The Science and Magic of A Reincarnated Genius 2

Chapter 22: Facing floor 99: Embers of light

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Norn's POV 

Now that I have stopped her by using a web of darkness, What next? Those three women did not give me much to go by, Why did I believe them anyway? Sure they showed me visions of what I wanted to know most but how sure am I it all wasn't an Illusion? It is as if I want to believe them...

looks like if I want to have even a chance of saving my ki- queen I should work together with this Raphael Woman to get out of here. 

I still think she is the vampire queen though but that can be worked out once she gets me out of here.

" It's you young Master, well you are a couple of Millennia Old so that title no longer suites you...

Why are you interfering with our battle Overseer? I thought that you were forbad from ever helping or interfering with a challenger quest."

"Overseer? Young master? What is up with all that? I don't know what you are talking about, all I know is that if you kill that woman, I will never be able to escape this labyrinth."

" I see now, your memories are still locked, that means you don't remember me at all. But does your body remember, It might look different now and your power seems to have drastically diminished but do you still have that overwhelming combat ability?"

"Combat is one thing that I am quite unsuitable for, I believe that strategy is my better ability."

"Yeah, that it was...Anyway am sorry young master, It was good catching up but right now I have a little mouse to devour." 

"No, I won't let you harm her. She is my only ticket out of here."

"If you insist on challenging me young master, I will have to bite. Unlike the others, I am not bound in any way so I can attack you if I so wish."

"I expected as much so be my guest."

"What are you doing little mouse haven't you learned anything, Even if you were able to disarm me, that wouldn't work for long, you do know that Valkyrian weapons are linked and connected to their chosen masters. So disarming me is of no use."

"And here I thought that Tyrfing could cut through anything."

"Well it is possible but unfortunately for you, you are not strong enough to disarm or wield Tyrfing. Now you sit tight as we the grown-ups are talking. You haven't nearly lived for long as we have.

Young master ready yourself, for my attacks aren't going to be so forgiving"

Immediately after she said that flying arrows rained from above. I had come to find out I could shape and materialize darkness, infact that is how I was able to stand on top of pure nothingness but what help was that gonna be? 

I tried with all my might to evade them, but I could not even evade a single arrow. It was almost like the arrows themselves had their own mind.

As the pain started to fade, my stamina seemed to be renewed, in fact, I felt like my whole body was being rejuvenated but how could that be? Excitement started to fill my heart. Like all this was something I once knew missed and greatly desired.

"I see you still got that ability young master but don't forget I know all your moves.

I would love to continue playing with you young master but first I have this mouse to deal with so I will have to buy time. I know your eyes can see through anything but even your eyes need time to adjust so with that let there be light!!!"

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As soon as she said that the whole darkness that surrounded us started to fade and the surroundings started to take shape. I found myself in a dark forest. The lighting suggested that it was late at night. Looking up I could not tell where the woman with black wings and Raphael with white wings had gone. All I could see was a beautiful moonlit sky.

While I could hear the wind rustling through the trees and feel the cool night breeze on my skin and even smell the clean fresh forest air something didn't feel right. When I looked up to the sky once again and saw the beauty of the moon I couldn't help but admire it. Then I saw them, two dancing stars, actually one of them seemed to be sluggish but they did dance beautifully. As I continued to keep my gaze on them, it slowly started to change. My vision of what was going on started to be more distorted. It was like I was seeing two worlds at the same time same to when I noticed a veil unknown to me the day the vampire Queen attacked our camp.

The more I focused the more the lies started to fade. 

"I see now she blasted me with an illusion to distract me as she killed my only way out. 

I am not going to let her kill Raphael."

Using my web of darkness I catapulted myself to her while simultaneously creating distance between her and Raphael. Using my ability to mould darkness I made the darkness tangible and used them as stepping stones to even get me closer. Am glad that worked.

" I see your sight is as sharp as ever young master but unfortunately for you, you are already late. She is just about to die from the massive blows she has received from my arrows of light. Now to finish the job I can...

Even if you attack me she is on the brink of death so I don't have to do anything else and just let her bleed out."

As I tried my all to do anything to stop her, I was reminded of how little combat experience I had. 

"Young master you have truly become weak. How could they have done this to you? I am sorry but I have to knock the combat back into you."

Then It slowly started to happen as she continued to throw blow after blow my head became light and my body started to feel as if it was not my own. I am usually afraid when this happens but today I stopped resisting it. As my consciousness faded I could feel my weak and random attacks becoming more powerful and precise until...

" I see you have not completely forgotten how to fight young master. Now I can truly show you what am capable of."

Those were the last words I heard before I completely slipped away. When I came to, the dark-winged woman was seemingly bleeding to death and was fading away into nothingness. With her last breath, she said 

"I never could win against you young master, thank you for that wonderful battle. 

I will see you again so called saviour that is if you ever survive Our queen Freya the most powerful of us all."

After she disappeared all that remained was Raphael and I.

"Looks like we are off to the next..."

The whole place started rumbling just like it did when this began. Out of nowhere, a voice was heard.

" You are not supposed to be here."

Immediately after hearing those words, I found myself in a room covered in white blinding light. Where did Raphael go? This is not good I need to find her for she is my only ticket out of her.

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