The Rise of History's Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 27: CH 27

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The rest, following their leader’s example, knocked their head on the ground, making the noise of a bang as soon as impact.

“We wish to enter the vanguard and give our lives to lord for our crimes. We ask that Lord forgive us criminals, so that we may serve you forever!”

Their heads banged again and blood seeped, dying the pavement red. 

Seeing their somewhat loyal display and having accepted his ruling, Zhong Yu spoke with a cold face, “Having such sincerity, I can’t bear to blame you. Fine, I will write it off this time, but never again. And don’t let me find you neglecting your duty. This chance only comes once.” 

Hearing Zhong Yu’s eased tone, everyone was jubilant. They all smiled, yet hidden behind was sorrow. 

‘Freedom, our rare freedom, is gone once more. Our dignity, that lofty and prideful feeling, is now once more trampled under someone’s boot.’

Taking everything for granted, one didn’t realize the value of it until they lost it. People feel disdain when they have it, discarding it at first chance, only to find it the very thing they needed as it slipped their grasp.

Signaling for the remaining Yellow Turban Army to withdraw, Zhong Yu turned to the people and the recruits.

None met his gaze, lowering their heads.

Zhong Yu dressed his voice and spoke, “Tomorrow at dawn, all soldiers are to assemble in the square. We will set out and destroy the two tribes, including any other small ones. “

Zhong Yu’s declaration broke the peaceful mood and the people were rowdy. They were none too happy losing a hundred soldiers only to go back to battle again. 

Especially the recruits, they never witnessed war and never saw blood flow in rivers.

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They saw how the Yellow Turban Army went to war last time and only a few returned so how could they accept ending the same as well? Their reaction was the most intense.

Ironically, it was the Yellow Turban Army who was the quietest. They saw this coming.

Seasoned soldiers knew time waited for no one. They had to capitalize on this moment to get rid of the tribes having lost their chieftains and warriors.,

Letting them off to recover would mean having even worse casualties in the future.

The people that had nothing to do with this order, were commenting as well. Much of their kin was among these soldiers and having to go to war meant the high chance of never seeing them again.

A prolonged war was a tragedy, with many deaths and suffering. But who could ever escape death?

In this chaotic world, only the strong lived on. Why would anyone fight to the bitter end? To survive. They struggle, fighting tooth and nail just for that slim hope of keeping their lives. They would pay any price, relinquish anything to grasp it.

Zhong Yu didn’t blame them. It was natural for these ignorant people to not understand this and feel fear instead.

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But he wasn’t about to let the panic continue, or it would fester and grow, fighting against his orders.

“Silence. Have you no respect for authority? Did you just forget the early punishment? You want that much to join the vanguard?” Zhong Yu spoke pitilessly, making them shiver and lower their heads. 

‘Yeah, we can’t fight the lord’s order. Saying anything in this crowded place will be a direct affront to his dignity.’

These people were weak and needed him for protection. Dissent was ill advised.

Their only chance at life was following through his orders. Even more so if they wanted to rise in ranks.

They all had a mask of sorrow, with the women and elderly in tears for their sons and husbands. Would they ever return?

Most men changed with the era, while the very few changed the era itself. Victory meant life and defeat meant death, all settled on the field of battle.

Most of these weaklings could not endure their tragic fates, making dying early a kind of blessing. 

Only allowed on

They would be relieved of the pain of seeing their loved ones die before them, free of the upper class’ subjugation, having long since grown ignorant and numb to everything. Many aspire to this life and that was why they would sacrifice their own without a care. 

Zhong Yu continued, “I won’t beat around the bush. I know your pain so we will end it here. Go back to your families and say goodbye for tomorrow, you will be present in the square or be punished by death or turned slave.”

Having said his piece, Zhong Yu bore a hateful look, his piercing eyes seemed to find those of weak heart and bent to flee. He would make them an example.

Despite their work being waved off for today, no one felt any happier. Only those orphan soldiers were somewhat excited.

Though all grieved under Zhong Yu’s threat and could only bear it in silence. They would only release it home, among their kin.

The night was fated to be a long and restless one ,filled with grief. The mother donned her son in his armor, the wife packed her husband’s bag, and the son paid his respect to his father.

On the morrow, the moon gave way to the sun, its rays dispelling the darkness.

The warriors rushed on the battlefield to meet their match, for survival and for everything.

While their kin went with their day by drowning their sorrows in work.

The weak had no right for fairness. This world was filled with forgotten things.

Zhong Yu – A new age is upon us, one forged by no means but war.

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