The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 35: Chapter 34

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The second Nolin hit the top of the barrier; he was about to fall down, but instead, he propelled himself away from the mountain as fast as he could; and moments later, the purple membrane started expanding. And at that exact time, the barrier started emitting light; although it was slightly purple, it was enough to light the land as if it was the middle of the day.


"I see now... Although the boss of the enemy wants to kill me, at least he kept his word... There is no way for anyone to escape from this "prison"... this seal would have prevented me from sending the others back... Fuck, judging by the energy the barrier emits and by the speed it expands... The caster would at least be a tier eight mage..."


Mumbled Nolin as he gained a considerable distance from the mountain. He successfully landed, and he instantly kneeled down, and he was having trouble breathing.


"I don't care how it affected me; at least I got away!"


Though Nolin and he quickly pushed himself up and looked around. He was still in a barren snowy area, but at least due to the barrier, it was no longer snowing. Nolin sighed as he tried to regulate his breathing; however, he quickly dashed to the side as a burst of purple energy almost hit him. And before Nolin could regain his composure, he was kicked in the guts. He quickly rolled back and stood up as quickly as he could to face a black knight holding a short purple sword. Nolin gritted his teeth and dashed at the man; his eyes were glowing green and were surrounded with a powerful green aura as he was running, and the moment he reached the knight, he quickly evaded the knight's incoming blade and punched his armour. The blast caused a wave of green energy to shake the knight, but without thinking, it unleashed another, even more powerful slash, drawing a purple aura behind the sword.


Nolin quickly focused most of his aura into his hands, and he grabbed the incoming blade with his left hand and was almost able to punch the knight with his other hand, but suddenly another purple burst came his way and blasted him back. Nolin remained on his feet, but he vomited blood. He cleaned his mouth, and then with his bloody hand, he pushed his hair up as it was covering his eyes after the blast. Then he quickly looked up and noticed that there were now two knights, and both of them were holding identical swords, and both of them were pointing their weapons at Nolin. Nolin coughed blood once again but then started running towards the knights. While he was running, he condensed his aura into a green sword and then quickly clashed with the closes one and kicked at the other one, but the knight was prepared, and grabbed his leg in time, and slammed him into the cold ground, then lifted him, up and the other kicked him in the face. Nolin rolled on the ground, but then he kneeled up.


Nolin's nose was bleeding along with his mouth; still, he pushed himself up once again and shook his head. By the time he stood up, the other two knights had already about to reach him, so Nolin quickly stepped back, and with a swift thrust, he impaled the closest one, but the other one was faster than the weakened Nolin and was about separate Nolin's head from his shoulders, but his blade stopped for a brief moment, allowing Nolin to cleave him into two using every last bit of strength he had left. Nolin was about to collapse, but he used the fading green sword to push himself back up, and he started walking further away from the mountain.


Meanwhile, back at the mountain, Black was standing on top of the mountain, and the mountain was surrounded by a large army of black knights; the mountain was so high, and the knights were so numerous, that as Black looked down, all he could see was the mountain below him and a wide black circle.


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"Soldiers! Knights! Warriors! Today we have been given a special task by His Majesty! We are to test the strength of a certain individual called Nolin! His Majesty instructed us to limit our attacks to a certain degree and only gradually increase it so as to give that worm a slight appeasement in between fights! And of course, His Majesty said that he would watch the events, so we must do everything we can... NO! We must do even MORE than that so as to please His Majesty and not disappoint him."


Hollered Black as he extended his hands forward and looked down upon the knights once again.


"It is our GLORY to fight for His Majesty, as he was the one who made us into who we are. RAISE YOUR SWORDS, MY KNIGHTS, AND LET US CARRY OUT OUR ORDERS!"


Shouted Black as he grabbed his sword and pointed it upwards; then he and his sword were surrounded by a powerful purple aura. Moments later, the mass roared as a single entity, and the circle of thousands of men suddenly turned into a purple glow.


"Charge! And inform the others about our mission!"


Shouted Black, and upon hearing it, the purple glow generated by the soldiers by the foot of the mountain suddenly caused a burst of purple energy, and everyone started running towards the direction Nolin had previously flown towards. A few of them started speeding up with a purple around them, but most of them altered the direction they were running.


"You are lucky that his Majesty is interested in you. You are the very first one to pique his interest! This must mean that you are quite formidable, but I will not fail my orders! While you are dealing with my soldiers and gradually wrecking your body, I will keep training and break you! You are just a worm; it is me who should have piqued His Majesty's interest, not YOU!"


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