The rise from mediocrity

Chapter 2: The Gateway to success(2)

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I finally completely recovered from my injuries, The moment I was released I instantly got jumped by a familiar looking person with slick orange hair and blue eyes. I instantly recognized him as Kire, My older brother.


With him was a tall and lean man who was pretty intimidating and a tall blonde haired woman who seemed to be friendly as she had a smile plastered on her face, next to her was another blonde lady except she seemed to be around my age.


“All of them except for Caris are my adventurer teammates!”Kire introduced, his smile unwavering, “This muscle-head over here is Eric, This beauty over here is Elanoir!”


The two of them looked quite powerful, I don’t know how they far up against Kire tho.I’ve never really seen him fight, All I really know is that his ability allows him to manipulate water and that he has a contract with a northern beast Eagle, named Tikes.


“This over here is Elanoir’s younger sister, Caria”He said, It was kind of awkward considering the both of us already figured out that we were the same age and that we were expected to socialize.


“Ummm…H-”Thankfully, My oh so kind older brother realized how awkward it is and changed the subject.


“So what are you planning on doing now, Caria here plans on becoming a part of the army.”Kire said, My eyes widened as I stared at her, deep in the eyes.


Her blonde hair waved in the air, those lavender eyes were expressionless.


Suddenly my body roared with excitement and my entire vision of the world changed.


It was a familiar feeling, The same feeling I felt last time.


Does it trigger when I am overwhelmed with emotions?”


I could suddenly sense the emotion behind those eyes, nervousness.


The more I stayed in this state, the more unbalanced I became.


My body was only recovered enough to do basic living needs without much issues, but it seems this state I’m in puts too much strain on me.


Kire’s eyes widened before moving at incredible speeds to lift me up, My head was throbbing but that was really it.All I really felt was my head feeling as if it just got on a rollercoaster.


“Are you okay?”He screamed, I flinched at the loud noise which made him quiet down a bit.


“Nothing, It’s fine”I said, Kire let go of me reluctantly as the others stared at me in concern.


“What was that?”The man grumbled, as Elanoir I think was what she called looked at me in concern, I simply gave an ok sign.


“Still, You’re planning on joining the army!?”I exclaimed, Only exceptionally talented people could join the army unless it is in times of need.


He simply nodded, as my eyes gleamed in admiration, the fact that she so expressionlessly said that means that she is probably incredibly talent.


“So, what about you?”Kire asked curiously.


“Well…I don’t really know.”I said with a laugh, Kire simply nodded.


“Well how about join the army?”Kire said calmly, Surprising everyone there including the calm and composed Caria.


I was at a loss for words while Kire simply smiled.


“Me and one of the higher ups investigated greatly into the incident and also interrogated the assaulter.”He stated calmly, “His bombastic claims while on paper may just seem like bullshit...but the more we looked into it, the more it made sense.”


“You are a genius at one of the most difficult skill to master, and quite possibly the most powerful technique of them all”He said, My eyes widened as I knew exactly what he was about to say.


“You are one of the few people who have the potential to master the technique known the gods gift.”He declared, the gods gift was an infamous technique known for how deadly it could be and also for how it is nigh impossible for someone to master it without being a top tier genius.


Elanoir nodded in acceptance and so did Eric the big dude, but it seemed he still couldn’t quite comprehend.


“The talent that you hold is something never seen before, you understand!”The large man boomed, “While there have been cases for people exceptionally talented, none of them could grasp it nearly as early as you did.


“The main reason that I met you here aside from the fact that I genuinely wanted to see you, Was to introduce you to your new teacher”Kire said before a rumbling noise could be heard as a pale man exploded onto the ground.


Black lighting rippled around him, He turned his head around to observe me closely.


I gulped slightly as the black lighting around him intensified as he approached me.


“My name is Tier Slopicks.”He introduced, “The higher ups have taken note of you and have requested me  to train you.”


His eyes glowered over me, his presence made me want to backpedal and fall to the ground.

“But that will only be the case if you wish to join the army.”He said, “So do you join!”


I contemplated for a while, working for the army will bring me a lot of respect and it will give me a lot of opportunities to hone my abilities. Plus being an adventurer means I will have to travel a lot and it also means I will have to be constantly worrying about resources, food and traveling items.


“Yes”I answered, this is probably the only time I could ever get this sort of chance.


“Well then, Your training...starts NOW!”He hollered, his entire mood seemed to change, before he seemed pale but now his entire body seems to be full of strength.


“You have to race me to the training area!”He screamed before jumping away.


I stood there, speechless.


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I tripped on myself as Kire pushed me, Eric grinning and The two ladies staring me down.


“Go, if you’re late you will regret it.”Kire said with a shudder, I gulped before jumping off.




I panted heavily, I really shouldn’t be doing this just straight out of recovery.


“You’re late.”The man said calmly, His presence becoming more and more powerful.


I shuddered as red lighting radiated from him, cackling.


“This special training grounds has top tier healers that can heal any sort of damage I am allowed to deal to you.”He said with an ominous grin, “I will make you regret accepting to endure this training session!”


I carefully crafted a shining sword, ready to fight.


His grin spread more and more before he moved at incredible speeds and before I knew it he was in front of me...I cursed as a punch sent me flying.


“IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!”he roared, before lunging at me and punching me straight in the gut.


I swung my sword at him as he counterattacked before sending another slash at him.


My light sword however was repelled by red lighting and I was sent to the ground.


I groaned before standing up again, however I was smacked to the floor again, In my school I learned swordsmanship diligently and was top of my class, It is the only thing I am proud of myself in.


My spiritual energy control is lackluster as my skills at directing where it flows is mediocre, that was always more of Kire’s thing…actually everything except for swordsmanship Kire was better than me at.


I tried to take advantage of my sword skills but the sheer control he has over his spiritual energy flow always allowed him to counterattack with ease.


Spiritual energy is the user's core energy, you can make it flow to where you want and strengthen that part or you can have it flow through every part of your body…


The man in front of me, While it was really hard to tell I could sense that he is continuously controlling the flow of his spiritual energy so that he can expertly counter my slashes and slices with ease.


I pushed on however. My sword clashing with his fists many times, yet despite that he rarely ever used his red lighting.


He was toying with me, only using a fraction of his power and relying on his own fighting capabilities.


I flinched in pain as I was sent to the ground with a punch, My light sword was becoming more and more shaky.


Rearing FLASH!”


I side stepped his punch just barely for the first time in the entire fight, I could see a feral grin spread on his face as I imbued my hands and sword with spiritual energy before slashing at him.


Suddenly, a burst of red lighting exploded where I was about to attack him and I was sent flying.


“What yyou just demonstrated there...was DEFINITELY the gods gift there is no debate.”He said with a grin, “It seems since you initially awakened the skill you yourself sometimes passively activate a part of its power!”


I nodded as I stood up, Still holding the light sword.


Suddenly I sensed a punch coming straight at me, I instantly sidestepped just barely, My eyes widened as an uppercut hit me directly.


“The sparring session isn’t over yet, Kid!”He boomed, I stood up wobbly holding my sword.


“Time to get a bit more serious.”He said calmly, as red lighting surrounded him.


“This is going to be the final attack!”He declared, rearing up a powerful punch infused with lighting.


The small pebbles in the training grounds near him started to shake, as he infused more power some of the glass surrounding them started to shatter.


My eyes widened as he prepared to launch the attack, the red lighting turned a bit darker as the man instead of me let out a battle cry before releasing it.


Everything seemed slow, I could sense everything...just like last time.


My vision heightened as i expertly controlled my spiritual energy flow all to my legs, I lunged to the left as I narrowly dodged the powerful attack which completely decimated a tree.


The crazy man grinned, “Now that was what I wanted to see!”


“Get yourself up, go to one of the rooms this place provides and rest well!”He boomed, “After all today’s training is nothing compared to what you will face in the future!


I groaned at what’s to come, but it seems this crazy man won’t take no for an answer.


I guess I will become stronger, But I am still not looking forward to these training session…especially if they truly are going to be even worse.


I picked myself up before exiting the training grounds, it was beautiful inside as everything was lucious, clean and crisp.


I ordered a room, brushed my teeth and changed into comfortable clothes.


I don’t know how long I have to stay here, but I will not enjoy a single bit of it that’s for sure.

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