The Secretary is Thirsty (R-18)

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Now, which one should I choose?

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Suna pulled up his trousers and did up his shirt as Laro disposed of the semen and pussy juices he had detained with his mana into the bin beside his desk. He then activated the incineration function, completely erasing any trace of the sticky substances. By the time Suna turned around, Laro had already pulled his own trousers up, looking impeccably neat and as if he hadn’t just had his dick out.

As Laro opened the windows to vent out the musky smell that was lingering, he felt a gaze from his secretary.

“What?” Laro raised his brow as he traced the direction of Suna’s gaze to his own crotch. “Miss it already?”

“…I was just thinking that the space enchantment of your underwear is pretty impressive, it even shows a tent when needed.” Suna blinked, And thanks to that it wasn’t until I accidentally came across the Boss having some alone time in the office with his behemoth did I know he owned such big thing, despite the fact I’ve been working for him for many decades… Now it’s already been five years since I’ve been sucking his cock. Though thanks to that I also bought space enchanted trousers through the Boss’s connections. Now I don’t have to waste mana hiding my huge dick, even if it’s only ¾’s the size of the Boss’s monster, it’s still a huge inconvenience.

“What stupid things are going through that sperm filled head of yours?” Laro rolled his eyes as he approached Suna and retied his secretary’s loosened necktie.

“Do you really want to know?” Suna licked his lips seductively.

“…No.” Laro narrowed his eyes. “It’s not anything good is all I need to know.”

“Boss.” Suna snorted.

“Hm?” Laro raised a brow.

“Keep giving me that look, and I’ll use you as dildo by force.” Suna threatened only to end up crouching on down holding his head in his hands.

“Nonsense.” Laro rubbed the fist that had just made forceful contact with his secretary’s head. “Your suggestive ability doesn’t work on me, and with your physical strength you can forget about overpowering me.”

Suna pouted, only to freeze as he felt a glob of semen leak out of his still full back hole, he immediately stood back up and tensed his ass, trying to keep the stuff contained. He’ll clean it up when he gets home.

Laro raised his brows as he sat back down in his chair, his gaze teasing as he realised the cause of his secretary’s sudden movement. But soon as he thought of the reason they were interrupted, he frowned, What could my silly young brother want?


Sinep tapped his foot nervously in as the elevator ascended.

“Young Master, are you really sure you're going to confess?” Neerg asked with a hint of frustration in his tone.

“How many times are you going to ask me that!?” Sinep rolled his eyes. “Regardless, my answer is the same. I am going to confess no matter what!”

Sinep’s eyes were ablaze with determination as he spoke.

“I still don’t think it’s a good idea.” Neerg inaudibly mumbled. “That iceberg is not worthy of the Young Master.”

 “What was that?” Sinep cupped his ear and blinked. “I didn’t quite hear.”

“It was nothing Young Master.” Neerg sighed.


The elevator announced its stop, resulting in the Young Master instantly withering.

Sinep twiddled his thumbs and tapped his feet, he then took a deep breath and slapped his own face with both hands. He strode out the elevator with Neerg following behind as he made a beeline to his elder brother’s office.

Once outside the office door, he took a deep breath and knocked.

“Come in.” A deep voice sounded from within the office.

“Good afternoon Laro!” Sinep greeted as he entered the office. “It's been a while Secretary Tuls.”

As soon as he stepped into the office, he saw his brother concentrating on documents as always and the beautiful secretary standing to the side, helping with his brother's needs, his face cold as usual. But he wondered if he'd been fantasising too much on the way over, he felt as if the secretary's ass was plumper and sexier than he last saw.

“So?” Laro spoke up as he paused attending to his documents. “What have you come over for?”

“Actually, my business is with Secretary Tuls.” Sinep pouted.

“With me?” Suna raised a brow, he’d been feeling a bit flustered as Sinep kept staring at his ass, he almost thought that the seed in his ass had spilled and stained his trousers.

“Yes.” Sinep licked his bottom lip nervously, opening and closing his mouth, yet no words would come out.

“Speak up!” Laro snapped. He was still feeling a bit disgruntled that his fun had been interrupted.

“Yes Sir!” Sinep stood to attention on sheer reflex, took a deep breath and spoke loudly from his diaphragm. “Secretary Tuls! I like you! Please go out with me!”

Neerg brought his hands to his forehead and looked to the sky in exasperation, but also feeling quite uncomfortable with the situation.

Suna and Laro froze in place, looking bewildered and incomprehensible, the thoughts running through their minds similar.

Suna: Sorry Young Master... but I only love cock and sexual pleasure.

Laro: Silly brother... deceived by the cold beauty whose brains are filled to the brim with cock and sperm.

Sinep's heartbeat raced as the blood went to his head, the silence was daunting, and his palms were sweating. He bit his lip and took another breath.

“It's sudden after all! So, I'll give you a day to think about it and come back tomorrow for your reply!” Sinep finished speaking, bowed towards his brother, only to turn around and run away. He headed straight for the stairs as if the elevator would take too long to respond.

“Young Master!” Neerg shot a glare at Suna before chasing after Sinep. “Wait for me!”

Laro and Suna were somewhat dumbfounded as they gazed at the spot the Young Master had just been standing.

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“Boss.” Suna spoke in a daze.

“Hm?” Laro blinked as he turned his gaze to Suna who stood next to him.

“Did I just get confessed to by your brother with your cum in my ass?” Suna had a look of disbelief.

“...It would seem so.” Laro raised his hand and smacked Suna's ass. “But he was staring at this thing.”

“Ah~.” Suna moaned as his butt tingled from the hit and his little hole twitched, releasing more of the semen that was inside. “Just how much do you like hitting my ass today~?”

“Slutty thing.” Laro snorted as he pinched Suna's butt through his trousers. He'd never admit that he enjoyed the soft bouncy sensation of his secretary’s nice round ass. “I'll give you half a day of sick leave. Go home and sort out that slutty hole of yours.”

“With pleasure Boss!” Suna smiled dazzlingly, as he practically skipped out of the office and entered his own to grab his bags. He then made himself look a bit out of it, to trick the rest of the employees into believing that he wasn't feeling well... though he was just horny.

The employees believed it, because due to his filled ass, Suna's gait was a bit strange. As such, Suna received well wishes as a past employees on the way out the company.

Suna went to the parking lot and boarded his hover car. He hissed as soon as he sat down. Laro had smacked his butt many times, so it stung a bit as he sat down. Not to mention that he could feel a few thick globs of cum leaking from his anus, he shuddered and licked his lips. In fact, since the Young Master had been staring at his ass, Suna's flaccid thing had started to twitch, hardening a little bit when Laro smacked him again, and now, after walking through the company with cum in his ass, the thrill of it was making him hard.

Unlike Laro, Suna is in commando so it’s his trousers that have space enchantments, but his raging hard on was still feeling stifled. Suna licked his lips and as he activated his hover car's engines and set a course for home, he unzipped his trousers and released his throbbing huge penis into the open. Suna shivered again as the cold air in the hover car brushed over his dick and it hit against the steering wheel, being held down by it. During the drive home, Suna would occasionally release a moan as the tip of his cock would make contact with steering wheel of his hover car, especially when turning corners. His dick girth would slide against the base of the wheel and by the time he'd flown to his penthouse apartment's private roof parking, his dick had long been releasing precum.

As he'd been enjoying the thrill whilst driving, he'd also been thinking of the Young Master's confession, of course he'd reject the Young Master, the only thing Suna wished for, was to have cocks ravaging his ass. He had no interest in emotions.

Suna: Whatever, for now I need to deal with my ass.

Suna alighted his hover car, his erected dick still on show. Suna had no worries about being discovered, the security of his house was top notch, and he was the owner of the entire building, so he didn’t need to worry about the landlord. After all, being the personal secretary to the CEO of MUC meant he had quite the hefty paycheck.

He entered his apartment and immediately stripped off his clothes, dumping them in the washing machine. He liked to be naked in his own home. He had no worries about getting cold as he always had the temperature of the apartment set just right.

Suna headed straight for his favourite room, his stiff leaking penis bouncing with each step.

He entered the large room, filled with a large bed, strange looking machines and a huge mirror taking up one wall by itself. Suna opened up a huge in-built wardrobe and gazed at his ridiculous collection of dildos of all shapes and sizes. The wardrobe was also inscribed with a space enchantment, so it could fit a lot more than it appeared to.

“Now, which one should I choose?” Suna looked thoughtfully at his collection as his gaze finally fell on a monstrous black dildo that didn’t lose out to Laro's penis. “I'll go with you~.”

Suna blinked as a long brown monkey's tail appeared from just above his butt crack. As a shapeshifter halfa, Suna was limited in how he could change his body. Whilst he could make himself appear like a beastman with fluffy ears and tail, he couldn’t take the form of an animal, nor could he change his natural facial features. He also couldn’t grow an extra arm or leg. However, he could change his genitals, his body size within a certain limit, and he could change his pecs into female melons if he so wished. Once he was curios and discovered that he could even change to produce milk... but it was boring if he was the only one enjoying the sight of milking his chest.

Suna grabbed the huge black dildo with his monkey tail and waltzed over to the bed. He brought the huge thing to his mouth and licked it all over, making sure it was glistening with his saliva. He knelt down and leant his torso over the bed, he used his hands to spread his butt cheeks, a sticky wet noise sounded as he did so.

With his dexterous tail, he rubbed the shaft of the dildo between the lips of his still dripping pussy, making the dildo even wetter. Due to the sheer size of the thing, his balls also got squished as he rubbed and grinded the dildo against his genitals. His body twitched as he also grinded the stiff little clit. Once he'd gotten the dildo covered with his juiced, he probed his pink anal hole that was already lubricated with his Boss's semen with the tip of the black humongous dildo, it was thanks to being used to this dildo that he could fit the head of Laro's cock without problems.

A squelch sounded as he pushed the back dildo into his back hole, it was stretched to unbelievable widths as it accepted the entry of the hard black dildo. Due to the invasion, some of the semen in Suna's ass leaked out, but most of it was blocked by the dildo.

Suna pushed the dildo into his ass, all the way to the hilt. He didn’t move it initially as he simply enjoyed the feeling of being stuffed full. He moved one of his hands to his abdomen and felt a distinctive bulge.

Unlike in the office, he hadn’t changed his body size, but he could still fit the thing. The reason he changes size in the office was so that he wouldn’t give Laro a fright. After all, even though he only needed to make it so that his mouth could stretch and fit his Boss’s cock, and despite the Boss knowing he's a shapeshifter. Suna thinks it would still be a disturbing sight if from the outside appearance, his small mouth could still fit that monstrosity.

Suna licked his lips, as physiological tears dampened the corner of his eyes, he smiled. His monkey tail pulled the black dildo out slowly until the tip nearly came out, only to slam it back all the way into the hilt again. Suna sighed in pleasure as he started to ram his stretched hole with huge dildo, increasing the pace until it was like a pile driver.

Suna quivered every time he managed to hit his prostrate, his tongue sticking out as he moaned wildly. His hard throbbing dick was drooling with precum, and his cunt twitched with contractions. Leaning all his torso onto the bed and turning his head to the side, Suna used one hand to pump up and down the shaft of his hard cock, rubbing the sensitive head with his thumb a few times. With his other hand, he rubbed, pinched, and teased his congested clit, sending numbing sparks throughout his body, he then moved to pumping his fingers in and out of his thirsty and dripping pussy.

Suna’s body tensed and shivered as his dick released a thinned out amount of semen and his cunt squirted like a fountain.

He continued to abuse his holes the whole afternoon, causing his back hole to be left gaping and twitching once he removed the giant dildo with a pop! A sticky cloudy puddle spread on the floor beneath his dangling, now flaccid dick. His drooping monkey tail also disappeared.

Suna panted as he recovered enough to go into the bathroom to take a shower and clean lower body. He'd also activated the room's self-cleaning program.

Whilst in the shower, he twitched all over as he cleaned the residual cum out of his still gaping back hole with his mana. In the meantime, Suna's thoughts drifted off.

Suna: How can I get Laro to fuck my ass, or anyone to, for that matter? I can obviously take it! I really wish I had been able to finish my sentence back when I sucked him off for the first time.

Back after he'd sucked Laro's dick in the office for the first time and had implored his Boss to fuck his ass, Laro had asked if he was a virgin. Suna had answered ‘Yes-‘ however he couldn’t finish his sentence before he got rejected by Laro, who had simply said ‘I don't fuck virgins.’ And that had been his answer since.

Suna: In fact, what I had wanted to say at that time was ‘Yes, if you mean virgin by not having a real dick in my ass yet, but my ass is probably a lot more abused than many professional prostitutes out there.’ But I've never had a chance!

Suna finished washing himself and dried his long black hair as he headed to his bedroom, his flaccid dick swaying with his movements. He'd also changed his lower half back to just his dick, balls and anus.

As soon as he entered his bedroom, he flopped down on his bed and came to an epiphany.

Suna: I know how I can get cocks at work!

Suna licked his lips as he recalled the look of jealousy from the Young Master's butler.

Suna: If I remember correctly that guy is a descendent of the Gorgons, though the bloodline is diluted and thin now.

Suna narrowed his eyes, and a lustful glint filled his golden eyes, The Young Master only loves my ass anyway~.


Hope you enjoyed it
(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

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