The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 30: Chapter 29

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A young-looking man was sitting in a car along with three men in suits. The young man had long blond hair and light blue eyes. He was holding documents in his hand, and he was wearing only a white shirt along with a red tie. Also, he had glasses on. Although his hair was long, it was well-combed. The other men were well-trained bodyguards.


"Sir, are we going to go to the new building?"


"No... Unfortunately, I have some things to take care of at the HQ of SAFUS in the city..."


"I-is it about the recent events, sir?"


"Yes... Ever since my sister vanished, I had to do her part as well... I don't know how she managed to do all this... It is fucking tiring... But now that my father has fallen ill... If only that guy didn't appear, my sister wouldn't have vanished, my father wouldn't have been injured, and he wouldn't have fallen ill due to some unknown disease! It is all his fault... I will make him pay should he return..."


Said the man and angrily hit his seat with great force.


"S-sir...Don't worry; we will deal with that guy! No matter what, that is why we were trained"


Replied the driver, and he started sweating because he slightly looked back at the young man, who was glaring at him with glowing blue eyes. But then the young man loudly sighed and looked out the window for a brief moment and then looked back at the documents he was reading.


"I love when they throw a bunch of details at me, most of which could be handled by anyone within the company... Yet I still have to read through them, just in case I find some kind of relevant or important data... Only if father was able to work and was not bedridden."


Thought the young man, and creased one of the documents e was holding, then dropped it down. Then he continued reading, but soon he slammed his seat once again.


"What?! Why is it not marked important?!"




"Someone attacked and robbed one of our smaller businesses... Have someone investigate this... Today I have no time for this!"


"Yes, sir!"


Replied the bodyguard who was sitting next to him. The man looked at him, and then the bodyguard nodded and called someone on his phone. Sometime later, the young man, along with his three bodyguards, was walking in a corridor. The corridor was quite wide and was leading to a small wooden door. The man opened the door without hesitation and entered the room. He stepped into a room, and he could see a large table in the centre of the room. Around it, there were twenty chairs, and there were lights above the table. The room was relatively dark, as the walls were dark blue. The other side of the room had a large monitor which was turned off. By the table, Izak was already sitting, and the moment he noticed the young man, he started waving.


"Bion Inous... A pleasure to meet you face to face. My sincere condolences about your father... If there is anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to tell me... After all... he was injured due to my incompetence."


Said Izak and stood up and started walking towards Bion.


"I appreciate it, but that is not true; father told me that you would say something like that... You couldn't have done anything, so it is not your fault... It was that man called Black... He is the one who must pay!"


"Don't worry! Your father is one of the greatest mages in the city... we will not tolerate his injury. We will definitely bring justice forth! And save our nation! That is one of the reasons I have asked to meet you here personally..."


Added Izak, and the two of them shook hands and then sat down by the large table.


"We have negotiated with the government, and they have come to a conclusion after days of negotiation... The government decided that every student must take part in serious military training... Those who are talented in magic they will be trained to be professional mages; those who are not will be trained to be soldiers..."


"This is insane! How do they expect us, citizens, to just accept that?! What are they thinking?!"


"I absolutely agree with you... however, I was an eye-witness of the fight between your father and Black... It was truly terrifying, and they were not even going all out..."


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"For their blood and sweat, children who take part in the training will be given a salary for their hard work... And since your company is quite influential... SAFUS ordered me to ask you to provide aid in the training..."


"Aid? What exactly do they mean by aid?!"


"That I do not know. I presume... They are either asking for your instructors to become teachers... or it could be entirely different... But I don't like where this is going! Even if the weight of this incident is that significant, we should not sacrifice our own children for it."


Said Izak and hit the table with great force, causing the whole table to shake.


"I believe this is not the whole reason you have invited me, right? You could have easily sent someone in your stead... I presume there has been something bigger, right?"


Said the young man and looked at Izak. Bion looked into Izak's eyes with glowing blue eyes.


"Just as bright as ever... Yes...That is true... We have found a crucial piece of information regarding your sister and her current teacher... Nolin."


"Nolin... so it is the name of that bastard!"


"I highly suggest that you don't jump the guns... He is not that easy to understand... So where was I...Oh right! We have found out that they have been transported to the land of the enemy and that they can be brought back, but we need to investigate... Your father fell ill recently, yes? It is not an illness... after investigating a monster Nolin faced not long ago, And Nolin himself, we have come to the conclusion that your father is to some extent poisoned... And the same is true for Nolin."


"Poisoned?! But how? Wait, in that case, we just have to find the antidote, right?"


"That would be the case if it were an ordinary poison... But it is not... Black had a strange purple aura... This purple aura is capable of corrupting anyone it touches..."


"What? That is absurd!"


"At first, I thought it was the case, but after we have inspected your father... it has become a reality, unfortunately... He has been corrupted and is being corrupted, and we do not know how it can be cured. That is why I am asking you... no... I am asking you, your family, and your corporation to find a cure!"


"Don't worry... I will do my best!"


Replied Bion without hesitation, then he looked at one of his bodyguards, who nodded and left the room.


"And there is something that still needs to address... One of your rival companies has developed a certain serum... They said it can boost greatly one's power, but it is still being tested as it takes a huge toll on the user's body."


"They must be mad... who would want to use that?!"


"The government... They have invested quite a lot already... And I am afraid it will be used and tested on the children..."


Added Izak, and upon hearing that, Bion jumped up, and a blue aura appeared around him and then, with all of his strength, hit the table, breaking it into two. His hand started shaking as he clenched it as hard as he could, causing it to start bleeding. After a brief moment, Bion took a deep breath and then sat back down.


"I am sorry; I will pay for the table... I lost my cool."


"At first, I also reacted similarly... Now let me show you something else..."



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