The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 31: Chapter 30

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Weeks had already gone by, and Nolin was still training. Over the past few days, he gradually changed his way of workout, focusing on other parts of his body as well and increasing the intensity as well. And, of course, his hair grew much longer; now, it was touching his back. He gradually gained more and more muscles, but he didn't do anything but train. But the next morning he woke up, he had other plans.


"Physically, I think I have reached a great level already... But before I leave, I want to reach tier two... I am very close!"


Thought Nolin, and after drinking from his barrel, just like he did every day, he sat down and started meditating. He was sitting for minutes, and then suddenly, a green energy explosion erupted from him, but it was almost instantly absorbed by the walls of the pit. Nolin opened his eyes, and a slight smile appeared on his face, but then he leaned forward and vomited blood. He then cleaned his mouth.


"It seems my body is now fully purified... And also, I can see that I have been poisoned... It was a wise decision to wait instead of rushing things."


Thought Nolin and looked at the blood on the ground. It had slight purple spots, and as Nolin touched the blood, the spots vanished.


"Strange... I have never encountered anything like this... It might look like poison, but it is more like some kind of parasite... Now that I think about it, As time went on, I felt slightly more and more tired... Who would have thought that my power was slowly being drained? Fortunately, it seems that it has no more effect on me; maybe my body is too pure for it to survive..."


Continued his thread of thoughts, Nolin, and then placed his hand on the ground, and the ground started glowing green, but the green energy soon shattered, and its particles flew at Nolin and formed many thin circles around his chest, but they vanished almost instantly. Nolin cracked his hands and, with a smug smile on his face, walked towards the wall. Then he turned around, then rushed against the pillar in the centre. In the last moment, he jumped up, quickly brought his legs below his hands and launched himself up and towards the wall. And when he was about to reach the wall, he propelled himself back towards the pillar using his legs.


"I need to focus... I must time every jump perfectly to not fall back down."


Thought Nolin as he jumped higher again. The higher he got, the stronger his aura got, and the further he could propel himself up. On the last jump, before he could leave the pit, he used too much strength, and along with jumping out, he destroyed the upper part of the central pillar. Once he was out, he looked around in the cave. There were two passages, one leading outside; he could clearly see as the light was coming in through the passage, and the other led further into the cave.


"I don't know who you were, and I don't know whether you are still around, but I am grateful! I hope we will mate later, but I have to leave as soon as possible to save the others... That is... If they are still alive!"


Thought Nolin as he glanced back at the pit, and after a slight nod, he started walking outside. As he was walking towards the exit, a strong gust of wind came hurling towards him; although he was not affected by it, the wind played with his now long hair. And moments later, he sat foot in a snowy tundra. Since he was not wearing any shirt, he used his aura to warm his upper body from the freezing temperature. As he was walking, the snow under his feet cracked after each step, marking his every step leading away from the cave. Suddenly a sudden purple explosion occurred in the sky, and behind him, something landed with purple energy.


"Finally, you have shown your fucking face, Nolin! I was waiting in this fucking area for weeks! Do you know how cold it was?! But it was all worth it! If I bring you back to His Majesty, I am sure I will be rewarded handsomely. Now stand down, and I will not harm you, but if you resist, I will have to use force!"


Shouted a man who landed behind Nolin. The man was holding two daggers; both pointed at Nolin. The man was wearing a long of different ragged cloth all wrapped around him; only his purple eyes were visible, nothing else. Nolin only smiled, and with a quick spin, he kicked the man's chest, pushing him back.


"It seems we will have to fight..."


Said the man, and he quickly dashed over to Nolin. He wanted to Nolin with both of his daggers, but Nolin was faster and caught his hands in time.


"No matter what you do! We will win! You are alone against an entire world. And even if you somehow manage to win, we still hold your friends as hostages, so think carefully!"


Shouted the man as he started laughing; however, he was forced to stop laughing as Nolin twisted the man's wrists and headbutted him with great force, causing him to get dizzy for a few seconds. Nolin quickly delivered a powerful punch to the man's chest; upon hitting the man, a wave of green energy travelled through his man's body, and he fell to his knees. The man was coughing blood and was shaking and needed a few seconds to regain the ability to talk.


"What the hell did you just do to me?!"


"Just completely shut down your magical powers due to your lack of seriousness, and thanks to your lowered defence! Now talk. Where are my friends?!"


"Heh... You might have beaten me due to my incompetence, but you will surely die if you..."


Laughed the man, but Nolin quickly punched him once again with even greater force, and this time the man almost lost consciousness after the green wave of energy that travelled through his body.


"No matter how you torture me! I will never tell you! You can go ahead and kill me! I will not betray his majesty's wishes, for I am a lo...."


Uttered the man, but Nolin delivered another punch. The clothes on the man's chest were already soaking in blood, but after another punch, the stain reached the man's legs.


"Killing you?! That will be unduly merciful! I am going to torture you until you tell me what I want to know!"

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Declared Nolin and once again punched the man.


"Now. TALK! Where are they?"


"Hah...Do you really think I..."


Started the man started talking, but Nolin mercilessly punched him once again, causing the man to scream in pain, but he didn't stop.


"I would be... Afraid of torture?! Go ahead and FUCK yourself!"


Shrieked the man, but Nolin was not buying it. He glared at the man, grabbed him by the head and lifted him up, and suddenly Nolin's hand started glowing with green energy. The man was crying in pain and was shaking as his body slowly gained a slight green aura, and after moments of screaming, the man stopped crying. Nolin let go of him and then kneeled down next to him.


"We can continue, but I don't think you will enjoy it! So, where are they?"


Asked Nolin as the man vomited blood once again. The man slightly pushed himself up, and a strong purple aura appeared around him, which soon turned into flames. The man was burning, but his clothes seemed to be unaffected by the flames.


"Hah... Good!"


Said the man, but his voice was different. It was much deeper and stronger.


"It seems you have exceeded my expectations, Nolin..."


"What the!"


"You might have defeated this weak subject of mine, but it means nothing. I'll give you a choice! If you want to see your friends again, then come, and accept my challenge,l and then I will not only spare them but will let them go!"


"Where are they?!"


Shouted Nolin, and he grabbed the burning man by the neck.


"Go that way, and there you will find an icy cave... That is where they are but be warned. It will most likely be your doom if you accept my proposal. No matter how strong you are, you will fail!"


Answered the burning man and pointed slightly to the right.


"Who decided that? I am not your toy; I will do as I please."


"Very well... Do as you wish... Nolin!"


Said the man, and by the time he was finished talking, he had already turned to ashes, leaving the clothes behind. Nolin took a deep breath and grabbed the clothes, and got dressed.


"It seems they already know me. I don't know who their leader is... But I have a bad feeling about him."


Thought Nolin as he finished dressing and looked around.


"He pointed to that direction... Could it be the truth or just a trap? Now that I think about it... What if everything I was told was a lie? What if they are already dead... Why am I that worried about them anyway? I am only their teacher, well, not that it is that official yet... Fuck, now I feel kinda guilty. Let's see whether it was a lie or not!"

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