The Rise of History's Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 28: CH 28

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Ye Yuan, the man who stepped forth first the other day had gone through private school for a few years and knew how to read. It was a name he gave himself, to express his future full of promise.    

But it all fell apart with the Yellow Turban Army’s arrival. He didn’t lack anything in his home, but then the yellow turbans came, killing his parents and humiliating his wife, taking everything from him.

While he struggled through the shame like a lowly bug, he beseeched the Yellow Turban Army for mercy and offered him an even worse living on this wretched earth.

Submitting did not always mean succumbing as the light in your eyes shined just as bright.

While those in the Yellow Turban Army mocked and sneered, showering Ye Yuan, the ex-owner, in humiliation.

They were mighty pleased with themselves for making him crawl on the ground and begging for his wretched life like a lowly bug.

One needed even more courage to debase himself to such humiliation.

In Ye Yuan’s heart the embers of revenge sparked. He wished to tear everything to pieces and send them straight to hell in the cruelest way possible.

But having no power to make it a reality, all that was left was humbling himself in keeping his life and biding his time for the perfect moment to strike.

Powerless, helpless, alone and breathless. ‘Is this truly me?’

He was proud of his identity, a literary talent who had not an ounce of skill with the blade. The very least, the useless blade did offer a modicum sense of safety.

The Yellow Turban Army had enough of humiliating Ye Yuan at some point and went for other entertainment.

When the Yellow Turban team was defeated, Ye Yuan capitalized on their boss’ moment of weakness and used his trained hands to take the man’s head. 

He cackled like a madman and shed bloody tears like a demon from hell.

What followed was Ye Yuan wandering the land, only to return back to the Yellow Turban Army, unable to go back to his life.

He did everything those from the Yellow Turban Army asked, feeling self-disgust every time from those outrageous and cruel things he had done. All of it just to be a part of them. 

‘I have taken revenge, falling to the depths of hell and turning into a demon. I have no hope of becoming an angel.’

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After joining Wang Daniu’s team, he found himself, through inexplicable means, under this strange lord.

Curious, he served under him, yet felt nothing for his fellow teammates, though kept up appearances for the sake of a better life.

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To find what made the lord so special, he showed initiative in the first battle against the tribes, just to catch the lord’s eyes. 

Only later to find himself the only survivor of his team after battling the savages. He was anything but sorry for them, though he found his fate might not be so different in the long run. 

Only allowed on

That was why he wanted to kill the lord to keep his life, the one who took no pity on cannon fodder like him.

He understood this truth when the lord merely watched the ever faithful Wang Daniu get his head chopped off.

Then he witnessed his lord pull out an elite troop out of god knows where. They looked like Han Dynasty soldiers he saw on the battlefields. Wearing ruthless expressions and mowing down the Yellow Turban Army with practiced ease.

That was when he grasped the chance to avenge his family.

He didn’t fear death, but that didn’t equal to throwing his life for nothing. For this he stood out and showed his devotion for his lord.

He wanted to see how far this man would reach, what could he accomplish, what power would he grasp?

Before this he had showcased his talents and skills, fighting lord’s battles for him.

If he could come along with his lord until the very end, who knows, there might even be a way to revive his family and achieve his nigh impossible dream.

Daylight came swiftly. The night felt short for those family members who’s kin were tittering between life and death, yet also a wake up call.

Yet, survival? It was such a heavy word, pushing them forward towards a fate no one wanted. Oh, fate, you had left them without a choice, but choose between life and death, obeying and resisting. Taking the path they thought was right and now, suffering the consequences. 

None of them were brave, nor did they want to die for honor, or their family. All that remained was choosing between certain death and the possibility of death. 

Thus, every single one of them were graced by the sun in the square, waiting for Zhong Yu to check on them before setting out.

Zhong Yu walked with a steady gait out of his official residence and onto the stage in the square, watching the silent recruits having been disciplined by their officers, waiting for inspection.

“Good, so you heeded my words and made the choice you thought was right. Then, work hard to stay alive. For yourselves, your families, give your all in swinging those swords. Take them and fight for your right to live and glory!” Zhong Yu spoke with pride.

The red dawn in the horizon reflected off the clouds, professing the coming of a bloody day.

Zhong Yu – I hold others’ fate, but who holds mine?

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