The Quiet Empress

Chapter 6: 6. Imperial Party

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Feng Ning didn’t really pay attention to her two sisters, who had a bad expression on their faces inside the carriages. Despite their age difference, the way they scrunched their faces in displeasure was exceedingly similar to one another. They disliked the other party too and certainly didn’t want anyone to take their parents’ love from them.

She simply looked outside until they reached the palace.

‘How extravagant.’

Looking at the luxurious palace, Feng Ning was speechless. Despite knowing that Lin Tian Kingdom was thriving after successfully defeating several kingdoms, she didn’t know that they would be using their loot to upgrade their palace. It was clearly exuding the sentence: look at me, look at how beautiful and sparkly I am.

If the people from other continent had successfully developed firearms and came here, there was no doubt that this would be the place where they would raid the most.

Feng Ning shook her head silently.

This was a different world as the history was different from anything she had read back then. Would there be still the same civilization across the sea?

She didn’t know.

And she didn’t want to know either.

“Princess, we have arrived.”

Feng Quan walked out first and held her head high. Behind her, Feng Ning followed silently, looking around covertly yet still showed her curious eyes. The last one was Feng Zhu Liu, the youngest. She was trying her best to smile, yet the smile looked horrendous.

“This way.” The eunuch led the way.

Carriages were not allowed to enter the inner part, so they had to walk. Feng Ning didn’t really mind, but when she entered the main hall, she was speechless. Looking at the gilded gold at many parts in the main hall, she felt that this had just renewed her knowledge regarding what could be called rich.

It was really extravagant.

“Your Highness.”

Several people stood up and had to greet them politely. Looking at the row of people there, Feng Ning blinked her eyes curiously. To think that the banquet didn’t separate female and male.

How rare.

Well, they might be in the same hall, but the male was on the right side while the female was in the left side.

“Imperial Sister,” Lin Xie Ya greeted when she saw her older sister.

Her older sister, Lin Xie Ni, raised her head when she saw Lin Xie Ya. There was a glint in her eyes when she looked at her annoying younger sister. “Imperial Sister Xie Ya, happy New Year.”

“Happy New Year.” Lin Xie Ya smiled back, hiding the glint within her eyes. “Imperial Sister wouldn’t mind me for taking this seat, right?”

“I don’t mind.” Lin Xie Ni was actually boiling in rage. Because Lin Xie Ya had four children, her position had been lowered. Many people didn’t say it outright, but it was very clear from their expression that they were not going to curry favor to her.

No one dared to confront her outright unless they were seeking death.

However, it wouldn’t stop them from making some snide remarks behind her back. Killing without knives have always been these women’s specialty.

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“Thank you, Imperial Sister.”

After greetings her older sister, Lin Xie Ya turned her attention to the side. At this time, her eyes caught the sight of a middle aged man who sat not far from them. He had clean appearance and but his eyebrows showed his sharp disposition. When noticing that the princess was looking at him, he bowed.

“Lin Han Xing greets Imperial Princess Ya.”

Lin Xie Ya smiled. This Lin Han Xing’s original surname was Zhou, but because of the merit he gained back then, he was acknowledged as their brothers. In other words, he was elevated to become a prince.

However, despite changing his surname, he didn’t have any right to inherit the throne. It was written in the Imperial Edict, which was why Lin Han Xing was spared by their brother and could stay alive.

If not for that edict, he would have been killed long ago.

It was also why Lin Xie Ya didn’t try to make things difficult to this man. She nodded. “Prince Xing, it’s been a while. I heard that your son had just returned from the battlefield and come this time.”

Lin Han Xing’s smile stiffened and he nodded his head rapidly. He pointed to the young man beside him and quickly introduced the other party, “Your Highness, this is my first son, Lin Zi Xuan, who had just come back from the frontline.”

The young man, Lin Zi Xuan, raised his head for a brief moment before lowering his head again. However, that brief moment was more than enough for Feng Ning to see that the man had exquisite face. His sharp eyebrows and fierce glint matched his status perfectly as a soldier from the battlefield.

As he lowered his gaze, Feng Ning could see his dark eyes. It looked so deep as if it was concealing the universe secret.

“Prince Zi Xuan.” Lin Xie Ya nodded with a smile.

“Lin Zi Xuan greets Your Highness.” Lin Zi Xuan’s voice was low. It sounded pleasing to the ears, but at the same time, it carried traces of coldness that was hidden deeply. It was as if the greeting was nothing more than a warning.

Feng Ning had heard about this man from the servants. Many people were lamenting his bad luck. Lin Han Xing became a prince around 20 years ago before the current emperor took the reign. However, at that time, Lin Han Xing had a lover from unknown background and continued his relationship with her regardless of everything.

She ended up giving birth to Lin Zi Xuan. However, to be able to establish his status in the Capital City, Lin Han Xing had no other choice but to marry a woman from noble family later on and had another son, who was seven years younger than Lin Zi Xuan.

In order to make sure that Lin Zi Xuan would not become a bother to them, he was sent to the frontline when he was a mere 7 years old brat.

It was unknown how he managed to survive.

Now, he was already a famous commander despite being only 18 years old this year.

Lin Xie Ya nodded her head when she saw his attitude. She had heard that he was an uncouth young man and it seemed to be true. Her eyes then landed on the other younger man, who was standing not far from them. “Your second son seems to be growing well too, Prince Xing.”

Lin Han Xing laughed drily. How could he not know that the Imperial Family was actually warning him not to cross the line? They were all trying their best to have the heir and yet, they only gained daughters so far.

Instead, it was him who ended up having two sons in a row.

“Your Highness, this is Lin Hu Xi, my second son.”

“Greetings, Imperial Aunt.”


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