The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 17: Chapter 16

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The following morning Izak went to the hospital where Nolin was being treated. He entered his room and saw as Nolin was in bed. He had a plaster cast on his head and bandages all over his hands and chest. Next to Nolin's bed was a smaller table and a chair, and on its other side was a widow; through it, one could see a tall building.


"You are quite durable... You went toe to toe against that monster, and you are relatively in one piece. I am impressed... And I am thankful because you prevented it from running amok in the city."


Said Izak while walking over to the chair next to Nolin, and once he got there, he sat down instantly.


"Thanks, I guess, not that I had a choice in that fight."


"I am g... WHAT?!"


Shouted Izak and jumped at the same time, then looked at Nolin, who slightly moved his tilted head to the side and was calmly looking at him.


"Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?"


" It's just that the doctor said you will most likely be unable to wake up for a few days."


"Well, you just said it. I am quite durable... By the way, how long was I napping?"


"Almost a day."


"That long, and I am still tired...fuck I hate school... But I have no choice but to go."


"Are you insane?! You are injured!"


"And? I might have a few bruises, but all in all, I am..."


"We have investigated the battlefield... You lost so much blood in that fight that I don't even know how you are awake right now."


"Huh... well, I am used to it already."


"What do you mean "already used to it"??!! Your mother said that you never got into a fight b..."


Said Izak, but was unable to finish, and a slight cut appeared on his right cheek, and he could see a powerful green around Nolin, who was glaring at him.


"You dare to tell her about any of this or about my skills or my our agreement... I will fucking gut you!"


"Don't worry... I-I only told her that you were at the wrong place at the wrong time and were injured in a SAFU incident. Nothing more."


"I hope you did not bother her with your blabbering. She is already working day and night."


"No, of course not. Also, we have offered to compensate her for your injury as it would normally go... You see, SAFU agents have quite great insurance company backers... But since you are an instructor, or at least will be after you have signed the contract, your mother has been paid almost three times the amount; 148500 Dain. And then we housed her in a nearby hotel... Since you have a vampire at home, it might not be a great idea for her to meet her, at least without your supervision."


"Good... thanks."


"I understand that you are very protective over your mother... but I think you should tell h..."


"Not gonna happen!"




Said Izak slightly nervously but dashed to the side as he felt as if someone touched his shoulder. He quickly looked behind him, but he could see no one.


"Wow, you have improved... Also, I just realised I have never asked your name."




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Said a voice, and next to Nolin's bed, a blueish glow appeared, which then turned into the faceless, blue-haired creature.


"What the..."


Reacted Izak as he stepped closer to Poty.


"Alright, I think it's time for me to get up and..."


"No, no, no, no! You are not going anywhere, young man! You are seriously injured, and you..."


"Look, I am not in the mood for this."


Said Nolin, and he sat up. His bones were slightly cracking, but almost instantly, after he sat up, a thin layer of green energy appeared around him, and the cracking sounds dissipated. And then, after a few seconds, Nolin gazed at Izak.


"If the papers are ready, please bring them here. Also, if you don't mind, I will need a new cane."


"O-of course they are ready... Although I have to go back to my office, I will be back as soon as possible, so please stay here."


Replied the man, and he hurriedly left the room and closed the door behind him. The moment the man left, Nolin stood up and walked over to the window, and took a deep breath.


"Could it be the same as back then? It feels too similar...Could it be a coincidence? It is too strange that just like back then, within a few days, I was already targeted by entities who came through a Distortion."


"What are you talking about, Nolin?"


"I was just mumbling to myself... Anyway, what was your world and did you consciously create the Distortion or was it unconscious?"


"I don't know what you mean by "Distortion"... as for my world, I don't really know. I always lived in a dark cave where I spent most of my time training. Occasionally monsters or humans came to explore my cave, so I had quite a lot of combat experience."


"Yes, that I could tell by the level of your illusion skills. It seems only I call these occurrences "Distortion"; I will have to learn their name in this world as well... To explain it simply... A Distortion is, as the name suggests, a distortion between worlds. It happens when words get too close to each other. It can just randomly teleport items, objects, or even living beings from one world to the other; however, after a while, the connection becomes stronger, and those with higher magical aptitude, resistance and proficiency can create Distortion themselves... Judging by your information, you were at the wrong place at the wrong time; however, the other guy... he came here intentionally."


"How do..."


"So I have a proposal for you... Follow me and help me, and in exchange, I will help you get stronger as well. I feel like we will be targeted from now on."


"I...How can I believe that you can make me more powerful? I know you are slightly stronger than me and probably have greater knowledge; however, what if..."


Replied Poty, but was interrupted as Nolin started emitting a powerful greenish aura and turned around. The creature unconsciously stepped back and raised their hands over to their chests.


"Remember that I said your illusion was great? Well... I am also great at illusion."


Said Nolin and smiling, and started slowly walking towards Poty. And the moment he started walking, the room they were in started crumbling and cracking. When Nolin was about halfway, the floor underneath them cracked and shattered, and they started falling down. The whole building was destroyed, and the creature hit the ground hard, and when they stood up, they were shocked and stepped back once again. The whole city around the creature was no more; the area became a stony wasteland. And around Poty, thousands of Nolin were standing with a smile on their faces.


"W-what the?!"


Shouted the creature and fell, then one of the Nolins walked over to them, kneeled down and snapped his fingers.




Said Nolin and Poty shook their head and Noticed that they were still back in the room, and Nolin had his head on Poty's head.


"You handled it relatively well; the last person I showed illusions to was wrecked for quite some time... So, what will your answer be?"


"I... I will accept your proposal."



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