The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me"

Chapter 344: 344 331

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Just in case, we stay in Wellrod for three days before leaving for Neuizen.

To make sure Isaac and his family have nothing to remember.

On the second day of his stay, Viscount Halifax, worried about Isaac, pulled a soldier and came all the way to Wellrod.

"Even if you don't defeat the dragon, you'll be able to buy as much time as you want. Now it's time to protect you."

I was glad to hear my grandfather say that.

Considering the time of total annihilation, no veteran civilians have been brought in for Andy to have no trouble inheriting the trail, but the martial arts officers have brought skilled soldiers to me.

It's not a question of whether it works for dragons.

I appreciate your attitude in trying to help.

There is also one case of Tiffany, and Viscount Halifax is highly serious.

It is significant that spiritual support exists as we head to the dragon opponent to negotiate.

- Ready.

- I can leave without regret.

To Isaac, who thought so, there was a case of remorse.

- Kendra missed Nicholas!

Nicholas is used to treating his children because he has so many brothers, he soon became friends with Kendra as well.

For the Marquis of Wellrod, the Marquis of Sonicroft is one of the few relatives.

Because Nicholas knew that, too, or he had interactions with Randolph and Lucia, mainly Kendra.

Randolph and Lucia also probably had an effect on telling Kendra to "get along with Nicholas".

Lightly Nicholas and Kendra got along.

This was both a pleasure and an unforgivable thing for Isaac.

Even if Kendra gets along with Nicholas, it's not equals that Isaac can be taken lightly.

But because of Nicholas, Isaac had less time to make contact with Kendra.

I was spending that minute with Lisa, but Isaac wanted to spend time with the three of us, including Kendra.

- But because of Nicholas, that precious amount of time has been reduced.

Isaac said, "Can't you just let the dragon kill you and make Nicholas a successful deceased?" This is a good reason to think about it.

But I also understood that I couldn't do it.

Kendra will be saddened if you turn him off because Nicholas has already been liked by Kendra.

Besides, the presence of relatives when something happens to me helps Kendra.

You couldn't have made Nicholas a deceased with a temporary emotion.

(Nicole is a man, but this guy is a woman. names are just similar)

Isaac thinks about it.

But Isaac thought there was calm to keep the Nicholas annihilation plan in mind - but he didn't realize he lacked calm when he thought about it.

Being deprived of time to make contact with my sister had been taken as such a major issue for Isaac.

And there was another thing that Isaac felt bad about.

- I didn't get a handkerchief from my family.

Before leaving King's Capital, Pamela and the others handed me a handkerchief as an amulet (...).

Kendra didn't get a handkerchief from her mother or Lisa, even if she didn't have to know because she was a child.

I'm really worried about that.

(Is it also a decision not to give it to my family or something?

I wish I could have told Lisa "I want a handkerchief" if I was so concerned, but I couldn't feel like demanding "give me" from myself.

They don't have the guts to negotiate with dragons, but they don't have the guts to screw with women.

But here Isaac should have remembered one thing.

- That she had already received an embroidered handkerchief from Lisa.

On Valentine's Day, when she was in third grade, Isaac was receiving handkerchiefs directly from Lisa.

If I could remember that, I would have realized what Pamela and the others had meant by handing me a handkerchief.

But the handkerchief Lisa gave me was supposed to give it to someone else, no matter how hard she looked at it.

Isaac thought it was something that he thought was "better than throwing it away" because no one received it.

Because of this, in Isaac's head, he has been classified as a "story that makes fun of Lisa" rather than a "precious memory with Lisa".

So I couldn't think of a reason why I couldn't get an embroidered handkerchief.

So Isaac said, "Why didn't you get a amulet?" I had no choice but to head to Neuizen with the question.


Isaac's escorts had swelled to a total of 800, including elves and Kingsguard knights.

This is because Randolph added an extra escort by saying "fewer than the Kingsguard knights would have narrower shoulders".

A total of 300 people at the gesture of the Dukes of Enfield and the Marquis of Wellrod and Viscount Halifax.

He withdrew his thoughts in Isaac's opinion that Randolph was about to add a few more, but that "when it becomes an army of over a thousand people, Dwarves will also be vigilant".

Although accompanied by a Dwarf road guide and sending a messenger in advance, that's because I wanted to take into account the Dwarf side.

It was also significant that Isaac was unwilling to fight the dragon.

If you were willing to exterminate, you would have mobilized all the troops of the Kingdom of Lead.

I was unwilling to fight, so I could afford to take care of the Dwarf side.

- When I approached the border town of Saltstadt, something happened that I think Isaac's consideration might have been in vain.

The news was brought back by a decree sent to inform Isaac of his arrival.

"An armed dwarf awaits?

"Yes. Five hundred fully armed, even if I could just confirm it. If we include those who are armed or unconfirmed, we think there will be between four and five thousand."

The face of the decree reporting was bright blue.

If you want to welcome Isaac, you don't need to be armed.

The addition of soldiers and elves from the Marquis Welrod family may have led to unwanted vigilance.

The fact that it leads from misunderstanding to large-scale warfare is also a case in history.

It is a matter that Isaac also wants to avoid, even though he has come to help but supposedly has come to invade.

"Right, okay. Then let's go without escort so as not to irritate them. Matt, let's give everyone a little pause."

"You can't let His Excellency go and we can't rest. At least we'll get as far as we can see them."


"I won't. I will accompany you to a place where you can rush at times of need. If that's not acceptable, we can't let His Excellency go."

Matt refused Isaac's orders as strongly as ever.

This is because Isaac was cut by Tom.

I was also ordered to rest like this one at that time.

I couldn't stop Tom because I left Isaac to rest.

- I don't want to repeat the same mistake.

That thought prevented me from accepting Isaac's orders.

"As the captain said, Your Excellency's safety is paramount. We will accompany you as far as we can see. If you're concerned about their reaction, why don't you send a messenger first to make sure?"

Tommy also echoed Matt's opinion.

Because he, like Matt, regretted getting away from Isaac.

Isaac also found out that the two of you were worried about yourself.

"Then we'll go together until nearby. But I won't let the messenger out. You should avoid making them look suspicious. We're here to help Dwarf. If you've misled me, I shouldn't even show you wandering around to clear my suspicions. There's nothing nasty about it. I'll go talk to him in dignity."

Isaac said, kicking it off.

I have good reason to just judge you like this.

The reason for this was "If you kill yourself here, the Dwarf side will carry a huge burden without interruption".

Kill those who have come to help themselves.

There may be a war against the Reid kingdom.

If that happens, you'll be blamed by your fellow countrymen.

If they had reason, Isaac was convinced it couldn't be a fight.

(Being on a considerable scale, it would be natural to be vigilant. I was surprised, too)

- I'm on guard, because a larger army has arrived than I expected.

Not surprising if you think about it that way.

If dispatching Kingsguard knights was unexpected, so were elf reinforcements.

Isaac himself, as much as he thought it would be a 100-man contingent at best.

Eight times that, there's no reason for Dwarves to be surprised.

I was optimistic that if I explained it properly, you would understand.


As we approached where we could see the streets of Neuizen, we saw a group of armed men waiting, as reported in the decree.

"I have put out a messenger that Lord Enfield will be visiting with escorts to combat dragons properly. But there may be those who are wary of the human army. I guess you're only on form alert to reassure them. Let's start by listening to our situation."

Dwarf, the road guide, offers to do so.

This is a natural offer.

Even though they were in good contact, they had to take responsibility for the situation that made them feel like they were in danger of a collision of arms.

But Isaac shakes his head to the side.

"Then I'll come with you. If I accompany you, it will prove that there is no hostility."


A road guide reluctantly accompanies Isaac.

In case you think about it, I don't want to take Isaac.

At first, we wanted to make sure we were alone.

"Well, you'll be fine. Dwarves fight early, but that's only for personal interaction. If we're going to war, we have to do it for no good reason. There will be armed people for some reason, such as the fact that they are more visible in the reception. I'm not thinking deeply."

I assure you that Mathias, who has also been with Dwarf for a long time, is "okay".

Although it is an act of gratitude, Dwarf, the road guide, flashes his face in the way he follows it.

"Well, let's do it. Three people from the elves come: Mr. Mathias, Mr. Claude and Mr. Bridget. The Reid Kingdom side will go with me and Norman and Viscount Halifax. Matt and the others are on alert."

Isaac's candidacy proved he was unwilling to fight.

Norman is a civilian to see, and Viscount Halifax is an old man, albeit armed.

Mathias and Claude, Dwarf would know each other, and with Bridget the girl, it would prove unwary.

If this were to strike me, Dwarves would lose the trust of elves as well as humans.

I shouldn't have done anything stupid like that, so it should have been okay.

"Are you sure it's me? Baron Kirby or Baron Henry would not be the right man to take one of the escorts?

Viscount Halifax said to Isaac, "If it's just one person, wouldn't it be safer to take a hand job like Matt or Tommy?" I heard.

Isaac returns this question with a spare smile.

"It's okay. Probably not going to be a fight. And you're gonna protect me, aren't you? I'm counting on you."

"Whatever, I'll protect you."

Temper cages in Viscount Halifax's eyes.

Even if I was sure it wouldn't be a dispute, Isaac chose me instead of Matt or Tommy as his escort.

I'm glad about that, and I will consolidate my determination to protect Isaac even harder for anything.

"I'd like to come with you."

Nicholas offered to accompany him.

But Isaac shakes his head to the side.

"No. From here on out is the adult world. It's not something a kid can stick his neck in with half the fun. Wait here this time."

"... ok"

Nicholas said, "You're a year older, you say?," he protested. He gave the look, but swallowed it without words.

Isaac has already done top notch work in the adult world.

Unlike myself, I'm not just a kid.

It is already transcendent, such as the end-of-life issue of age.

"One year different" and other claims were futile, and I gave up.

But the idea was different.

Isaac refused to accompany Nicholas.

"I don't want to take away my time with Kendra. Leave a message this time."

- Because it was for childish harassment.

Nicholas had made a big mistake because he didn't know how small Isaac's vessel was.

"Well, let's go"

Isaac makes the horses walk.

Those who have been named to him will follow.

The road guide panicked and moved the horse forward in front of Isaac.

To take the lead and to de-alert those who wait.

Approaching a group of dwarves somewhat, he saw a pistol in the front row.

His presence was obvious because man stands out because he is taller than Dwarf.

When Isaac looked around him, he also looked like Sieghardt and Helmut.

At this point Isaac lifted his guard.

(What, it's just a welcome)

It won't suddenly be a battle any more than Helmut, Saltstadt's face role, is picking me up.

I am concerned about the presence of armed men, but Mathias is probably just placing emphasis on appearance, as he put it.

Isaac proceeds with his horse in peace.

"Hey, what's this welcome? That's Lord Enfield and reinforcements who came to help us."

First Dwarf, the road guide, speaks to a group of people who have been waiting.

This word brings a twist to a group.

"We are only here to welcome Lord Enfield."

Helmut answered on behalf of everyone.

"Then what are those armed men?

"They are the ones who want to accompany them.... Oh, I see. The messenger-like turned back in haste because they were mistaken for waiting to intercept you."

You are reading story The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" at

Helmut laughs bitterly at the reason he is alerted.

No way, because I didn't think you'd make that mistake.

But I'll be right back on my face.

"Lord Enfield, I'm very sorry for your loss. He's doing well with a human merchant, so apparently he was blunt. I had lost sight of the fact that relations between the two countries were still shallow and would alert the less involved. Forgive me."

"You're on your way to the dragon. It is only natural to be vigilant when you see a group of soldiers armed with care. You won't have a choice. But I didn't believe you'd do anything that would strike me. [M] That's why we came here in small numbers."

Isaac gets off the horse and offers his hand to Helmut.

He immediately took the hand.

It's not just gratitude for solving the misunderstanding right away.

There was also a point in thanking Isaac for trusting us.

"Sieghardt's been a long time, too. I couldn't make a plane, but I'm bringing a replacement souvenir, so I'd like you to see it with me later."

"I'm looking forward to that! I can't believe we even have souvenirs, not just dragon remedies."

It's Sieghardt's turn next.

He also shakes hands with Isaac.

That full grin was, "What's the alternative to an airplane?" He seemed more pleased with Isaac's souvenirs than he was with the dragon.

"That bothers you. The yo-yo you sent me before was great too. Using the laws of inertia, it was a toy and an insult. The deep idea of letting science touch you from your childhood is just great. There are some things I'd like to report to you, so I'd like to take a moment."

Sieghardt wasn't the only one looking forward to it.

The pist also devoured Isaac's souvenirs.

"Pisto destination......, I'm getting reports that Pisto is doing well too. I'm looking forward to that."

He will no longer be a teacher, he will be treated like Isaac's men.

So in public, I didn't call him a teacher, I called him out.

I'm not looking down at him, though.

In my position, I just have no choice but to call it off.

At one time, though, I am more of a teacher of my heart than I was a teacher of my own.

(Really for a time, I mean, it was just for a semester...)

But he has fascinated Dwarves with the power of science and has made the relationship between humans and Dwarves better than diplomats.

I appreciate that.

Isaac thought he should show gratitude by honoring the teacher in his heart.

"By the way, reinforcements, but we don't need them. There are enough escorts, so you may be bothered by the fact that you're going further."

"You don't want us?

One man from an armed group entered in front of Isaac.

Viscount Halifax walks over next to Isaac.

I don't have my hands on the sword, but I concentrate my consciousness so that I can jump on that dwarf at any time.

"... Mr. Wolfgang?

But Isaac's words interrupt the concentration.

Because they seem to know each other.

"Ooh, it's been a while. But what do you mean you don't want us? How can you give a hand to a human or an elf and just watch us hold our fingers? This is our country. What are you going to do if Dwarf doesn't fight? When I heard you were going to exorcise the dragon, I gathered a group of motivated people. We're going to follow the dragon. I started trading with humans, making more money than when I was dealing with elves. Let me repay that debt, too."

Apparently, the identity of a group of armed men was reinforcements gathered by Wolfgang after hearing rumors that "Isaac is headed to the dragon exorcism".

Knowing that vigilance was a total waste, I am distracted by Viscount Halifax.

"Well, I thought that would happen."

Bridget was also frightened.

I understand the idea that you might be wary of looking at the army, but the elves are also putting out reinforcements.

It's not weird that Dwarf sent out reinforcements.

Instead, we should take the initiative as Isaac's escort.

Clap out at the flow too naturally.


Wolfgang screams.

The voice was directed at the Dwarves, but it was so loud that it also reached Matt and the others.

"No one's freaked out now! Together, we'll skin the dragon!

"Wow! Let's do it!

Reacting to Wolfgang's voice, the Dwarves roar.

Isaac was freaking out and about to escape to a loud scream that just rocked his gut.

At the same time, he said, "If they were there, wouldn't we be able to figure it out if we got into battle with the dragons? I also feel the reliability."

Thanks to that thought, Isaac didn't have to run away.

Thanks to Wolfgang's loud voice, Matt and the others de-alerted.

"Peel the dragons together" means they were gathered together with the intention of fighting.

If you were armed to accompany them as reinforcements, you don't need to be wary of them.

Like Isaac, I was relieved to think I had a reliable companion.

"I don't know about us, but I feel like helping my people. No, you can't. You can follow me."

I declare that Wolfgang will follow Isaac in a dignified manner with his roaring warriors at his back.

Isaac was feeling dependable, but also anxious to figure out what to do.

But even if you keep your mouth shut, things just get worse.

I have trouble getting run off in front of dragons, so I never tell the truth about my intentions.

"I'm glad you feel like it. Really. But instead of exorcising the dragon, I'm trying to settle it by negotiation... I thought it might be a struggle."


Wolfgangs are amazed at this story.

Because I only had the idea of "managing the damage caused by the dragon" = "exorcising the dragon".

The choice to negotiate, etc. was not on my mind because I was someone I could not discuss.

Everyone's gaze gathers in Isaac.

"To the extent that I can figure it out, I have an idea. You have a human or elf escort who can use magic in case you fail. If we can settle this without a dispute, we will never have crossed it."

A glimmer of cold sweat flows down Isaac's back in the wake of the attention of the glistening Dwarves.

(Shit. I only contacted the city in the damaged area)

Fighting dragons will require a little preparation.

For this reason, I contacted the council and the affected areas asking them to send messengers and be prepared.

But I haven't told Saltstadt or any other city where there hasn't been any damage how to combat dragons.

So I guess I was prepared to assume that this is how I was going to fight.

This disturbance was due to a lack of fundamentals for reporting, communication and consultation.

Nevertheless, it is not Isaac's sole responsibility.

Because everyone who asked how to combat the dragon thought that it would only be necessary to contact the Council, which is the representative of Neuizen, and the affected areas.

The assumption is horrible.

The idea of "what do those who don't know how to do about it" had fallen out.

"So what's the dragon material?

"If you get it in negotiations, so on."


Wolfgang drops his shoulder.

Seeing that figure raises one question in Isaac.

(Sometimes he wants to help his people, but he wanted the material so badly...)

Wolfgang's workshop handles leather goods.

Even if the bones and scales remain as fossils, the skin and meat will rot away.

As I helped my people, I guess I wanted dragon skins.

The phrase "motivated people" can also be accepted as "those who are ready for danger and want to get dragon material" if you look at it in the way you wear it.

I knew I couldn't get the material, and given the reason Wolfgang dropped his shoulder, I felt like that one was close.

"As it were, well, don't drop your shoulders. Wolfgang, who handles leather products, also has something to souvenir. I came up with parts to reinforce the holes through the strings. I use it for my boots."

- For the calculation of uncatched raccoons.

Even in a situation where words like that suit you, you can't leave your shoulder-dropped Wolfgang alone.

Because I don't know if the material is the best thing to do.

I want to help my people.

I want to pay back what I owe Isaac for allowing me to trade with humans.

I can't let him go any more than I've heard.

So I try to distract him on a topic he might be interested in.

"Parts to reinforce the holes through the strings?

Wolfgang seems to have taken an interest in the hatme, as Isaac thought.

On one knee on the ground, staring seriously at the boots.

"I see. Do you reinforce holes drilled in leather with metal? This doesn't mean the strings are rubbed and the leather hurts."

"The force of the string is also dispersed somewhat, so pulling hard can also make the leather less torn."

"Well, that's good. The holes that pass through the strings get really brittle. It would be nice to be able to reinforce it with one of these little parts."

Let me see it, too.

Sieghardt looks at the hat used for his boots with his hips bent in front of Isaac.

There was just a tiny round ring on there.

"That's all I can do to reinforce the cries of cloth and leather products... I knew Isaac's idea was amazing! I can't believe I came up with something plain but very useful!

"I came up with something to use for a souvenir to Sieghardt. But it would be more effective to use it for everyday use, like shoes."

Sieghardt is happy with his hatme, so he says, "Isn't this all you could have had for a souvenir?" The idea comes to mind.

But now he's just happy, and I was looking forward to the reaction when I showed him the balloon.

He is cooperative with Isaac, so I can be sure that he will be able to get further help.

"I want you to show me too"

"I'd like to see it, too."

Helmuts and pists also bend their hips or put one knee on the ground to start looking at Isaac's boots.

Then the other Dwarves said, "What? If it sounds interesting, show it to us too," he pushed one after the other.

(That's kind of awkward...)

Instead of looking at each other and talking, the situation that was getting my boots noticed was awkward on Isaac's part.

One good old man after another flocks to his feet.

I want to take off my boots and get away with it.

But I couldn't imitate everyone like that.

Isaac, who has trouble coping, turns his gaze around "what shall we do?"

Then Claude and I met each other and said, "You failed to attract their interest. Give it up until you calm down," she shrugged her shoulder.

He doesn't seem to count on it.

The next thing I knew, I had an eye for Viscount Halifax, but he himself said, "What's the situation?" I was confused.

- If you're attacking me, you can fight.

- If you have asked me to shake your hand amicably, I can offer you my hand as well.

But paying attention to the small parts on the boot was a behavior that went beyond his common sense.

However, something that just reinforces the holes in the leather goods.

Viscount Halifax could not believe that he was interested in such a thing and could only keep an eye on how it was going.

His willingness to protect Isaac from malicious behavior could not prevent him from acting in favor.

This is the same with Norman, all I could do was watch him.

"I knew you'd care at first," the road guide Dwarf watched as the balloon jumped into the conference room.

Mathias and Bridget also say, "This is why Dwarf is" and they just stare at them with a chilling glance, obsessed with the immediate matter.

No one reached out to Isaac for the salvation he sought.


"Shh, awesome. The Dwarves are kneeling before us."

Nicholas, who had looked at the situation from a distance, was trembling with the joy of being able to see it.

Even when Dwarves lived in the Reid kingdom, they did not pledge allegiance to the royal family.

Sometimes we fought together because we belonged to a community called the same country (...), and sometimes we knelt down as etiquette, but basically we had a record of being good neighbors and taking the stance of equal friends.

The sight of that Dwarf kneeling down against Isaac and bowing his head was incredible.

Lord Enfield's people don't know where to stay.

The Kingsguard knights are also surprised with their eyes round.

I would have thought it was some kind of ruse if I hadn't seen him speak gently to his servants at the Marquis Wellrod mansion.

It was such a hard sight to believe by then.

- Have overwhelming power and even attract people.

It seems to me that Isaac is the right title for King Xian.

But I immediately shook off the idea.

Because it's such a disrespectful idea.

However, there was such an impactful sight in front of me that I thought about it.

"Naturally, Your Excellency. He is beyond the ordinary mind."

Matt speaks proudly about Isaac.

I think there's "enough to exaggerate," as it should be, but I can't deny seeing Dwarves kneel down.

We saw the impossibility made possible, and together we gave hope that the dragon measures would also work.

"Perhaps Your Excellency will not treat Dwarves as ministers. You should treat me as a friend. If you were that one, you'd be. Dwarves will kneel down and confuse you."

Tommy also told Matt about Isaac.

The word, by and large, is correct.

Isaac doesn't want to treat Dwarf as a minister, so he will continue to treat him as a good neighbor.

The Dwarf knelt me down and I was confused.

- Except Isaac's confused reason is not "I have trouble being sworn in loyalty" but "a bunch of nasty old people are flocking around and it's kind of creepy".

You can find story with these keywords: The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", Read The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" novel, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" book, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" story, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" full, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" Latest Chapter

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