The Secret of Alina Whitlock

Chapter 2: Prologue: The Beginning

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Cambridge, Massachusetts

Spring of 1993

Jasper smirked when he felt her small hand on his thigh. He glanced in her direction, eyebrow raised in question.

“Can I help you?”

Alessia made a face. “I’m bored, Jas.”

“We should be back at my place in about an hour."

Alessia sighed as Jasper bobbed his head in time to Prince playing on the radio. They were on the way to the Cullen's place to celebrate her twenty-first birthday and were dressed accordingly. The occasion promised to be a huge turnout, but then again, any party that is arranged by Alice Cullen was bound to be promising. Alessia had on a navy ball gown with an elegant, shoulder-baring neckline and a daring front slit to show off her legs that Alice bought and dropped off that morning at her parents house, just before she left for her first class. The dress was paired with silver pumps, a gift from Rosalie. 

She grinned when an idea struck her. She shifted her hand further up his thigh and the only sign that he noticed was a shift of his eyes in her direction out of his peripheral vision.

He said nothing as Alessia slid closer to his side of the cab, hand pressing against his pant covered crotch. Jasper's hand on the wheel tightened as she rubbed him back and forth. His girlfriend was a pain in his ass, not that he didn’t enjoy it.

He heard the scratching of his zipper being pulled down and felt her warm hand slip inside his boxers, making him growl.

“Christ, woman… what.. are you doing?”

She leaned over, placing a hot kiss on his cheek as his hand that wasn’t on the wheel came around her back, pulling her closer, sliding up her dress, stroking at her bare back lightly. “Taking what I want.”

Jasper chuckled. “All you had to do was ask, darlin'.”

Her kisses traveled down his neck as one of her hands pushed at his shirt before sliding across his stomach. When she moved, putting one knee up on the seat next to him, the other leg bent slightly as she leaned forward, his eyes widen and eyebrows shot up. Alessia couldn’t be doing what he thought she was doing. Soft hands pumped his hardened cock the same time her warm, wet mouth slid around him, sucking him into her mouth. His head slammed back into the headrest as the hand on her back slipped into her hair.

“Son of a bitch…” He growled through clinched teeth. 

She laughed around his shaft, the vibrations sent wave after wave of pleasure throughout his body. Alessia twirled her tongue around the tip, taking extra care to increase the suction of her mouth each time she pulled her head up, before pushing back down. Between her hands, tongue and mouth, she was driving him crazy. He pumped his hips up lightly, guiding her head with his hand as he attempted to stay focused on the stretch of road in front of him.

It was almost dusk, sun slowly making its way down.

The fact that anyone could drive by and see them made him even harder. He was engulfed in the slick cavern of her mouth when her other hand went to cupping his balls, giving them a light squeeze. Jasper jerked the wheel, making the Chevy pickup swerve. Alessia fell into his lap, letting go of him with a pop of her mouth. Her lips were slightly pink and puffy when she looked up at him with creased brows.

“Can you be more careful?” 

He glared at her. "It's a little hard." 

She wiggled her eyebrows and started stroking him again, voice coming out in a husky whisper. He heard her perfectly with his enhanced hearing. "Baby, it's a whole lot hard." 

He grunted as her mouth descended again. He kept his eyes up as the road curved. If she didn’t stop he was going to come. He nudged her, tilting her head upward and making her frown. 

"What is it?" 

“I don’t want to come in your mouth, I wanna come inside you.”

He wrenched the wheel to the side pulling the truck off the road to the shoulder. Jasper shifted it into park before yanking Alessia’s body on top of his. He pulled her into his lap, the slit of her dress making it easier for her bare legs to tuck on either side of his hips. Her hair felt like silk to him. He made a fist of the curls, then jerked her head down so that his mouth covered hers. 

Alessia was simply too stunned to react at first. His mouth was hard, hot, incredibly demanding. He was drowning her with his warmth, his taste, his wonderful masculine scent. When his tongue moved inside her mouth to mate with hers, she put her arms around his neck. 

Breaking apart from him, she spoke. Her voice was out of breath as she rubbed her body against him, the fabric of her underwear rasping against his engorged cock. “We’re in the middle of the highway, Jasper… anyone could see us.”

Jasper gifted her one of his lopsided smiles, the kind that always sent her heart aflutter, and nodded. “Hell, we’re on a roll, darlin'. You gonna tell me it doesn’t make you hot and bothered thinking we can get caught?”

Her eyes slid shut as she bit her lip another wave of moisture pooling in between her thighs. He made her ridiculously hot thinking they could get caught or that someone was watching them. She was practically dry humping him when he halted her movements. Jasper reached between them to tear her panties off and out of the way.

The sound of fabric ripping brought her short. She looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "How do you expect me to explain to Alice about my lack of panties?" 

"Do I look like I give a damn what Alice thinks?" Jasper growled. "Because I don't."

Before Alessia could give a response, he slid a digit inside her to see if she was ready and bit back a growl at the moisture he found there. "Well, shit, Lissa, someone's horny." He added another finger, plunging them inside of her at a quick pace before brushing his thumb across her clit.

"Oh God... what the hell are you waiting for?" 

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Jasper smirked and pulled his fingers out of her body, taking his shaft in his hand and gave himself three hard strokes in preparation. Alessia felt her cheeks burn hot at the sight and tore her gaze from it, only to find Jasper looking intently back. Taking hold of Alessia's waist, he guided her forward until she was sliding down on him, taking him inside her tight passage.

She gripped at his shoulders as she rocked back and forth, using her knees and hips to lift herself off of him and thrust back down. Alessia felt hard nails dig into both hips to keep her still. With a low growl, Jasper took over. Harder and deeper he thrust. He held her in place, thrusting into her with abandon. If she had feared he would be too gentle, too soft, she had feared wrong. There was nothing gentle about his possession of her body.

The intensifying impact of his flesh inside her brought soft incoherent cries to her lips. A low growl worked from his chest and her body tightened with pleasure. 

His fingers crept deeper into her long, dark auburn hair so that his hands were tangled in her tresses as he continued bucking against her. Several times she thought he was on the verge of his release, but it was then that he slowed, holding himself still until he regained control. Then he resumed the deep strokes.

"I am so close, darlin'," He spoke in a dark whisper. "How beautiful you are, and you are all mine. That's a good girl, ride me out'." His breath teased her flesh when he started to nibble playfully on her ear. She shivered in reaction.

Jasper could tell she was close to coming so he slid a hand off her hip and in between them, pressing down on her clit hard and rubbing fast. Watching her come was one of the most erotic things he’d ever seen. There was a light sheen of sweat on her shoulders and chest, body arched against the wheel, head thrown back, one hand clutching his shoulder and the other thrown backwards, pushing against the dashboard as she screamed his name.

Her muscles quivered around him, milking him as he shoved into her hard four more times before spilling inside of her. Alessia's body fell against him, in surrender and exhaustion, with both of them breathing heavily. Though, for Jasper, it was more out of habit and not out of necessity. 

Out of impulse, he playfully nipped at her ear while trailing his fingers down her back. They both knew there would be bruises where he gripped her, one of his alternatives to marking Alessia since he couldn't bite seriously without turning her. 

They stayed like that, Jasper allowing Alessia to catch her breath for several minutes before a loud horn startled them, both jerking up to see what was going on.

An eighteen-wheeler was slowly passing the steamed-up Chevy pickup, the cool breeze finally making its way through Jasper's open window. The driver grinned and waved cheekily, honking the horn again before passing them by. Alessia looked down at Jasper, only to see him smirking. She slapped him lightly on the chest and burst out into a fit of laughter. He chuckled, shifting her on his lap, so he could read the time on the clock.

"Damn. We are going to be late for the party Alice is throwing you."

Alessia snorted and she untangled herself from him, readjusting her dress before plopping back on the seat beside Jasper. "I want to say I feel terrible about that. I really, really do…” 

It was Jasper's turn to snort. "Well, I don't feel terrible about it. And if that's wrong, darlin', you can best bet I sure as hell don't want to be right." He adjusted himself then put the truck into gear, before turning back on the road.

"You say that because you hate sharing." She retorted. 

The only response she got was a dark chuckle. 


Three Weeks Later

Damn. That was the only word running through Alessia's mind as she stared down at the positive pregnancy test. How was she supposed to raise a baby? A baby changes everything. She just turned twenty-one, was in her junior year of college at Harvard University, and was supposed to be working toward becoming a lawyer like her parents before her. 

Though looking down at the little white stick with the pink plus sign, Alessia realized she hadn't been doing a good enough job of that. She spent more time hanging out with Jasper and his family than studying the required coursework. How was she supposed to tell Jasper? How was she going to tell her parents? 

Taking a deep breath, Alessia chucked the stick into the trashcan. 

Quickly throwing her hair up in a loose bun, she walked downstairs, deciding that a lunch is the best thing for settling nerves. Alessia wanted to see if she had what she needed in the kitchen to make medium rare steak fajitas with onions and peppers. 

Alessia came to a halt at the foot of the stairs, heart pounding in her chest, when she spotted Jasper standing outside her stain glass front door. She took in a deep breath and before opening the door, plastered her best smile on her face. 

"Hey, what's up?" She squeaked, her voice higher than normal. Jasper didn't seem to really notice, he stood with a somber expression on his face. His 1989 blue Chevy Silverado was nowhere to be found. Alessia frowned, stepping outside and closing the door behind her. "What happened? Is..." That was when she noticed the Jeep Cherokee in front of her house, Emmett at the steering wheel with the engine running.

It was easy to put two and two together, with that alone. 

"You're leaving Massachusetts." 

Jasper stared down at his feet, hands tucked in his jean pockets. Alessia's mind was reeling. He was leaving her. Now, when she's... no, no this was for the best. Despite being an immortal, he had his whole future ahead of him. Who knows? Maybe they'll see each other again? 

"Lis, darlin', it's time. Carlisle can just barely pass for thirty, and he's claiming thirty-three now. Even without people in town and at the hospital noticing, we'd have to start over somewhere new anyway." 

All she could manage was a quiet. "Oh." Alessia made up her mind then and there to smile, be cheerful and pretend everything was okay. That everything will turn out fine. "Jasper, look. Maybe, somewhere down the road, we will see each other again? Nobody can really say what the future holds, right? Not even Alice, as subjective as her future sight is."

"Oh, I'm coming back for you." He chuckled, leaning forward until his forehead was pressed against hers. "It won't be today or tomorrow, but I will be back." He cupped her face in his hands to press a tender kiss on her lips. Jasper lingered for a bit, until he felt a mixture of annoyance and impatience come from Emmett, and his brother started honking the horn to hurry him along. 

Flashing Alessia one last lopsided grin, Jasper rushed from the porch and slid into the passenger seat of the Jeep. She watched the Jeep drive off, until it was no longer in sight, taking her heart with it, and leaving her behind.

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