The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 68: Awakening Party II

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"If you don't get a boyfriend soon Aroura, you might become lonely for the rest of your life!" Stated Gen in a jokingly mocking tone that she does whenever she want to condescend someone without feeling the consequence of being condescended back.

"Shut it!" Snapped my sister which made me laugh even harder at both of her and Rak's misfortune.

"If you do get a boyfriend, try not to do the deed in the forest. I don't think a normal tent would be able to handle your energies like it handled these two's" I said with a mischievous smile that made Rak turn even more red and Gen choke on her own words.

Just when I thought Gen was about to reply, I women with long black waist long her walked though the arched door way, She had deep scarlet eyes with an amazing figure that would make her an amazing model back in my world.

"Ana! Xela! Aroura too! You have finally come to vis-" I her visible shudder went through across her skin and through her bones when she made eye contact with me, clearly remembering what happen the last time she pissed me off a little too much. An awkward smile came onto my face as I wasn't really proud of smashing her face in either... Okay, it was kind of enjoyable, but not that much.

"How is the plan for the party going?" Asked my grandma, clearly understanding what was happening which others did not.

After finally regaining her composure, she looked away and stared at my grandma before finally answering with an "As planned" as an answer.

After speaking a little more, staying for dinner at my own dismay as I had to resist burning the eyes of the two old people who kept glaring at me furiously. During dinner itself, we had talked about many things, well, they talked about many things. When it came down to it, the best thing was good at was making random jokes whenever it was time, other than that, if adults are involved, I am extremely socially awkward.

It is not that I find it difficult to talk, It is just that I don't feel like talking... Okay, maybe I'm not used to talking with people normally. Not a lot experience I have here. Speaking to adults in this world is sometimes worse than speaking to babies in my last world. I think it would be better described as "Speaking to a brick wall", and if adults and old people are like this, God do I not want to know how the teenagers are going to be when I go to the academy.

After deciding not to utter a single word for the whole dinner, I was finally asked a question by non other than the one and only, Elaina! Woo! Yeah! Best questions at dinner always comes for the biggest idiot on the table.

"Many people will ask for your hand in this party. You can do what both Gen and Aroura did, which was decline all of them and say you are going to wait till you are of age, or do the more advantageous method for your family right now and accept one of the richer nobles" She said which made the old a*sholes nod while my mom joined them, labelling her an a*shole in my mind subconsciously.

After thinking of a way to get out of this crappy situation, I finally thought of an amazing way to avoid all this sh*t completely and also get the best out of the situation.

"No" I said. Even though I had been thinking for almost 30 seconds, Barely a second had passed on the outside, where everyone was waiting for my decision.

"Think about it Panni! Don't just say no from the start. If magic doesn't work out in the future, you will always have an engagement to fall back on" My mother chimed in with little bargaining. In the moment, I could see Ambrose's eyes go dreamy for at least a few second before an excited face flashed in his eyes.

'Aren't you supposed to be supporting my future decision?' I asked inwardly while glaring at Elaina who had set this up for both my mom and her son.

"How about this... I will duel whoever wants my hand. Deal?" I said, acting like I fell for their trap outwardly while supressing the sinister smile that I am masking.

Hearing my words, a smile grew on both the old a*sholes faces while blooming on my mother's and Ambrose's. Gen and Aroura seemed to extremely shocked, while Rak did not seem fazed at all.TO be honest, he seemed a little angry, which was confirmed when he said "You don't have to be forced to do anything you don't want to" and to that, I just smiled innocently.

That innocent smile did not fool everyone though, as both my grandma and Elaina had horrified looks on their faces. While Rak and Gen had seen me fight, it was during my awakening, the time where someone has almost and unlimited amount of mana, which seemed to be the reason they thought I had won back then. My grandma and Elaina however, saw my true physical and magical prowess, which made them extremely scared for anyone who was about to challenge me.

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"Rules are that they have to be under the age of 12 and that they can't give up within the first 1 minute of the fight" I landed the finishing blow, making both my grandma and Elaina's faces turn even more contorted than before. This did not go unnoticed, as both the elders on the table, Gen and Rak finally understood what was happening.

'She is a demon' Thought the elders, Xela and Elaina at the same time. The elders and the couple had had realised what was happening the moment they saw the two faces that seemed more worried than everyone else's. They were the two who had went on an expedition to find me, and from the report, there shouldn't have been much of a problem other than the fight with the humans that we 'Ran away from while the beasts fought'.

No matter how stupid I think they are, they still have an ounce of common sense, which made them realise there was something that no one was telling them about what happened in the forest. To my parents, my grandma had said she finally understood why they were so understanding of my decision, while the real reason was that she was literally incapable of forcing me due to the warning from Juilam.

Anyway, after contemplating over my suggestion for a bit, my mother finally spoke out before everyone else by stating "I agree but my suggestion is that we should have a healer on the side-lines in case anything goes wrong".

"Sure" I said almost immediately, making all the adults except Aroura and my mother twitch a little. While Aroura did not understand what was happening due to the fact that she kept thinking as me as this innocent little thing, my mother thought I was just excited to fight a few people even though she could feel the atmosphere around her become weirder by the second.

With a small sigh, Elaina finally declared "Now that we had settled that, the party will be held in two days time. Invite anyone you want. I will be inviting a few important guests like we did back when Ambrose awakened. A few will be from academies while others will be strong political figures within this kingdom's district."

After we all talked for a bit and asked a few questions that I tuned out for, we finally started to pack up and get ready to go home.

As we walked out of the main living room/hall, Gen looked towards me and asked "So, why did you make that suggestion? Are you really planning to say yes to anyone who wins against you?"

"Pfft, hahahaha. If they somehow beat me, then sure. But before they can fantasize about winning, they actually have to somehow beat me, something I don't see even the strongest 12 year old to do." I replied with a smug sadistic grin

Gen's smile switched slightly seeing my sadistic smile, but she did not ask further.

Bidding the Starnight's fair well and moving to the carriage, I couldn't help but imagine how much pain I could inflict on the idiots pressured by their parents into wanting to fight me. As scenes flashed before my eyes of ways I could inflict the most pain, my body couldn't help but heat up, while my breaths turned unsteady and my heartbeat increased it's rhythm.

'Oh sh*t.... I think I might have a kink... Do kinks change when I get reborn or something, Cuz' im feeling really turned on right now.... Oh nooo... This might be a problem, a problem for a future me that the present me does not have to think of.' I thought while trying to steady my increasing heart beat and breathing rhythm.

Stepping into the carriage, a familiar scent of wet wood entered my nose. Sitting down, I put my elbow on the hilt of the window, while resting my head onto my fist. Looking outside, I watched as we passed many people, some that were poor while others looked like stuck-up rich kid's in the bodies of middle aged men.

After an hour, passing through the forests and plain fields, we finally reached out home. Outside stood 3 people who were my father and my brothers. They were currently training with my father, and even though their skills were barely even close to being as good as mine, for their age, they were at least average if no higher.

I walked out of the carriage without much of a reaction towards the tins, which seemed to anger them a bit. Ignoring their glares, I walked into our home nonchalantly and moved to my room almost immediately to change out of my outfit into something more comfortable.

Laying on my bed after a long day of exhausting verbal communication, I closed my eyes and felt my entire conscience shake for a second before started to drift away. Wit my final thoughts, I couldn't help but think about all the verbal communication I might have to do in the future, and how much harder it was to communicate with humans compared to beasts, who let you be and only speak to you when they need something or actually have something useful to inform you.

Thoughts of a joke Juilam told me flashed in my mind at the last second before my conscience drifted away, but the time was enough for me to smirk while thinking to myself 'Useful to inform me, my a**'

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