The Rogue Demon of the Shinobi World

Chapter 1: 1. Prologue

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"Don't hit me. Please don't hit me!" A little skinny boy with black hair clutches his forehead.

"Beat him up! This kid dared to pick a fight with us Nii-san!" A group of five-six years kids surrounds the black haired-boy and cheers for another boy of around seven-eight years of age.

"My nii-san is a student of ninja academy. Beating a little twerp like you is no big deal for him."

"You dare hurt my little brother and his friends! I will teach you a lesson you will remember for the rest of your life." The seven-year-old boy continues to punch and kick the black-haired boy.

"Please don't hit my brother!" A little girl shields the boy.


One of the kids drags away the little girl.


The eight-year-old kid kicks him in the guts and stretches his ear toward the little girl.

"You saying something… little twerp."


The black-haired kid spews out a mouthful of dark red blood on the shirt of the big boy and passes out.

"Eww… he puked on your new t-shirt, Nii-san!" One of the bully kids turns away in disgust. His friends imitate his action.

"This is…" The expression of big kid freezes as his clothes are soaked in blood.

The big boy grabs the shoulders of the black-haired boy and shakes him.

"Oye! Wake up! Wake up! Don't sleep like that. WAKE UP!" The expression on his face distorts as he judders the body of the black-haired boy. He slaps his face a few times to wake him up.

"He is not waking up!" Tears flow from the eyes of the big kid. His younger brother and his friends start to sob with him.


In the cockpit of a top-secret camouflaged plane, a man covered in black clothes is comfortably seated with his eyes closed.

"About to complete your last mission, Silver!" The pilot tinkers with the flight control of the plane and turns to the silent man.

"I will miss you, silver! You are one of my oldest customers." He continues without waiting for a reply from the black-clothed man.

"Back then, if not for your timely help, my brother and I might not have survived the hounds of the Government of my old country." The pilot chuckles and takes a puff from his electronic cigar.

"Today, I Viktor Gonslov, a billionaire and an owner of the world's biggest airline company, am alive is all thanks to you." Viktor chuckles and tosses an item toward Silver.

Silver catches the item and inspects it. It's a simple silver necklace inlaid with a black obsidian crystal in a four-leaf clover pattern.

"I know you don't believe much in things such as luck and faith. Just take it as a last memento before you retire. It may not look like it, but this piece of stone is a fragment of a meteor from another world. Quite a few people consider it a lucky charm, and I paid a fortune to buy it." Viktor chuckles.

Silver, who was about to toss the necklace back to Viktor, holds back. He takes a second glance at the inlaid obsidian into the necklace. The black obsidian glows with a dark purple hue in the faint moonlight seeping through the glass window of the cockpit.

"Alright! We are up there. That's as far as I could take you without alerting others with this latest stealth plane."

A faint silhouette of an island appears on the visual feed.

Viktor presses a button on the controls. The hatchet of the small plane opens up. A burst of wind pressure hit their faces.

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Silver picks up his black bag and dons a black flight suit, a flying prototype glider from his organization.

"Farewell, Viktor!"

He dives out of the plane and opens the wings of his glider to descend as quickly as possible into the water. Using a parachute is quite slow and might alert others to his presence.

Silver closes his eyes for a moment as the wind caresses his face through the protective equipment.

'It has been forty years since I served the organization. As far as he could remember, he was an orphan raised by the organization. Under the supervision of the organization's director, he was trained in all sorts of known martial arts, cold weapons, firearms, tactical driving of almost every vehicle, infiltration, escapology, and more. He was the sole survivor of the 'Perfect Assassin Program'. As his last objective, he was tasked with murdering his friend who he bonded for five years in the organization.'

"After this, everything will be over. My new task from the organization is to teach in the same facility, which taught me all tricks of my trade."

'Educating assassins requires extremely advanced and specialized skills and discretion that can keep secrets even up to the grave. From now on, I'll be training children with talent in the arts of assassination. And will produce more assassins of my caliber. Or so I thought. However…'


The departing plane above his head explodes into a burst of smoke.


Silver's eyes narrow as he turns towards the small island located in the Pacific Ocean. His last contract before his eventual retirement was to destroy this remote nuclear facility of an opponent country located in the uncharted territory of the Pacific Ocean.

Silver's danger sense honed through countless life and-death encounters sends a warning through his body.

'They set me up. All of this was a ruse from the organization.'

The explosion of the aircraft acts as some sort of signal since another massive deafening explosion goes off on the nearby island as an epicenter.

Within a few seconds, an intense burst of extreme heat measuring several thousand Celsius shrouds him. The hairs on his body turn into cinders. His skin evaporates and his bones melt like wax.

"To think that two enemy countries will join hands for a single operation and even go as far as to detonate an atom bomb; just to get rid of a single person. I sure feel honored.

Tools that aren't usable will be disposed of, for the sake of secrecy. That I understand. But going this far to kill just one person ... would mean that they evaluated that all of this is necessary to kill me."

Everything dawns on him as he pieces everything together.

For the first time in the past forty years, Silver shows a slight hint of emotion.


A chuckle escapes from his mouth as he mutters.

"I was betrayed even though I'd killed my emotions and fulfilled orders faithfully, as a tool of the organization, until today.

If I was told to die, I was loyal enough to do so.

Having my loyalty trampled, for the first time, I'm experiencing doubts about my life, and the organization which dictated it until now.

If there is a next life, I will live only for myself, and not as a tool for someone else."

Silver's consciousness fades away as everything that defines him slowly melts from the heat of the nuclear bomb.


A pulse of warm purple energy surges out of the black obsidian crystal, the only remaining physical thing from Silver's body. A faint translucent orb appears within the center of the black obsidian.

The black obsidian absorbs a portion of energy from the nuclear explosion and disappears from the world.

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