The Rise of History's Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 36: CH 36

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Chieftain Andy soon came to regret it. These were no men of the alliance leader, but some strange yellow-skin humans.

From a distance, the armor did a good job hiding their most prominent feature, and with Elder Teigny’s threats, the man panicked into showing them in.

A hundred of this yellow-skinned army just waltzed in and took control of every area. Andy found it natural since any elite army would be on guard in a strange place.

But it wasn’t mere caution that spurred these strange soldiers’ actions. Once in position, they aimed their swords at his people. 

They took advantage of his slight and carelessness to take control of his entire tribe. Also, taking his people prisoner without any problems. 

Elder Teigny giggled, mighty smug about how smoothly it went.

Chieftain Andy was in despair, ‘What army is this? Of all the nerves, they’re going against the alliance leader’s ten thousand army, establishing a new rule, a new hegemon? It’s insane!’

As Andy was ready to fight back, Elder Teigny came over.

“My Lord is the leader of this army. He had me tell you this. Surrender, and he’ll only take your warriors to battle. Refuse, and all will become slaves, forever. The men will work day and night on the fields, dying from exhaustion, while the women will become rewards to our brave soldiers.”

Andy was enraged and in utter anguish, ‘Am I to give myself over to them and their cruel rule? Let them take my people with open arms and do what they want with them? Is my tribe going to meet its end with me?’ 

In Andy’s intense conundrum, no matter how against it he was, weighing his options, of his entire tribe becoming slaves against only a part and the rest commoners, he made the sensible choice.

In less than two hours, the army netted Zhong Yu fifty people, perking up his mood. ‘It went so damn easy. Does this mean it will be  smooth sailing from now on?’

Ten of the soldiers were escorting thirty people to the Edson tribe’s new city’s construction. While Zhong Yu took 15 of the remaining ones into his army, resuming their march. 

In this manner, by using the savage’s boss or the elder to hoodwink the tribes’ guards, they allegedly were under the alliance’s banner. So Zhong Yu’s army took all of them prisoners without so much as a quarrel. 

Zhong Yu’s advance went on and after a day of toil, the army rested at a small tribe for the night. The total gain was twenty tribes defeated and an increase of a thousand people, thanks to a couple tribes of around 100. 

Three hundred of them were integrated in the army and resumed their advance, while the rest were escorted to Edson’s construction site under the guard of 200 recruits. 

Zhong Yu’s military was now formed of the 100 imperial guards, 100 recruits and the yellow turban slaves, while more than 300 service army.

The next day, the army set off, taking 700 people this time. Of which two hundred were included in the army and five hundred escorted back by the remaining recruits and yellow turban slaves.

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It became so only the 100 cavalry pressured the 500 savages. The mood was tense.

Zhong Yu came to a decision then and there to attack a few tribes and curb their dissent.

Instilling fear in them for a while longer and buying time for the Edson’s city construction to finish. He also needed to get  his recruits back to hold the service army in check.

But first, he’d have to drive fear into these folks, to avoid unnecessary mutinies.

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A hundred riders galloped down the plain with savages of different tribes, skipping behind them.

They all had resentment and anger painting their faces, their festering hatred on the brink of lashing out. 

Though Zhong Yu was close to achieving his aim, reaching a two hundred large tribe. He skipped the theatrics and went right facing the tribe. 

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Under the shock and fear of the tribe, Zhong Yu stopped 200 meters from the gate.

“I am the chief of the Luoyang tribe, coming with my demon army to demand your full submission. I want you to help me overthrow Ender Alliance’s rule. Lay down your weapon and open the gates, or there will be no mercy.”

Zhong Yu spoke in a cold tone. It stirred the rage in these people, wanting to go out there and kill them.

Such cruel and disrespectful treatment made these brave warriors lash out at Zhong Yu’s blunt demands. A conflict was inevitable.

All within Zhong Yu’s plans. The only way to get the 500 service army and more to come in line with just a 100 cavalry for more conquering, he had to make them taste war. 

Zhong Yu stood with his cavalry at a distance and waited for his service army to come in front to watch the show.

The chieftain had gathered 50 warriors for defense in the meantime.

The air was filled with thirst for blood, with people having lost resentment, the glee and letting fear, panic and seriousness take them. 

Zhong Yu – To control more people than your own men, let them feel despair and other means.

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