The Rogue Demon of the Shinobi World

Chapter 2: 2. Kura Yuji

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The black-haired boy moans in pain. An intense string of pain runs across his head. He clutches his forehead and writhes in pain.

"You… you little twerp! You were playing with me." Sensing the movement from the black-haired kid, the emotions of the older kids calm down slightly.

The black-haired kid suddenly opens his eyes. The pitch-black darkness in his eyes scares the older kid.

"This lesson will be enough for the day. Next time, don't bother my little brother." The older kid slowly stands up from the chest of the little kid.


The black-haired kid grabs the arm of the older kid, who is still holding his collar.


He jumps up from the ground with a burst of speed and twists the arm of the older kid at an angle.

Snap… crack…

Sound of breaking bones echoes across the deserted playground. The black-haired uses this moment to get behind the older kid and kick his back.


A muffled sound escapes from the older kid's mouth. He spits out his saliva and passes out.

"Run! He is beating up Nii-san!"

The rest of the kids helter-skelter out of the playground.


Another string of intense pain assaults him.

"My head…"

The black-haired kid grabs his forehead and passes out on the ground.

"Onii-chan! Onii-chan!"

The little girl shakes the body of the black-haired kid. Tears flow from her eyes.


"Is this the little boy that did all of this?"

A middle-aged man with tan skin and dark brown, spiky hair is standing near the hospital bed. He is dressed in a red full-length kimono tied using a white sash as a belt.

He glances at the unconscious black-haired boy and turns his attention back to the medical report in his hand.

"Name: Ageda Hoshi Age: 7 years 10 months 13 days,

A comminuted fracture in all three major bones of the arm, including the ulna, radius, and humerus. Another vertebral compression fracture in the thoracic spine. Complex surgery is required to realign the broken bones. Additionally, a rest of at least three months is recommended to recover the functionality."

The medic reads the medical report.

"The strike was incredibly precise with minimal strength. In my thirty years of medical experience, I have only seen such precision in the strikes of a medic-nin, an experienced jounin, or a Dojutsu wielder." The medic concludes his report.

"It might also be a coincidence." The middle-aged man responds.

"That's most likely the case since this boy doesn't seem to possess a Dojutsu, Hokage-sama." The medic nods in agreement.

"How is the condition of this boy?"

"Patient Name: Kura Yuji Age: 4 years, 9 months, 19 days,

Three broken ribs and a punctured left lung. These aren't the most serious injuries. His sternum broke down and punctured the upper right side of his heart alongside the left pleural cavity. He will require six-seven weeks to recover from his injuries." The medic closes his report.

"Such level of violence in small kids. Looks like the flames of the first shinobi war have yet to calm down." He sighs and glances at the sleeping figure of Yuji.

"Like many others, this kid is the last surviving member of his clan. Multiple allied clans of Konoha perished during the First Shinobi War. Konoha has yet to recover from its previous losses and yet another war is on the horizon."

"Is that brute kid inside?" A raspy female voice echoing outside the hospital room interrupts their conversation.

"Mam! We can't allow you to disturb the patient." An anxious voice female medic responds to the raspy voice.

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"I want to discipline that brute kid with my own hands. Look at what he has done to my precious Hoshi. Poor thing can't even feed himself!" The raspy female voice argues with the female medic.

"Pardon us, Mam! This is a hospital where we treat patients. Violence is not allowed in such a place. If you take any further action, I will report you to Konoha Police." The female medic's expression hardens.

"You want to report me, a tax-paying citizen of Konoha, to the Police, just for the sake of a nameless orphan. So, this is the so-called privilege of Konoha citizens? My poor little kid was mauled in broad daylight and I can't even seek justice for him. I will see who will stop me."

The lady pushes away the off-guard medic and enters the room.

The expression of the Senior medic and the Hokage turns sour.

"What's the meaning of this?" The Hokage turns to the Senior medic.

"I will look into it!" Sweat trickles down the forehead of the Senior medic.

"You better do so!" The Hokage takes a last glance at the sleeping Yuji and exits the room, leaving behind a flabbergasted, fat lady in dark pink clothes.

"Was… was that Hokage-sama?" She turns towards the female medic-nin who had caught up to her.

"Yes, that was lord third!"


The fat lady glances at the departing back of the Third Hokage and the sleeping Yuji.

'What relation does this kid have with the Hokage-sama?' She thinks to herself.

The senior medic adjusts his spectacle and turns his attention to the fat lady.

"Given the scale of conflict and injuries, a police investigation is required. I have already informed the Konoha Police Force and they have already investigated the incident. Your little kid, Hoshi, is the one at fault here. I was about to close the matter on the account that your family is a patron of our medical facility, but now… now I have to take action on Hokage Sama's insistent. Prepare yourself to pay a hefty sum."

The senior medic walks away from the room while throwing a knowing glance at the female medic.

"But… mister Hiroto, that's not what you said back then?" The fat lady argues.

"The situation is slightly different this time." Hiroto's distant voice falls in her ears.

"Damn it!" The fat lady bites her lips. She glances at Yuji's sleeping figure and walks out of the room.



Yuji mumbles in his sleep as multiple strange memories keep flooding his mind. After an unknown period,

'I… I am Silver. But I died in the nuclear explosion. The stone in the lucky charm saved my life and somehow, I ended up in this new world as a kid. Now I am Kura Yuji, a member of the Kura clan. The name of this place is Konoha.'

Silver recalls the information about his current body from the recent memories in his mind.

'Kura Yuji, a four-year-old orphan residing in the orphanage of Konoha. No memories about parents or any other relatives except for a little sister.'

His mind slowly processes the new and old memories. He recalls the conversation he heard earlier while pretending to be asleep in the new environment.

Stealthily gathering intelligence without alerting enemies is a part of his previous trade.

'Looks like my previous reflexive action caused a lot of trouble for my current self. From the conversation, I can deduce that the middle-aged tan man is an important person in either a higher position or power. Hokage must be some sort of title similar to the ones used in my past life. Looks like corruption is also prevalent in this world.'

Yuji recalls the interaction between the fat lady and the medic.

'What they do is none of my business, but I have to quickly recover and get out of here as soon as possible.'

Silver recalls the last glance of the fat lady.

'It doesn't take a genius to figure out the intentions of that lady. She had murderous intentions toward me. She might have given up for now, but there is always a later date.'

He processes all sorts of information about the world and pieces it together in his mind.

'I still can't believe this is an entirely different world from my past life. There seem to be supernatural elements to this world and the top profession of this world is called shinobi or ninja in simple terms.'

Shinobi or a ninja is a Japanese term for a covert agent, assassin, or mercenary from the era of feudal Japan. The functions of a ninja included reconnaissance, espionage, infiltration, deception, ambush, bodyguarding, and fighting skills in martial arts, including ninjutsu. Shinobis became widely known to the world during the Sengoku or Warring States Period. It was an era of constant civil war and social upheaval.

'To think that a world like this exists where the top profession is being an assassin. That Viktor, he got his hands on something so magical.'

Yuji slowly closes his eyes as the physical burden from the injuries and the mental burden from the memory influx exhaust him.

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