The rise from mediocrity

Chapter 4: Pre exam (1)

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My eyes gleamed in shock as the small serpent levitated around, it’s scaly body shining when exposed to sunlight.


“This right here is a wind serpent.”Kire said, “They are pretty common due to them being prone to soar through the skies, but they also possess incredible potential.”


“Normally they are B class spiritual beasts, but when fully grown and trained well they have the potential to become S class.”


I was at a loss for words, due to spiritual beats and especially one as young as the serpent in front of me having tightly packed spiritual energy that is hard to sense unless I try really hard there was no way I could’ve seen this coming.


My body felt like it could jump into the air, Spiritual beats raised from a young age are not only loyal but they also possess immense power and advantages over us humans.


“Have him do some light training to get him used to controlling spiritual energy.” Tier said, sliding into his jacket. “He’s still young and won’t be able to handle harsh training for another 6 months without it being detrimental to his growth, and even then you still have to keep it steady.”


I nodded to the advice Tier gave as he grabbed the serpent creature and gently handed it over to me.


“The rest is up to you to research and do whatever you want with.” Tier said, Kire nodded before putting his hand on  my shoulder.


“It will be a great learning experience and  show you the difficulties of raising one of these.”Kire said, his smile more wider than usual and pain could be seen behind his seemingly innocent words

I am fucking terrified.”


“Now Ta-da!”Kire exclaimed, before suddenly a portal opened beneath me and before I could dare comprehend what was going on my entire body sizzled and I suddenly was inside this laboratory, scientists scurrying around hurriedly.


I stood there, surreal as I saw laboratories full of machinery which produced an awful smell, i saw massive ships as Workers hastily moved around carrying large boxes of heavy metal.


This is for sure the largest research and workfield in all of the land of Ekisten, Everyone seemed to be in a rush as I simply stood in the midst of the chaos.


A boy around my age suddenly approached me, he had clean black glasses and was wearing a silky white cloak. He was slender and his hands were refined, he gave me a slight bow as I returned the gesture.


“I am Rin Loken.”The man stated, I also introduced myself awkwardly as he simply nodded upon hearing my name.


He suddenly touched the concrete floor with an open palm as two golems made out of the same concrete emerged.


My eyes widened as I instinctively crafted the light sword to deflect the two golem’s strikes, shockwaves filled the air as the Golem’s attacks become more speed focused rather than strength.


Their strikes were rapid as two more were summoned, My eyes widened as I witnessed the mysterious person suddenly summon a sword from his palm, his eyes observing me closely.


I cursed as he jumped into battle, His swordsmanship skills superb as he matched my attacks, but he didn’t have the advantage that I have.


I morphed my sword into a shield as I was forced to block the multiple golem’s strikes. I was sort of annoyed and confused at what the hell was going on, But it seems the only thing I could do was defend myself.


I didn’t know whether or not this was another sick test that tire gave me despite having already been injured and tired from my match against him, eitherway I am blaming it on his stupid ass because it is easier that way.


I could feel my body screaming at me to take a break and chill, but I knew I would get punched in the face by a hulking golem and then sliced and diced if I were to do that. Sometimes I dislike the way my body commands me.


I sidestepped another punch which started to crack the concrete, I give my prayers to whoever is in charge of cleaning the mess we are about to create.


The cloaked person leapt into the air, sword in hand before rapidly slashing at  me, I deflect the attacks with my sword before being forced to morph into a shield to block the incoming  strikes.


My shield started to deform signaling the amount of spiritual energy I am losing at a rapid rate.


This fucking sucks, Why can’t Tier just give me a nice break for once in his god for saken life.


I hastily dodged the  half a dozen golem’s attacks, they were slow but they were a bunch of them and it was becoming more and more straining to keep dodging.

I leapt into the air with my remaining strength before morphing my sword into a spear and creating another large stick to cover more distance.


I stared into the eyes of the cloaked man in front of me, his eyes gleaming with curiosity at my very being.


I wasn’t familiar with the other weapons aside from a stone, only practicing them sparingly so that I can get a hang of them…but my current objective is to knock out all of the golems in one go.


“Judgement.”I calmly stated, before pouring my spiritual energy into the weapons I created and spinning around at the Golems, I morphed my spear into a stick to deal blunt damage to make the most out of my current situation.


The sticks slammed the golems onto the concrete, I quickly morphed the sticks into a shield to block the incoming counterattacks that some of the golems launched, I painted as I created another stick before wacking another one in the face, I used the stick to leap into the air and used my other stick to wack another golem.


The corner of my eye caught a smile plastered onto the cloaked figure, I jumped off of one of the golems before lunging at him.


I morphed my stick into a sword as he once again Ed summoned his katana, I sensed the golems disappearing as our blades met.


“A 1v1 huh, in your current state there is no way you could win.”He calm,y stated, I grinned at that.


“It is quite foolish of you to think that you can beat me in a 1v1 without your golems.”I retorted, his eyes and posture changed, obviously interested in the fight that is about to unfold.


Our blades clashed, mine shining in the light.I was quite perplexed to see all of the workers were ignoring what was happening and some of them chatted about the fight light heartedly.


“You get distracted easily, you know!” He shouted, I narrowly dodged the flurry of  strikes he launched.


“Impressive, you dodged those attacks quite easily.”He complimented, weary in his eyes.


I side stepped to the left, twisting my sword and launching an attack.


His blade met with mine, a shockwave ripped through the air.His blade trembled slightly before shattering onto the floor.

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Our eyes met each other as the pieces of the blade fell onto the floor.


A red circle appeared on his right hand as another sword appeared.


“That one wasn’t exactly durable…it seems I have to use this blade.”He stated, “your reaction speeds are superb…I can see why he requested me to test you.”


That confirmed my suspicion at least…I still despise you Tier.


“I was tasked to stop around this point…”His eyes gleamed with excitement. “But it seems I can’t control myself.


He held the blade which had white runes encrypted onto it, the hilt and rein guard a deep blue.


“This is the blade of the late moon.”He calmly stated, “It is a very powerful sword infused with massive amounts of spiritual energy.”


“Be prepared.”He calmly said, My senses flared as he lunged at me at incredible speeds.


His sword met with mine, our swords clashed but he completely overpowered me.


I had to rely on god’s gift’s heightened senses, I swiftly dodged the attacks that the man in front of me sent.


His body shook with excitement as I dodged his attacks…”How much can you dodge!” He shouted, trembling with excitement.


“What the hell is wrong with this dude?”  I internally yelled as I dodged his powerful strikes, each hit coursing through the air and shockwaves scattered across the room as our swords clashed.


I groaned as his blade narrowly scraped my thin black hair, frighteningly close to my face.


Our blades clashed and the sounds rippled through the room, he leapt into the air as his blade came straight down.


“That’s enough.” A soothing voice said as the cloaked man previously fighting me suddenly fell into a portal and appeared right behind a lady wearing full white, she had slick purple hair and perfectly green eyes.


“I know you get a little excited but that’s a bit too far don’t you think?” She said with a smile, putting her hands on the slightly shorter Rin.

“That portal was for sure the same portal that brought me here.” 


“I am Linda Rosecott.” She camly introduced, “I was supposed to teleport you when Kire and Tier was done talking but it seems it took them too long to talk and I mistimed it.”


I nodded, that explained why I teleported here for no reason.


“Why did it sound like you were shifting the blame on US?” a man wearing a leather jacket shouted, his footsteps heavy and his face angry.


“Calm down musclehead.” The lady calmly retorted , the two’s eyes met with each other and it was obvious their was a history of bad blood between them.


“The fact that I even did a worthless task like this when I am a famous scientist known for inventing great things is a miracle!” She shouted, “you should know how sever and busy my schedule is. That bastard Pike left me with a lot of work to do ever since he died by the hands of two crummy second-rate cultists!” 


“Wasn’t that like a year!” Tier shouted back, his veins pulsating.


“Well that bastard sure had a lot of work behind for me to the poin-” She was interrupted by Kire, who calmly shutted the both of them up with a blast of water.


“Argue later you divorced oldies.” He calmly said, before splashing them in the face again.


She quickly returned to her calm and composed demeanor as she sipped some tea.


“The hell’s wrong with them?” I asked Kire quietly, “They’ve been divorced for like 5 years and they just can’t stop arguing.” He said eyebrows twitching. “I’ve been dealing with them for 4 years.” He said, shivers running down his spine.


“Well I am just going to explain to you what those two idiots were already supposed to explain.” Kire said, “First of all make a contract with this serpent.”


I was taken aback by how fast this was going, but I quickly nodded.


I approached the floating serpent which was following Kire the entire time.


“How do I do that again?”I asked, Kire was taken aback by this but then realized that not every school teaches you how to make a contract with a magical beast that could kill someone easily.


“You first insert your spiritual energy by forcefully making it flow outside, then after a while of the spiritual energy flowing into the beast you should be able to sense his deep pumping, then you make the spiritual energy into a circle and chant the words “Al thoul beast rise”


I nodded, it wasn’t hard by any means considering my heightened spiritual energy control.


But considering I was still tired from that interaction with the Rin dude it was still pretty difficult.


Finally, I completed it. The serpent levitated around me happily, it was kind of cute to be honest with you.


“Now considering how drained you are, I think you should just re-” Before he could finish, I collapsed onto the ground


“God damn it.” Kire cursed as he lifted me up.


“This could’ve gone a lot smoother.” 



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