The Realm of New Genesis

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: The Village Hidden by the Forest

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1280 A.M. Village Outside the Great Forest of Gaia


‘Stomp, Stomp, Stomp’

“I’m gonna get him this time.” A young girl thinks to herself in excitement as she sprints through her home towards the door of her father’s room.

“Hup! Grizzly!” As she jumps in the air, a faint red glow begins to envelop her leg and take shape similar to a bear’s foot.

“Hiya!” Hitting the door with a flying kick, it flies off the hinges and lands on the floor in front of a now very annoyed-looking man.


“Uh oh. Uh, I’m sorry?” She says while shrinking back towards the doorway.

Raising his hand to his head, the man begins to rub his temples as he lets out a large breath of disappointment.

“‘Sigh’ Mei Li, how many times have I told you not to do that in the house?”

“A lot”

“Exactly; please try to be a little bit more considerate. We don’t have enough resources to keep repairing things you break constantly.”

“Yes, dad.”

“Great, let’s get on with it then. Get dressed and grab your staff, then meet me out back, and we’ll do some training.”

“Okay!” Mei says happily while running out of the room.

“Hm. Grizzly bear, huh? That’s a new one. Where did she meet a bear?” The man mumbled to himself as he made his way through the house.

“Jun, is everything alright?” A woman calls out to him from the kitchen.

“Yes, dear, Mei got too excited to show off her new move. Do you know when she would have met a grizzly bear? “He replied as he walked into the kitchen to greet his wife.

“Oh, that girl, honestly, she is too ambitious for her own good as for the bear. I believe she ventured off into the forest yesterday with a few of her friends while you were making plans with the temple on how to handle our supply shortage. Maybe they ran into a bear?”

He placed his hand on his head again and took another deep breath, “I still don’t understand how you can say things like that so casually. A five-year-old girl and her friends sneaking off into a dangerous forest and running into a bear should be more alarming.”

“Oh, don’t be like that, dear. Besides being a blessed one, her skill with the martial arts you have been teaching her makes her more than capable of handling herself.”

“Yeah yeah. I know. But still-” before he could finish, he was cut off by Mei screaming from outside.

“Daaaad, where are you? How did I get here before you?”

“I better go. Don’t want to keep her waiting.” Jun says as he makes his way outside.

“So, young lady, what’s this I’m hearing about yesterday’s trip to the forest?” He says to Mei as he steps onto the porch.

“Well, uh, you see. You were really busy talking about the problems with the forest so I thought maybe I could help! Oh! and get some practical experience other than trying to beat you up!” She replied quickly.

Not believing a single word of that, even for a moment, Jun sighs as he decides it would be better just to let it go. “I don’t think that’s true at all. I think you were bored and wanted to explore and fight something, but I’ll take your word for it. Thank you for trying to help Mei, but if we could solve this by rushing in there wildly, then the guard and I would have already done so. Please be more careful and ask before you do something reckless like that again. We still don’t know everything that lurks in there.”

Looking slightly upset, she rubs her heel into the dirt. “Fineee. Can we get started now?”

“Sure, show me what you learned with this “practical experience” you gained yesterday,” Jun says while stepping onto the dirt.

“Don’t be too surprised when I knock you off your feet!” Mei yells while charging forward and spinning her staff.

‘Hah!’ Mei jumped into the air, bringing her staff down onto Jun’s head, who blocked it quickly. “Not bad, too predictable, though.”

With a big smirk, Mei wraps her legs around his head, spins, and throws him down to the ground.

Standing up, she starts jumping up and down. Mei shouts, “Yeah! Didn’t predict that one!”

‘Pat, pat’ “Not bad, Mei. I’m impressed,” He says, rising to his feet and wiping the dirt off his clothes.

“Now, I’ll allow you to use some of your transformations. I want to see if you’ve improved using your powers, so don’t hold back.”

“Okay!” she says happily.

Taking a moment to prepare herself, Mei closes her eyes and starts taking deep breaths to slow her heart rate and calm down. ‘fuuuuu,’ exhaling softly, she opens her eyes and moves into a fighting stance. She points the staff she had been holding at the ready behind her in the direction of her father. “Okay, here I go.”

A red light begins to creep up and down her arms, encasing them in a soft glow. As the glow fades, the light starts to take the shape of limbs resembling that of a gorilla. The same glow overtakes her legs as the light forms into the legs of a cheetah. With a large amount of sweat beginning to form all over her, she swiftly dashes toward Jun.

Expecting no strategy but a brute force strike, he prepares himself.

Instead of attacking with her all of her strength head-on Mei slides onto the ground and sweeps his legs out from underneath him, causing him to fall. With her breathing beginning to labor and her body starting to tremble, she throws her staff into the air as the light around her legs changes shape to those of rabbits.

Jun stands as Mei leaps high into the air. Meeting her staff, she grabs it and hurls it down towards Jun. As he quickly steps aside to avoid being hit, Mei appears above, where he moved to ready with a punch. ‘Haaaaah!’ Mei shouts as she slams her fists into the haphazard block he just managed to put up.

‘Rrgh,’ Jun growls as the strength of the punch exceeds his expectations, causing his block to break apart and leave him wide open. Mei spins in the air as one of the rabbit’s legs changes into one of a zebra and kicks him in the face with enough force to send him flying backward.

As soon as she lands, Mei collapses to the ground, covered in sweat, breathing erratically, shaking uncontrollably, and unable to move. ‘hah, hah, huff.’ “Ugh, ‘huff.’”

“Mei! Are you okay?” Jun yells as he gets up and runs over to her.

“‘huff, huff,’ I think so… ‘huff’”

“You overdid it way too much by switching that many times so fast. Your body can’t handle that strain yet. But putting that aside, you did an amazing job. I’m proud of you, Mei. Your hard work continues to pay off in amazing ways.”

“‘hah, hah’ thank you, dad. Can you carry me to my bed? I can’t move.”

“Of course, I will” Jun picks up Mei and begins to walk back towards their house when the sound of roars and howls from the forest suddenly shakes the area.

“‘huff’ Dad… What was that?” Mei stammered.

“It sounded like something happened in the forest.” Jun looks down and sees that Mei has passed out from fatigue. “Let’s get you inside before anything else.”

As he approaches their house’s back door, a storm of guards running from the forest appears at the treeline, shouting, “Chief Li! We have a problem!”. Jun stops as the guard’s approach.

“What’s going on in there?” He asks the captain as his wife appears in the doorway due to the commotion.

“Oh, lady Ying! I’m glad you’re also here for this report. In short, We managed to make it deep into the forest this round, so we decided to survey the area to see what we could find when all of a sudden, the ground started to shake, and the beasts in the forest started to get riled up! We just managed to find what looked like the source of the tremor before the frenzied creatures attacked us. We narrowly escaped the area after killing a bear and sprinted back here to inform you of the matter.” The captain explained quickly.

“I see. This isn’t good. The forest is dangerous enough these days; we can’t afford to have the entire thing in an uproar. You said you think you found the source. Where and what was it?” Jun asks while handing Mei to his wife. “Please take her inside and lay her down. She’s exhausted. Then meet me back here; id like you to accompany me.”

“Got it,” Ying said while running inside carrying Mei.

“We believe the tremor came from a cave we found hidden behind some trees in an alcove, sir, but we can’t be certain. We were chased away before we had any chance to enter and confirm. But, do you mean to go investigate the matter yourself with lady Ying?” the captain replied.

“Yes, we will see to this personally. Thank you very much for all of your hard work, everyone. We wouldn’t be able to exist without all of you. However, I have a favor to ask of you before you return home.” Jun says respectfully to the group.

“Of course, sir, anything you ask.” They all shout without hesitation.

“I appreciate it, everyone; I’d like you to stay here and guard this house. The last thing I want is Mei waking up and trying to run in after us when she has already overexerted herself today.”

“Yes sir!” they shout while bowing.

As the guards assume their post by the door, Ying exits from the house, bowing to them in thanks for their service and looking at Jun.

“I set Mei down in her bed. She looks in bad shape. Did she push herself too hard with her powers?”

“Yes, but she was outstanding. She’s improving at such a fast pace, and her ability to use them will grow as she grows stronger. I know in the future she’ll be a force of nature.” Jun replies proudly.

“I can’t wait to see the day. Now shall we go?” Ying says as she walks up to Jun.

“Yes, let’s.”

“Sir, before you go!” The captain shouts from the porch.

“Following a straight line from here, you should come across markings on the trees that will lead you to the bear carcass. From there, the cave is a few minutes east!”

“Thank you, take care now!” Jun yells back as they step into the thick brush of the forest.


“Jun, I think this is it; take a look,” Ying says while patting him on the shoulder and pointing at a nearby tree.

He approaches the thick trunk and examines the shape on its bark. “Great eye, Ying; I completely missed this. Come on, this way. I’ll keep a better eye out.”

“None of the restless creatures have attacked us yet. Have you done something?” Ying asks while sticking closely to her husband, looking at the wildlife rampaging around.

Jun reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, gold, crude-looking device with markings etched into it. “It’s because of this. It’s a prototype of a device meant to hide one’s presence using the powers of Erebus combined with the technology made in the city of Ptahstus that Zephyr had forced them to make. I swiped it from them before coming here. The last thing this world needs is those monsters running around with something like this.”

“You stole it!? Do they know you have it?” Ying exclaimed loudly.

“They shouldn’t. Hopefully. Not like they can find us to take it back anyway with the forest’s protection. “Jun said pensively.

“Look over there! Is that the bear?” Ying said.

The two make their way over to the remains of the bear.

“Oh- my god,” Ying managed to say before turning around and vomiting behind a bush.

“What the fuck-” Jun exclaimed through the horrified look on his face as he looked down at what should have been the remains of a full bear. Instead, they were greeted with a desecrated pile of flesh. The skin and meat ripped right off the bone, with the bear’s intestines and organs sprawled out on the ground. The skull had been crushed by what looked like a giant foot with chunks of brain matter splattered around the outside, with one of the eyes crushed into the remaining pieces.

After investigating the mangled bear, Jun asked the only question that came to mind. “What did this?” He begins to spiral down a line of questioning and thinks, “What resides in this forest with the size and power to do this? I had no idea; I only thought there were normal creatures here. I’ve been sending patrols out with something like this walking around-” Ying interrupts him by placing her hand on his shoulder.

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“Come on, Jun, you’ve done nothing wrong. Will we think about all of this later, okay? For now, let’s focus on the main goal.” She says as she points to a cave barely visible behind trees in the distance.

Taking a deep breath and composing himself, Jun begins to move forward. “You’re right; let’s go.”

As the two approach the cave, the roots of the trees surrounding it begin to move and twist around, entering inside. “Why are the trees moving? Do you think they are trying to guide us, Jun?”

Taken aback by the sudden movement of the trees, Jun turns to his wife. “I can only assume so. Though I’ve never heard of anything in this area that would be able to manipulate nature like this- let’s proceed carefully for now.”

Following the roots through the dimly lit cave, they arrive at a small opening that leads to a brightly lit cavern filled with fauna. A box filled with what looked to be cloth sat at the back wall.

“Wow. Look at this place,” Ying said in amazement.

“Yeah, I’ve never seen anything like it,” Jun agrees.

“Look back there; that looks like some box. Do you think the cause of the uproar could be inside?” Ying asked.

“That’s what seems most likely,” Jun replied.

They both move toward the front of the box and grab the cloth covering the inside.

“Are you ready?” Jun asked

“Yes,” Said Ying

“One, two, three!”

They threw the cloth away from the box, fully prepared to face anything that could spring out from it.

“It’s… a child?!” They say in unison as they peer into the box where a boy lies sleeping on its bottom. The sudden removal of the cloth causes him to wake up. As he sits up, the two look at him in confusion. He, too, looks at them, full of the same emotion.

Ying is the first of them to squeeze any words out, “Boy, who are you? What are you doing here? Are you okay? Where are your parents?”

He stares at them, tilting his head, and stutters, “ah- ah- a- I- I do - don’t.. know… this is only memory.”

“You only remember being here? You poor thing. What could have happened to you? Jun, what should we do? It seems like he was the cause of the tremor, but nothing is happening now. I couldn’t bear to leave him here. He’ll be sure to die.”

“Hm…” he says while scratching his chin.

“I honestly have no idea. But with everything that has happened to lead us here and to this moment, it’s- as if the earth itself is begging us to take him with us. Boy, would you like to come with us?” Jun says contemplatively.

“I- y-yes, please, sir.” The boy replies desperately.

“Then you shall,” Ying says while lifting him from the box he was sitting in.

Noticing a mark on the back of his neck, Ying turns to Jun.

“Jun, look at his neck. That mark- he’s blessed. Have you ever seen this one before outside of the village?”

“No- no, I haven’t,” he stammers in surprise. “There was no record of a mark looking like this in the Tulsa archives. I can’t believe it. Who does it belong to?”

“I don’t remember seeing anything like it either. I had no idea there were undocumented blessed ones out in the world. I was all but certain they would have studied all of them. Also, look at his eyes; they’re beautiful.” Ying says.

“You’re right, One is blue, and the other is yellow. This is something new as well. But let’s not stay here any longer. I think it would be best to take him to the doctor for a full checkup and then to the temple.” Jun replies as he turns towards the exit of the chamber.

“We’ll make sure you’re okay and figure out what will be best for you okay?” Ying says to the boy who nods in response.

As they make their way back through the cave the couple tries to get as much information about the boy as they can.

“I know you said you only remember ever being in that cave but you must have a name and a family. What’s your name? You haven’t told us yet” Jun asked.

The boy shook his head from side to side “Don’t have one.”

“You don’t have one?! Do you at least remember how you got down in the cave?” Ying asked.

The boy shook his head once again “I just woke up and was there. I don’t know anything from before you woke me up.”

Surprised at this Ying said, “Wait when you said you only remember this did you mean you were making the memory and not thinking about something that already happened?”

The boy shook his head up and down “Yes”

“How strange, this all does seem really weird Jun. No name, no memory, but somehow alive and well.”

“I know what you mean Ying, it’s all too coincidental.”

Jun turns to look at the boy to ask him another question only to see he has fallen asleep in Ying’s arms.

“Maybe it’s best to let him rest while we make our way back,” Jun said as they exit the cave.

“I agree, as curious as I am, let’s be quiet for a while.”

The two walk back through the now quieter forest in silence so as to not wake the boy.

As they break through the treeline to the back of their home they find Mei arguing with the guards in front of the house. When Mei spots her parents she pushes past the guards to greet them but stops short when seeing the boy sleeping in her mother’s arms.

“Mom, dad, who is that?” Mei yells.

‘Shhhh’ Ying motions for Mei to quiet down and waves her hand to tell her to follow them. Jun looks towards the guards and gives them a thumbs up to signal to them that everything is okay as they heave a sigh of relief.

“Mom please tell me what’s going on. I wanna know!” Mei begs while tugging on her mom’s shirt.

Speaking in a whisper Ying replies “Not now Mei, please. We are taking this boy to the doctor, you are welcome to come too.”

With a disappointed frown, Mei nodded in acceptance.

Having been woken up by the noise of Mei yelling the boy rustles around in Ying’s arms to look at Mei. He points to her head of crimson hair and whispers “Your hair. Pretty” before falling back asleep once again.

Mei grabbed her hair, blushing for a moment, and thought, “I guess it would be better not to say anything, or mom and dad will get mad.”

After arriving at the town doctor, the boy had a thorough examination, but surprisingly, nothing seemed wrong.

“Really? He’s in perfect health? Are you sure?” Jun questions.

“Yes, sir however I do find it a little strange that-”

Tuning out the grown-ups talking Mei walks over to the boy and stares at him.

He looks at her confused.

“What’s your name?”

“Don’t have one”

“You don’t have a name? How is that possible?”


Mei getting frustrated says “Fine, I’ll give you one then. I can’t thank you properly unless I know your name.”

“Thank me?” He says confused

“Yes. Hmm, let’s see, you don’t look like you’re from around here but what about Kai? You could be Kai?” Mei says confidently.

“Okay!” the boy replies excitedly.

“Do you even care what your name is?” Mei asks

“Not really” he replies.

‘sigh,’ Mei points to her head, “Well anyways, My hair. Thank you for saying it was pretty Kai.” she said as her frustration turned to embarrassment.

“You’re welcome!” Kai happily replied.

Jun and Ying make come over to the two kids. “Well, it looks like everything is pretty much okay, so let’s get going now, okay?”

Kai looks up at the two of them happily and exclaims, “Kai. I’m Kai”.

Surprised to hear him say this, Ying said, “You remembered your name?!”

“No,” he said while pointing to Mei, “she gave it to me.”

Now very confused, the two parents look at Mei, who stands tall “Well, he didn’t have a name, so I gave him one. Any problems with that?”

They looked back at Kai and asked, “Do you have any problems with that?”

“Nope! I like it,” he responded happily.

With a soft smile on everyone’s faces, Ying looks down and says, “Well, alright then. From now on, you’ll be Kai. I’m Ying, and that’s Jun, by the way; it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too,” Kai said as he stood up from the chair, he was sitting in.

“Well, alright then, next stop is the temple. Let’s go, everyone,” Jun says.

The four exit the town doctor and begin to make their way toward the town’s temple.

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