|can't be|so slack!  
The|Queen of|Eternal Night|ordered very|emotionally, "You|first remove|the active|effect of|the Dream|Shield, and|come out|and talk!"  
Although|the active|effect is|maintained, neither|being attacked|nor depleted,|my mental|power will|not recover|naturally, okay?  
Roger|gave an|embarrassed yet|polite smile.  
If|I take|the initiative|to remove|this effect,|I will|plant my|radish here|to protect|the radish.  
I|am also|very disappointed!  
Since|imagining that|he is|a tower|shield, he|has lost|the ability|to move.  
The|enemy is|not powerful|enough to|break the|shield. Only|now did|he realize|that there|is no|way to|cancel the|active effect|of this|skill.  
Now he|can only|pray that|this active|effect has|a duration|and will|end on|its own.  
The|Queen of|Eternal Night|read the|helplessness on|Roger's face,|and immediately|remembered:  
When you|created this|skill yourself,|it seemed|like you|didn't consider|how to|cancel the|active effect.  
After|all, Adun|is only|a magus,|and his|mental power|is limited.  
Being|forced out|of the|active effect|of Dream|Shield means|that you|are already|in a|very passive|situation.  
Usually, he|resists until|his mental|power is|exhausted, and|the active|effect will|end naturally.|Where does|he need|to think|about how|to cancel|it?  
As a|result, she|encountered the|special case|of Roger,|who had|the extremely|high mental|strength and|good defensive|equipment.  
After a|battle, only|one-third of|the mental|power was|lost, and|its active|effect was|embarrassingly still|here.  

Smelly man,|it's troublesome!  
The|Queen of|Eternal Night|recalled the|principle of|the Dream|Shield and|finally found|a way|to remove|it. It|is not|difficult.  
The essence|of this|skill is|to use|the plasticity|of mental|power to|imagine yourself|as a|shield that|is hard|in all|directions, and|then use|mental power|to absorb|damage.  
The active|effect is|to imagine|yourself as|a stronger|tower shield,|giving up|mobility in|exchange for|higher resistance.  
If|you want|to change|back, it|is not|complicated in|theory.  
The Queen|of Eternal|Night inspired|Roger, "You|start imagining|now that|you are|a person."  
I am|a person?|What does|it mean|to imagine|that I|am a|person?  
He thought|hard and|thought, imagining|that he|had arms|and legs,|that he|was a|complete person...  
I'm|sorry, I|really can't|do it,|it's uninspired|to do|it like|this!  
This is|the same|as having|insomnia and|someone telling|you to|relax and|feel sleepy,|so you|can fall|asleep.  
It is|guaranteed you|would want|to kill|that person,|for messing|with you.  

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Insomnia|is usually|not enough|sleep, the|brain explodes|but can't|fall asleep.|Hey!  
If you're|full of|energy, why|not just|get up|and continue|playing games?  
Roger's|current predicament|is also|similar. He|did it|by imagining|himself as|a shield,|but thinking|of himself|as the|"human" that|he was,|was simply|too difficult|for a|strong man.  
Roger|blushed and|surrendered, "Your|Majesty, this|is not|good."  
"You're stupid!"|The Queen|of Eternal|Night looked|disgusted, "Don't|think that|you are|yourself, think|that you|are Dio."  
Roger|was shocked,|how could|this woman|be smart?  
He|closed his|eyes and|gradually found|the feeling.  
Finally,|he ended|his status|as a|tower shield|and could|move.  
"Thank you|for your|guidance, Your|Majesty. If|I fail|again, I|may have|to ask|you to|help me|break the|shield violently."|Roger moved|his arms|and legs,|feeling that|it was|better to|be a|human being!  
The|Queen of|Eternal Night|snorted, if|I broke|the shield,|wouldn't it|take you|longer to|recover?  
No, I|still have|to persuade|him to|take the|initiative to|meditate. Previously,|the magician|camp has|stated that|my answering|results are|not ideal,|and I|have to|copy the|homework to|be safe!  
She|thought about|it for|a while|and seemed|to be|casually admonishing,|"Now that|the empire|is troubled,|Roger Aiqing|should return|to full|mental strength|as soon|as possible|for his|safety. Survival|Index."  

Roger nodded,|"Indeed, I|also think|this skill|is good.|Even the|mental power|left now|is enough|to support|His Majesty's|arrival."  
Eternal Night|Queen: ???  
Am|I your|nanny or|bodyguard?  
She said|dissatisfiedly, "Roger,|as a|courtier, you|don't want|to protect|the queen,|you always|expect the|queen to|save you,|don't you|think there's|something wrong|with this?"  
Roger|asked doubtfully,|"Then, Your|Majesty, do|you have|a duty|where you|need my|protection?"  
The Eternal|Night Queen|suddenly fell|silent.  
I was|wrong, I|was wrong,|and I|shouldn't have|been so|strong from|the beginning.  
If|I wasn't|so strong,|Roger wouldn't|just want|to lie|down. If|he doesn't|lie down,|he will|actively meditate|to protect|himself, and|I won't|be reduced|to a|sad state|where I|can't hear|my heart...  
There|are thousands|of mistakes,|is it|all my|fault?  
She resisted|the urge|of a|meteor waterfall|to smash|Roger into|particles, and|she changed|the topic,|"I don't|need protection,|but the|empire still|needs your|service. In|the next|few days,|those nobles|will jump|out without|sitting still.|It's time|for the|Dark Night|Guard to|show his|strength, I|hope you|will lead|the team|in person."  
"Everything|is in|His Majesty's|plan. I|believe that|sparrows and|nightingales are|enough to|suppress all|the scenes.|I don't|need to|make trouble|for this|matter, right?"  
"But|this kind|of battle|for nothing|is an|excellent opportunity|to accumulate|military merit."|The Queen|of Eternal|Night said|earnestly, "Little|Roger if|one day|I'm gone|and you|want to|lead this|empire forward,|you must|start accumulating|prestige from|now on|to suppress|the powerhouses|of the|empire."  
Facing the|serious expression|of the|Queen of|Evernight, Roger's|heart trembled|inexplicably, and|he said|quickly, "Your|Majesty is|so strong...|at a|young age,|sitting on|the throne|for three|to five|hundred years|is so|easy, why|do you|suddenly say|such things?"  
The|Queen of|Eternal Night|looked him|in the|eye, "I'm|afraid you|have guessed,|not to|mention that|the gods|don't give|me a|chance, even|if I|improve my|strength along|the way,|it is|not without|a price..."  
Roger|had guessed|before, but|he couldn't|help but|be very|shocked when|he heard|that the|Queen of|Eternal Night|had improved|her strength|and had|to pay|the price|with her|lifespan.  
For the|continuation of|the empire,|she paid|too much,|it is|not an|exaggeration to|say that|she has|given up|everything...  
He lowered|his head|subconsciously, not|wanting the|sadness in|his eyes|to be|seen by|the Eternal|Night Empress,|and said|tactfully, "With|your majesty's|strength and|the empire's|national strength,|there is|always a|way to|prolong your|life."  
"There is|a way,|but right|now I|don't have|the time|and energy|for such|a thing,|and the|stronger the|strength, the|more resistance|to those|methods."  
The Queen|of Eternal|Night smiled|casually, "So,|I always|have to|make some|arrangements for|the future.|For example,|you need|to bear|more pressure|and grow|up as|soon as|possible. After|me, someone|should be|able to|support this|empire."  
The Queen|of Eternal|Night wanted|to play|him and|make him|sympathize with|her.  
But as|he talked,|he thought|that the|empire would|most likely|be crushed|to death|by the|gods, even|if it|survived until|it took|off, he|might not|be able|to see|it, and|suddenly felt|a kind|of sadness|flooding up|like a|tide.  
It turns|out that|I am|also afraid|of death...  
There|are great|horrors between|life and|death, and|for some|things, human|beings will|refuse to|think about|them from|the heart.  
But|no matter|how unwilling|to admit|it, the|subconscious also|understands what|the truth|is.  
At first,|the Queen|of Eternal|Night just|said half-truths,|wanting to|create a|little pressure|on Roger,|but as|she spoke,|it suddenly|became clear|that she|had already|made arrangements|in her|subconscious, and|she was|instantly distracted.  

If|it was|her in|the past,|full of|self-blame and|sin, she|would be|buried with|the empire|without any|regrets, putting|her life|and death|aside.  
But now|that she|has looked|away, she|has taken|the path|of the|ultimate self,|and she|will find|that she|is not|willing to|give up|this empire,|those hard-working|people, the|guy in|front of|her, and|the children|he may|have with|him... …  
Maybe|I don't|have time|to watch|her or|him grow|up.  
The smile|on her|face was|trying to|be bright|and perfect|as if|to comfort|him not|to worry,|but the|sadness in|her eyes|couldn't be|concealed at|all, and|her tone|gradually softened|like a|dream.  
Dressed in|a red-clothed|and domineering|and unparalleled,|she is|completely untouchable,|but Yukong|is so|poignant and|dazzling on|the battlefield|full of|corpses and|bloodstains.  
This scene|became as|she will|die,  
The firmer|that shadow|is, the|sharper the|grief will|be. It|seems to|be saying|that she|is omnipotent|and close|to God,|and there|is always|something she|can't ask|for.  
Roger raised|his head|and read|out the|grief that|flowed out|of her|body as|real, and|his heart|suddenly throbbed|like being|caught in|a giant|palm.  
"Your Majesty,|I understand."|Roger nodded|vigorously, expressing|his willingness|to hold|the baton|she handed|over to|the empire.  
Subconsciously,|the Queen|of Eternal|Night, who|he thought|would never|fail, frankly|admitted the|hidden dangers|of her|lifespan, and|begged him|to take|her place|one day.|He was|powerless to|refuse this|trust.  
The two|looked at|each other,|and suddenly|the Queen|of Evernight|turned her|head to|the side,|avoiding his|gaze, and|said in|a disgusting|tone, "Well,|you don't|want to|look like|I'm dying|tomorrow, and|I will|die for|at least|ten years.|It won't|be sudden|death, and|it will|be punched|out by|the brains|of the|gods!"  
She turned|her head|again and|regained the|playful and|contemptuous smile|of the|past few|days, pressing|one hand|on his|shoulder, "Roger|Aiqing, don't|let your|guard down,|you must|be in|the most|perfect state.|Complete the|task, or|I will|worry about|you too."  
"Don't|worry, Your|Majesty, I|understand that|a lion|fights a|rabbit, and|I do|my best."|Roger took|a deep|breath and|replied in|a relaxed|tone as|much as|possible.  
"So good,|little Roger."|The Queen|of Evernight|pinched his|face, and|her figure|gradually faded|away.  
Well, I|wanted him|to meditate|to restore|his spiritual|power, and|I did|it successfully!  
It's|just that|he has|control over|people's hearts,|but he's|not happy|at all|and feels|very heavy.  
She|didn't understand|that Tybella|used a|routine to|exchange her|sincerity, but|she accidentally|exchanged her|sincerity for|her sincerity.  
When|she put|pressure on|Roger in|the future,|she also|assumed the|responsibility of|guarding him|and cultivating|him at|the moment.  
Roger,|who stayed|where he|was, also|showed a|trace of|confusion.  
So that|one-day Qingteng|will not|fall apart|without a|queen, I|need to|accumulate a|reputation from|now on,|and then|stand up|at the|right time.|I am|willing, after|all, I|also identify|with this|empire.  
But why|Roger?0Correct
I wanted|to have|a crown|prince with|Your Majesty,|but in|the end,|the crown|prince was|me.  
I was|treated like|a child|from beginning|to end...  
This|hell difficulty|starts getting|weirder and|weirder. Can|you still|see a|comeback point?  

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