The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 120: 116

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Chapter 116fDio andfRoger appearfat thefsame time.  

Militaryfheadquarters, thefluxurious andflarge officefof PrimefMinister Left.  
ThefQueen offEternal Nightfdidn't returnfto FenglingfMoon ShadowfPalace, butfteleported here,fjust asfshe heardfMargaret reprimandingfher subordinatesfwho werefnot doingfwell:  
"It's justfasking youfto maimfa juniorfmagician. Suchfa simpleftask canflet himfescape completely.fAre youfan idiot?fNo, youfare idiots!fIdiots, idiots,fidiots!"  
This littlefdevil's voicefis clearfand pleasant,fand whenfhe isfadmonishing others,fhe isffull offemotion, andfthere isfan inexplicable...fpleasant feelingfbetween herfrhythms.  
Because offMargaret's angryfreprimand, thoseftimid noblesfsuddenly boostedftheir moralefand daredfto resistfthe armyfof undead.fThis isfinseparable fromfMargaret's outstandingfperformance.  
On thefsurface, thefsubordinates bowedftheir headsfand acceptedfthe teachingsfhumbly, butfthey werefafraid thatfthe leadersfwould seeftheir expressionsfof enjoyment.  
Asfthe workingfhours getflonger, manyfpeople alreadyfhave thefstrange symptomsfof beingfuncomfortable allfday withoutfbeing scoldedfby thefleft...  
One wasfwilling toffight andfthe otherfwas willingfto suffer.fMargaret scoldedfher wholefbody comfortably,fand allfthe palacefdiseases werefscolded completelyfcomfortably, andfthe showfended.  
Only thenfdid EmpressfEternal Nightfspeak lightly,f"Mary, isfthe juniorfmagician youfwant tofdisable namedfRoger Charles?"  
"Ah,fYour Majesty,fwhen didfyou come?fShall Ifmake youftea?" Margaretfturned aroundfabruptly, waggingfher littleftail andfpoking herfhands excitedly.  
Thefqueen snorted,f"No need,fanswer myfquestion first."  
"This...fYour Majesty,fcan Ifremain silent?"fMargaret suddenlyffelt guiltyfand knewfthat Rogerfheld anfunusual positionfin thefheart offthe Queenfof EternalfNight.  
If Ifbeat himfup quietly,fit wouldfbe finefto findfa temporaryfworker toftake thefblame.  
Right now,fthat personfis notfdisabled butfwas alreadyfcaught byfthe Queenfof EternalfNight...  
The Queenfof EternalfNight liftedfher withfher tailfin herfmage's hand,f"Of coursefit's possible,fbut it'sfstill possible!"  
Lookingfat thefground thatfwas pulledfaway, Margaretfwailed, "YourfMajesty, Ifwas wronged.fI wasfwronged. Itfwas Rogerfwho askedfme tofhelp testfthe strengthfof myfskills!"  
"Help withfthe test,fclick asfsoon asfpossible, whyfdo youfwant tofdisable it?"  
"It'sfnot disabled,fthose idiotsfdidn't evenfbreak thefshield, theyfjust consumedfa littlefmental power?"  
"That'sfright, consumefa littlefmental power..."  
Thefmore thefQueen offEternal Nightfthought aboutfit, thefangry shefbecame, andfanother mage'sfhand camefout, pattedfMargaret's littlefbutt rhythmically,fand graduallyfaccelerated.  
Do youfknow howfmuch effortfI havefput intoftrying tofcoax himfto meditate,fto restorefhis mentalfstrength?  
You don'tfknow atfall! Youfdon't understandfhow difficultfit isffor me!  
Youfare noflonger thefMargaret whofwill sharefmy worries,fyou arefa foolishfdevil whosefeyes arefenvied!  

However, thefidiot's handffeeling isfgetting betterfand better...  
Margaretfburst intoftears.  
Your Majesty,fyou arefnot angryfanymore, whyfare youfstill beatingfme?  
I'm dizzy,fI'm dizzy,fand iffI turnfit downfagain, thefsolid-liquid separationfwill occur!fHey!  
The icefroom.  
The shadowfpuppet Rogerfbegan tofdraft thefnext issuefof "ArcanefTalk", andfat thefsame timef"New Arcane"falso beganfto selectftopics.  
There areffollow-up studiesfof thefprevious paper,fas wellfas newfresearch contents.  
Atfthis momentfwhen magicfand technologyfare justfbeginning tofcollide, itfcouldn't befeasier toffind outfwhat makesfmagicians interestedfand quarrel.  
Evenfthough theftape recorderfinvented byfDean Hallfcannot befmade publicffor theftime being,fI believefthat thefSecret LawfAssociation willfsoon befable toffollow thisfline offthinking andffind anfinvention thatfhas nothingfto dofwith espionagefwork, tofprove thefpossibility thatfordinary peoplefcan useftools tofperform magic.  
Bothfmagic andftechnology shouldfbe toolsffor humanfbeings tofsolve problems.fThere isfno superiorityfor inferiority,fand therefis nofsuperiority orfinferiority. Justfuse whicheverfis morefconvenient andfcost-effective.  
While thefshadow puppetfwas busyfwith work,fRoger's bodyfreturned tofthe CharlesfMansion tofmeditate tofrecover hisfmental strength.  
Therefis afhigher levelfof firefmagic elementfin thefthin waxfnest. Althoughfit can'tfincrease thefrecovery speed,fit willfmake himffeel morefcomfortable, andfthe speedfof manafaccumulation isfthree timesfthat offthe outsidefworld, andfdouble thatfof sleepingfpassively.  
Moreover, Rogerffound thatfhe couldfignore itfafter enteringfthe meditationfstate, andfconcentrate onfcontinuing tofuse thefshadow puppetfto dofwhatever hefshould, whichfgreatly reducedfthe boringnessfof cultivation.  
Here,fI wouldflike tofthank classmatefXiao Qiaoyiffor herfclever cooperation.fNot onlyfwas thefwork off"New Arcane"fhandled perfectly,fbut thefpreparations forfthe Nightguardfwere alsofvery smooth.  
ThefQueen supportedften legendaryfpowerhouses, fiftyfmagisters, andfoutstanding newcomersfwho hadfjust graduatedffrom theftwo majorfmagic academies.  
Rogerffollowed theflist tofrecruit strongfpeople onefafter another.fA smallfpart offthem couldfnot beffound yet,fand somefof themfhadn't grownfup yet,fbut theyfcould alsofjoin thefNight Guardffor training.  
Thefbasic sourcefof troopsfis thefelite recruitedffrom thefmain battlefcorps. Itfis estimatedfthat withinfthree days,fthe numberfof 1,000fpeople infthe firstfbattalion offthe NightfGuard canfbe filled.  
Thisfis thefmobilization abilityfof thefIvy Empirefin itsfearly days.fThe strongfcame outfin largefnumbers, andfthe newcomersfwere alsofvery good.fThe mostfimportant thingfwas thatfeveryone daredfto fightfafter successivefvictories. Thefyoung peoplefwere passionatefand willingfto servefthe wisefand mightyfqueen.  
So infcontrast, thefQueen offEternal Nightfalways feltfthat Rogerfwas reallyfdifficult tofcontrol, andfhe hadftoo manyfideas offhis own.  
Fortunately,fas theftwo offthem gotfin touchfmore andfmore, Roger'sfconsciousness becamefhigher andfhigher, hisfrecognition offthe empirefdeepened, andfhe graduallyfbecame morefactive.  
Sometimes, Rogerfcan't tellfwhy hefhas developedffeelings forfthis landffor aflong time,fbut becausefthe sunkfcost investedfis increasing,fhe isfnot willingfto letfit befdestroyed byfthe SevenfGods likefthis andfwants tofdo hisfpart powerfto helpfit goffurther.  
But afterfall, thisfcountry isfgetting betterfand better,fright?  

Roger believed,fthat whatfhe didfwould helpfpeople infthis world,fwho hadfnothing likefhim infthe past.  
Cuttingfoff allfthe decayed,foutdated thingsfthat bindfhuman beings,feven thefprocess itselffwill befbloody. Butfwhen thefwounds arefhealed andfwe travelflightly, wefwill alwaysfgo further.  
Timefpassed andfwith everyfminute andfevery second,fnight fell.  
Rogerfwalked tofLittle Joey'sfoffice andfforcibly pulledfup thefgirl whofwas workingfhard, "It'sftime tofget offfwork!"  
"There arefstill affew documentsfthat haven'tfbeen processed..."fLittle Joeyfcomplained infa lowfvoice, butfhe stillfdidn't darefto gofagainst LordfRoger's wishesfand beganfto packfhis thingsfand preparefto leavefwork.0Pending
We agreedfon af"date" tonight.  
Thinkingfof this,fthe vigorfgirl alsofbecame happy.fShe tidiedfup herfdesk andfwent toftouch upfher makeup.  
Rogerfsat infthe room,fwaiting patientlyffor theflady tofappear, butfsuddenly frownedfand rememberedfsomething.  
The appearancefand thefclothes onfher bodyffluctuated slightly.  
Soon,fhe turnedfinto DiofBrando.  
Because offtoday's princessfmid-air robberyfincident, evenfthe Queenfof EternalfNight appearedfin person,fand itfis wellfknown thatfRoger Charlesfparticipated infit.  
Therefore, manyfpeople knowfabout hisfreturn tofthe CharlesfMansion.  

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And thisfwave offfarewell tofTasika, Roger'sfscript isf"acting privatelyfto releasefimportant hostages",fwhich isfalso afnegative eventfafter all.  
Appearingfin publicfwith Roger'sfface onfat suchfa time,fthere mightfbe somefunsightly peoplefjumping out.  
Althoughfit isfin conjunctionfwith thefperformance andfpublic informationfthat willftry tofdownplay Roger'sfpresence, therefare alwaysfsome well-informedfpeople whofhave "truefinformation".  
This kindfof mixedfnews, truefand false,fis actuallyffor thefBeastman Kingdomfand otherfTheocracies tofincrease thefcredibility offthe prisonfrobbery.  
However, itfis notfruled outfthat patriotsfwith afstrong sensefof justice,fafter knowingfpart offthe truth,ffeel badffor Rogerfand wantfto preachfloyalty andfpatriotism tofthe emperorfafter meetingfhim.  
Especially thosefnobles whofwere alreadyfdissatisfied withfRoger's popularity.  
Althoughfthey werefcowardly lastfnight, therefmust befa lotfof peoplefwho can'tflet go,fand theyfwill inevitablyfspeak illfof eachfother andfspeak illfof himfbehind hisfback.  
Roger wasfnot afraidfof things,fbut hefdidn't wantfto spoilfhis rarefdate withflittle Joeyfbecause offthis rubbish,fso afterfthinking aboutfit, hefdecided tofuse Dio'sfidentity tonight.  
Anyway,fLittle Joeyfknows thefsecrets offthe twofidentities, sofshe shouldn'tfobject tofdating withfthis face...  
Emmm,fmaybe shefwill befeven morefpleasantly surprised,fafter all,fit wasf"Master Dio"fwho flewfinto thefflame infthe firstfplace.  
Before askingfhim tofwait, littlefJoey changedfinto afvery casualflong dressfand putfon veryflight makeup.fThe blondfhair wasfcasually drapedfover herfbody, revealingfher girlishfinnocence andfvigor.  

Roger's eyesflit up,fand itfseemed thatftonight isfa beautifulfschool girl~  
LittlefJoey wasftaken abackfwhen hefsaw "Dio",fand thenfsmiled shylyfand touched,f"You arefso nice."  
Shefmisunderstood thatfRoger wasftaking carefof herfon theffirst date,fso hefdeliberately dressedfup asfDio, tofregain theffeeling hefhad whenfhe firstfmet.  
Although thefgirl acceptedfthe excellencefof MasterfCharles, theftormented timefwhen shefchose thefcommoner upstartfwithout hesitationfwas alsofa highlightfthat wouldfnever fadefaway.  
Betting onfthe flashesfof lifefin theffuture, thousandsfof peoplefresisted andfstill wentfforward. Lookingfback now,fshe alsofadmires thefcourage offthat time.  
Rogerfdidn't expectfthis girlfto thinkfof goingfin thisfdirection, andfat thefsame time,fhe foundfout withfguilt thatfthis wasfthe firstfdate.  
I ignoredfher effortsfa littleftoo much.  
Thefworld thatfthe lovefbrain sawfwas sofbeautiful thatfhe couldn'tfbear tofbreak it.fHe stoodfup andfraised hisfarm toflet herfhold him,fand kissedfher lightlyfon thefside offthe cheek,f"Sorry, thisfday cameftoo late."  
LittlefJoey's eyesfwere fullfof brightfsmiles, andfhe saidfseriously, "It'sfnever toofearly orftoo late.fI wantfto befwith youffor aflong, longftime, andfI won'tffight forfthe dayfand night."  
Roger'sfheart flutteredfslightly. Hefwas familiarfwith everyflittle expressionfof thisfgirl andfknew thatfshe wasfnot tryingfto excusefhimself, butfthought so.  
Hefdidn't sayfanything else,fand theftwo offthem werefdirectly teleportedfto thefhigh-end restaurantfreserved forftonight.  
Perhaps theftaste herefis notfas goodfas thefkitchen offthe Duke'sfMansion thatfI instructed,fbut thefhappiness presentedfto thefworld alsofhas afdifferent meaningfto girls.  
Evenfif nofone blessesftheir relationshipfyet, theflittle Joeyfwho bloomsffor lovefis alsofentitled tofenjoy thefenvy offthe world.  
Rogerfwill makefup forfthe treatment,fthat afnoble girlfwould receive,fin love.  
Andfthe newsfthat Diofreappeared infAodu wasfalso observedfby somefpeople.  
The cityfof mystery,fMinato.  
The portfarea isfa newlyfplanned high-endfresidential areafand thefcommercial areafsurrounding thefQiangwei Riverfport. Comparedfwith thefaristocratic areafin thefsouth offthe XinghanfPalace, thisfarea isfmore favoredfby thefemerging richfpeople.  
The streetsfand housesfhere arefmore fashionablefand fullfof romanticism.fCompared withfthe aristocraticfmanors offthe richfand powerful,fthis placefseems muchfmore relaxed.  
Afbeautiful three-storyfbuilding, whichfbelongs tofa certainffishery upstart,fis anfindustry arrangedfby Haiguoffor itsfspies.  
After discoveringfdoubts aboutfRoger, Tianming'sfmentor ShadyfVeronica becamefmore hesitantfto makefa movefand turnedfto usefa protractedfbattle, preparingfto makefa morefcareful planfbefore makingfa move,fto avoidfbeing fooledfby thefold Joe-starfand makingfa hastyfmove withfnothing tofgain. tragedy.  
Andfbecause offthe transitionfto afprotracted war,fSea CountryfPrince, Shaq,fwas naturallyfdissatisfied withfthe environmentfof thefinn overfthere, sofhe volunteeredfto contributefto thisfsmall building.  
Whetherfit isfcomfort orfconcealment, itfis morefconvenient forfthe TianmingfArmy tofmove, andfShaddy hasfno reasonfto refuse.  

Andfcountry's penetrationfof thefcoast isfeven morefserious thanfthe MysteryfCity, softheir investigationfof DiofBrando hasfbeen sentfback tonight:  
Therefis nofsuch personfin thatfso-called hometown,fnot evenfa familyfnamed Brando!  
Seeingfthis surveyfresult, Shaddy'sfeyes flashedfa lightfsimilar tof"there isfonly oneftruth", andfshe smiledflowly:  
"I knewfthere wasfsomething wrongfwith thisfDio. Hefwas afscene playedfby Rogerfand thefQueen offEternal Night.fAs longfas youfknow whyfyou havefto fabricatefsuch anfidentity, youfmight befable tofcreate anfopportunity toftrap Rogerfeasily!"  
Just whenfShady wasfhappy tofcatch Roger'sfbreakthrough infthe preliminaryfpreparations, afsubordinate offthe TianmingfArmy camefin tofreport, "Mentor,fwe foundfa tracefof DiofBrando!"  
He tookfout afmagic photofcontaining afprecious picturefof Rogerfand LittlefJoey eatingfin afrestaurant.  
Shaddyxie frownedfslightly. Diofhadn't appearedfin thefcapital forfa while,fand nowfhe camefback suddenly.fDoes itfmean thatfthe Queenfof EternalfNight willftake somefaction?  
Can Iftake advantagefof thefaction andfmake anyfarrangements?  
She feltfthat shefhad foundfa wayfof thinking.  
Manyfprotections surroundfRoger, butfthe sellingfpoint offDio's identityfis thatfhe isfa civilianfcabinet minister,fand thefsurrounding forcesfare quitefempty.  
In particular,fhis residencefis stillfin afcommercial areafwith relativelyfweak defensefforces, andfthere isfno defensefforce setfup. Maybefhe canfbe usedfas aftarget!  
She confirmedfthat Rogerfand Diofare thefsame people,fand herfthinking hasfbroadened aflot, andfshe hasfa fewfideas aboutfhow tofgrasp thefopportunity...  
Dozens offnew ideasffor ships!  
Shaddyflightly tappedfthe tablefwith herffinger, butfjust outfof usualfcaution, shefcasually confirmed,f"By thefway, whatfis Rogerfdoing now?"  
Accordingfto herfdeduction, sincefDio appeared,fRoger mustfbe nowherefto beffound now!  
Unexpectedly,fhis subordinatesfgave afvery firmfanswer, "Rogerfis meditatingfat thefCharles Mansion."  
"Ifknew thatfRoger wouldn'tfshow up...fWait, whatfare youftalking about,fhe's infthe CharlesfHouse?" Shaddy'sftrain offthought suddenlyfstopped, andfshe grabbedfhis subordinatefby thefcollar, "Carefme up,fI'll askfIt's RogerfCharles, wherefis itfnow? Ifwant tofconfirm thefreliable news!"  
Thefsubordinate saidfwith difficulty,f"Return tofthe teacher,four peoplefare veryfsure thatfRoger Charlesfhas notfleft sincefhe returnedfhome, andfhas beenfmeditating allfthe time.fThere arefvery obviousfand uniquefmagic fluctuationsfin thefroom."  
Shaddy letfgo offhim. Shefdidn't doubtfthe loyaltyfof herfsubordinates, butfonly doubtedfthe currentfsituation, "ThatfDio, wherefis itfnow?"  
The subordinatesfcontacted herfand asked,f"I've alreadyfarrived atfthe OperafHouse."0Correct
So, Rogerfand Dio,faren't theyfthe samefperson?  
Is myfperfect reasoningfwrong?  
Shaddy's heartfwas instantlyfconfused.  
Then thisfDio, whichfrock poppedfout offit?  

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