The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 16: Chapter 15

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A few minutes after Nolin and the blue-haired creature left Izak behind, the injured and dead people were being taken care of. Izak and the masked wizard got into a sports car.

"I hope you know that you will have to work hard in order to make your little plan happen, Liz."

Said Izak as he stretched his arms.

"I know that... but I must get stronger, and he does seem to be quite capable."

Said the girl and was about to continue, but Izak's phone started ringing. Izak looked at the screen of his phone, and after a sigh, he answered the call.

"Yes, it's me... Yes... Yes... WHAT?! Are you insane? My team was just decimated... But how?! I understand..."

Said Izak and angrily hit the side of the car. Then looked at the girl who started driving.

"We have another job to do... well, the two of us will most likely die, but they said that every unit in the city is on its way. So go as fast as you can; I am setting up the GPS..."

"What happened?"


"What is the problem with that? That could still be defeated with..."

"It's not about its strength, but the location... we have to get there as fast as possible; however, every unit would get there at a different time, so the chances of the monster overwhelming them are high. And currently, we have no tier-four masters in this city... This is the curse of living in a tiny city... few monsters, but if it is strong, we are screwed! Maybe if we had Nolin on our side, we could stop it... but we have no time to find him!"

"I-I understand!"

As they were travelling, Izak started to sweat more and more.

"What's the matter?"

"I have a bad feeling about this... It is too strange... It happened too soon after the previous one... also..."

Said the man but was interrupted as his phone biped. He quickly looked at it, and he dropped his phone.

"W-what happened?!"

"Category Three... This is insane! Even Category Two requires a whole team of tier two or a smaller group of tier three mages... but a Category Three... we would need fourth-tier mages here... "

Said Izak, and the girl sped up. Minutes later, they arrived at a slightly deformed area. The two of them quickly got out and readied their wands. They were about to start looking around, but they noticed a greenish glow. As they walked closer, they started noticing bloodstains all around the area, and the closer they got more and more regular and larger. And then, they noticed Nolin on the ground and next to him on the ground was a skeleton with its spine in its skull.

"Go back to the car and call an ambulance and tell the other units that the monster is dealt with!"

"Righ away!"

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Said the girl and hurried back to the car; as for Izak, he approached Nolin on the ground; however, after a few steps, he stopped.

"Just who are you?! And how did you get here so fast to defeat this monster... Also, what happened to it? How is it only a skeleton, but there is no sign of usage of fire? I can tell that you are unconscious but still... Your aura is still standing strong!"

Said Izak and was about to walk back over to the car, but the skeleton next to Nolin started glowing purple, and soon after that, it ignited and started burning with purple flames. The skeleton disintegrated almost instantly, and the moment the fire was extinguished, a blast of purple energy pushed Izak back, causing him to fall and roll back on the ground.

"What just..."

"Are you alright?! What happened?"

Shouted the girl who was rushing towards the man on the ground, and once she got next to him, she pulled him up.

"I-I don't know... the monster's corps started burning, then it exploded. More importantly, did you call the ambulance and...."

"Of course; They said that they would dispatch a helicopter since I might have overstressed the severity of Nolin's condition..."

"He defeated a Category Three monster all by himself... there is no such thing as "overstressing" his condition. If he is this powerful, he must be taken to a hospital as fast as possible... Ask HQ to look into his date and send it to me. We must inform his relatives about the events... Let's skip the part where HE defeated the monster; let's just say he was a victim of a SAFU incident."

"Alright, will do."

Said the girl, and she rushed back to the car. The man looked back to Nolin's location and then looked to the side, where he could see a rescue helicopter. Izak walked over to Nolin, and moments later, the helicopter Descended.

"SAFU Instructor Izak... Take very good care of him... His condition should be regarded as highly classified!"

Said the man, and he pulled a badge from his pockets, which he showed up, then walked back to the car and got in.

"Sir, Nolin's mother has already been called and has been asked to come to your office as fast as she can... Shall I take you back there?"

"Yes, and make haste; I still have things to do, unfortunately."

"Right away."

Said the girl and started the engine. The man looked out the window and was staring at the helicopter and could see Nolin being slowly and carefully put into the helicopter. But couldn't see its lift off as they soon left the area.

After about half an hour, Izak was sitting in his office and was just looking ahead. He had a small office; its walls were light yellow. He was sitting by a table at the centre of the room; behind him, there was another table facing the wall; on it, there was a laptop, a lot of pens and pencils in a small container and a few sheets of empty paper. The table he was sitting by was mostly empty, it only had a cup of coffee and a sheet of paper he was resting his hand on.

"Nolin... What was that? The moment the explosion happened, it seemed like you absorbed a portion of that energy. Though I couldn't see it clearly, I think that is what I saw."

Mumbled Izak but was soon brought back to reality as the door of his office opened, and Liz walked in with a woman. The woman had very long unattended silver hair and greenish-yellowish eyes. She was wearing a very old dull white shirt, along with a slightly torn skirt. The woman was pale and could barely keep his eyes open.

"Nolin's mother, I presume; please sit. Liz, please bring us some tea... we have much to discuss."

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