The Rise of History's Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 37: CH 37

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“Ready crossbows! Aim and fire on my signal!” Zhong Yu’s voice echoed across the battlefield.  

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The cavalry took out their crossbows and aimed at the savages.

The repeating crossbow was outfitted with 10 bolts, with a fire rate of one per second. It also had an upper range of 300 meters which could penetrate plate armor within 150.

Against common humans, it was the perfect murder weapon, while also a good example of what Zhong Yu could do to the service army. 

The savages watched the cavalry with a puzzled look, lifting some odd things, having never met with a crossbow before and its might. 

In their ignorance and naivety, they were oblivious to what fear this little item would make them feel. They had never seen a rain of arrows bearing down on them, crushing armor and piercing flesh. 

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For the same reason, the ancient dynasties only forbid the use of crossbows and not the bow. As a man with a crossbow would rebel and kill.

“Fire!” Zhong Yu ordered. The cavalry behind him pulled the trigger and the rain of arrows fell twenty savages in the first volley.

The cavalry pulled the trigger again and another volley shot. The savages no longer just stood there on the walls but sought shelter, but 10 more still fell.

At the devastation, the chieftain ordered for an attack while they still had some strength left.

The gates opened and marched on with the warriors in their hatred and madness.

It was these men on the horses that shot so many of their tribesmen, their fellow hunters, their friends. They would never see them ever again.

They knew coming out was a death sentence but heroes never looked back. Or where they to just cringe behind the wall and wait for death?

Zhong Yu lifted his left hand and the cavalry stopped firing.

Then gestured at ten imperial guards to meet the desperate savages, to use their bravery into striking fear in the hearts of his service army.

The riders gained speed in just a few steps and held their spears level.

The three meter long pikes rant those savages through without fail.

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The force of a warhorse charge sent them flying as well and into their companions. Just from a simple charge, the enemy lay prone and defeated. Only the lucky few scrambled away on the ground.

Short-lived as it were, as the riders turned around and hacked them with their swords, bathing in their blood and their lives. 

The howling and wailing got cut short one at a time with the passing of the riders and also checking to see if they missed anyone by marking them with another slash.

The service army behind Zhong Yu was rooted in place, filled with fear and horror. They had never witnessed such a battle, transfixed having seen it lifted at the height of art.

It was beauty blended in with cruelty. If it were them, they’d need at least a hundred warriors to take down this 50 large tribe, and that with 50 losses as well.

Yet the armored riders did it in passing, first with arrows, forcing them to come out and then with pikes and swords. Culling them like mere cornered beasts.

When did fighting become so easy? How could victory feel so empty? There was no battle aura or mystical ancestral power involved either.

Just some simple tactics from veteran soldiers. By using those odd weapons on those strange magic beasts, their power multiplied, able to face a second rank’s battle aura. 

Shuddering on the inside, the service army was gripped by an unshakable fear. Witnessing the curt demise of those savages, every death cut away at their desire to fight back against their master, already picturing their own end. 

‘We wanted to fight them, these soldiers with their incredible weapons? There’s no way we can.’

Despite having a high winning chance, it would be a pyrrhic victory.

This hopeless fate helped hammer in their staunch will and resign to their new status as service men

‘As long as they’re not aggravated and incited, even if I send them to die, they won’t revolt.’

Zhong Yu noticed every change in their demeanor with satisfaction as it made his sacrifice worthy.

Those 50 warriors were green but they made for good cannon fodder and manpower to build up his cities.

They also worked to boost his population and monthly fortune income; ten loyal citizens if he were to exchange.

Wasting them like this in a pointless battle left Zhong Yu with a pained heart. But since his trick worked, he got something better in return.

‘With their rebelling tendencies curbed, I can resume my expansion until around 800 then return home. By that time I’ll finish the 1000 homes quest and advance my domain.’

While in his perfect dreams, he never stopped ordering, having his savages enter the tribe to take away everyone and any useful belongings.

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