The rise from mediocrity

Chapter 1: The gateway to greatness(1)

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One oh so rainy night, the thunder and lighting were loud and mighty, a mysterious man wearing a dark purple figure stood behind a house, he was all alone in the midst of the storm while everyone else was in the safety of their homes.


“I guess that bastard really is good at his job huh”A deep, rumbling voice could be heard.He was tall and buff, unlike the hooded figure his entire body could be seen.He had tattoos and an x marked scar on his elbow.


“Whatever, We need to continue the mission”The hooded figure said, his voice deep and impatient.


“Yeah yeah, whatever”The large man responded, The village was tightly compacted and only had 3 or 4 houses that weren’t exactly sturdy, so all of them decided to stay at a nearby orphanage.


The bulky man grinned with glee as fire bursted out of his hands hitting the orphanage completely, he then proceeded to set attacks after attacks at the orphanage.


Before long, the fire spread like wildfire as the hooded figure stood in front of the burning orphanage as panicked screams and pleas for help could be heard whilst the large man continued with his frenzy.


The fire got so out of control, not even the pouring rain got stop it.

“What was the point of me coming here”He sighed, “That muscle head bradley can handle such a measly task with ease”


“I guess I should get some action”The mysterious figure stated, before raising his hand and releasing a terrifyingly large blast of wind.


The burning orphanage instantly got decimated, leaving no survivors left and the only thing remaining being burnt bodies and leftovers of what was once a safeplace for children.


“Well our target is gone”The hooded figure stated as the two of them walked on the pathway as the police quickly arrived at the scene shortly after.



I felt a little jittery as I looked at my ID card I got from graduating from Carvana, The school of spiritual fortitude.My older brother, Kire graduated from Ikals:The prestigious school for prodigies and geniuses.

Yeah, pretty big difference right?


Well at this point I am not really shocked as Kire was always hailed to be a prodigy and genius while I was left in the sidelines. I sighed once again as in a flash of yellow light, a bright and shiny sword appeared in my hand.


That was my spiritual ability, “Energy creation”


On paper it doesn’t sound too bad, but due to my talent being average at best It really isn’t that good.In fact I have below average talent for a noble.


I wandered around the main city of the kingdom of Istal, Archiles. I saw quite a few people crowding over a newspaper stand, Curious I walked over and pulled out a few copper coins before snagging one.


“Orphanage burned down and decimated by mysterious figures, killing 50 people including noble Pike kirane.”


I was quite surprised, A Noble and especially one of the most major ones being killed just like that is very rare.It is for sure going to cause quite a bit of problem for the higher ups of the kingdom to deal with.


I Folded the newspaper in half before trotting across Archiles, The city was beautiful as always.The luscious sun was starting to set.


I continued to walk back home, I had gotten a bit sidetracked but it shouldn’t be that big of a problem.


I was getting near my house as the night eventually set in, but what I did not expect was someone waiting for me as I could see my house just around the block.


A young adult wearing a crimson red hoodie stood there, eyes flashing before grinning.


“Hello, I am a new recruit.”The crimson figure said, he revealed more of his body, which wore exclusively crimson colored clothes to jewelry.


“I may be a new recruit, But I am more than enough to defeat you, Heir of Bellamore”The crimson person said, cackling.


My eyes widened as his cloak suddenly burst open and he charged at me before slamming me in the face with his fist, he kicked me onto the ground before launching a flurry of attacks.


A bright yellow sword was formed as I slashed at him, he expertly dodged it before landing a clean strike on me.


My brain was spinning in circles as  I wasn’t the heir to the Bellamore, That was Kire. It meant he is supposed to be after him, not me.


I cursed at the twisted turn of events as I managed to block his punch to my gut with my sword, I slammed right into him but he deflected it as an orange power radiated from him,


A strength enhancing spiritual ability!”


Spiritual energy already naturally enhanced your body upon usage, but some people’s spiritual energy is designed to enhance your body to even further lengths instead of giving you an entirely different Ability.


My eyes widened as I got punched in the face, I was now cornered and with no way out.


Nobody would see me or him as their are no windows in this shady part of the street.


His punches were powerful and his kicks deadly, My swordsmanship skills was decent but even so I can only deflect so much.


“I Thought you would be stronger, After all you are the heir to a NOBLE!”He taunted, before slamming me to the ground.


Blood splattered on the floor as he grabbed me and punched me into the wall.


I managed to stand up and continue to slash at him, he dodged my attacks before punching me in the face.


Blood could be seen on my face as I putted more spirit energy into my legs and sword to increase my speed and strength into those parts.


I dodged his punch before slashing with my sword, but to the speed of my swing being to slow he sent me to the floor with a punch to the gut.


I groaned as he grabbed me by my shirt, blood splatter everywhere as he started punching me repeatedly.


Ultimately he threw me onto the wall before kicking me.


My stomachs hurt and everything around me was blurry.I saw that my hand was completely smoldered with blood.


“It seems like mission accomplished, huh”The man said with a laugh, “Pathetic”


Orange Aura radiating  from his hands, He punched me in the face as blood splatter onto the floor.


As he readied up his final attack, My vision started to fade…


I saw something…No, I didn’t see it as my eyes were closed,


I sensed it


The movement, the air pressure the spiritual energy being used.


I knew everything, I knew how powerful the punch being sent at me is…


I sensed everything around me, every heartbeat and every percentage of spiritual energy being used.


I could sense the attack being thrown at me with speeds no human should have.


I reopened my eyes and created my spirit sword and dodged the punch, blood spewed out of my mouth as I cleanly hit my opponent in the left abdomen with my sword


His eyes widened, He tried to counterattack but I could sense where it was coming from and even the power, speed and spiritual energy put into it.


I cleanly dodged the counterattack, I slashed at his right above his left abdomen as blood spewed out of the wound I created on his left abdomen.


His screams were loud and clear, I could sense people hurriedly opening their lights and opening their windows to see what was going on.


I coughed out blood before falling onto my knees, My opponent also fail down to his knees but he immediately passed out.


It seems that I have won this fight, I dropped to the floor…After a while I heard ambulance and Police arrive.As I was carried onto the ambulance The only thing ringing through my mind was…


What the hell was that?”


How could I sense everything?


No, A part of me knew what happened…But I was still in shock to actually comprehend what was going on.



The following days I spent recovering, They went by like a blur but the only thing I Could remember was seeing Kire A lot.


His orange hair was very clearly inherited from our father, his blue eyes however was inherited from our mother.I couldn’t remember what clothes he wore but probably his adventurer kit.


He was always so kind to me, he was so overly kind.


I like him a lot more than my parents, to me he was basically the one who took care of me.


Only problem is that I have no idea what to do with these flowers and no way in hell am I eating this much banana before they ultimately rot.


I sighed, but in reality I was actually happy.


I thought about what happened back there, I knew that what I did wasn’t normal.


A sinking part of me knew that what happened wasn’t just a fluke, but i can’t just take in what I did there was truly of my own raw talent…


Let’s save that for when I am fully recovered, The doctor said stressing isn’t good for a recovering person’s body after all.

You are reading story The rise from mediocrity at

One oh so rainy night, the thunder and lighting were loud and mighty, a mysterious man wearing a dark purple figure stood behind a house, he was all alone in the midst of the storm while everyone else was in the safety of their homes.


“I guess that bastard really is good at his job huh”A deep, rumbling voice could be heard.He was tall and buff, unlike the hooded figure his entire body could be seen.He had tattoos and an x marked scar on his elbow.


“Whatever, We need to continue the mission”The hooded figure said, his voice deep and impatient.


“Yeah yeah, whatever”The large man responded, The village was tightly compacted and only had 3 or 4 houses that weren’t exactly sturdy, so all of them decided to stay at a nearby orphanage.


The bulky man grinned with glee as fire bursted out of his hands hitting the orphanage completely, he then proceeded to set attacks after attacks at the orphanage.


Before long, the fire spread like wildfire as the hooded figure stood in front of the burning orphanage as panicked screams and pleas for help could be heard whilst the large man continued with his frenzy.


The fire got so out of control, not even the pouring rain got stop it.

“What was the point of me coming here”He sighed, “That muscle head bradley can handle such a measly task with ease”


“I guess I should get some action”The mysterious figure stated, before raising his hand and releasing a terrifyingly large blast of wind.


The burning orphanage instantly got decimated, leaving no survivors left and the only thing remaining being burnt bodies and leftovers of what was once a safeplace for children.


“Well our target is gone”The hooded figure stated as the two of them walked on the pathway as the police quickly arrived at the scene shortly after.



I felt a little jittery as I looked at my ID card I got from graduating from Carvana, The school of spiritual fortitude.My older brother, Kire graduated from Ikals:The prestigious school for prodigies and geniuses.

Yeah, pretty big difference right?


Well at this point I am not really shocked as Kire was always hailed to be a prodigy and genius while I was left in the sidelines. I sighed once again as in a flash of yellow light, a bright and shiny sword appeared in my hand.


That was my spiritual ability, “Energy creation”


On paper it doesn’t sound too bad, but due to my talent being average at best It really isn’t that good.In fact I have below average talent for a noble.


I wandered around the main city of the kingdom of Istal, Archiles. I saw quite a few people crowding over a newspaper stand, Curious I walked over and pulled out a few copper coins before snagging one.


“Orphanage burned down and decimated by mysterious figures, killing 50 people including noble Pike kirane.”


I was quite surprised, A Noble and especially one of the most major ones being killed just like that is very rare.It is for sure going to cause quite a bit of problem for the higher ups of the kingdom to deal with.


I Folded the newspaper in half before trotting across Archiles, The city was beautiful as always.The luscious sun was starting to set.


I continued to walk back home, I had gotten a bit sidetracked but it shouldn’t be that big of a problem.


I was getting near my house as the night eventually set in, but what I did not expect was someone waiting for me as I could see my house just around the block.


A young adult wearing a crimson red hoodie stood there, eyes flashing before grinning.


“Hello, I am a new recruit.”The crimson figure said, he revealed more of his body, which wore exclusively crimson colored clothes to jewelry.


“I may be a new recruit, But I am more than enough to defeat you, Heir of Bellamore”The crimson person said, cackling.


My eyes widened as his cloak suddenly burst open and he charged at me before slamming me in the face with his fist, he kicked me onto the ground before launching a flurry of attacks.


A bright yellow sword was formed as I slashed at him, he expertly dodged it before landing a clean strike on me.


My brain was spinning in circles as  I wasn’t the heir to the Bellamore, That was Kire. It meant he is supposed to be after him, not me.


I cursed at the twisted turn of events as I managed to block his punch to my gut with my sword, I slammed right into him but he deflected it as an orange power radiated from him,


A strength enhancing spiritual ability!”


Spiritual energy already naturally enhanced your body upon usage, but some people’s spiritual energy is designed to enhance your body to even further lengths instead of giving you an entirely different Ability.


My eyes widened as I got punched in the face, I was now cornered and with no way out.


Nobody would see me or him as their are no windows in this shady part of the street.


His punches were powerful and his kicks deadly, My swordsmanship skills was decent but even so I can only deflect so much.


“I Thought you would be stronger, After all you are the heir to a NOBLE!”He taunted, before slamming me to the ground.


Blood splattered on the floor as he grabbed me and punched me into the wall.


I managed to stand up and continue to slash at him, he dodged my attacks before punching me in the face.


Blood could be seen on my face as I putted more spirit energy into my legs and sword to increase my speed and strength into those parts.


I dodged his punch before slashing with my sword, but to the speed of my swing being to slow he sent me to the floor with a punch to the gut.


I groaned as he grabbed me by my shirt, blood splatter everywhere as he started punching me repeatedly.


Ultimately he threw me onto the wall before kicking me.


My stomachs hurt and everything around me was blurry.I saw that my hand was completely smoldered with blood.


“It seems like mission accomplished, huh”The man said with a laugh, “Pathetic”


Orange Aura radiating  from his hands, He punched me in the face as blood splatter onto the floor.


As he readied up his final attack, My vision started to fade…


I saw something…No, I didn’t see it as my eyes were closed,


I sensed it


The movement, the air pressure the spiritual energy being used.


I knew everything, I knew how powerful the punch being sent at me is…


I sensed everything around me, every heartbeat and every percentage of spiritual energy being used.


I could sense the attack being thrown at me with speeds no human should have.


I reopened my eyes and created my spirit sword and dodged the punch, blood spewed out of my mouth as I cleanly hit my opponent in the left abdomen with my sword


His eyes widened, He tried to counterattack but I could sense where it was coming from and even the power, speed and spiritual energy put into it.


I cleanly dodged the counterattack, I slashed at his right above his left abdomen as blood spewed out of the wound I created on his left abdomen.


His screams were loud and clear, I could sense people hurriedly opening their lights and opening their windows to see what was going on.


I coughed out blood before falling onto my knees, My opponent also fail down to his knees but he immediately passed out.


It seems that I have won this fight, I dropped to the floor…After a while I heard ambulance and Police arrive.As I was carried onto the ambulance The only thing ringing through my mind was…


What the hell was that?”


How could I sense everything?


No, A part of me knew what happened…But I was still in shock to actually comprehend what was going on.



The following days I spent recovering, They went by like a blur but the only thing I Could remember was seeing Kire A lot.


His orange hair was very clearly inherited from our father, his blue eyes however was inherited from our mother.I couldn’t remember what clothes he wore but probably his adventurer kit.


He was always so kind to me, he was so overly kind.


I like him a lot more than my parents, to me he was basically the one who took care of me.


Only problem is that I have no idea what to do with these flowers and no way in hell am I eating this much banana before they ultimately rot.


I sighed, but in reality I was actually happy.


I thought about what happened back there, I knew that what I did wasn’t normal.


A sinking part of me knew that what happened wasn’t just a fluke, but i can’t just take in what I did there was truly of my own raw talent…


Let’s save that for when I am fully recovered, The doctor said stressing isn’t good for a recovering person’s body after all.

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