The Secretary is Thirsty (R-18)

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 My legs are soft

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Suna opened his eyes to the sound of his alarm and kicked his covers off. The first thing he did was to look down and check whether he was flaccid or standing to attention. He was flaccid this time.

After that he toileted and tied his long hair into a high ponytail, then exited his bathroom and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast… wearing only a thin apron upon his naked self.

After he finished his breakfast, he looked at the time and saw that it was close to time to leave, so, he headed to his closet that was close to the front door and picked out his clothes for the day, as well as his toys.

Before putting his trousers on, Suna pulled open a drawer full of many sized buttplugs, vibration eggs, anal beads, and the sort. He grabbed one of each and placed two of them into his work bag along with a bottle of lube, then he materialized his favourite monkey tail and coiled it round the base of the fairly thick buttplug he’d chosen.

Suna picked up a lube bottle with a tip similar to a pipet and brought it to his ass, he used his other hand to pull on one of his ass cheeks to the side, revealing his still slightly red and puffy hole that was twitching. He placed the tip of the lube bottle directly to his little hole, only to stuff it in and squeeze on the bottle, injecting a good amount of lube inside. His anus contracted a few times at the slippery intrusion as he pulled the bottle out. He didn’t give his hole a break as he used his monkey tail to rub and probe the buttplug against it, once the buttplug was slippery enough from the lube, he pushed it in with a loud squelch as the inside of his hole wriggled and sucked on the intruder.

Suna sighed in relief, I managed to stop myself getting hard.

He turned his buttocks to the body length mirror in the closet and admired the sight of the buttplug snuggly stuffed into his ass with only circular shaped clear crystalline gem on the end visible.

Satisfied, Suna put on his trousers and the rest of his suit. Just looking at his impeccably elegant appearance, you wouldn’t be able to even guess that his rear end is occupied.

Suna boarded his hover car and took off to work, he had a Young Master to disappoint.


Sinep gazed out the hover car window, watching the hustle and bustle of the city's airways in a daze, feeling a bit restless, yet his mind would always drift back to the plump rump of the secretary that he saw jiggle with each step up the staircase many years ago. He hasn’t been able to keep his eye off ever since, and he really wishes he could just smack and squeeze those bouncy cheeks, it would be even better if he could feel them directly without any fabric in the way.

But he needs to be intimate with the secretary for that! So, he wished to date him. It’s natural for a couple to fondle each other after all!

Neerg glanced at his Young Master whose expression showed that he was thinking of something erotic and sighed. He really hoped the secretary rejects the Young Master, the Young Master has never been rejected before, so it should serve as a mental burden that keeps him away from the secretary. But there was something bothering Neerg, he couldn’t help but frown when he remembered secretary Tuls's red and slightly swollen mouth the day before.

Usually, it would be from two things, kissing or eating something really spicy, but Neerg's sensitive nose didn’t pick up on the smell of any spices, and the Eldest Young Master didn’t have red lips either so they couldn’t have been kissing. The frown on Neerg's brow increased as he thought of an incredulous possibility.

Neerg: I think I need to check out that secretary’s office before the Young Master sees him...

The hover car soon arrived at the company and the Young Master, and his butler alighted it. Sinep was still a but nervous as he walked through the entrance.

“Young Master, I have some business to attend to.” Neerg spoke up. “As you’re so nervous, why don't you use the stairs to help calm your nerves as it takes a bit longer? You should also greet the Eldest Young Master first before you meet with the secretary. At this time, the secretary should be in his own office.”

“...Good idea.” Sinep ceased his footsteps towards the elevator and changed his course to the staircase.

Seeing Sinep head up the staircase, Neerg got into the elevator and ascended to the top floor before ahead of the Young Master. After alighting the elevator, he headed straight for the personal office of the head secretary.

Neerg reached the office door and knocked, but there was no reply or movement from inside. He knocked once more, a bit harder and the result was the same. So, Neerg decided to take advantage of Suna's absence whilst hoping the Young Master doesn’t bump into him in the CEO's office.

As soon as he entered the office, what greeted him was the sweet and smoky smell of incense causing him to sneeze. Neerg felt a bit irritated by the smell but continued to snoop around. You can tell a lot about a person through the arrangement of their office and the inside of their bags.

The office owned by the cold secretary felt quite cosy, showing that the inside of the cold beauty wasn't as icy as people thought. Neerg started opening the drawers in the office to see what he could find... and he surprisingly really did find something. In the drawer of Suna's desk, he found a bottle of lube, just sat there with distinct signs that it gets used. Neerg sneered and continued to look through the rest of the room. In the end he discovered several toys that shouldn’t appear in an office. He found a vibrating egg and anal beads in Suna's work bag; he found a dildo with a suction base in the cupboard. He even found a buttplug with a bumpy surface in one of the filing cabinets.

Neerg, who has been raised from childhood as the personal butler to the Young Master, knew exactly what all these were for, as he had been trained in their usage in order to be able to serve the Young Master if ever needed to, though the Young Master’s never asked him to.

Neerg: To think the cold faced secretary is a slut! ...No, I can't come to conclusions yet, it's possible that it's under the Eldest Young Master's orders...

Just as he was thinking the door to the office opened.

“Oh?” A pleasant cold voice spoke. “Butler Neerg, what are you doing here?”

“Just thought I'd come here ahead of the Young Master.” Neerg shrugged whilst feeling relieved that he'd put the toys he'd found back. “He's currently seeing the Eldest Young Master.”

“I see.” Suna narrowed his eyes as a hint of mischief glinted in them. He took off his suit jacket as he sat down at his desk and started to work on the documents on the office terminal, many tabs could be seen on the holographic screen.

Neerg thought for a moment as he glanced at Suna's chest, his brows furrowed a bit and he turned to the sink that only the head secretary has. He filled a glass of water and returned to the desk.

“Secretary Tuls." Neerg put his hand forward and offered the glass to Suna. “Here.”

“Hm? Oh! You're the guest! No need to serve me!” Suna took the glass in a bit of a fluster, resulting in spilling the water all over himself in the process. “Ah!”

“I'm so sorry! Let me help!” Neerg apologised profusely as he grabbed a towel from his space storage and moved to the other side of the desk. “Hold still, I'll dry you off.”

“Surely there's no need, I can do it myself.” Suna seemed a bit restless.

“It's my fault, so let me.” Neerg narrowed his eyes as he saw the appearance of Suna's chest.

Due to the water, the white shirt had become a bit transparent and stuck to the skin tightly, showing the squeezable pecs underneath. But what caught Neerg's attention, were the two protruding stiff redish pink nubs with the distinctive outline of a ring attached to each one. Neerg brought the towel to Suna's chest and started rubbing and dabbing in order to help dry off the shirt. Though he actually took advantage and seemingly accidentally pinched and rubbed the stiff nipples, his fingers even brushed over and tugged on the rings through the towel. Neerg noticed that the secretary’s breath hitched whenever his hands touched those nubs.

“It really soaked through.” Neerg spoke with concern as he sneered in his heart and put more pressure on his rubbing.

Suna shuddered as the rough texture of the towel kept rubbing his sensitive nipples through the damp shirt, Fuck! This rascal! Anymore of this and I am going to be rock solid! And the genius who created the space enchantment for underwear and trousers decided that dick erections will still pitch tents!

Neerg pinched and tugged the nubs particularly harshly out of spite through the towel, causing Suna's body to tremble a bit.

“Done!” Neerg took his hands off Suna's chest and put the towel away in his space storage. “Though, unfortunately I can't dry you off enough with just a towel.”

“I appreciate the effort.” Suna caught his breath before answering and crossed his legs to hide the tent pitched in his crotch.

Neerg narrowed his eyes, he'd noticed it, This bastard got hard from that!

Ding ding ding!

Just then the intercom notification rang, and a deep voice sounded from the speaker.

“Tuls, come to my office.” The voice sighed as it spoke quietly. “My silly brother is here for his answer.”

“Understood.” Suna stood up and grabbed his jacket, holding it in his arms such that it dangled enough to cover over his tent. He looked over to the butler and nodded. “Let's go.”

Neerg followed Suna and once they were at the CEO’s office door, he saw the jacket in Suna's arms slip to the floor. Suna immediately bent down to grab the jacket as he still had a tent he needed to hide. Neerg who was close behind him’s eyes widened as he got a full view of the round plump butt in tight fitting trousers with a distinctive lump show between its cheeks, others wouldn’t have noticed it, but Neerg has keen and sharp observation, so he couldn’t help but notice it. He was honestly shocked, a lump in that area could only be something unsuitable for children.

Suna felt the burning gaze on his ass and couldn’t help but shiver at the thrill, he kept his face straight as he stood up and covered his tent with his jacket again.

Suna then nonchalantly opened the office door and entered, with Neerg following behind.

“Secretary Tuls!” Sinep's expression brightened as he leapt off the sofa and skipped over to Suna, though his eyes first looked at the secretary’s round buttocks wrapped in tight trousers before finally looking up at Suna's face.

Laro's brows twitched however, as from his desk he could see that his secretary's chest was damp and that he was holding his jacket in a strange way compared to usual. Laro sighed as he brought his hand to his forehead and rubbed his brows. It didn’t take much for him to think what's hidden behind the jacket.

“Young Master.” Suna nodded politely at Sinep.

“S-secretary Tuls.” Sinep fiddled with his thumbs as he stammered. “About my confession yesterday... w-what's your reply?”

“No.” Suna brutally answered.

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“Huh?” Sinep blinked dazedly. “What?”

“I said, no.” Suna looked directly into Sinep's eyes. “My reply is no.”

“Why not!?” Sinep's brows furrowed as if he felt it unbelievable to be denied. “I'm handsome! Have a lot of money! I can give you anything you want! You wouldn’t have to work anymore!”

“My answer is still no.” Suna refuted coldly.

“Why!?” Sinep's face twisted as he turned red in anger, he was the Young Master of the Nemes family! The Secretary should be begging to be with himself!

“For one, I think you simply like a certain body part of mine, not me.” Suna laid out the truth bluntly. “It's all you see when you look at me.”

Sinep blushed in embarrassment as he realised his ogling had been caught.

“And the main reason, is simply because I'm not interested.” -in anything other than a good cock, Suna finished his sentence in his heart.

Sinep snapped and he rushed forward. He caught Suna off guard as he yanked him down by the tie and pushed him bent over the coffee table. Suna put his arms forward out of reflex to catch himself and tried to push himself up, only for Sinep to kick the back of Suna's knee causing him to lose balance and lie on the coffee table.

Suna: This is an exciting turn of events! Is he going to rage fuck me in front of my Boss!? ...Damn, I can feel my dick leaking!

Sinep stepped and grinded his foot against Suna's plump ass that jiggled with each tap of his foot. Causing Suna to shiver as the buttplug in his hole was also grinded against and due to his position, his nipples were also grinding against the coffee table.

“SINEP!” Laro's anger filled voice roared. “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?”

Laro had already strode over and picked his brother up by his collar, he didn’t care that he knew his secretary was probably getting excited by the situation. His brother needed disciplining for his terrible behaviour, if he ever reacted like this to someone innocent and not sperm brained like his secretary, he'd be the first to throw his own brother behind bars.

“But brother! He dared to reject me!” Sinep snapped.

Laro silently carried Sinep over to the sofa opposite the coffee table where Suna was still bent over and sat down. Laro didn’t care for Sinep's image and laid him over his lap, pulled down his trousers and boxers, revealing the Young Master's bubble butt to the air and brought his hand down hard onto his brother’s ass resulting in a crisp sound filling his office followed by Sinep's yelp.

Sinep was dumbfounded as his elder brother spanked his ass in front of the secretary and his own butler, who was frozen and dumbfounded. Sinep felt humiliated and couldn’t help but place the blame on the secretary for rejecting him.

Laro's veins bulged in anger as he noticed his brother’s thoughts. So, he undid his belt and used it instead of his hand to smack his brother’s ass that had bright red handprints on it.

“You won't repent on your actions!?” Laro growled.



“You think you're not in the wrong!?” Laro snarled.



“Grow up already!” Laro whipped his brother’s ass with his belt until it was bright red, and his brother was whimpering.

“What do you say?” Laro grabbed his brother's chin and made him look at the jaw dropped secretary.

“I-I'm...sniff...sorry!” Sinep sobbed as he felt his ass burning and stinging.

“Will you do it again!?” Laro mercilessly landed one last smack on Sinep's butt.

“Argh! ...sniff sniff... I won't do it again~!” Sinep’s eyes were wet with tears as he swore not to do it again. His brother had never beaten him like this before, and he didn’t want to taste it again!

“Good.” Laro sighed as he pulled his brother’s trousers up. “It's not that I'm against you fucking someone, however, it can’t be done how you just tried it, with force and in a hurtful way just because you were rejected.”

“...sniff...I understand brother.” Sinep blinked his big teary eyes up at his brother.

“... You silly thing.” Laro sighed and leant down to whisper into his brother's ear. “Had you asked Tuls for a fuck you would've succeeded... believe it or not, my secretary only has cock on the brain, which is why I'm not putting you behind bars myself this time.”

Sinep looked at his brother with wide dumbfounded eyes.

“Seriously!?” Sinep whispered back.

“Seriously.” Laro nodded back. “The thirsty thing is still a virgin too.”

“Brother... I think I have an idea.” Sinep got closer to his brother and whispered in his ear. “...-Am I allowed to do that?”

“He’ll certainly enjoy it as well.” Laro approved. “But you can’t do it to others as that would be too cruel.”

“...Not many others would enjoy it after all.” Sinep agreed. “But this'll make all of us happy.”

“I’ll give you support, so have fun.” Laro smiled as he rubbed his brother's head, then he thought of something and lowered his voice. “And make him think it was his idea, he also needs a lesson from overstepping his boundaries, I can see the idea brewing in his mind already.”

“Ok.” Sinep grinned before reverting to a pitiful and wronged expression.

“Neerg!” Laro snapped.

“Yes Sir!” Neerg snapped to attention.

“Take this idiot home and rub some healing ointment on his ass." Laro ordered. “And make sure he repents!”

“Understood Sir!” Neerg rushed forward and helped Sinep to stand up, lending him his shoulder and took him out of the CEO's office. He didn't forget to glare at Suna before he left.

Laro went back to his desk to continue his work but noticed that Suna was still bent over the coffee table.

“...When are you going to stand up?” Laro sighed.

“Boss.” Suna turned his head in Laro's direction.

“What?” Laro raised his brows.

“I'm hard.” Suna stated with a straight face. “And my legs are soft.”

Laro just rolled his eyes.


Hope you enjoyed it
(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

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