The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 69: Awakening Party III

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2 Days later

Waking up to the sun protruding through the thin curtains as if they weren't there. I didn't really need to sleep, and even when sleeping, I would still sleep less in the whole month than a normal person in a single night. This time however, I decided to take full advantage of the fact I have a comfy bed, and so I used it to it's fullest potential.

A not so fun fact about sleeping, I can see everything even after closing my eyes, even though my eyes are always closed. Turning my room pitch black was a no go too, due to the fact that even without my eyes, I could see everything and anything within the dark as it was in the middle of the day. This usually makes sleeping really hard while also metaphorically opening my eyes to a disturbing fact.

I won't be able to look away from a disturbing scene, even if I move my head or entire body, the only way to stop seeing the scene is to cover myself in earth or something, and even then, my soul sense is enough to tell me what is happening within a 10 meter radius.

Soul sense is the name I had given to the ability to use a 6 sense. Through soul sensing, you use your soul flame and expand it's area of alteration and influence, which then allows tour soul flame to sense anything within a certain distance. The problem I have is that my soul sense is a little too advanced, therefore I can see or feel anything within a 10 meter radius whether I liked it or not. My full soul expansion on the other hand us unknown to even me. I don't know how far I can sense not because I didn't try, it's more because I cant instinctually know how far it is, I just can estimate it is more than 3 miles.

Getting up and going to the bathroom, I washed up really quickly before brushing my teeth and going downstairs for breakfast. Today was my awakening party, even though I didn't actually want it, nor was it necessary due to the fact I am already naturally awakened. My whole family was currently tensed up, constantly using way more energy than they have to by having a lot more wasted movement than they usually do. The constant tensing of muscles for a long time made them eventually go sore, and therefore now all of them except my brothers are moving at even slower paces than before.

"PANDORA! WEAR THIS!" My mother called out to me while giving me a white dress with golden streaks. I did not complain due to me not being bothered to. I had just worked up, and normally when I wake up, no matter how many hours I slept and how many days I hadn't, I was always kind of grumpy with a speck of laziness within my grumpiness.

Going upstairs, I wore the white and golden streaked dress with a pair of white boots and a white jacket lined with white and grey fur. I personally, as a male, thought that if I saw a girl like me walking in with clothes like these, I would laugh at them. The white on me wasn't hot at all, but who am I to talk when I'm the one looking at the body of a 6 year old. Giving myself the benefit of the doubt though, I do look at least 14, not that it makes what I'm saying better or anything.

You know what? This is my body so I do not care what other people say. I think I have the right to look at my body and compliment it!

Anyway, After ranting to myself for a few minutes, I finally got changed, ate and got ready to go to Gen's house. To be honest, I was more excited for the battles than the party itself. In the battles I could do anything I want to my opponents except force myself on them... How amazing is that!?

'A few bruises here and there won't mentally scar anyone for life, hopefully...'

Once we got into the carriage that was able to fit everyone in our family, including my brothers, we went off. I couldn't help but star at my mother's bloated bell on the say there. Even though my eyes were closed and my face was staring outside, I could still stare at the bloated belly without much problem.

Thinking about my vision in general, I started to fantasize about all the implications of such an ability.

'What if a girl asks me to look away when she is changing or turn around... This ability is amazing! Wait, maybe I can.....' almost an hour passed without me even realizing and by the time we reached Gen's house, I'm pretty sure I was close to bleeding from my nose.

'Is this puberty... Why am I having so many lewd thoughts. This didn't happen when I was with the tribe... Maybe it's because I wasn't attracted to anyone there?' I thought with the same lewd smile from the whole journey stayed plastered onto my face.

We walked into the mansion without much trouble from the butler since he already knew we were coming early since it is my birthday. My mother and Elaina went on to talk about the events, my father and Gen's father started to talk about some martial arts technique they learnt and their experiences at work, while finally, Aroura and Gen went off to talk in private about something.

"Pandora, I want you to sit on the big chair at the front. When people come in, you have to greet them. Don't worry, non of them will ask your hand straight away" Elaina said seriously

"Why do I have to welcome them? Ambrose didn't do that on his birthday." I argued

"Well, he is a boy, you are not. The male does not get asked for marriage, they ask themselves from the one's that interest them. They usually wait for the girls to come up to him rather than the other way round." She replied sternly while turning around to walk away

"Who said I want to give my hand to these people?" I said with a hint of disgust.

"Stop being prideful young lady. One day, a day will come when you will thank us for what we are doing." Elaina said without even looking back

"Yeah right. To think you believe I would want to touch any of those filthy-...." I stopped myself mid-way through my sentence, as I knew whatever was about to come out was not going to be pleasing to any body in the hall.

They all stared at me for a second, even Aroura and Gen who were quite far away from me. They all seemed slightly surprised at how much hate I had towards anyone who was about to ask my hand.

"Fine..." I said while sitting down on the big chair, continuously remind myself of all the fun I will have while beating the crap out of every single one of them. Some might call me evil, others might call me petty, but I honestly don't care. I just want to have a little fun while not being restricted to any kind of agreement such as engagement or marriage.

After an hour of sitting down on my chair, the first batch of people arrived. The giant hall doors that were at least 5 meters tall opened wide while the people flocked in. I recognized a few faces from Ambrose's party, but I didn't pay them much attention. From the corner of my eye, I could see Elaina telling me to stand and greet them, but I waited for a little just to be petty.

I was sitting there, with my elbow on the armrest of the chair while my face rested on my semi-relaxed fist. My legs were crossed and my aura was bored and cold as if everything in the world wouldn't please them.

The visitors hesitated to walk forwards when meeting my gaze, but a second later, I put on my best act and acted really happy with a smile. I greeted every single one of them with a handshake but completely ignored the younger ones that even dared to extend their hands towards me to shake it.

Eventually, one guest apparently had gotten someone to blow up his a** constantly, making him a pain in the ass in general. He walked up to me and looked me straight in the eyes before turning around and declaring "I will be taking Pandora Raven's as my future wife" Without a single second of delay.

while everyone was staring at us, half of them were staring at us because of what he said, while the others were fixated on my blindfold.

-"is she blind?"-

-"why is swearing those bandages? did she hurt her eyes or something?"-

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Ignoring the question appearing in everyone's eyes, I looked towards the boy who looked around 14 years old, and from the mana fluctuations I felt, he was a water mage with quite a strong affinity at that. He was already at the high stages of the Gaseous stage of his mana heart from what I could feel, making him quite the prodigy. Compared to me, who is still at the middle stages of the ethereal mana heart stages, that was quite impressive. On the other hand, though, the only reason my mana heart is so underdeveloped is because of both my age and my affinity.

Improving in divinity is 4-5 times harder than improving normally. My mana pool is smaller than even Ambrose who had become a high ethereal mana heart level. Usually, people have a problem from advancing from ethereal to gaseous, but I'm pretty sure with the strength of Ambrose's affinity, he will have a much easier time compared to others.

Anyway, I stared at the guy with a blank impression, before asking "Who are you again?" which made everyone in the hall laugh and the boy started producing steam from his ears.

"How dare you, you insolen-" "Now now, calm down. I have a proposal. If you beat me in a duel I'll not only give you my hand, but I will give you 3 wishes that I cannot say no to. How about that?" I said while raising three fingers.

A lustful smile appeared on his face, which made me wonder if 14-year-olds even knew lust until I remembered my ex-step sister back from earth.

'YES! Yes they very much can' I thought

"This offer goes to everyone under the age of 12 too. If you want my hand you will have compete amongst each other, until finally competing against me." I announced with a bright smile

'This wasn't what we agreed on' thought Elaina with a frown.

After I had welcomed everyone into the hall, I walked up to the stage with my mother and Gen by my sides.

"Since Pandora had already naturally awakened, we do not need a priest to awaken her. So instead, we will hold a little tournament since so many boys want my Panni's hand. The winner will have to fight against her personally." Said Gen from my side

My mother then did a few hand seals and chants to erect a small stadium in the middle.

"This will be today's party's entertainment. You can send your children forward if you want, but thy must be under the age of 12 unless you are Felix from the Horseback family" Gen stated before walking down from the stage with my mother.

I sat down on the chair behind me and let Elaina do the rest of the work. Even though I wanted to break the children one by one, It would be quite entertaining to watch them fight over something they will not gain. Watching there will slowly break will the best part though

'hehe,' I laughed inwardly while imagining the situation.

"UHM! I HAVE A FAVOUR TO ASK!" Said a little boy with Emerald Green eyes and black hair,

"Speak" I commanded with a black expression.

Many people couldn't help but imagine me as a queen, as I sat above everyone else while being on the stage, with my head resting on my palm and my legs crossed. 'All she is missing is a crown' They all thought.

"I want to challenge you before the tournament. Since I knew you since we were kids, that is all I ask for. If I win, you cancel this tournament and become mine" Ambrose said with a confident voice. A few grunts and annoyed complaints were made from the people, but they didnt protest much because this was my choice to make.

'Become yours? Am I an object being passed around or something? You know what, I'll break you first. I'm sure your mother put you up to this, so I will teach her a lesson through you.' I thought while grinning inwardly

"Sure" I said while jumping down to the small fighting arena which he had already gotten on before speaking to me.

Coming out of my crouched position, I looked towards Ambrose with a small smile creeping up my face while giving him a 'come get me' gesture with my right hand.

"Are you not going to take the blind-fold off?" He asked with suspicion

"Nah. You are too weak for me to take them off" I replied nonchalantly

Seeing this he frowned a little with a little anger appearing within his eyes. His emotions were like an open book to me without even needing to use my eyes. Since my last life, I had mastered the art of recognizing emotions easily, and this was one of them.

We both stood still for a second, waiting for Aroura, who had decided to become the Referee of this match, to say the word.

"GO!" Aroura shouted, letting go of her hesitation and putting her trust in me.



A few gasps came from the crowd, while the rest stood there silently. 3 Warriors made out of air were created from thin air, and now were standing in front of me and about to attack me.

'So this is why you were so confident? Let me crush these three puppets just like your hopes and dreams of ever getting near me every again..' I grinned ear to ear, kicking the ground to launch towards Ambrose at top speeds.

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