The Science and Magic of A Reincarnated Genius 2

Chapter 23: Facing floor 99: Queen Freya

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Rae's POV 

What was that? It all happened so fast that I couldn't believe it. I was knocked out for a couple of seconds only to wake up and witness the battle of a lifetime. I am glad my auto-recovery spell worked. It was quite hard and complicated to conjure, I first activated a barrier and then gave it mana-absorbing properties but unfortunately for me the barrier was unstable. 

I decided to make smaller barriers to cover most of the vital points that she was targeting with her arrows of light and then placed a healing spell on each and every one of them that worked but took a while to kick in. 

Took quite a few blows in the process. Was almost kicking the bucket glad am back. 

Now back to the spider lady what was that? I did not expect that from her. At the beginning of their fight, it seemed like the dark valkyrie was on the upper hand. She threw blow after blow and each and every time it landed. Norn's Huge body looked to be a very big disadvantage. Most of the time she was almost always unbalanced. All that she had in her favour was her high Vitality. As the battle continued Norn's attacks stopped looking amateurish. In fact, her fighting style evolved to a point it even started to resemble that of the Dark valkyries. Each blow she threw weakened the dark valkyrie. The speeds they achieved went beyond insane. I could not keep up with them. 

When the battle reached its climax the dark valkyrie decided to unsheath her beloved Tyrfing to defeat her but even with that she still did not have a chance. She evaded each and every one of the attacks only using her tarsals to parry the attacks when they overwhelmed her. She struck each and every chance she got and with each and every blow she weaken the dark Valkyrie more while she only continued to grow stronger. In the end, she struck the dark valkyrie to death. As the valkyrie disappeared I expected to see the ever-present gate but this time there was none. What followed next was a powerful earthquake.

Right now Infront of me stands a being that feels so out of reach that I cannot fathom or explain. Her mere presence is overwhelming as if announcing that all of me couldn't comprehend her majesty. It almost feels similar to when I saw the so-called supreme one. She has the same pressure he did. Looking around I can no longer see the spider lady. She must have relocated her. 

I had only seen her head before but now I am taking a good look at her she looks like a creature out of one's imagination. She has a very symmetrical face that oddly looks familiar, a body that has quite the seductive figure, long golden hair, a good feminine build, and lastly eight pairs of different coloured wings that converged to form one pair of beautiful massive wings. Describing her body as the perfect example of the golden ratio wouldn't be a stretch.

" Who dares summon me to this place..."

As she spoke her voice shook me whole. It was as if every syllable she spoke emitted a certain kind of pressure that could crumble one's body under their weight at any time.

"I see it is one of your kind. So do you want passage to the dreamscape?"

Dreamscape? That is the second time I am hearing that word being mentioned. What exactly is that?

" Answer me young one!! Do you wish to pass through to the dreamscape?"


"Yes, No, wait, which is it? Do you not know what you wish for?"

"So- Sorry I do know what I want... All I wish for is to get out of this place and back to my world."

"This place and back to your world? Do you mean back to the Celestial City?" 

"Noo! I..."

"That is rich coming from one of you. Tell me truly why you are here. Is it under his command that you came to this place?"

"...I don't even know this 'he' you speak of..."

As she continued to speak every cell in my body couldn't help but tremble. Every word she produced continued to send chills and shivers all over my body.

" How can you claim to not know him? You did defeat all of my daughters didn't you?"


What did she say daughters so are all the Valkyrie I have faced so far all her children?

"I sense so little power from you so I cannot fathom how you pulled off such a feat. The only valid explanation is if he helped you in some way."


"Tell me Child is he awake? If he is what is he planning? What does he want with the dreamscape? Or does he just want to torture her some more"

" I... don't... know..."

"If you are going to take so long to answer my questions I can as well just get the answers all on my own."

After she said that it all went dark. I could feel her poking through my mind searching for the answers to the questions she asked. Playing each and every memory she could find. Until a few moments later when she stopped.

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" So you are not one of the supreme one's pawns. I am sorry for my jumping to conclusions.

...From the memories I have seen, I assume you are the so-called saviour that is to save our world from its destruction."

" I ..."

"I am sorry within all that I did not have a chance to introduce myself. I am Freya the Queen of the Valkyrie and the literal embodiment of Magic"

" Oh, I am Raphael I guess."

"You certainly go by many names, ok it is lovely meeting your acquaintance Raphael."

"You too Queen Fre-...."

"Now, Raphael I would like to ask you a question."

"Sure, Ask away?"

"Even though you have been pronounced a savior by the Norn sisters, Do you think you can save this world? 

Answer carefully for the next words you utter will Decide whether you live or die."

"... I"

"If you have any doubts about my ability to follow through with that promise, I would like you to see what I am truly capable of. I can easily erase your limbs with a wave of my hands, or behead you with just merely a thought. Crush your heart from over 1000 kilometers away or even trap you within the confines of your mind for the rest of eternity."

As she told me those words she put them into perspective, by actually doing all she was saying. It was like this godlike being was toying around with me just to see what faces I would make. One thing was abundantly clear. If she truly wanted me dead then I would be dead.

As I floated in that space full of pure nothingness and all that stood before me was this powerful godlike being radiating such iridescent light. I stood there thinking about all I had seen. 

Her question may have looked simple to her and the answers she might want to know may look a little like Yes I do believe I can save the world or no I don't think I can save the world but to me, that question entirely means another thing, The world is made up of many parts that I don't know of. So to me, It is are you willing to save the world that I know nothing of or are you willing to save your family and friends? To normal people it might look like saving the world is saving your loved ones but I have read enough hero stories to know that in a good story it all boils down to sacrificing your loved ones for the greater good. In the end, the hero saves the world and loses all that is precious to them but that won't be my case. So even if my answer gets me killed I don't care. Besides, I don't see myself as a hero. That is something that feels like is beyond me. I just don't have the capacity for it. As I stated if it comes down between the whole world and my loved ones I will choose my loved ones all the way.

" To answer your question, I don't believe I can save the world and I don't think I wish to but if it is to save my loved ones then even though I am very weak right now I will definitely get stronger to protect them from that monster and this coming war."

"So you don't want to save the world but you do want to save your loved ones. That is an interesting answer. Don't you think saving the world is saving your..."

" Let me stop you there your queenliness saving the world is not saving your loved ones for when you are focused on saving the world you do not provide the same protection as when you are focusing on protecting those who are close to you.'

" But what if they could protect themselves don't you think you could try to save the world then."

" It doesn't matter if they could or couldn't protect them. I will always choose to protect my loved ones over saving people who I barely know."

"You are quite the odd one. I can't believe you are the so-called saviour. 

You did answer sincerely even in the face of death so for that reason I will spare your life."

"So is it all over, can I go to the next floor."

" I may be done with you but this is all far from over. While you do have the desire to save the ones close to you, your convictions are too weak to survive what is coming. Steal your resolve and ready yourself as the dark times' approach. The door I will open to you next will help you remember what is most important to you."

"Before I leave, Can I get to know how you become so powerful?"

" ...This power you see is not my own. In fact I myself am not my own. I was born out of separation from my master. I am just an echo of the original Freya. As I said once before I am only an embodiment of magic. I am sure you will if you haven't met my master. You will know who she is when you meet her. Although I cannot help you grow your power I can lend you what was lent to me."

"A ring?"

"Yes, that ring has the power to summon any and all of the valkyries. This should help you with you quest. I have also restored your connection to that otherworldly entity. You should be able to speak to her again. I now open the door to you. Good luck with your journey young saviour."

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