The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 13: Chapter 12

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"This familiar feeling... Distortion... So this world is no exception as well... Well, I could have guessed since I met Kaisa... But with this, If I am lucky enough, I could make a risky move and combine human and non-human magic into stronger, more complex and unique magic... but first, I have to finish my previous theory, and only then can I start working on it."

Mumbled Nolin as he was walking on an already busy street, and after a few minutes, he arrived in front of a large office building. Although the area was filled with towering buildings, this one was the highest.

"This feeling... Whoever or whatever this is... they are hiding their power and only giving a portion of it... Could it be a trap, so the weaker ones who can detect it would come here and would be targeted? Well, not that I care; I just have to subdue or kill them."

Thought Nolin while he was slowly looking around the street. Suddenly, from every building in the block, people started quickly leaving, and within minutes everyone left the area; not even cars could be seen. He calmly grabbed his wand and just kept on looking at the centre of the road.

"Could it be the doing of SAFU? At least it means they could notice it as well."

"Young man! Over there! I believe a warning has been issued, and this area has been classified by..."

Shouted a man from behind Nolin. Nolin turned around, and he could see dozens of men walking towards him. Most of them were armed, and only a few of them was wearing light, formal clothes, and instead of weapons, they held wands. Among the mages, there was one who was wearing a mask and had long black hair. As Nolin turned around, the men stopped, except for a middle-aged wizard. He walked closer to Nolin. He was wearing an eye patch and had man scars over his head, and was started to bald, but his long ginger hair was still clearly visible on the back of his head.

"Nolin, if I am not misteken right... It seems the rumours were true. You really are quite talented. You reacted faster than we could... Noticing such a phenomenon this quickly just shows that what the rumours say is true."

"And you are?"

Replied Nolin coldly, causing the man to stop momentarily but then walk closer to Nolin.

"My name is Izak... And I wanted to have a chat with you later today, but it seems we can do it now."

"I see... Unfortunately, I still have school to attend, and with my current speed, I will have no time for a chat."

"I understand, but that is of no problem. We will inform your school that you have helped the SAFU, so you will have your whole day to yourself. I really need to talk to you."

"What is it exactly that you want to talk to me about? Is it about wanting me to be an instructor?"

"Indeed. I hope you don't mind, but yesterday I observed the whole fight you had with Loprus' students..."

"I see... I will think about it, but first, we have something else to face. But since you are already here, I will just watch what you can do here."

"As you wish!"

Said the man, and with a wave of his hand, the soldiers and wizards behind him started walking forward. Nolin, on the other hand, walked over to the nearest building and sat down and looked at the men. Everyone walked forth except for one man, who instead walked over to Nolin and kneeled down, put his head down on the ground and started shaking.

"P-please... forgive m-my actions... I was a fool to attack you... please do not torment me anymore. I will do anything."

"You see... there is a difference between you and me. Suppose I was not stronger than you and was beaten by you. Even if I begged for forgiveness and begged for mercy, you wouldn't have shown me any; you would have killed me in cold blood. You see, I am different; I always give people a chance... If I see that you have changed, I will lift the spell I cast upon you... but if you don't, it will never be lifted. And if you ever go against me, you know what happens...Morni"

"Y...Y-yes, I understand..."

"Now, hush!"

Said Nolin coldly as he was slightly annoyed; the man stood up and followed his team, who was already standing in two lines. The first row consisted of only the armed man, and behind them stood the well-dressed wizards.


Shouted Izak, who stood in front of the armed row. The soldiers raised their guns and aimed forward, and the mages also raised their wands and pointed them forth.

"They will be decimated... This force is way too weak for this... Maybe two of them will survive if I step in, counting Izak as well. Those who sent them either an idiot or want them to die... Or they truly have a limited amount of forces."

While Nolin was thinking, a slowly expanding, small blue orb appeared on the road. The air around it was distorted and was slightly shaking; seeing this, a slight smile appeared on Nolin's face. The soldiers aimed at the blue orb, and suddenly the orb vanished, and in its place, a small, naked human-like being stood. The being looked just like a human, but it had no face. The creature had long blue hair and was surrounded by a blue aura, and the moment it appeared, the soldiers started firing at it. Each of the bullets pierced the creature and caused quite serious damage to it, but the being was not bleeding.


Said Nolin, stunning Izak, and before Izak and the mages could react, the bullets fired into the being were repelled, killing most of the soldiers, only leaving two of them barely alive. As for the creature, its wounds were healed.

"Just what the hell is this thing?!"

Shouted one of the mages, as all of them created balls of fire and fired at the creature. The spells exploded upon impact, and the creature was pushed, but the beast suffered no damage at all. Instead, suddenly Izak slid back, kneeled down and coughed blood. The shocked wizards fired another barrage of fireballs at the creature, but none of them achieved anything.

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"Fools... How can they be this stupid?!"

Mumbled Nolin as he stood up and was about to walk closer, but by taht time, all of the men were either kneeling or were knocked out. As Nolin looked at the defeated bunch of people, he suddenly grabbed something in front of him, and he summoned his green aura.

"Do not underestimate me. I am not as weak as they are... I have to admit you have great illusion abilities, but you have to do better than that to fool me."

Declared Nolin, and almost instantly, the standing being on the road cracked and turned into blue mist, and instead, the same creature appeared in front of him, and Nolin was holding its hand. The creature was barely as tall as Nolin's stomach.

"Now then... I am sure you are currently lost and don't know what to do, right?"

Asked Nolin and let go of the creature's hand. The creature raised its head slightly and then nodded.

"You are a strange human...I can tell that you are different... You are so pure... Please teach me how to achieve this purity!"

"I think we can have a mutually beneficial agreement. There is something I desire, but that has to wait..."

Said Nolin and gently poked the creature's face with his wand, causing its end to shine slightly green. Then walked over to Izak, who by that time managed to stand up and was surprised to see Nolin and the monster's conversation. Nolin walked over to him, and the creature sat down.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh...Erm...we would like to hire you as an instructor..."

"And? I thought you wanted to convince me. Well... I will be going then."

"Wait, sorry, I was just a bit spaced out! Seeing your current level of power... I think we have to raise the bar quite a bit if we really want to hire you. Since we only lack members, we can increase your benefits as we have powerful backers. How about this... 2500 Dain for every day with an exclusive apartment, a personal driver, an assistant and a butler to run the house and help you if needed."

Said the man and looked at Nolin, who just blankly stared back at him.

"And of..."

"How big is that apartment? It needs to have enough furniture for four or more people."

"Erm... It is quite big; I am sure four people will not be a problem..."

"Also, I am not exactly a teacher type, so I will draw the line at max four."

"F-f-four? B-but..."

"And will only teach those who I see worthy."

Declared Nolin, and Izak had no choice but to gulp upon hearing Nolin.

"Could you give me a minute? I have to call a few people."

"Yeah, sure!"

"Thank you."

Said the man and walked away.

"2500 a day and a brand new apartment... not bad"

Thought Nolin, and a slight grin appeared on his face, and after a few minutes of waiting, Izak walked back to him.

"Alright... four it is... I will bring the contract later today... Somewhere around night. And then, we can discuss further details regarding other necessary items you would like to use for your teachings, permits for restricted areas, or anything. If everything goes well, you can already go to your new home tomorrow morning.

Said Izak, and after a momentary pause, they shook hands.

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