The Rise of History's Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 26: CH 26

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Walking out of his residence, Zhong Yu arrived at a newly built square for public events and an announcement.. 

Under people’s shock he appeared with fifty soldiers as escort.

As he stood above as he scanned the crowd with a firm gaze,stopping on the people and recruits. 

That chilling and hard gaze made their skin crawl as they panicked and sweated like pigs, not daring to even meet his gaze.. 

Fifteen minutes later, he lifted the pressure and addressed them, “Have everyone called for an important announcement.”

Only allowed on

After he said this, all  of the recruits and people ran like their lives were on the line.

Zhong Yu’s attitude scared the hell out of them. They had never seen such an imposing display since they got here.

Zhong Yu saw their funny scramble and showed a cold smile, just standing there not saying anything, having a bigger impact.

He didn’t wait long. In one hour, every resident was present, including the children and elderly.

The panicked messengers were obvious their lord wasn’t in a good mood and rushed here to avoid their lives being cut short.

The filled square was eerily quiet. Even those rowdy little buggers were unnerved from the tense mood. They looked around tensely while hugging their parents, feeling surrounded by monsters. 

With his entire domain gathered in one place, his eyes turned with a frown to the Yellow Turban Army and service army that had him feel the threat of death. 

The men jumped in fright, clutching their weapons, ready to incite mutiny against their lord and safeguard their lives.

Their display in the last battle had their lord feel threatened and hated.

Now they feared he would order those unknown elite soldiers to slaughter the three hundred recruits.

As the mood grew heavier, the people and recruits turned to the Yellow Turban Army. 

They all felt their lord’s insecurities about them, or he wouldn’t have surrounded his official residence with soldiers the first thing he did getting back.

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Who was he guarding against? Certainly not from defenseless refugees, so it had to be the Yellow Turban Army. 

They heard the news how more than 100 went and only a handful returned. These soldiers bore resentment for their lord, forcing him to look for personal guards to ensure his safety.

As a matter of fact, the lord, having got his new elite corp from god, knew what was convenient for everyone to put these rebels in their place.

‘Then again, I would do the same thing in his stead.’ No one would bat an eye to these soldiers who died for daring to raise their hands at their lord. 

The impasse was close to erupting in an armed conflict, with some even bearing their weapons when Zhong Yu eased a breath and said. 

“You, in front, had ill will towards me, but it is understandable after enduring such a large battle, your minds jumpy and strained. I don’t hold it against you. But that is in regard to capital punishment. You shall all be reassigned as vanguard for your crimes. You’ll be at the forefront of battle. Unless you take ten heads or earn great merit, you won’t escape this punishment.” Zhong Yu paused after speaking so much, giving Yellow Turban Army time to reflect and allow them to come to a decision.

Zhong Yu resumed, “Well? Have you thought about it? I think I gave you enough time to decide on rebellion or accepting punishment.”

The Yellow Turban Army and service army struggled, wrecking their heads with these two choices. Yet both were just as disastrous. 

One one hand, being in the vanguard implied 90% of dying, the same reason why the slaves and service army suffered so.

On the other was certain doom. They would be free but the freedom was short lived, ending with their lives. Those glares and fierce expressions from the surrounding elite soldiers let them see just what their end would be like.

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Time ticked by one second at a time. Zhong Yu gave them an hour to think while the people around had a playful smile, curious about their decision as well. 

But for safety reasons, they kept their distance from the culprits.

When Zhong Yu grew impatient, a hardy man from the Y stepped forth, fell to his knees and banged his head on the ground, “Your Grace is merciful. I know of my crimes against the Lord, yet Your Grace has given me a chance at life. I could never refuse your kindness, lord, and shall enter the vanguard, giving my all for you to redeem myself.”

Zhong Yu noticed him before. He was the first to charge in the first fight and those against two dozen men tribes. He was both brave and sharp.

He recalled how the man killed two men and rewarded him with a shi of food.

But since he dared to have such hostility towards him, Zhong Yu wiped it all off.

Zhong Yu – Hatred is easier to remember than gratitude.

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