The Rise of History's Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 23: CH 23

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Grasping public opinion meant grasping the world!

This saying as old as time itself had received all kinds of interpretations.

Zhong Yu’s version: ‘What is public opinion? Making the population recognize your rule is so much better than another’s. Giving their all for you so that you will return their efforts many times over.’

Public opinion only came out in comparisons, revealing your strong points so that your people would be more loyal to you. 

This comparison was revealed in Qin Shihuang’s men case, serving in his armies. The other six states’ military offered the same opportunities but when it came to wealth, power and women, it was all about waging wars. So when a call to arms was issued, they knew their moment came, fighting to be first in battles. 

By comparison, the other six states’ war would be disastrous, with many dead, and their soldiers deserting. Losing the public opinion, they lost the war and their lives.

Why then did Zhong Yu put a time limit of three years to get the ratio of soldiers to people at 10:1? Because he planned to integrate the 50 km around him into his domain in two years.

Before the integration, his people saw the rough life of the savages and the danger, meaning they only had gratitude to him for giving them safety and prosperity. Their loyalty was high, translating in him holding his power longer. Otherwise they’d have to live this tribal life as well. 

After the integration, from what he saw, this plain was surrounded by endless forest, making it a corner of paradise.

He would then focus on his development and plant the seeds to gain power for the right time to cross the forest and escape his cage like a dragon, continuing his conquest. 

He would have time to address the people’s insecurities and placate them, earning their continued loyalty.

But this was based on one premise without which all this planning fell moot.

What was it you’d ask? To have the power to quell any and all dissent. The one to stick his head would be the first to die. Without power, all his assertiveness would be useless. Arrogance only worked when backed up by power.

So what did he need right now? Power. But what exactly was power? It had two meanings in this world.

The first type no one could take it away from you and the best to have. It was personal strength. In a world such as this where abnormal abilities existed, strength would pave the way for riches, women and status. Nothing was out of reach and nothing was impossible.  

The second type was authority. With a sound system, a large domain and an endless stream of people with strength would come to work for you.

The proof of authority was reflected in safety and security. What did it mean? Military. With an unquestionable military of unflinching loyalty you’d have the basis to face anything. And this was where he lacked the most. 

As he had no super strength, he couldn’t tackle the problems head on. He was a lord with a domain and a name that earned people’s loyalty. But he was at risk of losing this foundation. His army, his loyal army, was crippled, having misplaced loyalties. He could not use them to solve his problems as it was now. 

The Yellow Turban Army no longer held the savages in check. While they suffered disastrous casualties because of him, they lost 80% of their brothers, leaving only six behind. 

‘They must hate me.’ But reason dictated he couldn’t die so their loyalty was only on the surface. 

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Without the zealous Wang Daniu holding them back, his orders fell on deaf ears. The only thing keeping them from waking up with his head severed was those three hundred recruits keeping a watch on him.

While the recruits’ loyalty was only a few days old. Their attachment to these lands were still thin. Only because they want to keep their current lifestyle, they obeyed his orders and safeguarded him.

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He had never been so frantic in gaining strength, a strength that would make all listen to his every word. Not even when he just came to this world. 

Because he had time then to adjust to this world’s dangers. The unknown threats would come slower, giving him breathing room to figure out how to face them.

But now, having tasted authority, he had enough of always being in danger. Those men of his were doubting him, hating him and even wanting to kill him. He was under constant stress from the imminent threat.

His mind always thrummed with the thirst to wipe these traitors out the face of these lands.

Such desire for destruction had already consumed him and he would act on it at the first chance he got. If the moment was ripe, he’d use the easiest and fastest way to annihilate them, on principle, as an example.

Put on display for all to see that even weak and these lowly, frail servants could never revolt.

‘Now then, omnipotent and omniscient system, do you truly grasp my wishes? I need a force, a force that I can control at will.’

‘Men of undying loyalty that never question my orders. Men that will run themselves through with their own blade if I asked. ‘

‘I need men that kiss the ground I walk on and see me as god!’

Zhong Yu prayed within, for the system to answer his wishes. Hoping with all his being the bonus pack would be the exact thing he needed to keep his rule and  strengthen it.

Either by enormous luck or Zhong Yu’s heartfelt plea, the lottery began.

The wheel spun on the blue screen, stopping at long last on the imperial guards.

“Congratulations, host, you won imperial guards.”

Zhong Yu was stunned then exploded in joy. ‘Heaven helps me!’

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Zhong Yu – The strong are worshiped and the weak abused, an immemorial truth.

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