The Science and Magic of A Reincarnated Genius 2

Chapter 19: Facing floor 99: More from the fates

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Rae's POV

Before I could even process the information I had just received a blinding light engulfed me. The next scene that appeared was one of this world. That of the day when Trina and I had our duel. This time instead of possessing my body I had this sort of omniscient view of the world.

"Rae I think it's time we had our duel. At the rate things are going, We need a united front for the vampires with a single leader."

"...So where are we going to be duelling?"

" I think south most of the kingdom and the closest part of the boundary that borders the forest of monsters will do nicely. It is the best place for us to duel. We can go all out as they are close to no inhabitants there. At most what you could get to see is a high-class monster and with the waves, we'll produce, I doubt there is a monster that will target us."

"Okay, so will we be going alone?"

"Not really, a duel must be carried out in front of members of the clan so that everyone gets to acknowledge the authenticity of the duel and that the new queen is coronated for all to see."

"Oh, I see. So the other vampires are coming along."

"Yeah. We'll be heading out in the morning."


Looking around the place I could see plenty of monsters. The memory of when I woke up and found out my mother had died come to mind. I couldn't help but gnash and grind my teeth. Today was the day I was going to find out about the monster that killed my dear mother Crystal and my best friend Merle.

Everything was going on well, I could see Trina, the vampire clan, and this time I running through the forests like maniacs.

Oh, I remember that, it was when Trina was absurd enough to make us run to the southern part of the forest for the duel.

Looks like our battle began. Yeah, I was definitely winging it that day if it wasn't for my barrier magic I would have lost the match.

...Wait what is happening to me. I don't remember all that from memory. Did I conjure up a mana storm? Must had became competitive.

Now looking outside the scope of the fierce battle I can see that Trina was right about the waves. They were keeping the monsters away, even more from that the monsters were fleeing from us. It is quite peculiar how they were running in the same direction. Wait, why does that direction look familiar? {Well, it's because that is the direction of Carmine village obviously.}

So, was my battle with Trina the reason our home was invaded by monsters?

No that cannot be I still remember there was an unusual pattern of monster raids before that. That was the whole reason why I became an adventurer in the first place, but still, I can't deny it, we were partially to blame for that stampede of monsters.

...Oh, I see now, It is two of the demon generals I once faced off with. They have what seems to be a pack of monsters so I am... 

The stampeding monsters seemed to have disrupted their plans. I can see Merle facing the dark elf, and Mr Harold, Maggie and Mom on the other side facing the monsters together with the black-haired witch. Wait the witch is just observing them not even engaging them in combat. Maybe she is just there to watch?

...What was mom doing there, she will get herself killed. Does she not understand that she lacks any combat abilities and therefore cannot help in any way? Ok, she is a healer so she can help in some way but still...

...That is what I was talking about. Her caring nature ultimately led to her demise. It looks like she died trying to save a demon child from a monster. What a huge heart she has.

So she did die from the monster stampede. Am I also responsible for her death?

...What about Merle? Don't tell me she also died in the stampede or was she killed by the dark elf. 

That is a relief at least she is still alive even if she was kidnapped by the dark elf.

"Wait it's already over, was that all you wanted to show me?"

"No there is still more..."

"I will take over from here Urd."


"The blinding light all over again? I guess it just comes as part of the travel."

Once the blinding light reduced in intensity. A different view of the world I was in came to light. The technological advancement of fifteen years just threw me off. How did they jump straight from the Dark ages to the golden ages within 15 years?

Looking around the current world it looks like a church-like organisation has dominated all of the human land and half of the demon land. The demon race seems to be in quite a bad situation. I mean they are refugees in an unknown land...

Wait is this my doing? I am supposed to be the demon king after all. I mean the absence of a leader is detrimental to the position of a nation but can't they just elect or find new ones? Vampires seem to have multiplied by a lot over this short period...

Interesting, they now have to drink blood, does this have something to do with my absence?

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...Now I see what these sisters of fate are doing. They are trying to appeal to my empathetic side. I can't believe it took me this long to notice.

"So fates what exactly is your goal here? You say you are testing my time but all I see is you trying to manipulate me emotionally. Is the test even real?"

"... "

"You have conveniently gone mute. I see... So what was the plan? Were you to show me all my mistakes hoping I would eventually develop a hero complex as a way to make up for my past mistakes?"

" It..."

" It is your destiny to became the saviour of this world."

" I don't believe in such and you can't make me."

"I have seen it with my own Eyes. If you don't do something about this then the world as we know it will surely perish."

"First it was Lucifer testing me now it is you sisters of fates, whose next on the list of my so-called destiny. If all you are going to do is to tell me how I should live my life then let me stop you now. I have never and will never have a desire of becoming a hero of justice."

" Skuld show her the future that awaits us."


As usual, the intensely white blinding light filled my field of vision and right after a scene of chaos like I have never seen ensued. It was a war of the realms. Everywhere I looked I could only see blood, violence and destruction. 

"You see this is the future that awaits us if you don't take hold of your destiny. A war of all the realms, both the material and forgotten realms. It is the Ragnarok of our world as a whole."

In the midst of all of the chaos and carnage stood a being of overwhelming power. A literal god of this world. His mere presence destabilized and distorted all that was around him. All through left and right he slaughtered millions and millions of creatures big and small alike. All beings seemed to be mere ants in the presence of his overwhelming power. It really seemed to be a Ragnarok.

" So is he the Supreme one that you want me to defeat."

" Yes, He is the one."

"We don't just want you to, we need you to defeat him."

"How do you expect me to stand up and defeat that."

"You surely will find a way to, after all, it is your destiny and the reason why you and she were sent to our world don't you think."

"No, I don't believe in following a path that I have not chosen of my own accord."

" Well let me make this easier for you then, if you don't do it. All of the people you know and love will forever perish disappearing from your life completely just because you refused to accept your destiny."

"So if I follow my destiny would they be saved?"

"Well, not exactly."

"So why bring them up if either way they are still going to die."

"At least when you follow your destiny they have a higher chance of surviving."

"You have received our message of your destiny, ponder it and let it sink in for all our lives are now in your hands. We will now take our leave"

" Wait before you go can your sister Urd revive the dead?"

"Huh...Oh, I see. Well yes, she can but unfortunately only for a soul that has not left the material plane. If the soul has been swallowed by the abyss or has passed to the dreamscape then It is impossible... To answer your follow-up question, No she cannot revive your mother."

"Oh, I see."

They then disappeared right in front of my eyes just like that. 

"My destiny Hmm..."

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