The Rise Of Quetzalcoatl

Chapter 116: Crawler's Nest (6)

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[Confirming Evolution]

[Proceeding With Evolution- 



[Interference by Higher Being]

[Evolution Option has been Modified]

Are you kidding me… 

Just as I began to take a physical form, the system started to go crazy, creating hundreds of panels that only said "error." 

I was confused as to what was happening and the surrounding space around me began to vibrate as if there was an earthquake in the air. 

I had no body, but a searing pain could be felt from where my ċhėst would be. 

It hurt so bad that I even began to feel nauseous, but I wasn't able to throw up as I had no tangible form. 

I gagged. 


Never mind my previous statement. I threw up. 


[Higher being does not have the authority- 

[Authority has been met] 

[Evolution option has been changed- 


[Please settle your dispute by yourselves] 





My head began to spin, causing me to throw up once again into the abyss. 

My ċhėst now felt like it was on fire. 

I was miserable. 

[System shutting down] 

[Host has been put to sleep]

[Good luck] 

It went on for thousands of miles with nothing to be seen but four panels in front of me. 

[System has been rebooted]

[Agreement will be seen through]

[Host has the chance to change evolution] 

They were the same evolutions when I had checked beside one. 

Previously, it was [Ancient Snake (First Rank)], but now it was [Ancient Tundra Snake (First Rank)]. 

I first glanced at the picture, which surprised me a bit. 

Compared to the other icy evolution I had, this one seemed more like a thug rather than a noble princess or queen. 

My hair was completely white like usual, but there were strands of silver occasionally and what stood out the most was one of the longer hairs towards the front of my face was replaced by a white snake. 

My eyes seemed a bit scary, and if I didn't have one before, I definitely would have a resting bitch face if I picked this evolution. 

My height didn't change much, nor did my… brėȧst size… sadly. 

My skin stayed the same pale white, but sections of my skin had silver scales. 

There weren't many, but some of them would be visible if I wore shorts or a t-shirt. 

Ummmm… my wings were still pretty much non-existent, unlike my previous form, but at least this time, they spread a bit across my back. 

The feathers were also now a beautiful bluish-white, but they were feathers, not ice in the shape of feathers like one of the other evolutions. 

Finally, I had a tail which was literally just a white snake with beautiful silver patterns, similar to the old evolution. 

Huh… Okay, it looks cool, but how are the description and benefits. 

[Extra Description Has Been Added]

Geez… These gods really want me to pick this evolution, don't they? 

[Ancient Tundra Snake (First Rank)] 

[Required Skills for Evolution: Any Three Skills Related to Ice and Any Three Types of Immunity] 

[This Evolution Requires a Sacrifice] 

[You have somehow gained the favor of some gods, allowing you to access this evolution that was entirely out of reach. Though you are missing some required skills, the gods have allowed you to still evolve into this evolution if wanted] 

[Your stats increase by a large margin. Your control over ice is much better than before. Your potential for a more remarkable evolution has increased. You now have scales on your body which raises your affinity with any reptile-related monster.]

[You now have two companions who you can name. And with the help of another skill, you can give these two companions a humanoid form. They can also communicate with you via telepathy, but that is once they have grown to like you.] 

Okay… well, it's pretty obvious they want me to choose this evolution. 

I glance at the other evolutions but for some reason, they shift away from my line of sight as if they were trying to get away from me. 

I chuckled a bit though nothing came out due to my ghostly form. 

Fine… I'll play along… But you better not disappoint me. 

[You have selected Ancient Tundra Snake (First Rank)]

[Would you like to confirm the evolution?]


[Warning: This evolution takes a hefty sacrifice]

[Note: What you want to sacrifice is chooseable] 


Does it say the same for the others? 

I selected the two other options which needed a sacrifice, and as I had thought… they didn't give me the warning. 

This made me a bit nervous, as what if I didn't have enough things worth the sacrifice. 

Like the souls, I'm pretty sure I'll have to give something equivalent to the worth of the evolution… which means I'll probably have to sacrifice skills. 

That's the only reasonable sacrifice. 


I was way too wary with something that should've only taken a few minutes to decide. 

And after a few more minutes of debating whether I should proceed or not, I decided to choose the evolution, aware of the numerous risks that may fuċk me over. 

[You have selected Ancient Tundra Snake (First Rank)]

[Would you like to confirm the evolution?]


[Warning: This evolution takes a hefty sacrifice]

[Note: What you want to sacrifice is selectable] 


[Warning: Please say "confirm" in order to confirm] 

Ah right, there's this dumbass warning. 


You are reading story The Rise Of Quetzalcoatl at

[Confirming Evolution]

[Sacrifice is needed]

[Please select your sacrifices] 

Mentally, I smiled widely upon seeing the new panels in front of me. 

I then shifted my non-existent eyes over to my inventory which floated beside me. 

They were probably expecting me to sacrifice my skills… but I have all of these monster body parts and frostbite… 

Get scammed you, bastards. 

I selected everything I thought was worth of value, including frostbite, which pained me to lose an old friend who we fought together through tooth and nail… but I really wanted to get this evolution, so I quickly let the sword go with a tear running down my face. 

Though there was no tear, and I had no face. 

[Calculating sacrifices…]

I gulped down a non-existent drop of saliva as the loading screen proceeded.

[Sacrifices are insufficient]

If I had a face right now, it would be deadpanned as I thought I added more than enough. 

Fine… You want to play that game. 

I then sacrificed even more things, including stuff that I didn't think would have much value. 

[Sacrifices are insufficient]

[Please sacrifice more] 


Fine, I take everything back. Let me just sacrifice my skills… 




C-can I have my stuff back? That shit was really precious… 



Silence and then a signal. 

[Sacrifices are insufficient]

[Please sacrifice more] 

And then silence once again. 

Shit! I thought I was scamming them, but I actually got scammed!


Look… I'm sorry… So let's make a deal. 


I was fuming at not only my stupidity but the almost mocking silence the same two panels in front of me gave. 


Ding Ding Ding 

I selected a few skills. 

[Sacrifices are insufficient] 


Ding Ding 

I selected a few more skills

[Sacrifices are insufficient]

[Only one more skill of great value is needed]

Oh, come on! 

Let me pick another evolution! Screw this!


I was just about to burst out in anger but decided throwing a tantrum wouldn't help with anything. 

Fine… Take my other most trusted companion away. 


[Sacrifces have been listed]


[Monster Parts x999]

[Monster Parts x999]

[Monster Parts x999]

[Monster Parts x999]

[Monster Parts x915]

[Weapon: Frostbite]

[Skill: Flood of Corpses] 

[Skill: Bone Armor] 

[Skill: Corpse Explosion] 

[Skill: Drizzle (Black Lava)] 

[Skill: Drakes Bloodthirsty Rage]

[Summon: Fear]

[Sacrifices have been accepted] 

[Proceeding With Evolution]

Suddenly, a searing pain came from where my ċhėst would be, just like last time. 

A weird feeling began to spread all over my non-existent body, like ants or minor bugs crawling under my skin and eating the flesh away. 

It was nauseating, but I resisted it. 

"Uh, *cough* *cough* *cough*," 

I coughed up blood into the abyss, surprising me as I had a physical form all of a sudden.

When I opened my eyes and looked down, I saw my hand slowly forming. 

First my bone, then my muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, skin. 

Everything was forming before my newly created eyes.


"HUFF HUFF HUFF… I severely underestimated how long that would last," I mutter after coughing up another mouthful of blood. 

It was completely black due to the drake blood flowing through my veins. 

"There's also that… Drake blood. That goddess also called us draconic with every monster she named… Did my blood spread through the hivemind? No, that's impossible… But then how are the other girl's monsters?" 

I decided to shove all the questions back into my mind as I needed to get out of this black abyss. 

I don't know how much time has passed in the real world, but it was probably quite a while as I usually pass out for a long time. 

But as if the gods heard my question, a panel opened up in front of me. 

[Would you like to return?]

"Yes," I immediately answered.

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