The Raunchy Revenge of Merille Morningtide

Chapter 26: Chapter 26

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Revinne sauntered to her, hips swaying tantalizingly from side to side. The merc gulped, unable to take her eyes off the other woman. After constantly being on the receiving end of lustful desires, it was a daunting experience to find herself on the other side of it.

Her fingers twitched with the urge to reach the blonde’s heavy mounds and tested their softness. She gulped, recalling those soft lips pressing against hers. For some odd reason, that kiss had made her so horny.

Merille ground her teeth, forcing down the burning carving within her loin. “I’m leaving,” she bit out the words and spun on her heels.

The other woman seized her, grabbing tight to her hand. “D-Don’t go! C’mon, I’m sorry I teased you. Won’t you forgive me? Pretty please?” She batted her lush lashes at the merc with an innocent smile.

Her heart skipped a beat and her jaw went slack. She nearly forgot to breathe as she stared into those mesmerizing blue gaze. “N-No! I-I’m better off working alone,” she sputtered after a moment but could not retrieve her hand from the other woman’s grip.

“C’mon! It’ll go much easier if we work together. I’ve been in there several times and found a safe route in and out of the warehouse. It’s going to be a cakewalk if I have someone who can fight by my side,” she pleaded.

“N-No! I will find my own way!” Merille said firmly. “There’s also no reason for you to risk your life for this. It’s not your problem to take care of.” She shook her hand free when the grip suddenly loosened.

Then an icy chill rushed down her back as the mesmerizing blue gaze turned into solid ice. Her gut churned with trepidation when a snarl pulled back the blonde’s lips to reveal two rows of pearly teeth.

“It is my problem?!” Revinne growled. “You keep babbling about risking my life for no reason when you don’t even know anything about me!” She poked a finger on the merc’s chest hard enough to make her jerk with the impact.

“I have every right to destroy those drugs! To put a dagger in his heart if I could. To burn that place down along with everything inside it!” Tears welled in her blue eyes. “I lost everything because of Lilac! So don’t tell me to stay out of this!”

The petite merc opened her mouth but was too surprised by the outburst to find any retort. A clear streak rolled down Revinne’s flushed cheek as she stepped in closer. Her face was barely inches from Merille when more tears streamed down her face.

“Wh-What happened?” she managed after a few startling moments. “What did he do to you?”

Her expression softened at the questions. Her snarl turned into sobs as her brows creased with grief. “H-He did nothing to me…but he destroyed everything I ever loved with Lilac,” she said before nuzzling her forehead into the crook of Merille’s neck.

Awkwardly, she wrapped her arms around the voluptuous woman and pulled her close. Though she had no memory of her past, there was always a part of her that hated the drug. Only thoughts of its destruction came to mind whenever she heard its name.

After hearing about the lives Lilac ruined, Merille was convinced she did not need a reason for her hatred. She even urged Vince to help her burn as many shipments as they could before he became too sick before eventually passing away.

“M-My family…” the blonde started and her voice broke as more tears rolled down the merc’s shoulder. “My mom and dad were killed because of it…”

Her stomach twisted and bile rose in her throat. Though Merille could not remember her parents, she had tasted the loss of someone who was the closest thing to a father. Her heart ached as she squeezed the other woman tighter.

“We moved to Rondelle after the rebuild because my dad thought we could start over in a new city,” she continued, hugging the merc back. “He started working at Steele Shipping while my mom and I worked in a tavern near our home. We didn’t have much but things were good. For a while at least…”

Revinne pulled back slightly to look up at her and the genuine pain on her expression caused a lump to form in her throat. Broken families were nothing new in places where the rich took advantage of those less fortunate to gain even more wealth.

“Th-Then he came home one day with a serious look on his face…H-He found out they were distributing drugs in secret.” More tears spilled down her cheeks with a whimpering sob. “He was going to report it to the authorities because it was the right thing to do.”

“But the next day some guys came to drop him off at our home, saying he had a little too much to drink.” Her brows furrowed and her lips quivered. “But he wasn’t drunk. That night, we found injection marks on his arm…”

Anger boiled in her chest at the story. Luring people into taking Lilac so they became addicted was bad enough, forcing it upon someone who did not want it was beyond forgivable. She would make sure Kurt knew that pain before life drained from his eyes.

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“We only found out days later that they also threatened to hurt my mom and I if my dad didn’t go back to the warehouse…Th-They…They forced him into an addict to protect us!” the blonde croaked, trembling incessantly.

Revinne swallowed hard and her voice shook when she continued, “After a while, he became violent. He was never like that. He started hitting my mom, screaming for her to get him more drugs. It was so bad…but she put up with it.”

“I begged her to run away with me. I’ve saved up a bit of money, so we should be able to move away somewhere. But she wouldn’t leave him. She still loved him after all that a-and…and she still believed that he would come to his senses.”

“...So I stayed with her. I had to because there was no one else to take care of her. But there was a crowd in front of our home on that day. I pushed through them and saw my dad on the ground, covered in blood. S-So I ran inside for my mom…but…but I was too late. She was already dead.”

Revinne’s jaw clenched as she looked away. “My dad…he…he strangled her. People were saying that he came out of the house screaming about demons attacking him before the guards had to take him down.”

“In the end, they concluded that he hallucinated after taking too much drugs and killed her.” She shook violently as she forced out the words.

“I’m sorry…” Merille said with tears welling in her eyes. “I’ll make sure Kurt pays for this.”

The blonde sniffed and shook her head. “No. I didn’t tell you this so you can take revenge for me,” she said firmly before taking off her glasses and wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt. “I want to do it myself…so at least be there when it happens.”

The merc opened her mouth to retort but a creak from beyond the door snapped her attention toward the entrance. “Someone is here!” she said in a whisper.

Revinne went quiet for a brief moment before her blue eyes darted wide with a panic. “Shit! He’s here already?!” she hissed before pushing away.

She looked left and right in a hurry then back to Merille and took her hand. “Fuck! This is going to be so awkward,” she grumbled and tugged her toward the side of the room with the smaller bed.

The blue-eyed woman sat her down on the bed and lifted a finger in front of her face. “Whatever you hear, don’t come out alright?”

Revinne spun away before the merc could reply or even understand what was going on. She got up to ask a question but the other woman was already drawing the curtain shut, cutting her off from the rest of the room.

She burst back between the thick fabric a moment later. Her face flushed but it was not from the crying earlier. “I-I’ll explain later. Just…Just don’t do anything!” she hissed before popping out when a knock sounded.

Merille was left in darkness as the only source of illumination came from the table lamp next to the larger bed. There might have been another lamp on this side of the room but she thought better of turning it on and revealed her presence to whoever was coming in.

Footsteps rushed toward the door before a brief pause. The room was quiet enough for her to hear a deep inhale coming from the blonde. The knob turned with a click and a soft screech of hinges revealed that the door was opening.

“Hello, beautiful,” a male voice greeted, causing the merc to bristle with suspicion.

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