The Secret of Alina Whitlock

Chapter 3: One

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August 1999

Three weeks ago, the Cullen family made their move to Squamish, a town north of Vancouver, in British Columbia, Canada. The last time the Cullens found themselves in Canada was when Emmett came into contact with one of his singers and drained her dry, an incident that occurred not long after he was created in the mid thirties.

This was one of those places that the resident vampires were more than thrilled to call home. Squamish is located at the northern tip of the island-dotted Howe Sound, and surrounded by mountains like the Stawamus Chief, a huge granite monolith. What the native vampires found most desirable about the region was the fact it's world famous for mountain biking and hiking, as well as for both snowmobiling and backcountry skiing in winter. Even more attractive to them was the wildlife population.

On this particular August afternoon, the Cullens decided to spend time at home. Emmett and Jasper were settled in front of the flat screen, in the middle of an intense game of X-Men Vs Street Fighter. Out of boredom, Edward's fingers were grazing the piano keys. Carlisle, the Cullen patriarch, was going over paperwork for the hospital and official documents the 'teenagers' would need when they finally got started at the local high school. Esme, his wife, stood behind him with a long microfiber feather duster, dusting the books and various knick-knacks on display that they collected over the years. 

Rosalie was seated on the couch, reading a Cosmopolitan magazine. Lastly, there was Alice, who was coming in from collecting a bouquet of wildflowers. She moved slowly—for a vampire, at any rate—passing Edward and his piano, heading straight for the family living room. She grinned at her family as she begun to organize the flowers in the vase.

That is, until a vision hit, and Alice froze in response.


Alessia, sporting the bright crimson eyes of a newborn vampire and looking much older than when they had left her, was sitting gracefully on the porch steps of a large, graceful—but unfamiliar to Alice—house. She was so still, that if a human were to pass they would've mistaken her for a statue carved from the most pristine marble. Alessia was dressed comfortably in an off-the-shoulder top and a long, flowy, floral-print skirt.

Emmett and Rosalie were curled up on a porch swing, Rosalie's head on Emmett's shoulder and reading together. Nearby, Esme was gardening. She appeared to be planting white lily-of-the-valley and purple irises, taking advantage of the rare sunny day. Alice was perched just above her on a dark colored dividing wall, one leg dangling over and swinging gently. Esme reached to nudge her aside when it appeared Alice was distracted, likely lost in visions of the future, a wistful smile on her otherwise blank face.

Then Jasper came bounding up the drive, moving with all the speed and grace of a deer. He looked incredibly happy, happier than Alice had ever seen him in all the time he's lived with their family. When he reached the assembled group, he scooped Alessia up, spinning around with her draped across his shoulder as they laughed in c omplete harmony with each other, soprano and bass. 

After setting Alessia back down, he took his place beside her, looping an arm casually around her waist and tugging her closer with an ease that spoke volumes in the vision.

Rosalie was smiling affectionately as she watched them and Emmett was saying something with his usual teasing grin, but Alice couldn't make it out from the way his head was turned. But it was something that had Alessia burying her face in Jasper's neck and Rose slapping her husband upside his head. For his part, Jasper leaned down to kiss Alessia's temple before whispering something private that had her burrowing closer, if that was even possible.

The intimacy and affection between the pair was undeniable.

Suddenly, Jasper stood, untangling himself from Alessia and turning back towards the direction he'd come from with his arms opened wide and legs bent as though braced to catch something. Everyone else had stopped what they were doing as well; all eagerly looking towards what or who was coming.


Then it abruptly went black. Nothing. That had never happened to Alice before. Never. It didn't make any sense to the seer that her vision, for as peaceful as it was, would suddenly go pitch black. What could make her sight vanish without warning?

Alice felt like stomping her foot and screaming out in irritation. She thrilled for always being five steps ahead of the family. She wasn't meant to be in the dark. Not ever. Yet here she was with no clue what the future held! Only Edward and Carlisle had been missing from the group on this day that was likely to happen years from now if she had to guess. Alessia looked to be in her thirties, early to mid, which was Alice's biggest hint to the vision's timeline. Carlisle's absence could be easily explained. He was likely at the local hospital. But what about Edward? Where was he? Had he gone away to hunt? 

While Alice obsessed over the vision, replaying it in her mind again and again, she didn't notice Jasper, having sensed the change in emotions coming from her, turn to look over where she was. 

"What did you see?" Jasper prompted, only to frown and return back to the game when he got no answer. He and the family were used to having to wait as she filtered through all of the potential outcomes, but this had been a rather lengthy pause even for her. Edward, having seen the vision in her mind, moved to stand beside her. With a mischievous smile, he asked. "Are you sure?" Whatever she thought made Edward grin ear to ear.

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Every member of the family could hear the amusement in his voice. Whatever it was, it wasn't often a vision had Edward grinning like a loon, either. That action alone was telling. The only one not grinning, for very obvious reasons, was Alice. 

"What did Alice see that has you so amused, Edward?" Carlisle asked, taking a break from his paperwork. 

"I'm so excited!" Alice squealed, her eyes bright, before her face took on a pout. "There is the issue of my vision going black at one point. I'm so frustrated! It has never done that before!" She—just barely—suppressed the urge to stomp her foot against the hardwood floor.

"I'm sure it will make itself known when it's time. Let it go, Alice, for now." Edward wasn't phased one bit. She stuck her tongue out at Edward, making him chuckle. "Whatever it is, it is going to make Jasper one happy vampire!" 

"Happy 'bout what?" Jasper asked, upon hearing his name mentioned in the conversation. He glanced at his siblings for a moment before turning back to the game, where his character Ken Masters hit Wolverine, Emmett's character, with a roundhouse kick that sent him flying to the opposite side of the battlefield. He laughed when Emmett shouted a curse. 

"Looks like Jazz here will be getting a girlfriend." 

"I beg your pardon?" Jasper said, looking away from the game and over at Alice and Edward. "The hell'd you see, Alice?" He all but growled at his best friend. 

When he wasn't looking, Emmett managed to land the knock out blow in their fighting contest. Jasper paid no mind as Emmett hooted and hollered while Wolverine struck a victory pose on the screen. 

"Jasper with a girlfriend?" Rosalie spoke, a teasing note in her voice. "That'll be quite the sight."  

"Yes," Edward muttered, eyes trained on Jasper. "If the timeline of the vision is anything to go by, she is still human as we speak right now." 

Everyone but Alice tensed up at the news. They all looked to Jasper, who had his jaw clenched. 

"Jasper, you stupid ass!" Rosalie snapped, glaring at her brother. She—just barely—suppressed the urge to take the crystal candelabra that's sitting on the table and clock her brother in the head with it. Something told her that it would be unwise, perhaps, even hazardous to her health.

"Don't call your brother names, Rose." Esme ordered while giving Jasper a soft look. "I'm sure everything will work out like it needs to." 

"And besides, you don't need to get so worked up." Alice rolled her eyes at Rosalie. Or so violent went unsaid. "We already love her. And yes, you too, Rosie." 

"Well, that definitely sounds like a stretch to me." Emmett said, moving to sit beside his wife on the couch. He kissed her cheek when he noticed her frowning. "But, I can say one thing for sure. I cannot wait to embarrass the hell out of you in front of this chick!" 

"I don't know what the hell y'all are going on about!" Jasper snapped, finally talking and interrupting the back and forth between his siblings. He glared at Alice as he slowly stood up. "Your visions don't always happen! I'm not going to pursue some girl just because you saw it in a vision. If I take anything out of this, it's that you warned me before I do." 

And then he was storming out of the house. 

It was Edward that finally broke the silence. "Just wait when he finds out just who that some girl is. I'm looking forward to seeing his reaction." He and Alice shared a knowing smirk, to the confusion of the rest of their family.

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