The Rise of History's Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 35: CH 35

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For the same reason Zhong Yu had no concern for south and east, only needing to secure the west and north.

On the same note, these directions were his expansion trend, teeming with small and self-isolated tribes.

They were the best snack for a growing overlord.

The details helped him locate Monla tribe’s location, north of Luoyang, and the flat terrain between the two was perfect to build a road. The Edson tribe was in the west in a strategic location. With a mountain peak in the north and the river flowing from it in the west, that left south as the only entrance.

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Zhong Yu wanted to build two new towns where these two tribes lived, enough to support a thousand people each. 

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They would have a five meter tall wall, 100 guards and three villages around them holding 500 people to supply them with food as well as Luoyang.

These towns will be treated as cities, and the villages as boroughs. While Luoyang, the county, would send the official in charge of these people and strengthen Luoyang’s influence on them; same for his rule.

Though this was in the future. Zhong Yu was lacking people desperately to build the two towns, to say nothing of the officials he did not have.

All he could do was leave the original tribesman behind to build the cities while he expanded, plundering people to fill up his towns and the nine villages.

Leaving a few to supervise the construction, Zhong Yu resumed his conquest of the small and defenseless tribes.

Going ever west, 5 km from Edson tribe, Zhong Yu was upon his first target, a tribe of 50. It was just an average tribe of the Ender Alliance.

This alliance was a bit peculiar. The closer the one got to the front with the two powers, the bigger the tribes, reaching over 1000 in population at the edge.

With constant war from two sides, the small tribes had long since perished, or swallowed by other tribes.

While the hinterlands had mostly tribes rangin from a dozen to the rare hundreds of people.

These lands were Ender tribe’s private turf and had no trouble handling a few small tribes, taking men from other tribes and suppressing the other forces. 

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While the other large tribes were open minded as well. Joined together as they were, they acted as friends and enemies alike, while the big boss, the alliance leader, hanged overhead to leave the small tribes alone. 

None would imagine Zhong Yu would appear in its hinterlands, using the system to summon countless troops to change this delicate balance.

Zhong Yu moved fast and hard to take down one tribe after another, using these people to make the statistic, a basic for his fortune stipend to exchange loyal soldiers through the system as well as other talents to increase his growth speed.

The minute the small tribe spotted hundreds of soldiers bearing down on it, the savages recalled the hunting parties, holing up behind the two meter tall wood fence. 

Though they had yet to show any hostility. Being the hinterland of the alliance, the army oughtn’t be from an enemy. 

They figured, this army had to have come from the alliance. And why did they not receive notice of their coming?

Simple, the army came from the north and with the tribes sealed no news came or went.

The army stopped at the gates and got in formation.

The tribesmen saw hundreds of spears and many banners. The entire army was dyed in red and black, wielding the previous iron as instruments of death.  

The savages trembled in fear, watching the army with horror, their minds unnerved by its size.

The soldiers made way for one man. The savages knew him to be an elder of the Monla tribe. On a hunting trip they had a conflict with Monla and Edson.

“Chieftain Andy, open the gates and welcome the alliance army or do you want to be executed by the alliance leader?” The elder looked mighty proud.

Andy eased up at his appearance. But his tribe in no way could it feed an army of 300. It would make the next days torture for them.

“Right away, Elder Teigny. I feared this army might be some enemy but now I see it is alliance leader’s.” ‘It truly is strong and intimidating.’ Andy left the end unsaid as he called back with a smile. 

“Here I thought you’d refuse the alliance leader’s army. Then your fate would have been sealed.” Elder Teigny didn’t seem to mind, but took the time to lay it on thick what the consequences would be and make Andy hate this lowly dog.

The gates were soon opened and Andy came out with his people. He also had others man the kitchen to receive the soldiers in as orderly fashion as possible

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