The Rise of History's Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 22: CH 22

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There was no need to fret now that he had the green recruits’ protection. Their loyalty was still trustworthy.

After being vagrants for so long, they met Zhong Yu, who offered them shelter, safety, food and wives.

Every basic need was covered, living in better circumstances than their previous lives where every moment could be their last, whether from starvation or other elements.

He didn’t even need to say anything to have them inspect anyone who walked closer.

So that their hard-earned new standards did not crumble and plunged them back into scrounging for a bite to eat. They would always ensure his safety so that their good lives continued. 

Him breathing meant the peace of this city and their own safety was assured. So any that dared harmed him were looked upon like their bitter enemy.

Zhong Yu sat alone in his study. He sipped at the steaming tea cup while inspecting a document, feeling the anxiety flow out of him.

The system once again spoke after a long period of silence, “Ding! Congratulations, host, for your victory in your first hundred man battle. You’ve completed a side quest and earned a bonus pack.”

‘It’s here at last. My hard work bore fruits. I wonder what I’ll get this time. The last time I got the refugee camp.’

‘The best would be something to increase my power and stabilize my position.’

Going by the system’s trend, he always got what he needed most in the given situation.

‘When I first came to this world, I had no one to help me even start the conquest. I was as frail as a chicken, having little resources and a lavish seat of power. The system understood my plight and gave me the Yellow Turban Army for security.’

He used them to clean up the small tribes in the vicinity, only to find that the population was still too small and would’ve taken him a long time to reach the standard of expanding his domain.

The tribes in 50 km had been neutralized so gaining more population seemed impossible.

To say nothing of those larger tribes, who might be watching him with a stink-eye, trying to send a team of warriors to wipe him out.

As this was a world of magic and abilities, where a second rank Denel having so much strength, those large tribes of thousands if not ten thousand heads, would have a third or fourth rank among them. How was he to fight that?

That was when the system timely helped in the form of a refugee camp, which bolstered his population.

It also balanced out his development. Not just some soldiers and recruits but women, children and elderly. It brought happiness to the people and strengthened their loyalty to this place.

‘After the casualties lost in battle, I have close to 2400 people, of which 324 form the military.  ‘

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That made a seventh of the population soldiers; highly unusual.

When ancient China was in peace times, its army would be on the small side. A three hundred thousand army would mean a population of sixty million people. That was close to 0.5%.

Even in a world with unrest, since the dynasty was stable, its rule continued, but only had around 0.8 million soldiers. While the population would be smaller because of these chaotic times, around fifty million; yet still only 60 men to 1 soldier.

Even if it was in time of war, the military would reach a million or two while the population was thirty million. That would be 10:1 or 20:1. 

While his ration would make his government a stratocracy, a disastrous situation. It would hamper development and would threaten the people’s happiness and loyalty to the nation. Next came increased distrust in the leader’s ability.

It was a highly dangerous situation. For now, he had his authority and cruel reputation to bottle up any doubts. But in his weakest moment or when the pressure got too high, they would explode. 

Why was the Kingdom of Shu the first to collapse in the Three Kingdoms era? Because of the high ratio between the military and population, 7:1. The Kingdom of Wu had 8.3:1 and Cao Cao’s 9:1. 

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It strained the population, with seven people feeding one soldier. Instead of preventing dissent, it would only aggravate the problems like drought, floods, plagues and rebellions. Anyone living in such times would always yearn for peace and prosperity. 

So when Wei destroyed Shu, a kingdom that ruled for forty years spanning three generations, it used an army of similar size making use of their terrible situation. 

And when Wei army entered Shu, the populace leaned on them, taking them as their saviors. So much so Deng Ai, with only 5000 men, captured a country that had a hundred thousand soldiers and could even mobilize two hundred in case of emergency.

Every place it passed, the soldiers turned to them, the people’s support grew until Shu was no more. The fate of Shu was the best example for his own situation, of his fate. 

And he wasn’t that far from the same result either. Although adult savages would join the war effort to protect their tribe, his own situation was far worse as they were doing it for survival.

With his population mostly made up of refugees, they were civilized people and put stock in these questions. They have lost their wild side and yearned for a flourishing life.

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If he were to keep his rule, he only had two or three years to solve this, as this was the limit of the people’s patience. He needed to reach 10:1 or 20:1 to stay in power.

And while the people didn’t show any open hostility, their loyalty would slowly fade.

I.e. ‘I’ll help you when you’re strong and work with others to end you at your weakest.’

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