The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 14: Chapter 13

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Nolin walked back to the creature, and he was grinning.

"I hope you are a patient and dedicated one!"

"Where did that come from? But if it is about something that I need or want, then yes... I hope it is about teaching me how to reach that level of purity!"

"Yes, it is partly about that... I am already teaching someone... well, teaching is a bit of an overstatement, more like guiding someone. Until you learn the basics, you will have to be very patient."

"What do you mean?"

"Listen closely... All you have to do for the first part is learning to breathe... Properly"

"What do you mean?"

"Sit down, clear your mind and just turn off, but at the same time, feel what is around you. Come and find me tomorrow, but be warned, you have to be prepared... this might take a long time. When you learn how to hide or suppress your "non-human" powers and instead emit human powers, then, and only then, can we move onto the next stage."

"Human... and non-human powers? What are they?"

"You will learn it eventually."

Said Nolin, and he started walking away, and the creature followed him.

"Breathing, huh? Interesting concept... Maybe I should try it..."

Said Izak and looked back at the other soldiers and mages. All of them were unconscious or killed except for the masked person, who was walking towards him.

"Was it him?"


"What do you think? How strong is he? "

"What do I think? He is a real beast... After I shook his hand, I realised something... I am sure I am more powerful, but if we were to fight, I would definitely lose, no matter what I do. He is vastly more knowledgeable than me...I would even say that he has been in more fights than I, as he instantly saw through the monster's trick and pacified it..."

"Interesting... I guess I have a new teacher to myself."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you! Although you have great aptitude, it is possible that he will not accept you as his student... also, he will only accept four."

"In that case, I will just have to make him accept me... I am fed up with weak-ass teachers who couldn't teach me anything and only dragged me down!"

"I don't want to disappoint you, but if you anger him, you might suffer great losses... you can ask one of our mages. He confronted him, and although he survived, now he is suffering from serious mental problems. I highly suggest avoiding pissing him off!"

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"I see... in that case, maybe with money, I can persuade him if it comes down to that!"

"I wouldn't be that certain about that, but sure. Either way, do be careful... we will somehow give you an opportunity to meet him personally."

"I already have an idea about that..."

"Please do tell me!"

Sometime later, at the park, Nolin and the creature were sitting on a bench.

"I think you should try to cover your face and wear some sort of clothes... People would freak out if they saw you like this. Also, I tend to come out here... this place is quite nice. So tomorrow, you can find me here."

Said Nolin, and he took his exercise book out and continued working on it. As for the creature, suddenly, a blueish mist appeared around its body and created a thin full dress out of rubbery blue material. And then the creature shook its head and used its hair to cover its face.

"Much better!"

Said Nolin without even looking up.

"What are you drawing?"

"I am trying to create a new advanced spell... but it still requires some changes as it is not very efficient."

"W-wait... you can create your own spells?! Wow, you are awesome... if you don't mind, would you mind if I stick with you?"

"Everything comes at a price... Also, I am already living with a non-human entity, although she is much weaker than you are... but if I want to do some research regarding non-human magic, I will need more sources of help, so yeah... sure."

Mumbled Nolin as he continued drawing into his exercise book.

"This guy is fascinating... I thought humans were all stupid and primitive beings, but this guy... feels a bit odd... Maybe if I stick around him for long enough and help him, in return, he might help me reach a more human-like form... He could easily see through my illusion spell and even could see my real body... Also, just a moment ago... he was able to notice me using my power to create some cover for my body... Could his senses be this great?"

Thought the creature, and after a few minutes, it started following Nolin's instructions. After about an hour of drawing, Nolin closed his book and put it back into his bag.

"Alright... Let's continue..."

Said Nolin, and he also closed his eyes, and soon a powerful but thin aura appeared around him. It even caused the creature to almost jump up from its seat.

"I thought I had a great aptitude and was strong... but he... he is, on a whole new level... also what he is doing is way too strange... It seems like he is not absorbing the magical power; rather, he is infusing it into his body... what a strange technique! He looks soo weak and vulnerable, but in reality, his aura is so dense that it would take quite some effort for me to break through it... And then it would most likely regenerate itself... I must learn his skills, techniques and powers!"

Thought the creature as it was trembling in excitement. After a few minutes of being amazed, the creature finally looked away from Nolin and slightly moved its shoulders, then resumed its training. The two of them were so immersed in training that they didn't even notice how fast time was moving.

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