The rise from mediocrity

Chapter 3: The gateway to greatness(3)

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The Gateway to greatness(3)


The first month

Throughout the following month, I went through what my teacher, Tier Slopicks called “Training”.But I personally will describe it as “torture” or “Abuse.”


My “training”regiment consisted of sparring with tier, which was the worst part as he goes absolutely crazy on me all the time.


Every time we fight I have to get healed by professional medics for at least an hour, He then proceeded to train me in my control of my spiritual energy flow.


That was the 2nd worst thing, as he made me do excruciating tasks all the time, his favorite(and most used)way of training my control was to force me to dodge blunt objects from various dispensers and force me to control my spiritual energy to flow to specific parts of my body to dodge then.


Then there is the least painful one and my favorite, meditation.


Apparently by calming my mind through meditation and concentrating on one thing, it will help my body relax and recover some of the stress from getting my ass beat.


After that is specialized training for my gift, the other training methods already helped in training “the god’s gift”but this training was specifically made to train the skill.


“The god’s gift”at its core is not just simply maximizing the users senses it also increases the control they have over spiritual flow.


To practice this skill, I needed to constantly dodge attacks from multiple dummies and also being aware of my surroundings.


Occasionally Tier would send some red lighting down out of nowhere so I constantly have to pay attention to that.


After that the cycle repeats and I end up going to bed exhausted, Dreading the following day.

6 Months 


Throughout the many months of this torture, I kept finding myself relecting at the way my life was before that innocent walk home.


The years of being overlooked, overshadowed and ignored.


The years  of hearing my kind, strong older brother being showered with praise.


I wasn’t looked down upon most of the time, more of ignored as someone as average as me wasn’t worth wasting the time to train on.


Yet now, as I was enduring painful and brutal training…


It felt good to finally be noticed you know?


But throwing that beside, Tier has been making me do body building, making me push-ups and basic exercises between sessions. He also told me to meditate after the breaks between each session so that he could drop the meditation session and replace it with bodybuilding.


But the training somehow became even more intense as my body started to adapt to his previous cruel training regiments.


I can now dodge the punching machines easily and the only real problem was the random lighting strikes, I could somewhat dodge his hits and I have gotten at the basic Spiritual flows tasks he gave me.


But I hadn’t became exceptionally skilled at any of them, yet he already upgraded them to what he calls “stage 2”


I am starting to question the legality behind his training.


Now it’s been 2 weeks since I’ve had to deal with the stage 2 version of training, and it has been hell!


His attacks and movements during sparring had become faster and even sharper, thankfully he didn’t increase the force behind the attacks because they originally hitted like a truck.


 The second stage of the spiritual flow training now has automated machines throwing said blunt objects at even faster speeds than the previous machines, and there are a heck a lot more of them.


The second stage for bodybuilding is really just him making me do 5 more sets, which is actually a really big difference.


The second stage for honing my gift was…brutal.


The machines have been accelerated and the amount of them was also increased, on top of that he also increased in frequency the amount he launched attacks and also the strength and speed of his lightning.


All I can say is, this place has become more torturous than I expected.




I sighed as I could barely catch my bread, the final workout of the day had just been completed.


And, What I wish is the final torturous workout that I will ever experience.


“This past year, You have grown exceptentionally.”The gruff man said, “I know we’ve never had an actual normal conversation but I have a gift for you once you’re all patched up.”


My eyes widened in shock, I never thought the man in front of me could ever give someone a fucking gift!


The man who came up with ridiculous training regimens is giving me a gift, I couldn’t believe what I just heard.


“But still, the control over your gift that you accumulated throughout  these training sessions is unimaginable.”He said calmly, “Your spiritual control and overall power, while not nearly as noticeable, has grown leaps and bounds since when I first met your puny ass.”


“I know we have been mostly sparring and me yelling out orders at you.”The man said, putting a hand on my shoulder.”Just remember, the harshness of this training was necessary, and I guess I should apologize for the amount of scars you have and amount of blood you bled”


I was taken aback by this sudden...sincerity?Kindness? 


“I swear if you get your ass handed to when I spent this much time, money and resources on you then I will make you regret having that “Gift” of yours.”He said, cold and dead serious as I shuddered at the act of intimidation.


His leather jacket was frisk and clean and he was taller than me, he looked like some kind of mafia boss which doesn’t help my situation at all.


I observed his tall figure and realized basically everything he wore was made of leather, “What is your obsession with leather about?”I asked, His body and gesture almost instantly tensed up.


I could sense the unease almost perfectly, the tall man in front of me sighed as he facepalmed.


“’s not an obsession okay!”He exclaimed, I nodded my head...sureeee.

“I can sense your embarrassment from a mile away, you know I can passively sense such Strong emotions now, right?”I calmly stated.


“Fuck.”He cursed, before shooing me away.


I entered the medic center as some medics treated me, It usually took like 30 minutes due to them having spiritual abilities suited to this kind of thing and also because my body has become far more durable.


I thought about what I would do now that I have completed my training, to be honest with you I am still nervous about the exam that all members who apply to be a part of the army have to take, commonly known as AEE(Army entrance exam)

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It takes place each year annually which is why I trained for one year, to prepare myself for the exam.


I exited the room and entered the training grounds once again.


“Your older brother and his adventurer teammates are here.”The tall man said, slowly taking off his leather jacket.


“They have the gift I prepared for you.”He said calmly, “But to get to it first you have to get past me!”

I calmed myself down, I was expecting this but I was still sort of nerve wracked.


Heavenly creation.”I said calmly, a sword forming into my hands.


Red lightning cackled around him, he moved at incredible speeds sending a punch directly at me.


I evaded it, concentrating everything around me…


God’s gift!”


I evaded the uppercut that came right after the first hit, Red lighting repelled me away as I cleanly evaded a surge of electricity.


“Not bad kid, you a year ago would have already been knocked out by these attacks!”He declared, before charging at me in the air, fist coursing with electricity.


I narrowly dodged the fast attack, I sensed another attack coming from the side so I cleanly dodged it, I slashed with my sword multiple times, however my eyes widened as I was blown back by electricity.


How, I clearly made contact with my strikes!”


“Rinsei here is a bit aggressive, but believe it or not he has a mind of his own!”He shouted, from the corner of my eye I could see Kire atop the glass windows smiling as he observed the fight.


Elanoir and Eric, his teammates stared at me with interest while Caria, just like the first time I met her stared on with a blank expression.


Tier leapt into the air, the red lightnin-or Rinsei I guess raging like wildfire as more and more electricity around Tier formed,


SHOCKWAVE!”Tier roared, a wave of electricity flew at me, I managed to dodged it with my heightened senses but that wasn’t all, Tier slammed down on me with a powerful punch.


“Roaring thrash!”I yelled, controlling the energy flow to be mainly at my sword and hands before clashing with the powerful punch.


Electricity crackled around my sword violently.


My eyes widened as a spark of electricity barely missed me as me and Tier clashed, smoke covering my vision.


However I still sensed the multitude of strikes coming towards me as I dodged them before releasing another attack.


“Rearing flash!”


I sidestepped a punch as the rather violent electricity barely grazed me, I diverted my spiritual energy into the blade before slamming it into Tier with all my might.


“Rinsei, Defend.”Tier calmly commanded, my eyes widened as electricity gathered near the spot I was about to strike,  I sensed it beforehand but it was too late.


I was sent flying into the air before crashing onto the floor. I quickly got up, bruised and battered. I charged At Tier who sent lightning strikes after strikes which I dodged easily.


I leapt into the air, morphing my sword into a hammer.


“Neat trick you got there!”Tier roared, the electricity radiating near him intensifying.




I slammed down my hammer, the shockwave shaking as it clashed with the electricity.


A explosion occurred as smoke filled the air, I couldn’t see anything.


I morphed my hammer into a spear.


“This will be my final attack!”I declared, transferring spiritual energy into the spear.


The smoke cleared as Tier charged up a attack, grinning as the light red lightning intensified and concentrated into his fist.


“Rinsei…it’s time for you to shine!”He yelled out, “Dark blitz!”


The light red lighting darkened into a normal shade of red, Tier launched the wave of electricity as I finished charging up my attack.


Heavenly pierce!”


I threw the spear that was infused with a large majority of my remaining Spiritual energy as I collapsed on the floor, barely hanging on.


The lightning and the Spear clashed,  I simply smiled weakly as the spear started to break off due to lack of spiritual energy.


Eventually the spear was overwhelmed and crumbled to nothingness as the lighting hit the wall, completely piercing through it.


“You did good kid.”Tier said calmly.


Kire suddenly appeared out of nowhere with the rest of his teammates and Caria.


“Now, about this gift.”Tier said, “I think it will benefit you a lot.”


He snapped his fingers and suddenly a cage appeared and the cage opened.


What came out was a small serpent like being, obviously newborn.


“Here is your very own pet serpent.”Kire congratulated.


My eyes lit up, I groaned as my body nearly fell from exhaustion.


I guess that fight was worth it after all huh.


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