The Secretary is Thirsty (R-18)

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 How is the Boss going to punish me!?

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Suna propped himself up and shakily stood back up, though due to his movements, the fabric of his trousers kept, as an effect by the space enchantment, rubbing against his engorged dick that was trying to burst out of its ‘restraints’. Suna’s throat was dry, and he felt thirsty… though he was also convinced that the creator of the space enchantments was probably a pervert.

Laro looked at the bulging tent at his secretary’s crotch, the lustful look in his golden eyes and his unsteady legs. Laro tapped the desk to get Suna’s attention.

Suna looked over and saw Laro beckon him to come to the desk. Suna walked over, relishing the feeling of his sensitive organ rubbing against the seam of his zipper with each step, goosebumps appeared on his skin as he shuddered.

“What is it Sir?” Suna asked with a hoarse voice once he reached the desk, his ponytail had loosened in the scuffle just now leaving his long black hair looking dishevelled.

“Get it out.” Laro used a pen to prod the tent, then slid the pen up and down in a teasing action. “I’ll deal with it, seeing as my brother and his butler caused you trouble.”

“Does that mean you’ll fuck me!?” Suna’s eyes brightened as he unbuckled his belt, unzipped his trousers, and allowed his hard huge dick to flop onto the desk, he breathed in at the cold sensation of the desk surface on his hot skin.

Whilst Suna’s penis was certainly smaller than his Boss’s dick, it was still a monster compared to most, whether in length or thickness.

“Don’t push it.” Laro narrowed his eyes as tapped his pen down with a small amount of force onto the cockhead on his desk, causing its owner to cry out as it twitched and leaked precum from its tip.

Laro raised his brow, stood up and pressed his hand down on the cock, grinding it against the desktop.

“Did getting your ass kicked really get you this hard so quickly?” Laro knew that his secretary was already hard before entering his office, but he still wanted to hear it from Suna’s mouth. He encased the cock under his hand in the clutches of his fingers and started to pump his hand up and down, but it was as light as a tickle, completely teasing the throbbing thing.

“Ah~!… It was… all thanks to... that little butler~.” Suna answered as he panted at the stimulation, he also felt a bit frustrated, he wanted more pressure on his dick. “During an… exchange, anh~… with a glass of water… it got spilt down my chest…Ah~!”

“And then?” Laro smirked as he suddenly pinched Suna’s rod a bit harder, causing more sticky liquid to seep from its tip, thanks to which, each movement in his hand resulted in a wet squelch.

“Then…. He used a towel… to dry down my chest~…” Suna’s breathing got heavier with each stroke that started to get firmer. “As he did… I think he noticed… my riNGS~!”

Suna’s words got cut off as Laro scraped his fingernail over the slit on the tip of his cock that was spewing precum, only to suddenly dig the tip of his finger into the slit, causing Suna’s voice to rise.

Laro was enjoying his secretary’s reactions as he played with the throbbing, desperate for attention rod in his hand, but his brow twitched as he caught whiff of a sweet yet spicy smell coming off of his secretary. Recalling his brother’s sudden outburst, an idea came to mind, but he decided to wait until the secretary finished speaking first.

“Hah…hah~… And then… he rubbed my nipples with… the towel through my shirt~…” Suna struggled to get his words out. “He grinded them hard~ a-and…. tugged on my rings! …Particularly hard the last time~…”

“I can see why you got hard.” Laro squeezed the dick and pumped before pausing his movements, granting him an accusing glare from his secretary. “However…”

“AH!” Suna screamed as his cock was suddenly grasped harshly, as if the hand squeezing it wanted to burst it like a grape.

“Considering the smell of suggestion incense I can smell coming from you.” Laro snarled as he released the dick in his hand, he didn’t really want to hurt his secretary badly. “You need punishment for causing my brother’s over reaction.”

“Huh?” Suna blinked as he gasped.

Laro moved from his desk and grabbed Suna’s tie, dragging him towards the sofa he’d just sat on with his brother.

“Wait a sec Boss!” Suna obeyed Laro’s direction but protested verbally. “That incense only helps to give a strong push to the person’s wishes! It’s often used in mana aromatherapy! It’s courage incense! Violence was the last thing I expected! He’s never been to my office! He smelt it for barely 10 seconds!”

Suna: I only activated my suggestive ability on the butler! …It’s 50/50 that he’ll act on his thoughts though…

Laro stayed silent and sat down, yanking the stunned Suna down with him. Without giving Suna a chance to resist, Laro used his mana to hold his secretary’s wrists together and restrain his hand as he laid the secretary over his lap. He could feel the leaking cockhead making an impact with the outer side of his shin. He grabbed the already unbuckled trousers and pulled them down to reveal Suna’s plump white butt that jiggled from the trousers being pulled over them.

“…Y-You’re not going to-!?” Suna guessed what Laro was going to do and couldn’t help but feel a bit of anticipation, How is the Boss going to punish me!?

Seeing what was between the two cheeks, Laro raised his brow and brought his hand down on one of the cheeks, landing a slap on the bouncy mounds.

“Looks like it’s not just the towel on your nipples making you hard!” Laro grabbed at Suna’s ass cheeks, his hand sinking into the full buttocks, honestly it felt good just to squeeze it and watch it bounce back like rubber when removing his hand. “Damn slut!”

Laro pinched Suna’s buttocks, raised his hand and landed another smack, this time harder, leaving a nice red handprint, causing the secretary to moan.

“You’re actually wearing a buttplug to work!” Laro slapped down again, then spread Suna’s ass to get a better look at the hole that was swallowing a bejewelled object, the plug moved as the hole twitched. Laro also felt the cock against his leg twitch.

“This way I won’t forget it~.” Suna tensed his asshole, making the buttplug move for Laro to see, he felt his blood rushing at how his Boss was staring at his thirsty stuffed hole.

Laro snorted and continued to slap Suna’s ass, making sure the cheeks matched in redness. After all, he smacked his brother’s ass harshly, it’s only fair he reciprocates for the real culprit. He made Suna scream whenever he deliberately missed the cheeks and smacked the buttplug instead, forcing it to hit deeper inside the meaty hole.

Laro also found fun in squishing the two ass cheeks together or groping them into all sorts of shapes.

“Laro~.” Suna’s voice throat was dry from moaning and crying out as his whole body twitched and tingled from the pain and pleasure he received. “I want to cum~.”

Suna’s dick was throbbing and desperate to shoot, but it had also been ignored. It had bumped against Laro’s leg a few times from the slap impacts, but it wasn’t enough.

Laro paused his slapping action and looked at the bright red butt under his hand, feeling satisfied at the sight. Listening to Suna’s yearning moans, he stopped smacking the ripe peach and moved his hand down Suna’s ass and between the fleshy cheeks. However, he didn’t immediately go for his secretary’s dick. Instead, he started to fondle and squeeze the two heavy sacks, intermitting between light and heavy, his other hand continued to flick or wriggle the buttplug.

Suna continued moaning as his body shuddered and he could still feel the sting on his butt, he could already tell that he’d have a rough drive home.

“Laro~!” Suna’s hoarse voice was laced with an impatient whimper as he tried to wiggle his ass. “Please~ let me cum!”

“Just a sec.” Laro growled as he paused his hand movements and then unbuckled his own belt and brought out his excruciatingly hard monster, as soon as it was out it smacked against Suna’s stomach, already leaking with precum. Clearly, someone else was impatient to cum too. Laro used his mana to undo Suna’s shirt and peeled it away, allowing his monstrosity that was longer than the width of Suna’s waist, to slide against the smooth skin and chiselled muscles of his secretary.

Suna turned his head to look at his Boss’s rod and drooled, wishing he could swallow it into his ass. But knew that wouldn’t happen at this moment, not to mention he can’t even put it in his mouth in this position, so he materialised his favourite monkey’s tail, made it longer, and proceeded to coil it around the behemoth. Squeezing down with just the right strength he pumped Laro’s huge cock with the tail, causing Laro to release a growl from his throat.

Finally, Laro stopped fondling Suna’s balls and grabbed the desperate cock, pumping it roughly. The room was filled with rough grunts and sensual moaning, along with sticky wet squelches as the two were reaching their peak.

Just as they were reaching the peak, Laro was suddenly curious about the size of the buttplug hidden away inside his slutty secretary’s rear hole, so, he positioned his free hand just above the buttplug and coiled his fingers around the clear crystalline end.

Both Suna and Laro felt the distinctive signs of their respective rods about to shoot, and with a beastly roar they both shuddered as they released streams of thick white semen. Laro then gripped the buttplug and used all his strength to yank it out, pulling it out with a pop and Suna’s screamed as his dick produced even more cum, and his body uncontrollably spasmed.

Laro enjoyed the afterglow of his orgasm as he stared in wonder at the fat buttplug he just pulled out of his secretary, he looked down and saw the gaping red, slightly swollen hole that was twitching and contracting at the sudden loss of the buttplug. He clicked his tongue and mercilessly rammed the buttplug back into the gaping hole, causing Suna to yelp and shudder as his body tensed all over, spasming, yet nothing came out of his dick.

Laro raised his brow, Fuck… the slut dry orgasmed!

“Damn slut.” Laro sighed as he patted the red butt with his hand.

“Boss.” Suna panted as he recovered from his daze after orgasm.

“Hm?” Laro rubbed the bouncy butt.

“What do I have to do to make you punish me again~?” Suna licked his lips, It’d be even better if he rammed me mercilessly with his cock~.

“…Shut up.” Laro leaned back tiredly, This thirsty thing is insatiable!


Inside the luxurious hover car heading to the Nemes family's Estate, Neerg's lap was preoccupied with the sulking Young Master Sinep, who didn’t dare to sit on his painful beaten bottom. Instead, he led on his side using Neerg's lap as a pillow, his face facing Neerg’s abdomen.

“The Eldest Young Master was too harsh!” Neerg complained on Sinep’s behalf. “But still, I think it’s just as well your confession didn’t succeed.”

“And why's that!?” Sinep snapped as he nipped Neerg’s abdomen with his teeth through the butler’s clothes.

Hiss... Because that secretary is not worthy of your feelings!” Neerg hissed at the nip but continued his report on his findings. “The man is a slut! I found multiple sex toys in his office! When he came into his office a took his jacket off, his nipples were already stiff, but the lump under the shirt seemed an odd shape. So, I managed to spill some water and use the excuse of drying him off in apology to touch and confirm my suspicions!”

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“...What did you find?” Sinep raised his brow, his eyes filled with interest.

“He had nipple piercings! Nipple rings to be precise!” Neerg snorted. “And he actually got hard after the towel rubbed over them a bit! And what was even more outrageous was what I noticed when he bent over to pick up his fallen jacket!”

“Outrageous?” Sinep licked his lips.

“He actually had a buttplug up his ass! At work!” Neerg snarled, his face showing disbelief.

“...Seriously!?” Even Sinep wasn't expecting that, Brother said he was a slut and thirsty.... but I didn’t think he was that thirsty! No wonder Laro agreed to my idea...

“So, like I said! That man is not worthy of your feelings!” Neerg puffed up his chest. “And yet the Eldest Young Master beat you up for such a slut's sake! He must not know how slutty his secretary is!”

Sinep: ...No, he knows alright. And what I actually want is simply to have a good fuck with the secretary, not actually exchange feelings...

As they were talking, the hover car came to a stop outside the front door of the Estate.

“We've arrived Young Master.” The driver communicated through the hover car's intercom, as the privacy division was in place, blocking the driver from hearing or seeing what occurs in the back seats.

“Understood.” Sinep replied through the intercom.

“Let’s go straight to your room Young Master, before too many others notice something’s wrong.” Neerg spoke in concern.

“...Don't forget the healing ointment.” Sinep spoke softly as his ears turned red from embarrassment.

“Of course I won't forget!” Neerg reassured as he lent his shoulder to the Young Master, helping him to his room as swiftly as possible.

As soon as they closed the door behind them, Sinep broke away from his butler and stripped off his trousers and boxers. His bright red handprint and belting marks covered ass had been rubbing against the fabric since he left the office, and he was eager for relief. With his trousers off, his butt was liberated, as was his flaccid monstrosity that was only a few centimetres smaller than his brother's.

Despite having seen it many times as Sinep's personal butler, Neerg still couldn’t help but stare at the thing. He’d lost count how many times he wished to serve the Young Master.

“Neerg!” Sinep bent his upper body over his bed and stuck his ass out to make it easier for Neerg to treat it. “The ointment!”

“Right away!” Neerg peeled his attention off of the swaying ripe peach with difficulty and quickly found the healing ointment inside the first aid kit.

Neerg approached Sinep's rear as he filled his palm with the ointment and rubbed it in his hands briefly to warm it up.

“This might sting a bit Young Master.” Neerg licked his lower lip as he warned Sinep.

“Just do it!” Sinep gritted his teeth, ready to bear the sting.

“Yes Sir!” Neerg did as ordered and placed his ointment covered hands onto the bubble butt, resulting in a hiss from Sinep. Neerg proceeded to rub every inch of the reddened ass, he could feel the hot temperature from the slapped areas as his palms passed over them.

Neerg was immersed in the soft feeling beneath his hands and the bounciness of the mounds. He kept rubbing them vigorously and even parted the cheeks, revealing the tight pink hole that hadn’t ever been used. Neerg controlled himself not to touch it.

Sinep sighed as he felt the relief from the ointment and couldn’t help but moan out in comfort, startling the butler behind him whose crotch was sporting a suspicious tent. Luckily for the butler, Sinep didn’t turn around.

When Sinep felt his cheeks being parted and felt his asshole being stared at, he couldn’t describe the feeling, he felt nervous, embarrassed, flustered and a little bit excited all at the same time. But he also felt worried.

“...He didn’t manage to hit that bit red too, did he?” Sinep asked nervously.

Neerg stared at the hole that slightly twitched with the Young Master’s nervousness and gave into temptation.

“I'll have to take a closer look.” Neerg kept the mounds parted and knelt down so that he was eye level with Sinep's buttocks.

“O-ok.” Sinep felt a bit shy.

Neerg leant his face in for a closer look at the tempting hole, he enjoyed the sight of the pink thing twitching every time his breath fell on it. Neerg licked his lips as he briefly released the mounds and put some more ointment on his fingers.

“Looks like I need to apply some here too.” Neerg informed the Young Master as he used one hand to part the cheeks.

“...Ok, but don't take too long!” Sinep bit his lip, he had the strange feeling that something was about to change in himself.

“Here I go.” Neerg spoke as he lowered his ointment covered hand and started to gently stroke around the edge of the Young Master's anus, he circled it many times before moving his hand to stroke the hole itself, coating every single wrinkle in slippery ointment. He could feel the little thing twitch under his hands movements and started to add more pressure to his hand, rubbing up and down, then in a circular motion.

The Young Master released a confused grunt as he felt the strange sensation of another person rubbing his asshole, but he also felt an unknown pleasure from it.

“Are you not done yet!?” Sinep panted.

“Nearly there Sir.” Neerg replied in a professional tone as he grinded his hand against the little hole that was becoming red from the rubbing.

Feeling the extra pressure, Sinep was embarrassed as he felt his dick getting hard from the stimulation... he never thought he had the potential to be the one beneath.

Neerg realised that he couldn’t take much longer, or the Young Master might explode at him, resulting in nothing positive. So, he grinded his hand over the reddened hole a few more times but in the last rub, the Young Master suddenly wriggled his ass trying to move away from the butler's hand, and as a result; his timing was impeccable as he ended up forcing the fingertip of the butler's middle finger right into his anus. Both Neerg and Sinep froze in place as the Young Master released a moan.

“...Take it out.” Sinep's face burned in embarrassment as he ordered his butler.

“...I'll need you to relax first.” Neerg's forehead was sweating as he forced himself not to ram his finger further in. “...You're gripping onto my finger too much.”

Neerg really couldn’t move his finger as the Young Master's muscles were too tense... he is a descendant of the Giants’ race, even if the bloodline’s diluted, the pure strength is still there.

Sinep took a deep breath and tried to relax his butt, he even reached his hands behind to further spread his ass apart to try and help. Having no idea what impact the image would have on his butler's crotch. Unlike the Young Master who had softened upon the fright of the sudden intrusion, the poor butler's dick was painfully hard and restrained by his trousers. But he persevered and yanked his finger out of the Young Master's ass.

The room was awkwardly silent for a while.

In the end, the Young Master broke the silence as he went to his bathroom and wrapped a towel around his waist to cover his backend. He came back and sat on the sofa.

“Uh, thanks for the help.” Sinep coughed and spoke as if he never just had a finger up his butt.

“It's my duty Sir.” Neerg bowed as his hands were rooted in front of his crotch, trying to hide his tent. “By the way Sir.”

“What?” Sinep raised a brow.

“Don't you want to get back at the secretary for the humiliation you endured?” Neerg's voice became ethereal as the pupils of his blue eyes become reptile like slits.

Young Master's pupils dilated for a moment before returning to normal.

“Of course I do!” The Young Master's expression suddenly turned fierce as he roared.

“What does my Master wish to do?” Neerg grinned, he succeeded!


Hope you enjoyed it
(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

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