The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me"

Chapter 345: 345 332

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A number of dwarves have gathered outside the city and decided to show off their balloons before taking a break.

This is less laborious than collecting again.

The first person to show it to me will receive it more favorably when I talk to Sieghardt and the others after this.

From these two calculations, Isaac moves quickly into action.

Order Norman to prepare the balloon.

In preparation, not only the Dwarves, but the elves who rendezvoused at Wellrod looked at the balloon with interest.

If you think about the revelations you made in Wang Du, they should surprise you, too.

Ask Bridget to help you pump warm air into the balloon and change it to charcoal from the middle of nowhere.

I'm getting used to this procedure as well, so it's handy.

Eventually, balloons begin to float.


An exclamation leaked from everyone.

"Wow, it's amazing! Is that magically floating around?

Ask why Sieghardt floats on Isaac.

Isaac laughed niggly.

"No, the magic was just used to warm the balloon up quickly, and now it's just floating with the heat of the charcoal. This size would be fine with charcoal, but something bigger. For example, when people get big enough to float in the sky, they won't be able to warm up without using magic."

"People float in the sky!

Sieghardt. - No, all those who were here make their eyes shine.

The challenge to the unknown still looks pretty appealing to the Dwarves.

Isaac would have been with them if he didn't have memories of his previous life.

"I've been so busy this year that I couldn't study the plane relationship. That's why I've got something for you that looks easy instead. Planes fly, but balloons float. It would be inferior to a plane as a means of travel, but I think balloons would be enough in terms of enjoying the sky"

"No, no, it's not easy. No, it seems easy to make."

Creating balloons is easy to see.

Once you look at it, it also looks easy to imitate.

The problem is the idea.

Who would think that if you accumulate warm air, float in the sky with it, etc.

"The theory is simple. It's easy to understand if you remember where you sprinkled hot water. The warmed water becomes steam and flies into the sky. In other words, this is proof that the specific gravity of the heated substance will be small. By continuing to warm the air inside the balloon, it begins to float due to the difference in specific gravity from the air present outside the balloon. Damn, in the development of the steam engine, he said he watched the steam blowing up like every day..."

There was one person who understood the reason floating in the sky.

The pist explains to Sieghardt why the balloon floats.

His face seemed regrettable.

I know the logic of balloons.

All we had to do was get to the idea of trapping air in a light cloth.

But it's very difficult to get to that idea.

There was just a hint in front of me from day to day, and the remorse that I didn't get one step this time was huge.

"All I can say is Lord Enfield's creativity was brilliant. If only I had stayed in King's Capital too...... No, but it's hard to throw away your life here, either."

Pisto starts worrying about "hmm".

- Do you want to stay by Isaac and help develop something new?

- Do you want to work with the Dwarves on the practical use of steam engines?

Both were so fascinating content that they were hard to throw away.

You come up with something, he pounds his hand.

"If Lord Enfield lived in this city, it would be resolved!



Pisto has the look that he doesn't really know why.

But that's the way Isaac thinks. I don't know why.

"I'm still a student, and there are some things I have to do in Wang Du. Even if you graduate, you have to go back to Wellrod to study lords. What happens after that? We don't have time for research and development."


"It's really a waste...... Human life expectancy is short..."

In tune with the piste, even Helmut is unfortunate.

Human life expectancy is only about a quarter of the life expectancy of a dwarf.

I didn't want Isaac to go into research and development without doing anything extra.

He was convinced that it would lead more to the development of the world.

"Even the laboratory is developing steam engines. Isn't that right? You think you've thought about new parts? One thing at a time, rather than one hand in many things. I'd like to hear about you, too, so why don't you go into the city in a while?

Isaac changed the subject to talk over a cup of tea when the balloon came down.

Because as it was, I had a feeling that I was going to let the researchers crumble.

If you're Elias, you could say "you should try" or something.

I'm not sure I'll ever come up with an idea, so that's all I had to avoid.

"Then I'll take the parts from the lab. Clan wanted to see Lord Enfield, too, so I'll take him."

"Mr. Klan? Speaking of which, you're not here. Are you ill?

Isaac looks around as he replies.

Certainly not what she looks like.

If you're injured or sick, you'll need to get out of here.

(Though, I wouldn't say I'd take as much or anything as I wanted in that condition. Because the research was a good place or something, I guess that's why)

"I'm about five months pregnant, so I kept him waiting because of the decision to keep him waiting for a long time, which also made him physically handicapped"


Now it was Isaac's turn to be surprised.

I couldn't believe the fact that the clan was pregnant just because the pisst seemed unrelated to the couple's lives was their opponent.

(Heh... I'm doing what I do...)

I said I was intrigued by women in my previous life, but I had no connection with women at all.

Isaac was mentally damaged because he was pushed ahead by a pistol who seemed uninterested in women because of a strand of research.

"Doctor, that's pretty good..."


Until earlier, when he called it "Pisto," Pisto was surprised that Isaac suddenly started calling him "Doctor."

He didn't know exactly why.

- A natural act as a couple.

Of course, it looked like a huge wall to Isaac.

Isaac remembered nature and reverence for the light overcoming of the wall.

He couldn't have figured out how much anything was caused by such a crap reason.


Upon retrieving the balloon, Isaac and the others are taken to the hotel by Sieghardt.

Isaac once stayed at a hotel when he visited the city.

The knights, not in the captain's class, were led to a different hotel.

I left the baggage to Norman and the others, and Isaacs decided to talk to Sieghardt and the others in the dining room.

"Well, it's late, but I'll introduce you. This is Viscount Fildinando Halifax. He's my maternal grandfather. And this is Nicholas Thornicroft. He's my cousin again."

First, introduce the two people in your body.

Then I also introduced the elves.

Helmut, who lives in this city, may know, but Sieghardt has less contact with the elves.

You'll remember Bridget, who put him in the spring carriage with Isaac.

But I don't really know if you remember Claude.

I re-introduced it just in case.

Others from the Kingsguard captain class were introduced.

They're escorting Isaac, but they're not Isaac's men.

Because he is a knight under the King's direct command, so he was seated as a representative with another chain of command.

When you're done introducing your companions, the next step is to introduce them to the Dwarves.

"Mr. Helmut over there is the president of the biggest Wilhelm Chamber of Commerce in the city. Sitting next to Mr. Helmut is my friend Sieghardt. He is also the grandson of Councillor Rudolph. And it's Mr. Wolfgang who's more armed. He was also inspired to resume interactions with Dwarves."

The introduction itself is a mediocre thing.

But when I introduced Wolfgang, the attendees on the human side opened their eyes wide and focused on him.

Wolfgang can be illuminated as "No, I'm embarrassed".

But his place of business was not like ending in the light.

- I was about to raid Alster, close to Saltstadt.

If you ask me this, you'll think anyone is a hell of a guy.

Because if Isaac hadn't brought up the deal, it would have been rampant in the city as it was.

It sounds good to say that it created the trigger for the resumption of AC, but it is actually a hell of a troublemaker.

It was so strange to be sitting flat in this seat.

"Mr. Wolfgang's behavior when we first met was astonishing, but he didn't do anything unquestionable and violent, and he was someone who could make rational discussions and solve problems. You're a man and a man who's offered to help us."

"That's too much praise. I just didn't think Dwarves could move when humans and elves were trying to help my people."

Nicholas and the others are just expressing themselves quite attentively so that they don't pull it off, but I still don't feel bad about being praised.

Wolfgang laughed lavishly, gahaha.

"I agree with Wolfgang. Let me support you all in terms of supplies. Nevertheless, demon swords, demon spears, etc. are not in stock, so they can be things like regular weapons and food"

Helmut offered to cooperate in a different way than Wolfgang.

It is true that he also has the idea that "we cannot leave it to humans and elves", but by cooperating he also ensured a position where he could hope for a share when he exorcised the dragon.

Unlike Wolfgang, he probably does it a little roundabout because his roots are merchants.

"Speaking of which, do demon swords use dragon bones?

Isaac asks questions about the Devil's Sword.

"Yeah, you're right. You know very well."

"When I heard they used dragon materials in magic tanks, I thought maybe. The Devil's Sword is also used with magic. If we hadn't run out of demon swords in the war two hundred years ago, we would have done something ourselves. I wonder if there's any other reason not to make a new mass production than the danger of having our swords pointed at us."

"That's just great. But even with the material, you won't make the Devil's Sword anymore. Because we all know it's more valuable to process into magic tanks and use them for peaceful uses. Well, I'm in trouble at times like this."

Helmut smiles bitterly.

To fight dragons, there are dragon bones.

"Eggs first or chickens first" is a difficult question.

I wish I could disassemble what is used for magic tanks, but nobody tries to offer them.

The opponent can fly.

If you get away in the sky, you won't get the blade.

The Devil's Sword is disposable, so it's likely to be a waste of material.

Then it's just a huge loss to break the magic tank.

I want to help the city that is being damaged, but I just have to be more cautious than what only exists.

"That's why I was hoping for what would happen this time. If Isaac's going to make a move, I'm sure he'll have some secrets. But you're not exorcising me, are you? What are you going to do?

Sieghardt has asked me how Isaac did it.

If you don't knock it down, it's about a suggestion for a contribution, but if that's all right, it's settled.

I was wondering what method to use.

That's the same for the others.

Helmut and Wolfgang also stared at Isaac to eat in.

"I was trying to get the help of only the damaged areas considering what happened when I failed, but at any rate, it might be a good idea to get the help of Neuizen as a whole. You can also ask Mr. Wolfgang to cooperate in a different way, not in a fight. The way I see it..."

Isaac explains to Sieghardt and the others how he figured out how to contain dragon damage.

Similar to the first time Nicholas and the others heard about it, the Sieghardts also strangle themselves.

"Is it okay that way? I can still understand better to trap and exorcise..."

Sieghardt's simple question represented everyone's feelings.

It's more understandable to use some kind of trap to disable the dragon from moving, then shower it with magical concentrated fire and defeat it.

The Kingsguard knights and elves are giving me a lot of them.

It's easy to understand how to use that power.

Isaac's way was not to gain an understanding of his surroundings.

"If it's a struggle, it's gonna hurt you, right? Not only for those who fight, but also for the city that becomes a battlefield. I've been asked to contain the damage (...). It is not just the damage we will receive from the dragon in the future, but this time we want to achieve our aims by minimizing the damage. I thought it was best to do it in this way."

"I see. What's the difference between what it's for? And the result of eliminating the damage is the same as any other method, but by changing the way you approach it, you're making it easier to achieve your goals."

Now show understanding to Isaac's thoughts.

Isaac's methods are hard to get around.

You are reading story The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" at

But given the purpose, it seems that there are ways to do it.

"In order to eliminate dragon damage, we have to offer something that will only satisfy the dragon. But I don't receive contributions, so I have to take a different approach. So try an unusual way...? I see. I don't even know if I'll succeed, but I think I understand the intent a little. I think it's a great idea to include their personality in the calculations."

Nicholas also seemed convinced by Isaac's idea.

But unlike them, Viscount Halifax stared at Helmut.

It's like...


"No, I really can't"

"You can't keep up with how fast a young man's head spins."

"That's right."

- But it was as if we were talking with our eyes.

Apparently he couldn't keep up with the flexibility of the young.

But when I say it out in my mouth, I can't ask for details because the young people are going to insult me.

The incomprehensible had created a strange sense of union between them.

"That's Isaac's cousin again. You understand fast."

"No, it was only because of Mr. Sieghardt's words that I came up with. I didn't know I was alone. Both of you are just fine."

"Isaac is the only one who's really amazing. I'm just saying that I have to go. [M] Only the first to think of it deserves praise."

"I wanted to be like Brother Isaac, but the part about whether you can conceive for yourself seems very difficult"

The two look at Isaac with respect.

- Do what people can't do first.

Pioneers are hard to understand.

But what Isaac does is an easy category to understand.

If they explain their intentions, they can still be understood.

- Compared to a certain person.

Sieghardt, in particular, felt that way.

"Thank you for waiting."

A certain person comes to the dining room with his wife.

"Long time no see, Lord Enfield."

Clan greets Isaac.

She is the pist's wife.

In other words, it is Isaac's position as the minister's wife.

Exactly what I no longer called "Isaac Kun".

"Mr. Klan, it's been a while. You look happy, above all else."

Isaac's gaze is directed at her stomach.

It is now the middle of September, so about five months means I made a child as soon as I got married.

I guess I planted it firmly on the road until I came to Saltstadt.

Isaac is surprised that there has been an aggressiveness on the part of the pistol other than science.

She noticed Isaac's gaze and blushed as she rubbed her stomach.

"I never thought about having a baby as soon as I got married,"

"Yeah, me too. I really congratulate you."

"Thank you"

The clan laughs happily.

She must have been anxious to see what would happen to the couple's lives because the pisst is also the other person.

It went better than I expected and she seems surprised herself.

"Are we done talking? Now look here."

It's not weird how the clan reacts like that.

It's because the person they say was unexpected doesn't care about the content of the two stories at all.

I'm distracted by all the science, and I don't think about making kids.

He shows Isaac the model of the carriage just because he can't wait for the conversation between the two of them to end.

However, the only model was the trolley section, which was fitted with square cylinders fixed with springs and sticks bent into convex recesses.

"This is the newly developed part. Lord Enfield is now able to draw stronger forces more efficiently than the way he turns the wheels with developed steam."

Pisto's nose is rough.

How confident I am, I gleefully close my face to Isaac.

As his nose blows, Isaac glances and takes a distance.

"Do you remember the safety valve I used for the steam engine?

"I remember. That was well done, too."

Something that was attached to a prototype made with the idea of reusing water.

Since the steam could not be cooled in time, when pressure was applied above a certain level to prevent the pipe from bursting, it was a mechanism to let the steam out.

"You've come up with that a lot," I was impressed, so I remember Isaac very well.

"The spring I was using for the safety valve was a pretty stiff one. The steam has the power to push up its hard spring. Then I thought maybe I should use that power. And that's the result."

The pist pushes the cylinder attached to the spring.

The rod attached to the barrel then moved, moving the wheel through several gears.

I'm just pushing it at my fingertips, so I guess the spring used for this is a regular spring.

Push and release.

Just repeat that, the wheel was turning momentum.

"The steam is strong enough to move the safety valve. Use that force to move the parts named this piston up and down. This movement will be a linear vertical movement: up and down, so no force can be transmitted on a normal axis. So I created this crooked shaft. I named this one Crankshaft. This shape will successfully convey the power of the piston. And through some shafts and gears, I will be able to turn the wheels with the force of steam...... I plan to. We're still working on it, but in the future, we'll be able to steam the carriage."

The pistol stood fast and his chest stretched proudly when he finished talking.

I guess I have a lot of confidence in this invention.

"I see, less loss of power is better. In the conventional way, steam that does not touch the turbine part is wasted. Pistons have less loss of power than ever before because they accumulate steam and use force. Only for less L.A. will you be able to draw stronger power. I think this is great stuff. I'm glad I left the research to you."

Isaac praised the piste honestly.

Pistons and cranks are also used in cars.

I mean, he created something that's going to be used for hundreds of years to come.

Still only one piston, but one day he'll build an engine that uses multiple pistons.

Isaac is impressed by the sight of real genius.

(The Sieghardts are complimenting me, but the real genius is a pistol. Even without previous life's knowledge, you're going to make something like this.... From the name, it was probably originally set to create a piston. I know you're Crank because you married Clan, but if you were married to Nicole, Nicole? Or Nicolen? I don't like that stuff being used to name parts)

- I'm glad I let Nicole get away with it before she attacked me.

Isaac thought he did a good thing.

"I was thinking of naming the parts after me and the clan. But as it is, I don't know if it's about the parts or about me when they call me 'Pisto'. So, I named it after just one letter added. These two parts could not be built without clans. I never thought she'd be more thankful to be around. I'm really glad we got married."

The pist stares at the clan.

She was still lit.

(Is the power of the couple great...? Kind of jealous)

Isaac also said, if Lisa's around, "Okay, we'll do our best to combat dragons!" Maybe he was in the mood.

I envy being with my loved ones all the time.

"How did you come up with that?

- If it's just for a moment, you can even listen to the love story.

That's what I thought, Isaac, but soon you'll regret hearing it.

"When I was making kids with clans."

At this time, Bridget, who had just included the drink in her mouth, erupts buffooly.

Because I was surprised at what was too straightforward.

Claude blames him for "what are you doing," but he thought to himself, "I know how you feel," and wiped him with a handkerchief.

"Wave your hips at the clan - Ouch!

When the pist answered Isaac's simple question, the clan slapped the pist in the face along the way.

"You don't have to say that right now!


(No, naturally)

This sentiment is shared by those who are present here.

The good fortune of the couple is obvious if you look at the tummy of the clan.

However, it is a different matter whether or not we can actually speak in words.

The trouble with the pist was the inability to take account of the area.

"Isaac, was this really the Royal College teacher? Besides, it was you and Tiffany."

ears to Isaac as Viscount Halifax frowned.

His questions are the best.

Instead of being an educator, Pisto's statements are too insane as a person.

It is also impossible to believe that he was teaching the children of the aristocracy to them.

"It's just a semester of the year. Only ability is certain. It was like being a teacher just because of your abilities in science."

I have experience of myself being deceived and about to be put in the science department.

Isaac, too, just couldn't shelter, and he wasn't willing to.

Viscount Halifax mutters, "Oh, my God," he takes his face off Isaac.

And he exhaled a big sigh.

Recent events here, including balloons, have been puzzling.

I guess the fact that the pist was a teacher was also an incredible fact to the balloons floating in the sky.

"Nevertheless, you understand very well in your current story. It's refreshing to me. Is that something like Lord Enfield?"

Viscount Halifax speaks to Isaac in a language that is directed elsewhere.

Now I'm not whispering.

"That's right. It's just that explanation, and I understand it to the point where it's not explained. I've been explained so many times that I finally understand. [M] I knew Isaac was amazing."

Sieghardt also agrees with Viscount Halifax.

Pist descriptions only presuppose that the other person has some knowledge.

The earlier explanation was also too abstract to understand how it would normally work.

Isaac's extraordinary qualities that I could understand in that explanation glow.

"Hey, it's a coincidence."

(well, I had to pretend I didn't know by surprise)

Isaac reflects on his actions with a loving laugh.

Pistons, crankshafts, etc., knew the name and how it worked in the memory of previous life.

So even though I knew it was a groundbreaking invention, there was no special surprise.

This greatly affects what Isaac has been inventing.

The Zenmai spring is on the spring's extension line, so it's only since the distiller that Pisto has moved ahead with the new development.

Besides, I know the existence of various things in the memory of previous life.

For that reason, I was just impressed that this invention was also "well made".

I had to think of a reaction that would come into contact with something a little more unknown than letting the pist study it freely.

"No, I'm sure Lord Enfield had a similar mechanism in mind. So I wasn't surprised."

(No, it's not! No, I did know that.)

Pisto strikes after Isaac, who is reflecting.

If they say it like this, I'll have to get to know Sieghardt and the others in front of me.

I didn't want to get any more hurdles up.

Try to deny it immediately.

"I see!"

Sieghardt, Helmut and Wolfgang join forces to convince.

The Kingsguard knight, who has never kept up with the story, also leaks an exclamation of "ho".

Nicholas also sparkled his eyes and stared at Isaac with a look of respect.

(Stop, don't look at me like that...)

Isaac thinks so, especially against Nicholas.

Because I'm jealous of someone who admires me so much about Kendra and I think, "Can't I be a deceased?"

I can still take more of the gaze of using people or trapping them.

Isaac squeezed his mouth and turned away because he could see it was pure respect.

That appearance again "didn't say I was thinking about it," increased Nicholas's respect more strongly, and a stronger look of respect damaged Isaac's heart.

You can find story with these keywords: The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", Read The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" novel, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" book, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" story, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" full, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" Latest Chapter

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